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大众在旅游途中期望获得开销低、行程方便、舒适度高的旅游体验,同时还具有历史人文、自然景观、美食购物等不同游览需求.因此,本文提出了一种基于改进混合蛙跳算法的个性化旅游路线推荐方法.首先建立个性化旅游路线推荐问题的优化模型,并针对该模型的特点,设计改进混合蛙跳算法.通过调整可控精度,增加筛选准则和及时处理异常解等策略增强群体的多样性,降低遗漏最优解的风险,强化局部搜索能力,并提高算法的求解精度.以南京三日游个性化旅游路线推荐问题作为实例,收集南京市内知名景点的门票价格、开放时间、不同出行方式所需的时间和花费情况以及食宿费用等相关数据,基于改进混合蛙跳算法进行求解.实验结果表明,与改进前的方法相比,所提改进方法能够获取更优的路径解,推荐的路线能够更好地满足用户的个性需求.  相似文献   
When P waves from distant earthquakes meet a velocity discontinuity in the earth's crust and upper mantle, they give rise to a series of converted PS waves besides PP refracted waves. It is possible to monitor the variation of the physical properties of the medium in the limited formation space above the transition zone of the seismogenic zone by measuring the time difference between the teleseismic PS converted wave and the first arrival P wave, that is, time-variation ΔtPS=tPS-tP. The advantage of this method is that the transition point of the teleseismic source with similar source is relatively stable at the transition interface, and the accuracy of the measured relative time is high, and the change of the medium in a small range of the seismogenic zone above the conversion interface can be monitored. This paper studies the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS in focal region before and after Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake. We select 2001 to 2012 as the research period, use teleseismic waveforms which occurred in the southern region of Sumatra and Hindu Kush area recorded by Sichuan station YZP and JJS. These teleseisms satisfy 5.0 ≤ M ≤ 6.5, and their waveform signal-to-noise ratio is high with clear initial P-wave motion. The epicentral distance of teleseisms is less than 3 degrees. Then we obtain the variation of the travel time difference ΔtPS between teleseismic PS converted wave and PP transmitted wave recorded during the study period in the two stations. The results show that there is a slow increasing trend of ΔtPS before 2006, and an obvious low value process of ΔtPS appeared in the period about 2 years before the Wenchuan earthquake. The maximum decline was about 0.2~0.3s, more than 4~5 times the measurement error. The low value has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the earthquake. The change of arrival time difference indicates that the medium is in different states in different periods of seismogenic process. The sharp decrease in ΔtPS from 2006 to January 2008 may be due to the strong disturbance caused by the stress accumulation of the medium. At this stage, the velocity of P wave and S wave increases with the increase of stress, and the increase of S wave velocity will result in the decrease of ΔtPS. The change of ΔtPS is greatly affected by S wave velocity, so ΔtPS appears to decrease rapidly. Regarding the low value that has a certain degree of return about 2~3 months before the Wenchuan earthquake, the possible reason is that the release of stress is much higher than the accumulation of stress in meta-instability stage. At this stage, the velocity of S wave decreases and the decrease of S wave causes ΔtPS to increase. Then, the Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurred. It is shown that the teleseismic converted wave method in this paper can monitor the variation of medium's wave velocity before large earthquakes, and it has a good prospect in seismic monitoring and worth further experimental study.  相似文献   
林荣平  周素红 《地理学报》2023,78(1):149-162
作为主要的大气污染指标,PM2.5浓度常来源于固定环境监测站点的监测与遥感影像数据,但时空精度普遍不足,难以揭示微尺度下城市内部PM2.5时空分布情况。本文利用移动式监测方法,选择典型工作日(2017年11月27日),对广州市主城区道路以1 s和1 m为时空粒度进行PM2.5浓度数据采集,并以早、晚出行高峰时段为对象,通过机器学习方法模拟道路PM2.5精细化时空分布格局。结果表明,主城区早高峰道路PM2.5浓度值相近的平均范围为24 m,晚高峰为15 m,PM2.5浓度存在微尺度的时空异质性。利用多层感知器(MLP)构建的早、晚高峰PM2.5浓度模型,拟合度分别达到0.70和0.68,明显优于传统的普通最小二乘法(OLS)线性回归模型。模型揭示出早高峰主城区全路网PM2.5平均浓度为30.19μg/m3,晚高峰达到44.55μg/m3,部分高达94.82μg/m3,且“西高东低”的分布特征显著。本文提出的PM  相似文献   
Tectonically, the large-scale right-lateral strike-slip movement along the Red River fault zone is char-acterized at its late phase with the southeastward extension and deformation of the Northwestern Yunnan normal fault depression on its northern segment, and the dextral shear displacement on its central-southern segment. Research of the relations between stratum deformation and fault movement on the typical fault segments, such as Jianchuan, southeast Midu, Yuanjiang River, Yuanyang, etc. since the Miocene Epoch shows that there are two times dextral faulting dominated by normal shearing occurring along the Red River fault zone since the Miocene Epoch. The fission track dating (abbrevi-ated to FT dating, the same below) is conducted on apatite samples collected from the above fault segments and relating to these movements. Based on the measured single grain’s age and the con-fined track length, we choose the Laslet annealing model to retrieve the thermal history of the samples, and the results show that the fault zone experienced two times obvious shear displacement, one in 5.5 ± 1.5 MaBP and the other in 2.1± 0.8 MaBP. The central-southern segment sees two intensive uplifts of mountain mass in the Yuanjiang River-Yuanyang region at 3.6―3.8 MaBP and 1.6―2.3 MaBP, which correspond to the above-mentioned two dextral normal displacement events since the late Miocene Epoch.  相似文献   
