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Glacial bedform patterns and sediments deposited by the temperate and polythermal Late Devensian ice sheet in north-central Ireland record changes in the processes, location, and magnitude of subglacial meltwater throughout the last full glacial cycle (21–14 14C kyear BP). Meltwater characteristics are related directly to basal ice thermal regime and ice dynamics, including ice velocity and shifts in the location of ice centres. Therefore, reconstructed meltwater characteristics may provide insight into wider controls on dynamic ice behaviour. A range of meltwater-related features are present across north-central Ireland. These include tunnel valleys, drumlin leeside sequences, eskers, and boulder lags. Other bedforms including Rogen moraines were modified by meltwater activity along ice streams. Meltwater was stored subglacially in two contrasting regions located beneath or near ice centres in north-central Ireland. (1) The Lough Erne Basin is developed in a lowland depression occupied partly by subglacial Rogen moraine ridges which were formed around the time of the last glacial maximum. Meltwater was stored between Rogen ridge crests and released by hydraulic jacking associated with drumlinisation (16.6 14C kyear BP) and ice streaming (13.8 14C kyear BP). (2) The Lough Neagh Basin occupies a similar lowland depression and was the location of an ice sheet centre throughout the last glacial cycle. No bedforms are present beneath or immediately surrounding Lough Neagh. A larger, more continuous meltwater lake existed in the Lough Neagh depression, probably sealed by a region of cold-based ice outside lake margins. Water escaped through regional-scale tunnel valleys, particularly the Poyntzpass channel which was active during the Carlingford ice readvance (Killard Stadial, correlated with Heinrich event 1 at 14.5 14C kyear BP). Overall, reconstructed subglacial lake characteristics and drainage mechanisms are related closely to basal ice thermal regime and substrate relief (controlling lake geometry), and provide insight into controls on overall ice sheet dynamics.  相似文献   
Ascertaining the location of palaeo‐ice streams is crucial in order to produce accurate reconstructions of palaeo‐ice sheets and examine interactions with the ocean–climate system. This paper reports evidence for a major ice stream in Amundsen Gulf, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Mapping from satellite imagery (Landsat ETM+) and digital elevation models, including bathymetric data, is used to reconstruct flow‐patterns on southwestern Victoria Island and the adjacent mainland (Nunavut and Northwest Territories). Several flow‐sets indicative of ice streaming are found feeding into the marine trough and cross‐cutting relationships between these flow‐sets (and utilising previously published radiocarbon dates) reveal several phases of ice stream activity centred in Amundsen Gulf and Dolphin and Union Strait. A large erosional footprint on the continental shelf indicates that the ice stream (ca. 1000 km long and ca. 150 km wide) filled Amundsen Gulf, probably at the Last Glacial Maximum. Subsequent to this, the ice stream reorganised as the margin retreated back along the marine trough, eventually splitting into two separate low‐gradient lobes in Prince Albert Sound and Dolphin and Union Strait. The location of this major ice stream holds important implications for ice sheet–ocean interactions and specifically, the development of Arctic Ocean ice shelves and the delivery of icebergs into the western Arctic Ocean during the late Pleistocene. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Four phases of cross‐cutting tunnel valleys imaged on 3‐D seismic datasets are mapped within the Middle–Late Pleistocene succession of the central North Sea basin (Witch Ground area). In plan the tunnel valleys form complex anastomosing networks, with tributary valleys joining main valleys at high angles. The valleys have widths ranging from 250 to 2300 m, and base to shoulder relief varying between 30 and 155 m, with irregular long‐axis profiles characteristic of erosion by water driven by glaciostatic pressures. The youngest phase of tunnel valleys are smaller and have a thinner infill than the older generations. The fill of the larger valleys comprises three seismic facies, the lowermost of which has high amplitudes and is discontinuous. The middle facies consists of wedge‐shaped packages of low‐angle dipping reflectors and is overlain by a facies characterised by sub‐horizontal reflectors, which onlap the valley margins. The seismic character, and comparison with lithologies identified in other northwest European Pleistocene tunnel valleys both onshore and offshore, suggests that the lower two seismic facies are most likely sand and gravel‐dominated, while the uppermost facies consists of glaciolacustrine