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The working stratigraphic chart accepted for the Okhotsk-Chukotsk Volcanogenic Belt (OCVB) at the 3rd Interdepartmental Regional Stratigraphic Conference (IRSC) integrated data of the medium-scale geological survey, the established succession of endemic floras of the developing volcanic highland, and the results of palynological and magnetostratigraphic study (Resolutions of the 3rd…, 2003). The OCVB was formed during the middle Albian-Santonian (and initial Campanian probably). Sequences of the belt are attributed to the Buor-Kemyus (early-middle Albian), Arman (late Albian), Amka (Cenomanian), and Arkagala (Turonian-Santonian) phytostratigraphic horizons. The lack of data on relations between the horizons and fauna-bearing marine deposits is a serious obstacle for correlation of regional subdivisions with the general stratigraphic scale. The problem can be solved using geological methods of palynological and tephrochronological research. Isotopic ages of the OCVB rocks were determined applying the K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotopic dating in the early period and the Ar-Ar and U-Pb (SHRIMP) methods in recent years. The subdivision scheme of the OCVB volcanics based on the K-Ar relict and Rb-Sr isochron dates, which is accepted as addendum to the working stratigraphic chart, confirms in general the geological inferences concerning the OCVB age. The Ar-Ar and U-Pb dates (less than 100 determinations in total) obtained for the Okhotsk, Central Chukotsk, and Anadyr sectors of the OCVB external zone provoked opinions that the belt age should be radically revised. Analysis of new isotopic dates showed that they contradict in variable extent to geological data on the Okhotsk and Central Chukotsk sectors, whereas there is no significant discordance between isotopic and geological data on the Anadyr sector. Consequently, it can be empirically concluded that geological factors influenced the isotopic systems (“clock”). There is also a considerable discordance between the Ar-Ar and U-Pb isotopic dates. These uncertainties of the isotopic dating imply prematurity of idea to revise age of the OCVB.  相似文献   
The tephrostratigraphy of lake sediments in the Endinger Bruch provides the first robust age model for the Lateglacial palynological records of Vorpommern (north‐east Germany). Cryptotephra investigations revealed six tephra layers within sediments spanning from Open vegetation phase I (~Bølling, ~15 ka) to the Early Holocene Betula/Pinus forest phase (~Pre‐boreal, ~10.5 ka). Four of these layers have been correlated with previously described tephra layers found in sites across Europe. The Laacher See Tephra (Eifel Volcanic Field) is present in very high concentrations within sediments of the Lateglacial Betula (/Pinus) forest phase (~Allerød). The Vedde Ash (Iceland) lies midway through Open vegetation phase III (~Younger Dryas). The Hässeldalen and the Askja tephras (Iceland) lie in the Early Holocene Betula/Pinus forest phase (~Preboreal). These tephra layers have independently derived age estimates, which have been imported into the Endinger Bruch record. Furthermore, the layers facilitate direct correlation of the regional vegetation record with other palaeoenvironmental archives, which contain one or more of the same tephra layers, from Greenland to Southern Europe. In doing this, localized variations are confirmed in some aspects of the pollen stratigraphy; however, transitions between the main vegetation phases appear to occur synchronously (within centennial errors) with the equivalent environmental transitions observed in sites across the European continent. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Last interglacial sediments in unglaciated Alaska and Yukon (eastern Beringia) are commonly identified by palaeoecological indicators and stratigraphic position ~2–5 m above the regionally prominent Old Crow tephra (124 ± 10 ka). We demonstrate that this approach can yield erroneous age assignments using data from a new exposure at the Palisades, a site in interior Alaska with numerous exposures of last interglacial sediments. Tephrochronology, stratigraphy, plant macrofossils, pollen and fossil insects from a prominent wood‐rich organic silt unit are all consistent with a last interglacial age assignment. However, six 14C dates on plant and insect macrofossils from the organic silt range from non‐finite to 4.0 14C ka BP, indicating that the organic silt instead represents a Holocene deposit with a mixed‐age assemblage of organic material. In contrast, wood samples from presumed last interglacial organic‐rich sediments elsewhere at the Palisades, in a similar stratigraphic position with respect to Old Crow tephra, yield non‐finite 14C ages. Given that local permafrost thaw since the last interglaciation may facilitate reworking of older sediments into new stratigraphic positions, minimum constraining ages based on 14C dating or other methods should supplement age assignments for last interglacial sediments in eastern Beringia that are based on palaeoecology and stratigraphic association with Old Crow tephra. