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基于山西省2011—2016年汛期290个自动气象站逐时降水资料,结合本地强降水预警业务规定,按照致灾风险程度将短历时强降水分为四级,并分析了各级短时强降水的时空变化特征.结果表明:短时强降水主要受地形影响,山西各级强降水的累计降水量和降水时数大值区一般沿太行山脉和吕梁山脉分布;短时强降水主要集中在7—8月,15—18...  相似文献   
Some studies suggest that creep parameters should be determined using a greater quantity of creep test data to provide more reliable prediction regarding the deformation of soft soils. This study aims to investigate the effect of loading duration on model updating. One‐dimensional consolidation data of intact Vanttila clay under different loading durations collected from the literature is used for demonstration. The Bayesian probabilistic method is used to identify all unknown parameters based on the consolidation data during the entire consolidation process, and their uncertainty can be quantified through the obtained posterior probability density functions. Additionally, the optimal models are also determined from among 9 model candidates. The analyses indicate that the optimal models can describe the creep behavior of intact soft soils under different loading durations, and the adopted method can evaluate the effect of loading duration on uncertainty in the creep analysis. The uncertainty of a specific model and its model parameters decreases as more creep data are involved in the updating process, and the updated models that use more creep data can better capture the deformation behavior of an intact sample. The proposed method can provide quantified uncertainty in the process of model updating and assist engineers to decide whether the creep test data are sufficient for the creep analysis.  相似文献   
This paper presents a 2D model of the geological structure of Thessaloniki city and results of empirical and theoretical approaches for the evaluation of site response due to complex site effects. The construction of the 2D model is based on the available geophysical and geotechnical data in terms of the most important parameters needed to model site response. The well-known subsoil structure, despite the existence of some local uncertainties, gave the possibility to correlate the geometry and the dynamic properties of the 2D model with the results of site response determined from the analysis of one event in frequency and time domains and 1D numerical modelling. The study of site response shows the effect of the lateral variations on ground motion and suggests that the contribution of locally generated surface waves to the resonant peak may be important. In this case history, the limitations of the 1D approximation to simulate ground motion under complex soil conditions in both frequency and time domains are also shown. This paper lays the ground for a companion article dealing with 2D site effects.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Hishikari epithermal gold deposit consists of the Honko-Sanjin zone and Yamada zone. On the basis of observed crosscutting relationships of veins, vein system in the Hishikari deposit was classified into the early and late veins. They differ from orientation, width, control by unconformity, the amount of displacement and structural features, but have similarity in gold grade and Au/Ag ratios. K-Ar ages are presented for the classified veins to clarify timing of fracturing and duration of mineralization.
Age determination revealed that the early veins in the Honko-Sanjin zone range from 0.86 to 1.11 Ma and that the late veins range from 0.73 to 0. 84 Ma. The economically most important mineralization in the Hishikari deposit occurred around 0.90 Ma in a very short period (about 0.05 million years).
The distribution of mineralization age in the whole Hishikari deposit, occurrences of slickensides and ground water temperatures imply that mineralization lasted longer in the southern part of the deposit. As compared the early veins with late veins, structural changes including width, strike, dip and vein characteristics occurred at around 0.85 Ma.  相似文献   
对意大利国家强震台网在2016年8月24日获得的其中部拉齐奥大区阿库莫利市发生的MW6.2地震强震动三分向记录进行处理和分析。完成原始数据基线校正、滤波等基本数据处理,回归此次地震动幅值衰减规律,发现其整体与ITA08及BA08的衰减趋势一致,但远场实际值低于预测值,不同场地条件下的衰减特性与ITA10一致,近震源幅值较大,且方向性明显;计算并回归分析几种持时,与全球经验预测方程均基本吻合;比较4个幅值较大的近震源台站的反应谱,发现其明显高于欧洲抗震设计规范中的设计反应谱。结合此次震害特点,该地区在实际建设中仍需提高抗震设防能力,以确保安全性等级。  相似文献   
以新疆哈密地区1961-2014年6个气象观测站地面气象观测资料为依据,利用线性趋势分析、相关性分析、M-K突变检验分析等方法,对哈密地区近54a四季及年平均日照时数的变化趋势、异常年份、突变检验及影响因子进行分析,得出以下结论:近54a哈密地区春季与年平均日照时数均呈上升趋势,而夏、秋、冬季变化比较平稳;年日照时数异常偏少出现在1998年,但从未出现过异常偏多年;年日照时数在1973年和2008年发生两次突变,减少、增加趋势不显著;年、春季日照时数增加与低云量的减少关系密切。  相似文献   
利用黑龙江省气候评价业务使用的71个气象台站的气温、降水和日照时数资料,对1981-2010年气候平均值和1971-2000年气候平均值进行比较。结果表明:黑龙江省大部地区年平均气温升高,冬季偏暖突出;年降水量大部地区增多,春季、夏季、冬季降水量增多,秋季减少,7月降水量增幅最大;年日照时数大部地区减少。  相似文献   
指向精度是大型射电望远镜天线具有挑战性的关键技术指标.在望远镜运行中,方位俯仰角的变化、重力以及日照等对副面撑杆的综合影响会引起望远镜的副面位姿改变从而引起指向误差的增加和天线效率的降低.基于天马65 m射电望远镜,使用位置传感器装置(PSD)法构建了副面位置偏移量测定系统,可以实时采集副面的3维位移数据,构建重力模型,将测试结果与射电法构建的现有副面模型进行对比,有较好的一致性.此外,该系统可以分析日照(引起撑腿局部温度效应)引起的副面位移情况,也可以监视风载和瞬时启停对副面位姿的影响.  相似文献   
利用中国东南沿海地区55个站点的逐时降水、日平均地面温湿场、低空气温露点差及OISST海表温度资料,对午后短时降水的极端峰值强度与湿度和地表气温的关联进行分析。结果表明,东南沿海地区午后短时降水极端峰值强度随气温的变化趋势存在明显变化,日最高气温低于29℃时,峰值强度随气温升高而上升;日最高气温高于29℃时,峰值强度随气温升高而下降。分析水汽条件作用发现,峰值强度在高温条件下随气温的升高而下降的现象与相对湿度变化有关,日最高气温较高时,相对湿度随气温的升高而大幅减小。初步分析可知,当陆地达到较高温度并进一步增温时,附近海域海表温度变化不大,使得洋面水汽含量增加较少。在陆地水汽主要来自于海洋的情况下,伴随陆地的进一步升温,地表相对湿度将减小。  相似文献   
Simple homogeneous formulations of two extreme value partial duration flood models are compared to more sophisticated compound formulations in terms of asymptotic performance of quantile estimates. The compound model formulations were developed to model flood series resulting from mixed climatological processes. It was found that only in the case of marked nonhomogeneity in the data samples did the compound formulation of the models offer significant advantages in terms of variance of quantile estimates. However, the estimates from the homogeneous model were significantly biased in the negative direction. This negative bias of quantile estimates from the simple model was even more pronounced when the more sophisticated Weibull model was used as the base.  相似文献   
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