and marine muds. The 3‐D morphology of the valley margins combined with the geometry of the infill packages suggest that episodic discharge of subglacial meltwater was responsible for incising the valleys and depositing at least some of the infill. Proglacial glaciofluvial deposits are inferred to account for some of the fill overlying the subglacial deposits. Glaciolacustrine and marine muds filled remaining valley topography as the ice sheet retreated. The preserved valley margins are shown to be time‐transgressive erosion surfaces that record changes in geometry of the tunnel valley system as it evolved through time, implying that valleys associated with each ice‐sheet advance/retreat cycle were dynamic and probably long‐lived. Within the constraints of the existing stratigraphy the oldest tunnel valleys in the Witch Ground area of the central North Sea are most likely to be Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 (Elsterian, ca. 470 ka) in age and the youngest pre‐MIS 5e (last interglacial, ca. 120 ka). If each tunnel valley phase was formed during the retreat of a major ice sheet then four glaciations with ice coverage of the central North Sea are recorded in the pre‐Weichselian, Middle–Late Pleistocene stratigraphy. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Until now, alpine glacial meltwaters have been assumed to consist of two components, dilute quickflow and concentrated delayed flow, the mixing of which has been regarded as chemically conservative for the major dissolved ions and electrical conductivity. Dye tracing results suggest that this two-component model adequately represents the sub-glacial hydrology of the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. However, laboratory dissolution experiments in which various concentrations of glacial rock flour are placed in dilute solutions show that this rock flour is highly reactive and suggest that bulk meltwaters may acquire significant amounts of solute through rapid chemical reactions with suspended sediment which occur after mixing of the two components. This view is supported by detailed analysis of variations in the hydrochemistry of meltwaters draining from the Haut Glacier d'Arolla over three diurnal cycles during the 1989 melt season. Variations in the composition of bulk meltwaters are controlled by two main factors: dilution of the delayed flow component by quickflow, and the extent of post-mixing reactions. The latter depends on the suspended sediment concentration in bulk meltwaters and on the duration of contact between these waters and suspended sediment. Seasonal changes in the magnitude of these factors result in changes in the character and causes of diurnal variations in meltwater chemistry. In June, these variations reflect discharge-related variations in residence time within a distributed subglacial drainage system; in July, when a channelized drainage system exists beneath the lower glacier, they primarily reflect the dilution of delayed flow by quickflow; in August, when suspended sediment concentrations are particularly high, they reflect varying degrees of solute acquisition by post-mixing reactions with suspended sediment that take place in arterial channels at the glacier bed.  相似文献   
The development of large erosive subglacial forms in unconsolidated sediments is generally attributed to the eroding power of subglacial meltwater flowing under high pressure conditions. Most explanations, however, differ in the source of meltwater and the speed at which it erodes the subglacial bed. Based on the geometry of deep tunnel valleys and glacial basins in northwestern Europe, a reconstruction of subglacial hydrological conditions during the development of subglacial depressions is made. It is demonstrated that the flow of subglacial meltwater in subglacial channels under high glaciostatic pressures is only capable of eroding large volumes of sediment as long as there is imminent glaciohydrological instability. For the thick aquifers in northwestern Europe, this instability is achieved when large quantities of supraglacial meltwater are available. Furthermore, a theoretical definition is given for maximum depression depth to be reached by subglacial erosion. It is shown that this maximum depth is strongly related to average air temperatures during deglaciation and that glacier bed lowering is to be expected during any final phase of glaciations. The theoretical framework presented enables a tentative comparison between large-scale glacial morphology of different glaciations in northwestern Europe.  相似文献   
