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南非陆相二叠系-三叠系界线研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
从岩石地层研究着手,介绍了南非卡鲁盆地内综合地层研究的相关成果.在生物地层方面,脊椎动物和植物化石的研究在该区具有传统优势,孢粉化石的研究则是在最近几年才取得较大进展,在陆相界线地层研究中菌孢化石在二叠系-三叠系界线处约1 m厚的地层内的富集事件属首次报道.在地球化学地层方面,南非有机碳同位素在二叠系-三叠系界线附近的变化趋势与海相二叠系-三叠系界线地层存在相似的对应关系,可以作为海、陆相界线地层对比的辅助标志.在磁性地层方面,南非卡鲁盆地内的磁极性存在从反向到正向然后再反转(R-N-R)的变化,二叠系-三叠系界线则位于第一反向极性带的顶部.同时,结合目前全球陆相二叠系-三叠系界线的研究现状及特点,分析了陆相界线地层研究中存在的基本问题,指出华南地区可能为突破传统观念的研究地区,陆地事件地层研究意义重大.  相似文献   
山西宁武陆相二叠系-三叠系界线剖面的磁化率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对山西宁武陆相二叠系—三叠系剖面的孙家沟组至刘家沟组磁化率的研究,发现该剖面自孙家沟组顶部的粘土岩层至刘家沟组底部,存在着明显的磁化率值升高的现象,认为该现象是由于气温升高和火山事件的影响。对比山西宁武剖面与浙江长兴海相剖面以及贵州威宁陆相剖面二叠系—三叠系界线附近的磁化率研究成果,发现三者具有很好的一致性。这表明,该磁化率值明显升高的现象具有跨区(晋、淅、黔)和跨相(陆、海)的区域性特征,可用于地层的划分和对比。根据磁化率的研究结果,建议将山西宁武剖面的二叠系—三叠系界线设在磁化率值明显升高的地方,印17层顶部纹层粉砂岩之下的粘土岩层。  相似文献   
As demand for energy is growing and resources become scarcer, energy increasingly becomes the site of heated controversies. In Latour’s terms, energy turns from a “matter of fact” into a “matter of concern”. In these energy controversies, environmental movements frequently play a central role, highlighting what is at stake in these developments. While these movements have often been studied, these studies rarely focus on the interaction between controversies, environmental movements, and place-making. In this article, we not only argue that energy is frequently turned from matter of fact into a matter of concern, but that this argument also extends to the notion of place. As such, energy controversies turn villages, cities, or regions themselves into “places of concern”. The article delves deeper into the production of places of concern through two case studies of energy controversies around power plants: a proposed coal plant in Bo Nok, Thailand, and HidroAysen, a hydropower project in Chilean Patagonia. We specifically focus on the issues that were opened up for debate in both countries, and on the role of environmental movements in the production of these places. Our examples are based on fieldwork and interviews in these two areas, as well as media and document analysis. While the two cases are from two different countries, we nonetheless find surprising parallels between them. These insights are instrumental to link theoretical debates on controversies and place-making. Moreover, they provide empirical insights into the transformative and lasting effects of energy controversies on people and places.  相似文献   
陆相沉积的天文地层研究方法简介——以井下地层为例   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
通过对我国大陆三十余口井的测井资料研究成果,归纳出对陆相地层进行天文地层研究的方法。介绍了所用的新的天文周期理论值、测井资料的选取及预处理方法,重点说明谱分析的数据点数的选定、不同参数(自然伽玛、自然电位和岩屑)的测井资料谱分析结果的对比,以实例说明如何选定主要优势旋回和AR值,以及FIR数字滤波器的基本性质和数字滤波结果,小波分析的特点和通过小波图进行调频的方法,并介绍了地层单位的延续时间计算和年龄确定方法。  相似文献   
隶属于贵州格必(凸)河伏流洞穴系统的紫云苗厅,是世界上已知探明体积和表面积最大的洞厅,平面投影面积仅次于马来西亚的沙捞越大厅。2014年英国研究人员采用Riegl VZ-400三维激光扫描仪首次对整个苗厅进行了地面激光扫描,本研究通过激光扫描数据并结合地质构造背景分析,对苗厅基本形态特征及其控制因素获得了如下新认识:(1)苗厅整体由两个洞厅与一段大型廊道(极有可能是世界上跨度最大的洞穴廊道)共同构成,在形态上则是两个穹顶与一个拱顶相连接,总体呈“凹”字形。点云切片显示苗厅为鞍部(上部)水平截面呈两个独立又相互关联的多边形且底座并联的“双穹顶”特殊结构;(2)苗厅鞍部的多边形系多期地质构造错动所致,产生了不同方向、不同等级的断裂和节理体系,在区域内形成了具有格子状构造的格局,密集的裂隙交汇于苗厅使得溶蚀作用最为发育;(3)苗厅发育在交麻向斜核部下二叠厚层—块状石灰岩地层中,向斜底部的开张裂隙为地下水进入提供了良好的构造条件,是苗厅能发育成世界级巨大洞厅一个不可忽略的关键因素;(4)苗厅还存在上层洞道,与区域内的层状洞穴共同反映了地质历史时期构造抬升与河流下切的双重作用。推测早期有其它多股水流从高处共同汇聚于苗厅,共同掏蚀出巨大的地下空间,并经历了从潜流带到包气带的转换,才最终形成现今所见的宏大洞厅;(5)根据地貌形态与地质构造的关系,“双穹顶”的发育暗示了有利于形成超大地下洞厅的特殊地质构造也是相邻成对的。  相似文献   