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Marine and fluvial terrace sequences near the Waitakere Ranges on the North Island of New Zealand have been surveyed, yielding an inventory of 13 fluvial and 12 marine terrace levels. Based on sparse tephra age control and correlation with the global palaeoclimatic record, rates of regional Quaternary uplift have been reconstructed. Between 1000 ka and 345 ka the time-averaged uplift rate was 0.072 mm a− 1, between 345 ka and 50 ka it increased to 0.278 mm a− 1, accelerating to 0.42 mm a− 1 since 50 ka. The fluvial terrace sequence did not yield clear sedimentary records or other datable material. However, although others have disputed the existence of marine terraces in this study region, a pattern of accelerating regional uplift, superimposed onto glacio-eustatic sea-level changes, is substantiated as the only possible mechanism for maintaining the considerable relief and the active denudation processes inland. The observed uplift is similar to that in other regions where the uplift has been attributed to coupling between surface processes and lower-crustal flow, making this a likely mechanism in the North Island of New Zealand. Regarding the fluvial terrace sequence, the proposed general model is of an actively incising river, carving out on average one strath terrace every ~ 16,000 years. The incision phases are reactivated by sea-level lowering and interrupted by net aggradation events due to landslides triggered by cyclones and/or fires within the catchment; volcanic ash falls also cause transient increases in sediment supply.  相似文献   
This paper presents one of the most extensive Holocene tephra records found to date in Scandinavia. Microtephra horizons originating from Icelandic eruptions were recorded in two ca. 2 m thick peat profiles at Klocka Bog in west‐central Sweden. Five of the microtephra horizons were geochemically correlated to the Askja‐1875, Hekla‐3, Kebister, Hekla‐4 and Lairg A tephras respectively. Radiocarbon‐based dating of these tephras broadly agree with previously published ages from Iceland, Sweden, Germany and the British Isles. The identification of the Lairg A tephra demonstrates a more widespread distribution than previously thought, extending the usefulness of Icelandic Holocene tephrochronology further north into west‐central Scandinavia. Long‐lasting snow cover and seasonal wind distribution in the lower stratosphere are suggested as factors that may be responsible for fragmentary tephra deposition patterns in peat deposits of subarctic Scandinavia. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Palaeoenvironmental data for the Late Glacial and Holocene periods are provided from Caleta Eugenia, in the eastern sector of Canal Beagle, southernmost Patagonia. The record commences at c. 16 200 cal a bp following glacier retreat in response to climatic warming. However, cooler conditions persisted during the Late Glacial period. The onset of more temperate conditions after c. 12 390 cal a bp is indicated by the arrival of southern beech forest and later establishment at c. 10 640 cal a bp , but the woodland growth was restricted by lower levels of effective moisture. The climate signal is then truncated by a rapid marine incursion at c. 8640 cal a bp which lasted until a more gradual emergence of the coast at c. 6600 cal a bp. During this period the pollen record appears to be dominated by the southern beech woodland. A punctuated hydroseral succession follows the isolation of the site from the sea leading to the re‐establishment of a peat bog. Between c. 5770 cal a bp and the present there were several periods of short rapid climatic change leading to drier conditions, probably as a result of late Holocene periods of climatic warming. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Kamchatka Peninsula is one of the most active volcanic regions in the world. Many Holocene explosive eruptions have resulted in widespread dispersal of tephra-fall deposits. The largest layers have been mapped and dated by the 14C method. The tephra provide valuable stratigraphic markers that constrain the age of many geological events (e.g. volcanic eruptions, palaeotsunamis, faulting, and so on). This is the first systematic attempt to use electron microprobe (EMP) analyses of glass to characterize individual tephra deposits in Kamchatka. Eighty-nine glass samples erupted from 11 volcanoes, representing 27 well-identified Holocene key-marker tephra layers, were analysed. The glass is rhyolitic in 21 tephra, dacitic in two, and multimodal in three. Two tephra are mixed with glass compositions ranging from andesite/dacite to rhyolite. Tephra from the 11 eruptive centres are distinguished by their glass K2O, CaO, and FeO contents. In some cases, individual tephra from volcanoes with multiple eruptions cannot be differentiated. Trace element compositions of 64 representative bulk tephra samples erupted from 10 volcanoes were analysed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) as a pilot study to further refine the geochemical characteristics; tephra from these volcanoes can be characterized using Cr and Th contents and La/Yb ratios.

