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针对目前地基GNSS台站在全球分布不均匀,导致南半球海洋和中高纬地区出现与实际不符的VTEC为负值的问题,利用IGS前1 d的最终GIM作为虚拟观测值对TEC可能为负值的地区进行约束,结合GNSS数据建立全球电离层模型(称为SGG模型),并用2014年200多个IGS台站数据对模型进行验证。结果表明,各台站VTEC的RMS优于3 TECu(赤道异常区域RMS在5~7 TECu)。同时SGG能有效消除南半球海洋(40°~90°S)VTEC为负的情况,且对原有非负VTEC几乎没有影响(其变化小于2 TECu)。SGG的卫星DCB与CODE 相比,RMS和MEAN分别优于0.2 ns和0.04 ns,不同纬度带SGG与CODE的接收机DCB估值变化基本一致,两者之差基本在1 ns以内。  相似文献   
由于生长环境、地带性分布规律和垂直差异,山地与平原地区的不同植被类型在遥感影像上存在“同物异谱”及“异物同谱”现象,易导致土地类型的误分。为避免此类错分,在进行土地覆被类型解译之前,应首先确定平原、山地植被的边界。本文在遥感影像聚类分析、GIS空间分析及数理统计分析技术的支持下,以江西省都昌县北部地区为研究区域,基于高分一号(GF-1)遥感卫星影像及地形要素,完成了山地植被与平原植被的界线提取。实验结果显示,本研究得到的植被界线精度高达99.47%和96.28%。与单纯基于遥感影像分类得到的植被边界成果相比,精度提高了近25%和23%。研究证明,高分辨率遥感影像与地形因子结合后,计算得到的山地平原划分界线精度有明显提高,可以满足高分辨率遥感影像土地覆被类型解译研究的需要。  相似文献   
冲绳海槽海底地形的补偿模式初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从区域补偿模式和实验均衡理论出发,利用重力和地形资料计算了冲绳海槽的均衡响应函数,结果表明:冲绳海槽南段弹性板有效厚度和补偿深度明显大于中段,结合其它地质地球物理资料解释认为,产生这种差异的原因主要是南,中两段岩石圈温度和补偿机制的不同所致。  相似文献   
南宁市麒麟山风景区的景观特色表现为山形如麒麟称之外表美 ,洞穴景观奇特称之内界美 ,交通便利、满山花果飘香 ,旧岜粒村村民热心办旅游 ,热情好客称之旅游环境美。该景观开发对发展旅游业 ,促进科研、教学 ,加速南宁旅游城的建设进程具有重要意义 ,呼吁有关部门给予大力扶持。  相似文献   
针对特战实训演练中大比例尺军事地形图数据不足、现势性较差的问题,从特战用图需求出发,基于众源地理数据提出了一种快速、高效、经济、准确的大比例尺军事地形图测制方法。首先,介绍了众源地理数据的概念和特点,研究了众源地理数据的来源和获取方法。然后,在顾及军事地形图与民用地形图之间制图表达的差异后,设计了利用众源地理数据绘制大比例尺军事地形图的工艺流程。最后,基于ArcMap,绘制了某地1∶1万军事地形图并进行实验验证和精度分析。实验结果表明,该方法既可有效提高作业效率,又能满足成图精度要求,可为军事教学训练、指挥员用图决策提供重要参考。  相似文献   
Topographic maps and aerial photographs are particularly useful when geoscientists are faced with fieldwork tasks such as selecting paths for observation, establishing sampling schemes, or defining field regions. These types of images are crucial in bedrock geologic mapping, a cognitively complex field-based problem-solving task. Geologic mapping requires the geologist to correctly identify rock types and three-dimensional bedrock structures from often partial or poor-quality outcrop data while navigating through unfamiliar terrain. This paper compares the walked routes of novice to expert geologists working in the field (n = 66) with the results of a route planning and navigation survey of a similar population of geologists (n = 77). Results show clearly that those geologists with previous mapping experience make quick and decisive determinations about field areas from available imagery and maps, regardless of whether they are or not physically present in the field area. Recognition of geologic features enabled experts to form and verbalize a specific plan for travel through a landscape based on those features. Novices were less likely to develop specific travel route plans and were less likely to identify critical landscape cues from aerial photographs.  相似文献   
地形图为国民经济建设和社会各行各业的发展提供测绘保障,它是城市规划设计、市政工程建设、工业与民用建筑、土地开发利用、防灾减灾等各方面的基础数据之一。本文结合北京城市基础测绘工作,以《BSCS G2000》测图软件为例,简述大比例尺数字化地形图的作业流程,地形要素取舍及检查验收工作。  相似文献   
5.12汶川大地震龙门山地区发育地震高位滑坡,通常发生在10~11度的极震区,这种灾害难预测,发生速度快,容易造成惨重的生命和财产损失。本文通过在龙池乡川主坪的实地调查,对典型地震抛射滑坡形成的抛射堆积体进行剖析,探究地震加速度受地形放大效应的影响效应及崩塌被抛射的运动程式。  相似文献   
Fitting the Linear Model of Coregionalization by Generalized Least Squares   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In geostatistical studies, the fitting of the linear model of coregionalization (LMC) to direct and cross experimental semivariograms is usually performed with a weighted least-squares (WLS) procedure based on the number of pairs of observations at each lag. So far, no study has investigated the efficiency of other least-squares procedures, such as ordinary least squares (OLS), generalized least squares (GLS), and WLS with other weighing functions, in the context of the LMC. In this article, we compare the statistical properties of the sill estimators obtained with eight least-squares procedures for fitting the LMC: OLS, four WLS, and three GLS. The WLS procedures are based on approximations of the variance of semivariogram estimates at each distance lag. The GLS procedures use a variance–covariance matrix of semivariogram estimates that is (i) estimated using the fourth-order moments with sill estimates (GLS1), (ii) calculated using the fourth-order moments with the theoretical sills (GLS2), and (iii) based on an approximation using the correlation between semivariogram estimates in the case of spatial independence of the observations (GLS3). The current algorithm for fitting the LMC by WLS while ensuring the positive semidefiniteness of sill matrix estimates is modified to include any least-squares procedure. A Monte Carlo study is performed for 16 scenarios corresponding to different combinations of the number of variables, number of spatial structures, values of ranges, and scale dependence of the correlations among variables. Simulation results show that the mean square error is accounted for mostly by the variance of the sill estimators instead of their squared bias. Overall, the estimated GLS1 and theoretical GLS2 are the most efficient, followed by the WLS procedure that is based on the number of pairs of observations and the average distance at each lag. On that basis, GLS1 can be recommended for future studies using the LMC.  相似文献   
The soil solution sampling by ceramic cups allows pesticide transfer monitoring in the soil during long times. The ageing of material involves a bias in the sampling results. In laboratory, the comparison of two types of ceramic suction cups, new and installed in situ during four years, shows a modification of the hydrodynamic properties and a possible evolution of the adsorption capacity of the matrix. The passage rate, as well qualitative as quantitative, is better for the old material. Recommendations about site management are finally exposed. To cite this article: N. Domange et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
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