信息与通信技术的发展推动了智慧交通建设,并将进一步提高城市交通可达性和影响居民出行。在全球应对气候变化、减少碳排放的共识背景下,由于"智慧交通—可达性—出行行为(碳排放)"间复杂的影响作用机制,已有的研究难以判断智慧化背景下的城市交通可达性提高将增加抑或减少出行碳排放。如何通过提高城市交通可达性来缓解交通拥堵,保障城市交通运输系统的有效运行,并提高居民出行效率,减少出行碳排放是当前中国智慧交通发展面临的关键问题之一。针对以上科学问题,本文尝试提出基于智慧交通的可达性与交通出行碳排放的理论框架,并以广州为研究案例地,研究了社区居民通勤碳排放特征及其影响机理,社区出行低碳指数格局及其影响因素的空间异质性,以及基于碳排放—位置分配模型的公共中心规划支持系统设计与应用,可为今后的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
谢波  肖扬谋 《地理科学进展》2022,41(10):1956-1968
机动交通快速发展背景下城市道路交通安全问题日益严峻,道路网络作为影响区域交通流与居民交通出行行为的关键因素,对区域交通事故的数量、类型和空间分布具有重要影响。论文从道路布局形式与几何拓扑特征2个方面归纳总结城市道路网络特征对交通事故的作用机理,并通过梳理道路网络与交通出行行为的关系分析其对交通事故的潜在影响。研究指出,格网型、平行曲线型、回路尽端型等道路网络布局形式以及中心性、连通性等道路网络拓扑指标,对交通事故的类型、频率和严重程度的影响存在差异性和空间尺度效应;合理的交叉口密度、路网密度、街区密度等道路网络几何特征对于提升交通安全水平具有重要作用。未来研究需要进一步运用复杂网络理论刻画道路网络的结构、功能等特征,在控制居住自选择效应的基础上,从交通出行行为视角深入分析复杂道路网络对交通事故的作用机制与非线性影响,同时考虑道路网络特征与建成环境的潜在交互作用。  相似文献   
从广义反演理论出发,对多层反射波的走时联合反演,可以同时获得所有的各层速度及厚度参数。其优点是在不需要把问题线性化过程的同时,统一考虑了各层反射波走时的离散对整个地壳模型的影响,又可兼顾观测数据的不同误差分布。本文将该方法进行了数值模拟并应用于华北北部的几个不同构造单元,反演得出了其反射P波速度结构,并与正演结果进行了对比。  相似文献   
We have developed new basic theories for calculating the conversion point and the travel time of the P-SV converted wave (C-wave) in anisotropic, inhomogeneous media. This enables the use of conventional procedures such as semblance analysis, Dix-type model building and Kirchhoff summation, to implement anisotropic processing, and makes anisotropic processing affordable. Here we present these new developments in two parts: basic theory and application to velocity analysis and parameter estimation. This part deals with the basic theory, including both conversion-point calculation and moveout analysis. Existing equations for calculating the PS-wave (C-wave) conversion point in layered media with vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) are strictly limited to offsets about half the reflector depth (an offset-depth ratio, xlz, of 0.5), and those for calculating the C-wave traveltimes are limited to offsets equal to the reflector depth (x/z=l.0). In contrast, the new equations for calculating the conversion-point extend into offsets about three-times the reflector depth (x/z=3.0), those for calculating the C-wave traveltimes extend into offsets twice the reflector depth (x/z=2.0). With the improved accuracy, the equations can help in C-wave data processing and parameter estimation in anisotropic, inhomogeneous media. This work is funded by the Edinburgh Anisotropy Project (EAP) of the British Geological Survey. First author: Xiangyang Li, Mr. Li is currently a professorial research seismologist (Grade 6) and technical director of the Edinburgh Anisotropy Project in the British Geological Survey. He also holds a honorary professorship in multicomponent seismology at the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh. He received his BSc(1982) in Geophysics from Changchun Geological Institute, China, an MSc (1984) in applied geophysics from East China Petroleum Institute (now known as the China University of Petroleum), and a PhD (1992) in seismology from the University of Edinburgh. During 1984–1987, he worked as a lecturer with the East China Petroleum Institute. Since 1991, he has been employed by the British Geological Survey. His research interests include seismic anisotropy and multicomponent seismology.  相似文献   
分析了工程钻机在施工过程中轴承游动间隙对钻机的影响,提出了钻机输出轴圆锥滚子轴承的外端,加装一套碟形弹簧预紧装置,有效地解决轴承的游动间隙。  相似文献   
There are numerous situations in laboratory experiments and in atmospheric science that are characterized by distributions of energetic neutral species with extended high-energy tails. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the relaxation of such isotropic nonequilibrium distributions of neutral species. We consider a minor constituent, referred to as the test-particle dilutely dispersed in a second component that acts as a heat bath at equilibrium. A hard sphere cross section is assumed for the collisions of the test particles and the heat bath particles, and collisions between test particles are not included in the analysis. We study the approach to equilibrium with a finite difference method of solution of the Boltzmann equation. The solution of the Boltzmann equation is also presented as an expansion in the eigenfunctions of the Boltzmann collision operator. The main objective of the paper is the calculation of the energy-dependent relaxation times for the distribution function. It is anticipated that these relaxation times will not exhibit a strong energy dependence owing to the energy-independent hard sphere cross section. This relaxation behaviour is important in the characterization of nonthermal populations of energetic atoms in aeronomy. The results are compared with a similar analysis for Coulomb collisions described in the preceeding paper.  相似文献   
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