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Intracellular partitioning of trace metals is critical to metal tolerance in aquatic organisms and may also influence metal trophic transfer in ecosystems. In this study, we tested the relevance of metal (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) intracellular partitioning in prey as an indicator of metal trophic availability to benthic forage fish, mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus), in chronically metal-polluted salt marshes in New York, USA. Two common prey of mummichogs in the study area, Palaemonetes pugio and Nereis acuminata, generally stored increasingly higher proportions of non-essential metals (particularly Pb) in insoluble (less trophically available) cellular components, as the whole body burdens increased. In contrast, intracellular partitioning of essential metals (Cu and Zn) in invertebrate prey varied relatively little among sites. Differential Cd and Pb intracellular partitioning patterns within P. pugio among sites were significantly associated with Cd and Pb whole body burdens in mummichogs, respectively (i.e., prey-driven bioreduction of metals), while bioaccumulation of Cu and Zn in mummichogs was similar among populations. The findings in this study suggest that metal intracellular partitioning within prey may be partially responsible for metal trophic availability to a predator in metal-polluted habitats, while there was also evidence that some predator-dependent processes may offset differential trophic availabilities from prey.  相似文献   
近年来,稳定同位素技术已被广泛应用于食物网研究中。然而,生物样品取样部位对食物网构建的影响的研究相对少见。大型底栖动物作为潮间带食物网的重要组成部分,在食物网研究中有必要对其采样部位进行统一,以增加研究结果的准确性及可比较性。本研究选取黄河三角洲和烟台潮间带10种代表性的大型底栖动物,比较δ13C和δ15N在不同采样部位中的差异。结果显示,对于大多数底栖动物而言,采样部位将直接影响到δ13C和δ15N的测定结果。当底栖动物作为摄食者,需分析其食性和营养级时,应统一采用肌肉组织,如贝类的闭壳肌或足部肌肉,蟹类的鳌足肌肉,鱼类的背部肌肉;当底栖动物作为被摄食者,需分析次级消费者的食性和营养级时,除多毛类采用去除消化道内容物的体壁外,其他种类应选取整体(难以被消化的组织除外),如贝类的软体部,蟹类肌肉与鳃等的混合组织。  相似文献   
Biomass distribution and trophodynamics in the oceanic ecosystem in the Oyashio region are presented and analyzed, combining the seasonal data for plankton and micronekton collected at Site H since 1996 with data for nekton and other animals at higher trophic levels from various sources. The total biomass of biological components including bacteria, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, mesozooplankton, micronekton, fishes/squids and marine birds/mammals was 23 g C m−2, among which the most dominant component was mesozooplankton (34% of the total), followed by phytoplankton (28%), bacteria (15%) and microzooplankton (protozoans) (14%). The remainder (9%) was largely composed of micronekton and fish/squid. Marine mammals/birds are only a small fraction (0.14%) of the total biomass. Large/medium grazing copepods (Neocalaus spp., Eucalanus bungii and Metridia spp.) accounted for 77% of the mesozooplankton biomass. Based on information about diet composition, predators were assigned broadly into mean trophic level 3–4, and carbon flow through the grazing food chain was established based on the estimated annual production/food consumption balance of each trophic level. From the food chain scheme, ecological efficiencies as high as 24% were calculated for the primary/secondary production and 21% for the secondary/tertiary production. Biomass and production of bacteria were estimated as 1/10 of the respective values for phytoplankton at Site H, but the role of the microbial food chain remains unresolved in the present analysis. As keystone species in the oceanic Oyashio region, Neocalanus spp. are suggested as a vital link between primary production and production of pelagic fishes, mammals and birds.  相似文献   
Nematode assemblage composition, trophic structure and biodiversity were followed over an annual cycle in a sandy beach of the Taiping Bay of Qingdao, China. Nematode assemblage in the sandy beach maintained a high genus diversity (75 genera). Mlero- laimus and Bathylaimus were the dominant genus of the nematode assemblage, accounting for 66% of the total nematode abundance. The nematodes' dominant trophic structure changed seasonally as a response to the seasonal changes in food quality. Epigrowth-feeder nematodes (2A) were the dominant trophic groups in the trophic structure with the highest abundance in spring because of phytoplankton bloom, while the feeding type ( 1 B) showed higher abundance in summer that was due to the increasing of sediment detritus after spring bloom. Furthermore, species diversity and evenness calculated on nematodes identified to the genus level displayed significant temporal changes, which was also reflected by the index of trophic diversity. According to the cluster analysis, the nematode community structure of the whole year was clearly separated into two periods (A and B). Biota-Envlron- ment matching (BIOENV) results showed that seawater temperature, sediment Chl a and grain size were responsible for the nema- tode community structure variation in spring and summer period (Period A). However, seawater/interstitial water temperature, interstitial water dissolved oxygen concentration,interstitial water salinity, and sediment Ph a a were more important in constructing the autumn and winter period (Period B) nematode community structure.  相似文献   
