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A differential equation is formulated for the dynamic response of ground medium by using a simplified ground model. Applying Galerkin's procedure for weighted residual, this equation leads to a governing equation only at the ground surface. The equation indicates that the ground surface behavior can be computed even further by a simplified model. By solving the governing equation for the boundary conditions along the surface, expressions in simple closed forms are developed for the dynamic response analysis of a massless rigid foundation that rests on the ground surface. Despite their significant simplicity, the developed expressions compute the values very close to those computed by far more complex rigorous solutions. They are found to be capable of capturing the important characteristics of the dynamic ground behavior well.  相似文献   
现浇混凝土薄壁管桩复合地基桩土应力比影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
刘汉龙  张波 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2077-2080
桩土应力比是复合地基设计计算中一个重要参数。基于盐―通高速公路单桩复合地基静载试验,通过有限元模拟,研究了褥垫层模量和厚度、桩体模量、桩长、基础刚度等影响因素对现浇混凝土薄壁管桩复合地基桩土应力比的影响。结果表明所建立的模型是合理的。褥垫层模量增大或厚度减小导致桩土应力比增大,桩体模量、桩长和基础刚度的增加可使桩土应力比增加。  相似文献   
深基坑嵌岩地下连续墙隔渗效果分析与评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐杨青  刘国锋  盛永清 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2905-2910
嵌岩地下连续墙上渗漏点位置、大小等的不确定性,使数值模拟预报该状况下基坑内降水后地下水的流场十分困难。结合对武汉地铁2号线循礼门地铁车站嵌岩地下连续墙的实际隔渗效果分析,在数值模拟计算时提出了“纵向平移集中法”处置防渗墙渗漏点的方法;采用该方法的三维数值计算结果与实测结果基本吻合,证明该处置方法可用于模拟及预报存在渗漏的防渗墙内基坑降水的地下水流场变化过程,为解决该工况下渗流场的模拟计算问题提供一种途径;同时还分析、探讨了嵌岩地下连续墙的实际隔渗效果。该工程实例中的分析方法对同类工程具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
靳平  潘常洲 《地震学报》2002,24(6):617-626
介绍一种新的适合于地方遥测台网数据处理的方法,估算远震信号到达台站的方位角和慢度.该方法是根据信号在各台站上的到时与台站位置矢量在信号传播方向上的投影之间的相关性的原理.实际分析结果表明,应用该方法对地方台网的记录进行处理时可以准确地计算出信号的方位角和慢度,并能准确快捷地对地方台网记录的远震信号进行解释.  相似文献   
A simplified analytical method is presented for the vertical dynamic analysis of a rigid, massive, cylindrical foundation embedded in a poroelastic soil layer. The foundation is subjected to a time‐harmonic vertical loading and is perfectly bonded to the surrounding soil in the vertical direction. The soil underlying the foundation base is represented by a single‐layered poroelastic soil based on rigid bedrock while the soil at the side of the foundation is modeled as an independent poroelastic layer composed of a series of infinitesimally thin layers. The behavior of the soil is governed by Biot's poroelastodynamic theory and its governing equations are solved by the use of Hankel integral transform. The contact surface between the foundation base and the soil is smooth and fully permeable. The dynamic interaction problem is solved following standard numerical procedures. The accuracy of the present solution is verified by comparisons with the well‐known solutions obtained from other approaches for both the elastodynamic interaction problem and poroelastodynamic interaction problem. Numerical results for the vertical dynamic impedance and response factor of the foundation are presented to demonstrate the influence of nondimensional frequency of excitation, soil layer thickness, poroelastic material parameters, depth ratio and mass ratio on the dynamic response of a rigid foundation embedded in a poroelastic soil layer. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Monte Carlo模拟法与基坑变形的可靠度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨林德  徐超 《岩土力学》1999,20(1):15-18
将Monte Carlo模拟法与有限元技术结合,对基坑变形的稳定怀进行了可靠度分析,并通过重构响应面来提高Monte Carlo模拟法的计算效率,研究表明该方法可行,计算结果较符合实际。  相似文献   
大跨径斜拉桥结构刚度小、变形大,为保证主梁顺利合龙,施工过程必须快速精确定位主梁上各个节段的平面和竖向线形。区别于传统的极坐标主梁平面线形测控方法,本文提出采用全站仪自由设站法测控主梁平面线形;同时区别于传统的水准测量方法,提出采用全站仪间接高差传递的方法测控主梁竖向线形。介绍了两种新方法的测量原理,通过工程实例论证了新方法的可行性和实用性,且能够大幅度提高测控效率,可为其他大跨径桥梁主梁线形的测控提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
秦年秀  姜彤  原峰 《湖泊科学》2003,15(Z1):138-146
利用M-K相关分析方法和大通站1950-2000年逐月径流资料,研究了长江下游干流径流的趋势变化.研究结果表明:1950s以来长江下游径流量呈增加趋势,1990s平均径流量(30415.3 m3/s)比所有其他年代平均径流都大,为近50a以来的最大值;就季节和月份而言,秋季径流明显减少;夏、冬两季径流量,增加的趋势明显,尤以冬季枯水季节径流增加最为突出.洪水、枯水季节径流增加明显,但以枯水季节径流增加占优势.冬季枯水径流的增加,可能在一定程度上能够缓解长江口生态环境的巨大压力.1990s径流量的增加与全球变暖、水循环加快、长江流域降水量增加密切相关.  相似文献   
朱剑锋  陈昌富  徐日庆 《岩土力学》2010,31(7):2336-2341
针对基坑工程中岩土参数存在随机性和变异性的特点,基于响应面重构法、遗传算法和禁忌搜索方法研究了土钉墙边坡可靠性分析方法。考虑土钉的加固作用,建立了适用于土钉墙边坡任意形状滑面安全系数计算的改进Morgenstern-Price法。基于响应面原理,将改进Morgenstern-Price法取代传统响应面法中的有限单元法来随机抽样构造响应面函数,建立了一种近似的土钉墙边坡可靠度计算方法。以土体的抗剪强度指标 、 为随机变量,提出了一种能同时确定土钉墙边坡最小可靠度指标 及相应最危险滑面的全局优化计算方法--土钉墙可靠性分析自适应禁忌搜索遗传算法(ATSGA)。结合算例,分别以土钉墙边坡的最小可靠度指标和最小中值安全系数为目标函数,采用ATSGA法搜索其相应的最危险滑动面,结果表明,二者相差较大。  相似文献   
在进行基坑支护设计时,现行规范采用朗肯土压力理论计算基坑支护结构土压力。这种设计计算方法是基于饱和土力学理论的,误差较大。依据非饱和土力学理论,对基坑非饱和土体主动土压力及被动土压力计算公式进行了推导。在此基础上,以实际工程为例,就基质吸力及施工季节对基坑支护结构土压力的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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