三峡水库周期性蓄水改变了岸坡内的地下水渗流场和应力场,降低岩土体的剪切强度,对库岸边坡、岩体稳定性影响很大。以往库区岸坡岩体形变监测主要通过设置固定点进行观测,难以发现岩体整体变化情况。地面三维激光扫描方法能获取岩体整体表面厘米精度的点云数据,具有无需接触目标、获取速度快、精度高等特点,非常适合库区高陡危岩体表面三维形变监测。以巫山箭穿洞危岩体为例,采用地面三维激光扫描方法对箭穿洞危岩体进行了为期2年(2017—2018年)共3期监测,以第一期观测目标周围稳定岩体数据为基准,对数据进行重叠点云迭代配准,点云配准精度优于±2.7 cm。针对箭穿洞危岩体在观测时段内的变化情况,构建危岩体区域的基准不规则三角网模型,以点到基准面最近距离法结合危岩体变化区间分析其变形。通过对比分析箭穿洞危岩体3期观测数据,发现相对于2017年,2018年箭穿洞危岩体左侧岩体有变形趋势;在库区蓄水阶段,危岩体局部多处存在明显凹陷变化,局部因蓄水影响发生约−0.03~−0.07 m变形。结果证明三维激光扫描技术在库岸高陡边坡形变监测中的有效性,为三峡库区高陡危岩体形变监测及地质灾害防治工作提供了参考。  相似文献   
The Amiens-Renancourt 1 site recently yielded one of the most important Upper Palaeolithic human occupations of northern France by the number of flint artefacts and especially by the presence of Venus figurines. All the material comes from a single archaeological layer located in a tundra gley bracketed by loess units. A multi-proxy study combining a detailed stratigraphy, luminescence and radiocarbon datings and high-resolution (5 cm per sample) grain size and molluscan analyses was therefore carried out to reconstruct and date the associated environmental changes and to determine the exact context of the human occupation. The chronological frame thus established supports the correlations of the archaeology-bearing tundra gley and of an underlying arctic brown soil with Greenland interstadials GI-4 and GI-3. Composition changes in the molluscan population enabled the identification of transitional and optimum phases and sub-phases within these two pedogenetic horizons. A conceptual correlation model linking molluscan phases with millennial-scale variations of Greenland ice-core and Sieben Hengste speleothem climate records is proposed. The Human occupation appears contemporaneous to the end of the stadial–interstadial transition of GI-3. Synchronous in Amiens-Renancourt 1 and Nussloch, subsequent micro-gleys may also result from a regional/global forcing. Such a level of detail is unprecedented in a loess sequence.  相似文献   
Shallow-delta sedimentary systems receive both terrestrial and marine organic matter. As oil and gas exploration activities determine that the source rocks of the deep-water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea, are generally rich in and even dominated by terrestrial organic matter, this has led many researchers to examine the rules governing terrestrial organic matter enrichment in shallow-delta sea sedimentary systems. However, the deep burial of source rocks in deep-water areas and the relatively small amount of drilling undertaken have greatly restricted the study of these rules. In this study, the ‘forward modeling’ research method was used to observe and analyze the deposition and preservation of terrestrial organic matter through flume experiments, where the depositional results were carefully depicted and sampled. The total organic carbon content of selected samples was measured and when combined with qualitative observations and quantitative comparison results, the dominant enrichment areas of terrestrial organic matter were identified. The experimental results show that the overbank parts of the delta front, the dune countercurrent surface, the low-lying parts, the delta front slope area and the shallow-prodelta sea area are where terrestrial organic matter is predominantly enriched. This provides an important basis and guidance for the prediction of the development areas of marine source rocks with terrestrial input in the deep-water areas of the Qiongdongnan Basin.  相似文献   