根据长山群岛 1965-2016 年渔业统计资料,分析长山群岛海域主要捕捞渔获物产量、平均营养级 (Mean trophic level, MTL)、渔业均衡指数 (Fishing in balance index,FiB) 年际变化,探讨其海洋渔业资源利用状况,并利用小波分析方法研究52年来渔获物 MTL 周期变化特征。研究表明: (1) 长山群岛捕捞产量、MTL 和 FiB 指数呈阶段性变化; (2) 长山群岛渔业资源开发经历初期开发、扩张捕捞、过度捕捞、资源破坏等四个阶段,渔业资源环境正在逐渐恶化;(3) 受人类捕捞活动影响,MTL 在 15~19 年和 24~34 年两种时间尺度下呈周期波动,30 年为第一主周期,17 年为第二主周期。长山群岛渔业资源破坏日益严重,未来几年平均营养级将呈下降趋势。为防止渔业资源进一步衰退,应加强捕捞活动管理力度,落实海洋渔业资源保护制度;完善预警机制,构建海洋渔业资源监测系统;同时应积极调整长山群岛渔业产业结构,提高资源产出效率.  相似文献   
Knowledge of trophic interactions between the key components of marine communities is required to understand food-web dynamics and develop ecosystem-based management approaches. In West Africa, where fisheries sustain the livelihoods of a significant part of the human population, this understanding is even more urgent, especially in the face of rapidly expanding fisheries and some stock collapses in the region. We studied the feeding ecology of the Crevalle jack Caranx hippos, West African Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus tritor and Guinean barracuda Sphyraena afra in the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. These are the most abundant pelagic predatory teleost fishes in the area, but little is known about their ecology despite being species with commercial and recreational value, and they likely also play an important role in various African coastal ecosystems. Our findings show a high degree of dietary overlap among these three predator species, despite some degree of segregation by prey size and type. All three predators depend on Sardinella maderensis as the most important prey, which together with other members of the Clupeidae represented 47–96% of the ingested prey items. There was little difference in the diets of the predators between the dry and rainy seasons. These novel findings suggest a ‘wasp-waist’-structured ecosystem in the Bijagós Archipelago in which S. maderensis is the central small-sized pelagic fish species, and stress the need for an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management in the region, with precautionary measures taken to avoid the overexploitation of clupeids.  相似文献   
碳、氮稳定同位素为分析淡水和海洋生态系统的生物营养关系提供了有力手段,但在大洋鱼类中的应用还很少。本研究以热带东太平洋大青鲨(Prionace glauca)整节脊椎骨作为样品(叉长范围153—242cm),运用稳定同位素技术,分析大青鲨的δ~(13)C值和δ~(15)N值及其变化,比较不同基线生物的选择对营养级计算的影响。结果表明,大青鲨δ~(13)C范围为–15.76‰—–13.41‰,最大差值2.35‰;δ~(15)N范围为10.62‰—17.72‰,最大差值7.1‰;δ~(13)C值和δ~(15)N值随个体长度的变化不明显(可能原因是样品鱼均为较大个体),性别间的差异不显著,但不同基线生物的选择对营养级计算值的影响较大。本文研究表明,通过整节脊椎骨的稳定同位素测定来获得大青鲨的摄食特征信息是可行的。由于基线生物对营养级计算的影响问题难以在短期内解决,今后可将相对营养级或营养级的变化作为重点,研究人类活动(如捕捞)对大洋鱼类摄食和营养级的影响。  相似文献   
The worldwide increase in commercial fisheries and its impact on ecosystems as well as inefficient fishery management have led to overfishing and frequent breakdown of traditional fish stocks.In this context,an analysis of Khuzestan inshore fisheries data covering the years 2002–2011,was conducted in reliance on testing for occurrence of the fishing down marine food webs(FDMFW) phenomenon in the North of Persian Gulf Large Marine Ecosystem(LME).In this study,the mean trophic level(m TL) and the fishing-in-balance(FIB)-index of Khuzestan landings during this period of time were estimated using the trophic level of 47 fishery resources.Increase in total landings(Y) was observed,which explained the high fishing yield in major fishery resources(especially demersal).Moreover,the moderates decreasing trend in m TL per decade,and the increasing trend in FIB-index were observed.The status of fishery resources in Khuzestan inshore waters(under exploited but not overexploited),the rise in Y,FIB and slightly drop in m TL can be considered as indirect indicators of the fishing impacts on the trophic structure of marine communities.Based on this result,probability occurrence of FDMFW process in Khuzestan inshore waters is low to some extent.However,we suggest that the goal of management programs in Khuzestan inshore waters should prevent the continuance of this trend in the long-term using an ecosystem-based approach.  相似文献   
We applied DNA‐based faecal analysis to determine the diet of female Australian sea lions (n = 12) from two breeding colonies in South Australia. DNA dietary components of fish and cephalopods were amplified using the polymerase chain reaction and mitochondrial DNA primers targeting the short (~100 base pair) section of the 16S gene region. Prey diversity was determined by sequencing ~50 amplicons generated from clone libraries developed for each individual. Faecal DNA was also combined and cloned from multiple individuals at each colony and fish diversity determined. Diets varied between individuals and sites. Overall, DNA analysis identified a broad diversity of prey comprising 23 fish and five cephalopod taxa, including many species not previously described as prey of the Australian sea lion. Labridae (wrasse), Monacanthidae (leatherjackets) and Mullidae (goat fish) were important fish prey taxa. Commonly identified cephalopods were Octopodidae (octopus), Loliginidae (calamary squid) and Sepiidae (cuttlefish). Comparisons of fish prey diversity determined by pooling faecal DNA from several samples provided a reasonable but incomplete resemblance (55–71%) to the total fish diversity identified across individual diets at each site. Interpretation of diet based on the recovery of prey hard‐parts identified one cephalopod beak (Octopus sp.) and one fish otolith (Parapriacanthus elongatus). The present study highlights the value of DNA‐based analyses and their capabilities to enhance information of trophic interactions.  相似文献   
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