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邹晓梅  林广发  陈志彪 《海洋科学》2018,42(11):110-117
赤潮是海洋生态系统异常的重要指标。本文收集1986~2017年闽三角海域的赤潮事件,基于GIS技术分析赤潮的时空分布特征。结果表明:32年来,闽三角海域赤潮发生98次,赤潮高发区在厦门西海域、同安湾和泉州湄洲湾海域;闽三角海域赤潮年际发生次数呈波动变化,一年中赤潮高发期集中在5~8月;中肋骨条藻、角毛藻及旋链角毛藻是闽三角海域的赤潮优势种,具有一定的区域分布特征;有毒赤潮事件发生频率有增加趋势。本文系统性地总结了闽三角海域赤潮时空特征,为该区域的赤潮风险分析和预防提供依据。  相似文献   
根据广西近岸海域2015年3、5、8、11月4个航次的海水中营养盐监测数据,分析了广西近岸海域海水中营养盐的时空分布特征,应用潜在性富营养化评价模式对整个海域水质富营养化程度进行了评价。结果表明:广西近岸海域富营养化状态总体良好,时空分布受陆源污染的影响,营养盐质量浓度呈湾内-湾口-湾外递减趋势。多数站位点氮磷比常年大于Redfield比值,处于磷限制状态。钦州湾内和大风江口是富营养化最为严重的水域,其次是防城港湾内、廉州湾内和铁山港湾,呈磷限制状态,容易在磷污染增高时,爆发富营养化,应特别加以监测与控制。  相似文献   
中国省域煤矿事故时空分异特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤矿事故给国家和人民带来巨大的生命财产损失,科学把握煤矿事故发生的宏观规律及区域煤矿安全的影响因素有助于促进煤矿安全生产。本文尝试采用GIS空间分析方法开展区域煤矿事故的研究,基于空间自相关性、时空演化规律方法研究了2006-2015年中国省域煤矿事故的时空分异特点,并分析了省域煤矿安全的影响因素及相对风险度。主要结论:①中国各省区之间煤矿事故存在明显的空间自相关性,但随着各省区煤矿安全生产形势改善情况的不同,其自相关性在不断下降;②以空间重心转移曲线分析中国煤矿事故发生的时空演化规律,10年间煤矿事故空间重心向东北方向转移。③重特大事故频发的省区由于监管措施的有力执行往往具有较低的煤矿百万吨死亡率;平均煤矿生产能力低的省区具有较高的煤矿百万吨死亡率;④建立基于解释变量的贝叶斯空间模型,以煤炭百万吨死亡率为指标评估中国各省区煤矿事故相对风险度,中国煤矿安全生产相对危险度存在明显的空间分布规律且各省区差异较大,相对危险度较高的省区主要集中在南方地区,包括湖北、福建等,危险度较低的省区主要集中在中东部地区,包括山西、内蒙古等。  相似文献   
Remote sensing of chlorophyll concentration is potentially affected by the presence of inorganic matter in the water column. Seasonal variability of total suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration and its partition into organic and inorganic fractions was thus measured in the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence during five cruises. These measures were made in the surface layer down to the depth of the 0.1% light level. Results indicate that vertical variability was small for the entire study area. Data analysis lead to the definition of two main regions having different SPM characteristics: 1) the estuary zone characterized by a strong spatial variability, intermediate SPM concentrations and a clear spring phytoplankton bloom that is combined to an increased inorganic matter load; 2) the gulf region characterized by a relatively low SPM concentration and phytoplankton blooms in the spring and fall periods. Combined with in situ measurements of remote sensing reflectances, the database was used to validate existing inorganic matter retrieval algorithms and develop a new one better adapted to the low concentrations encountered in the St. Lawrence estuary and Gulf.  相似文献   
Victoria Beach (Cadiz, Spain) comprises a rocky flat outcrop in its northern zone and a sand-rich southern zone. These natural features allowed for a 5-year monitoring period and subsequent analysis of two different profiles (one in each zone) based on differences in bottom contours. Topo-bathymetric data were analysed using empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) to determine changes over the short-, medium- and long-term. Several morphologic phenomena were identified (generalised erosion, seasonal or summer–winter tilting of the profile around different hinge points, berm development and its posterior destruction, etc.) in terms of their importance in explaining the variability of the collected data for both profiles. It is worth mentioning that both profiles undergo parallel regression in the medium-term. Thus, the 1st eigenfunction enabled us to identify the true regression of the beach shoreline, independent of seasonal or summer–winter slope changes. Reconstruction of profiles using EOF components demonstrated that though accretion periods in the medium-term were similar for both types of profiles, the accretion speed was much faster in the sand-rich profile than in the reef-protected profile (1.01 m3/day versus 0.33 m3/day). Moreover, the seasonal erosion rate and the subsequent shoreline retreat for the sand-rich profile were much larger than for the reef-protected profile (121 m3/year versus 29 m3/year). Analysis in the short-term (changes induced by a single day's storm) showed an instantaneous tilting of the profile, with the mobilised sand volume being much greater for the sand-rich than for the reef-protected profile (68 m3/m versus 12 m3/m).  相似文献   
利用1961—2017年北疆37个地面气象站逐日最低气温观测资料,结合常规气象统计方法,分析北疆地区初、终霜日和霜期的时空演变特征.结果表明:(1)北疆平均初霜日以2.2 d·(10a)-1速率推迟;平均终霜日以1.7 d·(10a)-1速率提前;平均霜期以3.9 d·(10a)-1速率缩短;初、终霜日和霜期的主周期均...  相似文献   
皖浙赣断裂带的界定及其基本特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以往文献中及众多研究者所指的“皖浙赣断裂带”实际上包括了不同时代形成的、方向有变化的多组规模巨大的区域性断裂带;最早的断裂带形成于新元古代,最晚的形成于晚中生代。在地壳演化过程中,随着构造应力场的变化,不同时代的断裂带方向变化较大,新元古代晋宁期为北东向,早古生代加里东期为近东西向—北东东向,晚中生代为北北东向;每一期断裂带都有它们自己的大地构造背景和指示意义。文中认为,不同阶段形成的断裂带不能混为一谈。新元古代晋宁期的北东向断裂带南段基本上以赣东北蛇绿混杂岩带为代表,向北东延至皖南伏川断裂带,具有板块(或地体)边界断裂的性质;加里东期以近东西向祁门—歙县断裂带为代表,其西段被后期牵引成北东向,造成两侧的变质基底特征明显不同;二者均不属于皖浙赣断裂带的组成部分。而通常意义上所指的具有区域控岩控矿作用的皖浙赣断裂带,是晚中生代北北东向的赣东北—五城—歙县—绩溪—宁国断裂带,控制了侏罗—白垩纪红色盆地及燕山期岩浆岩的形成和分布,是一条具有控矿作用的重要的构造岩浆岩带。  相似文献   

