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位于1976年黄河口东侧的埕岛油田海底复杂地形区对海上石油开采、建立石油平台、铺设海底管线和电缆等造成了一定的困难和危害,通过1999年和2003年两次多波束测量资料对比,分析和研究了埕岛油田复杂地形区的地形变化趋势,为在该海域进行海上平台建设、海底管线和电缆的铺设提供决策依据。 相似文献
使用亚洲区域18个IGS测站和中国区域内16个探空站2016~2018年的数据,研究GPT3模型反演天顶对流层延迟(ZTD)和大气可降水量(PWV)的精度,并与其他GPT系列模型进行对比。结果表明,GPT3-1模型估计的ZTD的bias均值和最大值均最小,分别为1.34 mm和14.06 mm;GPT3模型整体精度略优于GPT2w模型,优于GPT2模型。探空站处GPT3模型反演的PWV的bias和RMSE均表现出较强的季节性特征;由GPT3模型反演的PWV的月均值可知,GPT3-1模型比GPT3-5模型具有更高的精度和稳定性。 相似文献
Brendon A. Bradley 《地震工程与结构动力学》2010,39(12):1321-1342
A generalized conditional intensity measure (GCIM) approach is proposed for use in the holistic selection of ground motions for any form of seismic response analysis. The essence of the method is the construction of the multivariate distribution of any set of ground‐motion intensity measures conditioned on the occurrence of a specific ground‐motion intensity measure (commonly obtained from probabilistic seismic hazard analysis). The approach therefore allows any number of ground‐motion intensity measures identified as important in a particular seismic response problem to be considered. A holistic method of ground‐motion selection is also proposed based on the statistical comparison, for each intensity measure, of the empirical distribution of the ground‐motion suite with the ‘target’ GCIM distribution. A simple procedure to estimate the magnitude of potential bias in the results of seismic response analyses when the ground‐motion suite does not conform to the GCIM distribution is also demonstrated. The combination of these three features of the approach make it entirely holistic in that: any level of complexity in ground‐motion selection for any seismic response analysis can be exercised; users explicitly understand the simplifications made in the selected suite of ground motions; and an approximate estimate of any bias associated with such simplifications is obtained. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
On the basis of scaling analysis,this paper presents a frontal geostrophic dynamic system which canbe used to describe the dynamics of an isolated bottom eddy and shows that five possible dynamicsubregimes are included in the system.A particle-in-cell method is used to investigate the behavior of the eddy in the two dynamic subregimes,with 1)nonlinear effect(ε)relevant to the sloping bottom-inducedbeta effect(β_1)and 2)seamount-induced beta effect(β_2)dominant.In the dynamic subregime of β_1~ ε~10~(-2)and β_2=0,the eddy can keep as a whole for a long time and migrates for a long distance.Inthe dynamic subregime where the seamount-induced beta effect (β_2~10~(-1))is dominant,the seamounttraps the water particles,causing the eddy to break up into a discrete set of eddies moving around the seamount. 相似文献
Jason-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) measured sea-surface heights (SSHs) are compared for five regions during the verification tandem phase. The five regions are of similar latitude and spatial extent and include the Gulf of Mexico, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and locations in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans away from land. In all five regions, a bias, defined as Jason SSH—TOPEX-B SSH, exists that is different for ascending and descending tracks. For example, in the Gulf of Mexico the bias for ascending tracks was ?0.13 cm and the bias for descending tracks was 2.19 cm. In the Arabian Sea the bias for ascending tracks was ?2.45 cm and the bias for descending tracks was ?1.31 cm. The bias was found to depend on track orientation and significant wave height (SWH), indicating an error in the sea state bias (SSB) model for one or both altimeters. The bias in all five regions can be significantly reduced by calculating separate corrections for ascending and descending tracks in each region as a function of SWH. The correction is calculated by fitting a second-order polynomial to the bias as a function of SWH separately for ascending and descending tracks. An additional constraint is required to properly apply the correction, and we chose to minimize the sum of the TOPEX-B and Jason-1 root-mean-square (rms) crossover differences to be consistent with present SSB models. Application of this constraint shows that the correction, though consistent within each region, is different for each region and that each satellite contributes to the bias. One potential source that may account for a portion of the difference in bias is the leakage in the wave forms in TOPEX-B due to differing altitude rates for ascending and descending tracks. Global SSB models could be improved by separating the tracks into ascenders and descenders and calculating a separate SSB model for each track. 相似文献
Abstract Merilees and Warn's (1975) nonlinear interaction analysis of two-dimensional nondivergent flow is extended to examine the quasi-geostrophic two-layer model. Two sets of triads exist in this model (Salmon, 1978). The purely barotropic triads are the same as the triads examined by Merilees and Warn. Baroclinic-barotropic triads are found to exchange more energy or potential enstrophy with smaller or larger scales depending on the scale of motion as compared with the internal Rossby deformation radius and the relative wavenumber position of baroclinic and barotropic components. 相似文献
John B. Lindsay Jan Seibert 《International journal of geographical information science》2013,27(7):1453-1468
This article presents a framework for estimating a new topographic attribute derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) called maximum branch length (B max). Branch length is defined as the distance travelled along a flow path initiated at one grid cell to the confluence with the flow path passing through a second cell. B max is the longest branch length measured for a grid cell and its eight neighbours. The index provides a physically meaningful method for assessing the relative significance of drainage divides to the dispersion of materials and energy across a landscape, that is, it is a measure of ‘divide size’. B max is particularly useful for studying divide network structure, for mapping drainage divides, and in landform classification applications. Sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate the robustness of estimates of B max to the algorithm used to estimate flow lengths and the prevalence of edge effects resulting from inadequate DEM extent. The findings suggest that the index is insensitive to the specific flow algorithm used but that edge effects can result in significant underestimation along major divides. Edge contamination can, however, be avoided by using an appropriately extensive DEM. 相似文献
少数民族地区古城镇城址空间分布关系对现今城镇化研究有一定的启示作用。选取湘西土家族老司城遗址作为研究对象,采用GIS技术对老司城遗址的城址空间分布关系及其主要地形因子做了定量研究,并在此基础上进行了定性研究。老司城遗址选址考虑山地地形特征,建筑尽量不破坏自然景观,注重融入自然环境,集约利用资源,是山地生态城镇的典范。 相似文献
依据英国国际发展署(DFID)提出的可持续生计分析框架为指导,选取与农户生计资产密切相关的评价因子,建立农户生计资本评价指标体系,对云南省25个沿边县域中具有不同地形特征的64个村寨生计资本进行了测算、对比和分析。研究发现,研究区生计资本总体水平偏低,不同地形特征下村寨间生计资本差异性较大,生计资本不平衡,针对不同的生计脆弱性,提出如下讨论:(1)人力资本上,着重加强和巩固教育和培训力度;(2)金融资本、社会资本上,加大农业现代化水平的投资力度,加大加强农业合作组织的建设;(3)物质资本上,建议增加对农业基础设施和信息媒体的建设;(4)在自然资本的脆弱性上,要在可持续性利用的基础上,大力发展循环经济。 相似文献