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P. MARSH  J. W. POMEROY 《水文研究》1996,10(10):1383-1400
Models of surface energy balance and snow metamorphism are utilized to predict the energy and meltwater fluxes at an Arctic site in the forest–tundra transition zone of north-western Canada. The surface energy balance during the melt period is modelled using an hourly bulk aerodynamic approach. Once a snowcover becomes patchy, advection from the bare patches to the snow-covered areas results in a large spatial variation in basin snowmelt. In order to illustrate the importance of small-scale, horizontal advection, a simple parameterization scheme using sensible heat fluxes from snow free areas was tested. This scheme estimates the maximum horizontal advection of sensible heat from the bare patches to the snow-covered areas. Calculated melt was routed through the measured snowcover in each landscape type using a variable flow path, meltwater percolation model. This allowed the determination of the spatial variability in the timing and magnitude of meltwater release for runoff. Model results indicate that the initial release of meltwater first occurred on the shallow upland tundra sites, but meltwater release did not occur until nearly two weeks later on the deep drift snowcovers. During these early periods of melt, not all meltwater is available for runoff. Instead, there is a period when some snowpacks are only partially contributing to runoff, and the spatial variation of runoff contribution corresponds to landscape type. Comparisons of melt with and without advection suggests that advection is an important process controlling the timing of basin snowmelt.  相似文献   
采用SBAS-InSAR技术对43景Sentinel-1A影像进行处理,获取延安新区(北区)地表形变信息,并运用经验正交函数对结果进行分解,得到研究区域的时间系数和空间分布。结果表明,延安新区(北区)的最大沉降速率为-56 mm/a,最大抬升速率为32 mm/a。从第1模态可以看出,挖方、填方是造成地表抬升和沉降的主要原因;第2模态则反映了工程建设不同时期对应的不同地表形变状态,即加速、减缓、平稳3个阶段。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONWiththerecentmodernizationandurbanizationofChi-na,urbanareashavegreatlyincreased, andgiantbuild-ings,especiallythosetallerthan100m,havebeendomi-nantincities,whichhave resultedinthegreatincreaseintheproportionofbuilding'sexternalsurfacetototalurbanarea.Thedifferencesofthermalpropertiesmain-lyinducedbysolarradiationbetweenbuilding'sexter-nalsurfacesareobviousfordifferentexposures,whichcaninevitablyinfluencethedistributionsofairtempera-turenearby,eventheverticaldistributionsofurb…  相似文献   
A “slip law” connects the excess velocity or “slip” of a wind-blown water surface, relative to the motion in the middle of the mixed layer, to the wind stress, the wind-wave field, and buoyancy flux. An inner layer-outer layer model of the turbulent shear flow in the mixed layer is appropriate, as for a turbulent boundary layer or Ekman layer over a solid surface, allowing, however, for turbulent kinetic energy transfer from the air-side via breaking waves, and for Stokes drift. Asymptotic matching of the velocity distributions in inner and outer portions of the mixed layer yields a slip law of logarithmic form, akin to the drag law of a turbulent boundary layer. The dominant independent variable is the ratio of water-side roughness length to mixed layer depth or turbulent Ekman depth. Convection