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兰州市取暖期可吸入颗粒物中单颗粒矿物组成特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究兰州市2005年冬季大气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)中单颗粒的矿物组成,用能谱扫描电镜识别和统计了兰州市区(东方红广场)和郊区(榆中县)两个采样点的单矿物颗粒。结果在市区样品中识别出方解石、伊/蒙混层、石英、斜长石、伊利石、石膏、绿泥石、高岭石、浊沸石和钾长石等21种矿物,前7种占统计总量的75%以上;郊区样品中识别出20种矿物,以方解石、石英、伊利石、绿泥石、斜长石和伊/蒙混层为主(占70%以上),与市区相比缺少钾石膏、金红石和水铝酸钙而增加了硫酸镁和磷灰石。总体来看,大气PM10中的矿物颗粒可分为粘土类、长石类、碳酸盐类、硫酸盐类、氧化物类和其他六类,以粘土类和碳酸盐类矿物为主(约占60%);冬季市区颗粒物表面的“硫化”现象较郊区严重;这些矿物颗粒主要来自地表土,人为排放和大气中二次化学反应生成的矿物的贡献较小。  相似文献   
通过室内水槽试验,观测波浪作用下土体产生的振荡现象,分析土体内孔隙水压力的变化及波浪作用后土体强度变化特征,研究了波浪荷载作用下黄河口粉土粒径粗化和“铁板砂”的形成过程。试验及讨论结果表明:在波浪作用下上层粉土体大部分时间处于液化状态;由液化土形成的振荡土层与下部土层之间形成“W”型的滑动面,振荡土层的厚度随着波浪作用时间的增加而变小;细粒物质从振荡土层中的骨架中脱离进入水体中,并在土体表层形成一层以黏粒为主的絮凝状沉积物,其厚度随波浪作用时间的增加而增加,在土体停止振荡前达到最大值;土体液化是“铁板砂”形成的必要条件,而波浪引起的液化土体振荡则使“铁板砂”的形成成为可能。  相似文献   
以修正后适用于高颗粒雷诺数的粒子非恒定运动方程为基础,将该方程无量纲化,定义了一般流场中粒子跟随性的概念,给出了粒子跟随性的数学表述。据此对典型流场中粒子的运动进行了数值计算,并定量分析了粒径、密度等参数对不同流动中示踪粒子跟随特性的影响。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIoNThemineralresourcescanbehardlyfoundontheexpo-sureornearthesurfacerecent1y.Itbecomesmoreandmoredifficulttosearchfordeep-seatedresourcesoflargeorsuper-largedeposits,orthedeeppartoftheoldmines.Traditionalmethodsinsomecasesarelesssuccessfulinthesearchformetalmineralresourceshundredsmetersbelow.ExplorationactiQnsmoreandmoredependoncomprehensivemethodsandtechniques-Geogasprospectinghasbeendevelopingasanewandnontraditionalmethodforthisquiteurgenttask.Studyofthegeogasprospectingbased…  相似文献   
Analysis of fly-ash particles in lake sediments has become increasingly important in studies of environmental pollution and lake acidification history. Most fly-ash studies have concerned black spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCP)(>5 m) produced from oil and coal combustion. This review paper provides a summary of this technique and its application, and focusses on our investigations in Sweden between 1979 and 1993. It consists of five parts: i) preparation and analysis methods, ii) historical trends in atmospheric deposition, iii) geographical surveys of atmospheric deposition, iv) sediment dating, and v) studies of sedimentation processes in lakes. Methods for preparation and analyses of SCP have been developed and applied to investigations using sediment, soil and snow samples. Stratigraphic trends of SCP concentrations in lake-sediment cores reflect the consumption history of fossil fuels. A characteristic temporal SCP pattern, with a marked concentration increase beginning after the 1940's and a peak in the early 1970's, has been recognized in most Swedish lakes and elsewhere in Europe. A survey of SCP concentrations in surface sediments of >100 lakes covering Sweden demonstrated that polluted areas in southern Sweden had >100 times higher SCP concentrations than clean areas in the north. The spatial distribution of SCP over Sweden is similar to the deposition pattern of long-range transported airborne pollutants, such as excess sulphate monitored by network stations. SCP also accumulate in soils, and soil analyses can be used for determining the integrated historical deposition of SCP at the local or regional scale. Finally, SCP have been used for indirect dating of sediment cores and as a marker to assess sediment distribution patterns within lake basins.  相似文献   
An expression for the vertical equilibrium concentration profile of heavy particles, including the effects of canopy on the eddy diffusivity as well as corrections for atmospheric stability, is proposed. This expression is validated against measurements of vertical concentration profiles of corn pollen above a corn field. The fitted theoretical profiles show that particle settling is correctly accounted for. The sensitivity to variations in the turbulent Schmidt number, settling velocity and stability corrections are explicitly characterized. The importance of independent measurements of the surface flux of pollen in future experiments is noted.  相似文献   
Individual aerosol particles collected in the Negev desert in Israel during a summer and winter campaign in 1996–1997 were analysed by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to interpret the data on the basis of particle diameter and composition. Eleven particle classes (groups) provided clues on sources and/or particle formation. The summer samples were enriched in sulphates and mineral dusts; the winter samples contained more sea salts, aged sea salts, and industrial particles. The fine size fraction below 1 m diameter was enriched in secondary particles and showed evidence of atmospheric processing. The secondary sulphate particles were mainly attributed to long-range transport. A regional conversion from calcite to calcium sulphate occurred during summer. Industrial particles originating from local pollution appeared during winter.  相似文献   
