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海洋中型浮游动物的选择性摄食对浮游植物群落的控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
海洋中型浮游动物的选择性摄食很大程度上影响着浮游植物种群的变化,控制着海洋初级生产力的节律、规模和归宿。从海洋中型浮游动物选择性摄食对有害藻华的控制、中型浮游动物的选择性摄食机制、中型浮游动物选择性摄食的研究方法和中型浮游动物的选择性摄食模型四个方面探讨了中型浮游动物选择性摄食对控制浮游植物种群演替的贡献,为进一步预测和控制有害藻华发生提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The variability of rainfall-dependent streamflow at catchment scale modulates many ecosystem processes in wet temperate forests. Runoff in small mountain catchments is characterized by a quick response to rainfall pulses which affects biogeochemical fluxes to all downstream systems. In wet-temperate climates, water erosion is the most important natural factor driving downstream soil and nutrient losses from upland ecosystems. Most hydrochemical studies have focused on water flux measurements at hourly scales, along with weekly or monthly samples for water chemistry. Here, we assessed how water and element flows from broad-leaved, evergreen forested catchments in southwestern South America, are influenced by different successional stages, quantifying runoff, sediment transport and nutrient fluxes during hourly rainfall events of different intensities. Hydrograph comparisons among different successional stages indicated that forested catchments differed in their responses to high intensity rainfall, with greater runoff in areas covered by secondary forests (SF), compared to old-growth forest cover (OG) and dense scrub vegetation (CH). Further, throughfall water was greatly nutrient enriched for all forest types. Suspended sediment loads varied between successional stages. SF catchments exported 455 kg of sediments per ha, followed by OG with 91 kg/ha and CH with 14 kg/ha, corresponding to 11 rainfall events measured from December 2013 to April 2014. Total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) concentrations in stream water also varied with rainfall intensity. In seven rainfall events sampled during the study period, CH catchments exported less nutrients (46 kg/ha TN and 7 kg/ha TP) than SF catchments (718 kg/ha TN and 107 kg/ha TP), while OG catchments exported intermediate sediment loads (201 kg/ha TN and 23 kg/ha TP). Further, we found significant effects of successional stage attributes (vegetation structure and soil physical properties) and catchment morphometry on runoff and sediment concentrations, and greater nutrients retention in OG and CH catchments. We conclude that in these southern hemisphere, broad-leaved evergreen temperate forests, hydrological processes are driven by multiple interacting phenomena, including climate, vegetation, soils, topography, and disturbance history.  相似文献   
湖北长湖水生植物多样性及群落演替   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在2011年的调查基础上,结合已有资料,研究长湖水生植物多样性、群落特征、水生植被分布现状及水生植物多样性的动态变化和群落演替规律,探讨驱动水生植物群落演替的主导因素.结果显示长湖现有水生植物95种,水生植物优势群落12个.与1985年相比,长湖水生植物无论是在优势种还是优势群落上均发生了巨大变化,从原来以沉水植物为主的优势群落逐步演替为以挺水植物+漂浮浮叶植物为优势的水生植物群落.同时水生植被分布面积急剧缩小,生物量显著下降,2011年全湖水生植被覆盖率仅为4.2%,单位面积平均生物量只有2001年的10%,全湖生物总量相比于2006年下降了88.5%.分析表明,大规模围网养殖等人为干扰活动及水体富营养化是致使长湖水生植物多样性显著下降和群落发生逆向演替的主要原因.  相似文献   
根据2002年11月在亚大湾大鹏澳进行的连续30d(每日采样一次)观测资料,运用主成分分析和多元回归分析相结合方法,分析大鹏澳非养殖区中各浮游植物优势种之间的关系及影响其生长与演替的主要理化因子.建立秋季浮游植物优势种演替模型,并与春季的大鹏澳现场调查建立的浮游植物优势种演替模型进行比较,分析生境变化(降雨)对浮游植物优势种演替过程的影响。结果表明,春,秋季浮游植物优势种发生不同的演替过程。春季浮游植物对资源的竞争较为激烈,大量降雨引起海水中营养盐浓度升高,促进并维持中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)高密度生长,待营养盐被大量消耗后,中肋骨条藻数量下降,减轻了对柔弱菱形藻(Nitzschia delicatissima)的生长压力而使其成为优势种;而秋季水温较低,浮游植物细胞数量较春季大为减少,中肋骨条藻和柔弱菱形藻对资源的竞争较为缓和,使外界环境变化成为影响优势种变化的主要原因;降雨期间虽然营养盐增加,但环境变化使浮游植物的生长受到限制,雨后柔弱菱形藻数量不能恢复,水体中高营养盐浓度促使中肋骨条藻出现生长峰值。  相似文献   
Schmidsippl剖面位于奥地利北钙质阿尔卑斯构造带内Gosau群典型地区。剖面出露的Bibereck组记录了一个海侵和沉积区海水变深过程。Bibereck 组之下是Santonian 晚期Hochmoos 组(Sandkalkbank段),主要为砂质、粉砂质灰色生物扰动构造发育的泥灰岩,含少量双壳类碎片。Hochmoos组之上为灰色泥灰岩和泥灰质灰岩。Bibereck组下部显示变深到近滨-远滨过渡带区域;向上,泥灰岩指示细粒泥质远滨沉积,水深大致50~150 m;之上出现浮游有孔虫含量超过90%的泥灰质灰岩,代表着半深海沉积环境。生物地层数据显示采样层位整体位于浮游有孔虫asymetrica elevata 带,由Globotruncanita elevata 和Dicarinellaasymetrica 的共同出现来界定。钙质超微化石Calculites obscurus、Lucianorhabdus cayeuxii、Arkhangelsk iella cymbiformis 的出现指示属于钙质超微化石带CC17b/UC12,相当于Campanian初期。地层深度剖面上,Ca/Al比值和Catot含量显示海水来源的Ca在0~5 m地层内几近于零,向上快速增加;(Fe/Al)/碳酸盐显示两个峰值,代表更还原条件,分别位于4 m和10 m位置;K/Al比值的下降被解释为更潮湿气候条件;剖面上部Ba含量的增加显示向更低原始生产条件的变化;陆源矿物在剖面7 m以下保持稳定,之上一直到剖面顶部不断下降。生物地层  相似文献   