due to surface cooling is also an important influence, reducing surface slip. Water-side roughness length is a wind-wave property, varying with wind speed similarly to air-side roughness. Slip velocity is typically 20 times water-side friction velocity or 3% of wind speed, varying within a range of about 2 to 4.5%. A linearized model of turbulent kinetic energy distribution shows much higher values near the surface than in a wall layer. Nondimensional dissipation peaks at a value of about eight, a short distance below the surface.  相似文献   
认识青藏高原东部现代表土的色度特征及其空间分布,理解其与现代气候因子之间的联系,对于高原地区黄土-古环境重建和揭示第四纪环境变化历史具有重要意义。通过对研究区表层土壤色度的详细分析,对比现代气候资料,探讨了青藏高原东部表层土壤色度的空间变化特征及其环境意义。结果表明:① 高原东部表土色度参数空间变化特征差异显著,表现为随纬度升高,土壤亮度呈先减小后增大的趋势,而红度和黄度则逐步减小;随经度的升高,黄度先增大后减小,而红度值逐步减小;红度和黄度整体随着海拔上升而呈先减小后升高的特征。这些变化特征和差异是表土色度对高原东部复杂地理环境和水热条件变化响应的结果。② 在高原的干旱-半湿润区,土壤亮度对降水的响应敏感;红度和黄度对大尺度的温度变化响应较敏感,而较冷的环境下,红度对温度响应复杂,但与降水存在一定的联系。红度/黄度比值主要指示了气候控制下的赤铁矿和针铁矿的变化和竞争,对干旱-半湿润区域的降水变化响应较为敏感。青藏高原东部现代表土色度与气候密切相关,其空间变化特征一定程度上反映了该地区现代气候因子的空间变化;另一方面由于该区地形和气候复杂多变,部分色度指标与气候关系复杂,在重建青藏高原东部黄土古环境变化历史时需要谨慎。  相似文献   
不透水面是衡量城市化程度的重要指标之一,对京津唐城市群的不透水面进行深入研究,可以量化城市群扩张过程及其影响,对该区域多城市协调发展及规划布局具有重要意义。本文结合高分辨遥感影像、生长季及落叶季的Landsat TM遥感影像和夜间灯光数据等,采用分类和回归树(Classification and rRegression Tree, CART)算法,构建了适于京津唐地区不透水面盖度提取的技术方案,获取了京津唐地区1995-2016年共5期地表不透水面盖度专题信息,并分析了地表不透水面的时空演变规律,结论为:① 适于京津唐地区不透水面盖度提取的CART算法的最佳输入变量组合为:生长季和落叶季的Landsat TM图像以及对应的夜间灯光数据;其次为生长季Landsat TM遥感图像和夜间灯光数据组合方案。利用该组合方案,ISP估算输出结果的交叉验证精度R值可以达到约0.85,可以满足地表不透水面纵向对比分析的需要。② 从地表不透水面总面积数量值来看,1995-2016年京津唐主体城市区域整体上呈增长趋势,其中2011-2016年地表不透水面积增加愈加明显;③ 从地表不透水面盖度值的高低来看,1995-2016年京津唐中、高盖度不透水面的占比都是在不断增长的,低盖度不透水面占比存在少量下降现象,且京、津、唐3城市的主体城区各阶段变化差异较大,反映出了各城市扩张具有各自不同的时空演变特征。  相似文献   
法向承力锚(Vertically Loaded Plate Anchor,VLA)是一种适用于深水的新型系泊基础,它的拖曳安装过程直接决定了其系泊定位的精度和锚体的最终承载能力。综合考虑VLA锚体、锚泊线和上部船体的运动,建立了一种新的准静力整体分析模型。模型包括不断贯入海床的锚体、锚泊线(土中反悬链段和水中悬链段)和安装船体三部分,针对确定的锚泊线长度,安装船运动张紧锚泊线进行安装的过程,计算了此过程中锚体的运动轨迹、锚泊线形态和作用在船体上的锚泊线张力矢量的变化,重点分析了不同抛链长度和海床土体的参数对安装过程控制的影响,发现链长与水深之比达到5时,接近极限贯入深度。  相似文献   
西苕溪流域不同土地类型下氮元素输移过程   总被引:60,自引:3,他引:60  
梁涛  张秀梅  章申  于兴修  王浩 《地理学报》2002,57(4):389-396
以西苕溪流域为研究对象,选择最有代表性的5种土地类型,模拟天然大暴雨,通过3次重复实验研究不同形态氮素随暴雨径流及径流沉积物的迁移过程,估算氮素在流域内不同土地利用/土地覆被条件下的损失率。研究结果表明,在相同的降雨条件下,氮素的流失速率和流失量随土地利用/土地覆被类型的不同表现出明显差异,地表径流水相总氮的流失量桑林最大,水田最小。水相不同形态的氮素流失量亦有所不同,悬浮颗粒态氮占地表径流水相总氮的70 %~90 %,水相溶解态氮的流失量以松林为最高,竹林、桑林和水田接近而且较低,不同类型的水相溶解态氮也随土地利用类型的不同表现出各自的特征。各土地类型单位面积、表层10 cm土壤氮素流失高达4.66~9.40 g·m-2,其中随径流沉积物相迁移的氮素占绝大部分(90 % 以上)。估算出的各土地利用类型总氮流失速率,地表径流水相为2.68~14.48 mg·m-2·min-1,径流沉积物相高达100.01~172.67 mg·m-2·min-1。  相似文献   
The gray crystalline hematite at Meridiani Planum first discovered by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS-TES) instrument occurs as spherules that have been interpreted as concretions. Analysis of the TES and mini-TES spectra shows that no 390 cm−1 feature is present in the characteristic martian hematite spectrum. Here, we incorporate the mid-IR optical constants of hematite into a simple Fresnel reflectance model to understand the effect of emission angle and crystal morphology on the presence or absence of the 390 cm−1 feature in an IR hematite spectrum. Based on the results we offer two models for the internal structure of the martian hematite spherules.  相似文献   
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