Large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models were used to study heavy particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The effects of various geostrophic winds, particle diameters, and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence were investigated. Results showed an obvious depression in the vertical dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL and major vertical stratification in the distribution of particle concentrations, relative to the passive dispersion. Stronger geostrophic winds tended to increase the dispersion of heavy particles in the lower CBL. The SGS turbulence, particularly near the surface, markedly influenced the dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL. For reference, simulations using passive particles were also conducted; these simulation results agreed well with results from previous convective tank experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   
The characterisation of aggregates, like soot, firstly requires the determination of the size distribution of the primary particles. The primary particle size of combustion generated aggregates depends upon the combustion environment and the formation conditions, such as temperature, pressure and fuel-to-air ratio, among others. Since the combustion characteristics are different in the different types of burners, the characterisation of primary particles may offer the possibility to distinguish soot from different sources. In this paper, we present the signature of the primary particles and the aggregates of soot emitted by cars using diesel or biodiesel, by domestic heating, and by aircraft exhausts, which can be considered as the major sources as derived from measurements on transmission electron micrographs. The size distributions of all aggregates types with different aerodynamic diameter were log-normal and quasi-monodisperse. The size distribution of the primary particles for soot emitted by different sources showed minor differences. However, a comparison between the diameter of the primary particles and those obtained using a standard method for carbon black revealed discrepancies. The median diameter of the primary particles was combined with the median number of primary particles in an aggregate to calculate the relative particle surface area available for adsorption. In a similar way, the relative specific surface area was determined. The surface area was measured using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (B.E.T.) nitrogen adsorption method and the relative surface area available for adsorption was calculated.  相似文献   
The photodegradation of naphthalene (NPH), chosen as a model of polynuclear aromatic pollutants, has been studied in the presence of a layer of four water-insoluble inorganic solids which can be found in the troposphere (TiO2, Fe2O3, muscovite, and a fly ash sample). Direct photolysis of NPH is negligible at >340 nm. Dark adsorption of NPH on TiO2 (mainly anatase, nonporous, 50 m2 g–1) at 293 K corresponds to a surface coverage ofca. 50% at equilibrium. Under these conditions (saturated surface), the stationary-state photocatalytic degradation reaches 0.4 molecule nm–2 h–1 (>340 nm, radiant fluxca. 22 mW cm–2). Dioxygen is required and its partial pressure in air is such that the degradation is zero order in O2. Water vapor markedly increases the rate. The other particulates have also an effect, less important than that of TiO2, however quite noticeable with respect to surface area unit for the fly ash sample which contains 3.2% Fe2O3. Apart from 1,4-naphthoquinone, which is the main intermediate product in all cases, 2-naphthol, phthalide, phthaldialdehyde, phthalic acid, acetophenone, benzaldehyde, benzoic acid are also formed on dry TiO2. Depending on their volatility, these compounds are transferred to the gas phase or remain principally adsorbed on the solid particles where they are further transformed. For instance, phthalic acid (or anhydride) and benzoic acid are generated from 1,4-naphthoquinone. Degradation mechanisms are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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