Unidentified tephra collected at the islands of Karaginsky (3), Bering (11), and Attu (5) as well as Uka Bay (1) were correlated to known eruptions. Glass compositions and trace element data from bulk tephra samples show that the Karaginsky Island and Uka Bay tephra were all erupted from the Shiveluch volcano. The 11 Bering Island tephra are correlated to Kamchatka eruptions. Five tephra from Attu Island in the Aleutians are tentatively correlated with eruptions from the Avachinsky and Shiveluch volcanoes.  相似文献   
The climactic Los Chocoyos (LCY) eruption from Atitlán caldera (Guatemala) is a key chronostratigraphic marker for the Quaternary period given the extensive distribution of its deposits that reached both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Despite LCY tephra being an important marker horizon, a radioisotopic age for this eruption has remained elusive. Using zircon (U–Th)/He geochronology, we present the first radioisotopically determined eruption age for the LCY of 75 ± 2 ka. Additionally, the youngest zircon crystallization 238U–230Th rim ages in their respective samples constrain eruption age maxima for two other tephra units that erupted from Atitlán caldera, W-Fall (130 +16/−14 ka) and I-Fall eruptions (56 +8.2/−7.7 ka), which under- and overlie LCY tephra, respectively. Moreover, rim and interior zircon dating and glass chemistry suggest that before eruption silicic magma was stored for >80 kyr, with magma accumulation peaking within ca. 35 kyr before the LCY eruption during which the system may have developed into a vertically zoned magma chamber. Based on an updated distribution of LCY pyroclastic deposits, a new conservatively estimated volume of ~1220 ± 150 km3 is obtained (volcanic explosivity index VEI > 8), which confirms the LCY eruption as the first-ever recognized supereruption in Central America.  相似文献   
The Youngest Toba Tuff contains five distinct glass populations, identified from Ba, Sr and Y compositions, termed PI (lowest Ba) – PV (highest Ba), representing five compositionally distinct pre-eruptive magma batches that fed the eruption. The PI–PV compositions display systematic changes, with higher FeO, CaO, MgO, TiO2 and lower incompatible element concentrations in the low-SiO2 PIV/PV, than the high-SiO2 PI–PIII compositions. Glass shard abundances indicate PIV and PV were the least voluminous magma batches, and PI and PIII the most voluminous. Pressure estimates using rhyolite-MELTS indicate PV magma equilibrated at ~6 km, and PI magma at ~3.8 km. Glass population proportions in distal tephra and proximal (caldera-wall) material describe an eruption which commenced by emptying the deepest PIV and PV reservoirs, this being preferentially deposited in a narrow band across southern India (possibly due to jet-stream and/or plinian eruption transport), and as abundant pumice clasts in the lowermost proximal ignimbrites. Later, shallower magma reservoirs erupted, with PI being the most abundant as the eruption ended, sourcing the majority of distal ash from co-ignimbrite clouds (PI- and PIII-dominant), where associated ignimbrites isolated earlier (PIV- and PV-rich) deposits. This study shows how analysis of tephra glass compositional data can yield pre-eruption magma volume estimates, and enable aspects of magma storage conditions and eruption dynamics to be described.  相似文献   
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