随着断层面形貌测量、宇宙成因核素测年、物理和化学指标测定等一系列先进技术的发展, 已有大量的研究案例成功地从基岩断层面上提取了古地震信息, 基岩断层面在古地震研究方面的优势被不断发掘。然而, 沟谷等地表过程的侵蚀作用, 也会使得基岩断层面出露。这种非构造成因的断层面, 很容易与构造成因的断层面混淆, 却不记录古地震信息。已有的研究工作, 缺乏对这两种断层面出露方式的系统研究, 更缺少对适合于古地震研究的基岩断层面特征的归纳总结, 这将不利于在基岩区开展古地震研究工作。为了解决这一问题, 选取了山西地堑系的马家窑和南马庄两处基岩断层面, 采用小型无人机航测(s-UAV)结合陆基三维激光扫描(t-lidar)技术, 获取了基岩断层面高精度形貌及周围的三维地形数据, 将断层面形貌特征的定量分析结果与断层坎精细的地貌解译结合, 研究基岩断层面的不同暴露方式下的形貌特征。结果显示, 马家窑基岩断层面受沟谷侵蚀而逐渐暴露, 表面形貌呈现出连续平滑的特征, 不具有地震活动信息。南马庄基岩断层面的形貌显示出明显的阶跃式分带特征, 具有分段出露的特点。结合精细地貌解译的结果, 这种出露特征可能与周期性的地震活动有关, 并识别了两次同震倾滑位移量为3.1 m和3.3 m的古地震事件。最后, 本研究强调了在开展基岩断层面古地震研究时, 选择合适的研究地点的重要性, 对比了构造活动和地表侵蚀两种成因断层坎的特点, 提出了适合提取古地震信息的基岩断层面的特征和识别原则。

Cordierite‐bearing anatectic rocks inform our understanding of low‐pressure anatectic processes in the continental crust. This article focuses on cordierite‐bearing lithologies occurring at the upper structural levels of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (eastern Nepal Himalaya). Three cordierite‐bearing gneisses from different geological transects (from Mt Everest to Kangchenjunga) have been studied, in which cordierite is spectacularly well preserved. The three samples differ in terms of bulk composition likely reflecting different sedimentary protoliths, although they all consist of quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, cordierite and sillimanite in different modal percentages. Analysis of the microstructures related to melt production and/or melt consumption allows the distinction to be made between peritectic and cotectic cordierite. The melt productivity of different prograde assemblages (from two‐mica metapelite/metagreywacke to biotite‐metapelite) has been investigated at low‐pressure conditions, evaluating the effects of muscovite v. biotite dehydration melting on both mineral assemblages and microstructures. The results of the thermodynamic modelling suggest that the mode and type of the micaceous minerals in the prograde assemblage is a very important parameter controlling the melt productivity at low‐pressure conditions, the two‐mica protoliths being significantly more fertile at any given temperature than biotite gneisses over the same temperature interval. Furthermore, the cordierite preservation is promoted by melt crystallization at a dry solidus and by exhumation along P‐T paths with a peculiar dP/dT slope of about 15–18 bar °C?1. Overall, our results provide a key for the interpretation of cordierite petrogenesis in migmatites from any low‐P regional anatectic terrane. The cordierite‐bearing migmatites may well represent the source rocks for the Miocene andalusite‐bearing leucogranites occurring at the upper structural levels of the Himalayan belt, and low‐P isobaric heating rather than decompression melting may be the triggering process of this peculiar peraluminous magmatism.  相似文献   
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