Variability of river flow is investigated in 502 river flow gauging stations in nine countries of the southern African region with a view to document the spatial variability of the river flow regimes. Those regions where there is strong evidence of declining or increasing trend in annual runoff have been identified. The study has shown that runoff in the region ranges from over 320 mm year?1 in the Lower Zambezi and the highlands of Tanzania to less than 10 mm year?1 in the deserts of Namibia and the Kalahari. There is also evidence of declining runoff in parts of Zambia, Angola, Mozambique and the High Veld in South Africa. The recent decline seems to have started from around 1975.  相似文献   
The Annualized Agricultural Non‐point Source (AnnAGNPS) pollution model has been widely used to assess and predict runoff, soil erosion, sediment and nutrient loading with a geographic information system. This article presents a case study of the effect of land‐use changes on nonpoint source (NPS) pollution using the AnnAGNPS model in the Xizhi River watershed, eastern Pearl River Delta of Guangdong province, China. The land‐use changes in the Xizhi River watershed between 1998 and 2003 were examined using the multitemporal remote sensing data. The runoff, soil erosion, sediment transport and nutrient loading 1998 and 2003 were assessed using AnnAGNPS. The effects of land‐use changes on NPS were studied by comparing the simulation results of each year. Our results showed that (i) the NPS loadings increased when forest and grass land converted into paddy, orchard and farmland land, and population size and gross domestic product size as well as the usage amounts of fertilizer and pesticide in the entire watershed were firmly correlated with the NPS loadings; (ii) the land‐use change during fast urbanization in particular when other land types were converted into the development land and buildup land led to increasing of NPS pollution; and (iii) urban land expansion showed more important effects on total organic carbon (TOC) loading compared with nitrogen and phosphorus loadings. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study delineated spatially and temporally variable runoff generation areas in the Sand Mountain region pasture of North Alabama under natural rainfall conditions, and demonstrated that hydrologic connectivity is important for generating hillslope response when infiltration‐excess (IE) runoff mechanism dominates. Data from six rainfall events (13·7–32·3 mm) on an intensively instrumented pasture hillslope (0·12 ha) were analysed. Analysis of data from surface runoff sensors, tipping bucket rain gauge and HS‐flume demonstrated spatial and temporal variability in runoff generation areas. Results showed that the maximum runoff generation area, which contributed to runoff at the outlet of the hillslope, varied between 67 and 100%. Furthermore, because IE was the main runoff generation mechanism on the hillslope, the data showed that as the rainfall intensity changed during a rainfall event, the runoff generation areas expanded or contracted. During rainfall events with high‐intensity short‐ to medium‐duration, 4–8% of total rainfall was converted to runoff at the outlet. Rainfall events with medium‐ to low‐intensity, medium‐duration were found less likely to generate runoff at the outlet. In situ soil hydraulic conductivity (k) was measured across the hillslope, which confirmed its effect on hydrologic connectivity of runoff generation areas. Combined surface runoff sensor and k‐interpolated data clearly showed that during a rainfall event, lower k areas generate runoff first, and then, depending on rainfall intensity, runoff at the outlet is generated by hydrologically connected areas. It was concluded that in IE‐runoff‐dominated areas, rainfall intensity and k can explain hydrologic response. The study demonstrated that only connected areas of low k values generate surface runoff during high‐intensity rainfall events. Identification of these areas would serve as an important foundation for controlling nonpoint source pollutant transport, especially phosphorus. The best management practices can be developed and implemented to reduce transport of phosphorus from these hydrologically connected areas. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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