Hlöðufell is a familiar 1186 m high landmark, located about 80 km northeast of Reykjavík, and 9 km south of the Langkjökull ice-cap in south-west Iceland. This is the first detailed study of this well-exposed and easily accessible subglacial to emergent basaltic volcano. Eight coherent and eleven volcaniclastic lithofacies are described and interpreted, and its evolution subdivided into four growth stages (I–IV) on the basis of facies architecture. Vents for stages I, II, and IV lie along the same fissure zone, which trends parallel to the dominant NNE–SSW volcano-tectonic axis of the Western Volcanic Zone in this part of Iceland, but the stage III vent lies to the north, and is probably responsible for the present N–S elongation of the volcano. The basal stage (I) is dominated by subglacially erupted lava mounds and ridges, which are of 240 m maximum thickness, were fed from short fissures and locally display lava tubes. Some of the stage I lavas preserve laterally extensive flat to bulbous, steep, glassy surfaces that are interpreted to have formed by direct contact with surrounding ice, and are termed ice-contact lava confinement surfaces. These surfaces preserve several distinctive structures, such as lava shelves, pillows that have one flat surface and mini-pillow (< 10 cm across) breakouts, which are interpreted to have formed by the interplay of lava chilling and confinement against ice, ice melting and ice fracture. The ice-contact lava confinement surfaces are also associated with zones of distinctive open cavities in the lavas that range from about 1 m to several metres across. The cavities are interpreted as having arisen by lava engulfing blocks of ice, that had become trapped in a narrow zone of meltwater between the lava and the surrounding ice, and are termed ice-block meltout cavities. The same areas of the lavas also display included and sometimes clearly rotated blocks of massive to planar to cross-stratified hyaloclastite lapilli tuffs and tuff–breccias, termed hyaloclastite inclusions, which are interpreted as engulfed blocks of hyaloclastite/pillow breccia carapace and talus, or their equivalents reworked by meltwater. Some of the stage I lavas are mantled at the southern end of the mountain by up to 35 m thickness of well-bedded vitric lapilli tuffs (stage II), of phreatomagmatic origin, which were erupted from a now dissected cone, preserved in this area. The tephra was deposited dominantly by subaqueous sediment gravity flows (density currents) in an ice-bound lake (or less likely a sub-ice water vault), and was also transported to the south by sub-ice meltwater traction currents. This cone is onlapped by a subaerial pahoehoe lava-fed delta sequence, formed during stage III, and which was most likely fed from a now buried vent(s), located somewhere in the north-central part of the mountain. A 150 m rise in lake level submerged the capping lavas, and was associated with progradation of a new pahoehoe lava-fed delta sequence, produced during stage IV, and which was fed from the present summit cone vent. The water level rise and onset of stage IV eruptions were not associated with any obviously exposed phreatomagmatic deposits, but they are most likely buried beneath stage IV delta deposits. Stage IV lava-fed deltas display steep benches, which do not appear to be due to syn- or post-depositional mass wasting, but were probably generated during later erosion by ice. The possibility that they are due to shorter progradation distances than the underlying stage III deltas, due to ice-confinement or lower volumes of supplied lava is also considered.  相似文献   
A multi-proxy approach involving a study of sediment architecture, grain size, grain roundness and crushing index, petrographic and clay mineral composition, till fabric and till micromorphology was applied to infer processes of till formation and deformation under a Weichselian ice sheet at Kurzetnik, Poland. The succession consists of three superposed till units overlying outwash sediments deformed at the top. The textural characteristics of tills vary little throughout the till thickness, whereas structural appearance is diversified including massive and bedded regions. Indicators of intergranular bed deformation include overturned, attenuated folds, boudinage structures, a sediment-mixing zone, grain crushing, microstructural lineations, grain stacking and high fabric strength. Lodgement proxies are grooved intra-till surfaces, ploughing marks and consistently striated clast surfaces. Basal decoupling by pressurized meltwater is indicated by undisturbed sand stringers, sand-filled meltwater scours under pebbles and partly armoured till pellets. It is suggested that the till experienced multiple transitions between lodgement, deformation and basal decoupling. Cumulative strain was high, but the depth of (time-transgressive) deformation much lower (centimetre range) than the entire till thickness ( ca 2 m) at any point in time, consistent with the deforming bed mosaic model. Throughout most of ice overriding, porewater pressure was high, in the vicinity of glacier floatation pressure indicating that the substratum, consisting of 11 m thick sand, was unable to drain subglacial meltwater sufficiently.  相似文献   