广东湛江硇洲岛是典型的潮间带生态系统,属于热带气候,适宜底栖生物生存。底栖动物作为生态指标的一部分,可以反映出地理环境的多样性。于2011~2012年在硇洲岛潮间带五个位点进行底栖软体动物采样,以研究软体动物的季节演替变化,结果检出软体动物有4纲49科71属共104种。其中双壳纲39种,占总数的37.50%;腹足纲59种,占总数的56.73%;多板纲4种,占总数的3.85%;头足纲2种,占总数的1.92%。种类数秋季最多共61种,春季32种,夏季51种,冬季55种。各季节间共有种类数为19~33种。有8个种类为3个季节共有种,有12个种类为4个季节共有种,季节种间更替率为0.58~0.76,春秋季种间更替率最高,夏秋季种间更替率最低。优势种10种,其中1个物种为全年优势种,有2个物种为3个季节共有种。不同物种在潮间带分异明显,中潮区软体动物有58种,低潮区软体动物有44种,高潮区软体动物只有3种。调查显示各季节软体动物栖息密度变化明显,按降序排列为春季、夏季,秋季、冬季。季度Shannon-Wiener多样性指数变化范围为2.45~3.42,年均值为2.99;季度Pielou物种均匀度指数变化范围为0.53~0.66,年均值为0.58;季度Margalef物种丰富度指数变化范围为2.42~4.61,年均值为3.73; Simpson指数变化范围为0.69~0.80,年均值为0.76。调查显示各断面均受到不同程度的人为干扰,相关性分析发现栖息密度与悬浮物和总有机碳正相关(P<0.05)。优势种的转变与沿岸上升流的强弱以及养殖废水的不规则排放有关。软体动物的栖息密度与大型海藻的分布呈相反趋势,低潮区软体动物栖息密度小,与其结构和食性有关。  相似文献   
Based upon four decades of observations in the northwestern part of the Japan Sea, the seasonal and inter-annual variations of zooplankton abundance and species composition in the epipelagic layer are considered. Seasonal characteristics of the zooplankton community are described in detail for five domains that occur within this part of the Japan Sea. Inter-decadal variation was not significant, but inter-annual variation was considerable and generally opposite to water temperature changes in the upper layer. Exceptional years such as 1996 were noted when a maximum abundance of zooplankton in summer occurred along with a slowing of the seasonal pattern of succession.  相似文献   
Shen Huitao  Jiang Yue  You Wenhui 《水文研究》2012,26(11):1739-1747
Linking spatial variations of throughfall with shifting patterns during forest succession is important for understanding developmental patterns of ecosystem function. However, no such approach has been previously used for the chronosequence of evergreen broad‐leaved forests in subtropical regions. This study was conducted in a chronosequence of secondary forest succession in Tiantong National Forest Park, to determine the optimum number of collectors within certain limits of error. Throughfall was 66, 55 and 77% of gross precipitation in an early‐succession (SS), sub‐climax (SE) and climax (CE) forest, respectively. The coefficient of variations (CV) of throughfall reduced with increasing rainfall amounts. Monte Carlo resampling approach was used to find mean values and 90 and 95% confidence intervals of a variable number of collectors (n) ranging from 2 to 24. During the study period, with nine collectors at SS, five at SE and five at CE, the error in the mean individual throughfall did not exceed 10%, respectively. This error was reduced to 5% when using 16, 10 and 10 collectors at SS, SE and CE, respectively. The CVs decreased greatly with increasing sample size when the sample size was less than 16 for the three successional stages, regardless of rainfall amounts. Based on the Student's t‐value analysis of the mean individual throughfall volumes, a sample size of 16 at SS, five at SE and four at CE would be enough for throughfall estimates at an accepted error of 10% of 95% confidence level, respectively. Therefore, we concluded that the 25 of collectors used in the present study were sufficient to estimate the throughfall value at an accepted error of 10% at 90 and 95% confidence levels, even for those small rainfalls in eastern China. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The seasonal sedimentation pattern of diatom valves in Lake Holzmaar was investigated during 1995 by deploying sediment traps at three different lake depths. According to the sedimentation pattern, the major reproduction zone of diatoms was restricted to the upper 6 m of the water body. The population growth started late in April and blooms of Cyclotella cf. comensis Grun., which dominates the plankton diatoms, and Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton were collected in traps during June and September, and July, respectively. During summer, the seasonal sedimentation pattern of each taxon, as collected in the upper traps, was reflected in the concentrations in the lowest trap. However, in May and from September onwards, the community composition in the lowest trap and augmented trapping rates suggest both sediment focusing and resuspension of bottom sediments.The temperature signals as recorded by 18O values of diatom valves should, therefore, reflect integrated temperatures between 0 and 6 m depth. However, temperatures during summer and autumn are expected to be accentuated in the sedimentary record since the isotopic signal is weighted by both the number and the weight-mass of the valves. During summer, the transfer of these signals by the sedimenting diatoms retains the information pattern recorded, while in spring and autumn/winter additional influxes caused by resuspension may somewhat alter those temperature informations. The proxy signals finally stored in the sediments, may, therefore, not precisely represent the successive temperatures currently recorded during 1995 within mid-lake.  相似文献   
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