Drumlins are subglacial bedforms streamlined in the direction of ice flow. Common in deglaciated landscapes, they have been widely studied providing rich information on their internal geology, size, shape, and spacing. In contrast with bedform investigations elsewhere in geomorphology (aeolian and fluvial dunes and ripples for example) most drumlin studies derive observations from relict, and thus static features. This has made it difficult to gain information and insights about their evolution over time, which likely hampers our understanding of the process(es) of drumlin formation. Here we take a morphological approach, studying drumlin size and spacing metrics. Unlike previous studies which have focussed on databases derived from entire ice sheet beds, we adopt a space‐for‐time substitution approach using individual drumlin flow‐sets distributed in space as proxies for different development times/periods. Framed and assisted by insights from aeolian and fluvial geomorphology, we use our metric data to explore possible scenarios of drumlin growth, evolution and interaction. We study the metrics of the size and spacing of 36 222 drumlins, distributed amongst 71 flow‐sets, left behind by the former British‐Irish Ice Sheet, and ask whether behaviour common to other bedform phenomena can be derived through statistical analysis. Through characterizing and analysing the shape of the probability distribution functions of size and spacing metrics for each flow‐set we argue that drumlins grow, and potentially migrate, as they evolve leading to pattern coarsening. Furthermore, our findings add support to the notion that no upper limit to drumlin size exists, and to the idea that perpetual coarsening could occur if given sufficient time. We propose that the framework of process and patterning commonly applied to non‐glacial bedforms is potentially powerful for understanding drumlin formation and for deciphering glacial landscapes. © 2017 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
This briefing describes the first deployment of a new electronic tracer (E‐tracer) for obtaining along‐flowpath measurements in subsurface hydrological systems. These low‐cost, wireless sensor platforms were deployed into moulins on the Greenland Ice Sheet. After descending into the moulin, the tracers travelled through the subglacial drainage system before emerging at the glacier portal. They are capable of collecting along‐flowpath data from the point of injection until detection. The E‐tracers emit a radio frequency signal, which enables sensor identification, location and recovery from the proglacial plain. The second generation of prototype E‐tracers recorded water pressure, but the robust sensor design provides a versatile platform for measuring a range of parameters, including temperature and electrical conductivity, in hydrological environments that are challenging to monitor using tethered sensors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The hydrochemistry of naled and upwelling water sampled from the forefields of Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard, during spring are used for the first time to infer the hydrology of overwinter meltwaters at a polythermal‐based glacier. Hydrochemical variations in naled are explained in terms of different water sources and their chemical alteration during freezing. Two water sources to naled are identified: surficially routed snowmelt and subglacial water. Naled that results from the freezing of the former is enriched in atmospherically derived ions such as Na+ and Cl, and is believed to be formed during winter warm periods. Naled of subglacial origin contains relatively high proportions of crustally derived solute. It reflects the freezing of subglacial meltwaters that continue to issue from a subterranean upwellling during winter. An increasing dominance of SO2−4 Mg2+, Na+ and Cl in subglacial naled with increasing distance from the upwelling reflects the progressive freezing of this water body and the associated removal of Ca2+ and HCO by calcite precipitation. These spatial trends are accentuated by the leaching of soluble ions from the naled close to its source by subsequent upwelling waters. The chemistry of spring upwelling waters, also of subglacial origin, strongly reflects this process. Meltwater produced by geothermal heating of glacier basal ice is believed to be the principal source of water to the subglacial drainage system during winter. Solute acquisition by this meltwater is limited by a scarcity of proton suppliers. Evolution of this dilute meltwater carries an imprint of ion exchange processes. Some stored subglacial water from the end of the previous ablation season may supplement the basal meltwater component in early winter. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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