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1. THE GEOGRAPHICAL ENVIRONMENT AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF THEPROJECTIn the western part of Sichuan Basin, between the Longmen Mountain in the west and theLongquan Mountain in the southeast, lies an alluvial plain of 6500 kmZ formed by the Minjiang Riversystem known as the Chengdu Plain. With its mild climate (average annual temperature 16' 4 C ),fertile soils, rich water resources, and the densely interconnected system of Minjiang and TuojiangRivers, Chengdu …  相似文献   
This study proposes an improved tunnel model for evaluating train-induced dynamic stress in saturated soils, which can consider multiple moving loads, grouting layer and pore-water pressure. Using Shanghai Metro’s actual parameters for train speed, tunnel, grouting layer and soils, the analysis of the spatial distribution of dynamic stress for soils and stress state of various locations under moving train loads shows that neglecting effects such as pore-water pressure can lead to underestimating dynamic normal stress and overestimating dynamic shear stress in the soils below tunnel. This model can be further extended to investigate principal stress axes rotations and tunnel settlement.  相似文献   
The long-term settlement of a subway tunnel, especially the differential settlement affects the safe operation of the subway. In this article, the settlement of a subway tunnel was studied from the theoretical and numerical analyses based on the monitoring data. According to the monitoring data, the deformation of segments at different locations is different, and the deformation around a channel is larger than other places. The settlements of tunnel calculated by two theoretical methods are consistent with that obtained in the centrifuge model test. The numerical simulation indicates that the vertical displacement is much bigger than the horizontal displacement.  相似文献   
针对综合管廊环境监测需求,本文运用物联网、地理信息系统等技术,研究地下综合管廊环境监测系统,实现管廊环境监测和预警。该研究可为保证综合管廊的正常运行和提高突发事件的处理能力提供借鉴。  相似文献   
为了诊断运营中隧道病害的程度,需要对隧道衬砌作出系统评价.本文结合工程实际,阐述了采用地质雷达对隧道衬砌进行检测的原理及方法,采取提高检测效果的方法和技术措施,并通过典型雷达图像分析了衬砌结构完整性和衬砌厚度识别判定特征,取得了较好的检测效果,为隧道整体健康诊断提供依据.  相似文献   
针对龙溪隧道在施工过程中常出现软弱围岩变形现象,选取其左线LK22 083~LK22 153段为试验段:采用H20型钢施作初期支护.对锚杆轴力、围岩压力和钢拱架应变开展监控量测工作,验证H20型钢支护是否合理.在试验段范围内选取三个监测断面,对应里程桩号:LK22 084、LK22 100和LK22 125;每个断面在拱顶、两侧拱腰和边墙5个测点埋设监测仪器,每个测点处的锚杆计、土压力计和钢拱架应变计埋设在同一点,便于在数据分析时相互补充说明;通过实测数据分析,结合施工实践,综合表明H20型钢支护是合理的,确保了隧道施工顺利快速通过F8断层.  相似文献   
凌子口隧道围岩稳定性分析评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据勘察资料对位于云南省昭通市北东约30km处凌子口隧道围岩的稳定性进行分析评价。隧道所处区域为滇东北拗褶带中心峡谷区,工程地质条件复杂,岩层分别为砂岩、白云岩、泥灰岩及钙质泥岩,岩体结构面主要为构造结构面,不良物理地质现象主要为进洞口附近残坡积层中发育的三个小滑坡。对隧道围岩计算得出各类岩体强度应力比均大于6,该隧道围岩能够承受围岩应力的作用,不会产生过大的整体塑性变形,剪切及弯折等变形破坏。但围岩中分离块体存在散块状松动坍塌的可能。本文根据分类评价结论及有关参数,提出了一次支护型式建议。  相似文献   
Bing Sun 《寒旱区科学》2010,2(5):0405-0410
Based on the similarity theory, taking the horseshoe, city-gate and round linings as examples, the value and distribution regularities of normal frost heaving pressures (hereinafter as frost heaving pressures) in tunnels excavated in fractured rock mass in cold regions under different constraints and freezing depths were studied by a test model. It was found that the larger the frozen depth, the larger the frost heaving pressure, and the stronger the top constraint, the larger the frost heaving pressure. For the horseshoe lining and city-gate lining, the top constraint has a greater effect on the frost heaving pressures on the arch and the inverted arch. For the round lining, the influences of the top constraint on the frost heaving pressure in all linings are almost the same. The frost heaving pressure is maximum on the city-gate lining and minimal on the round lining. The largest frost heaving pressure all occur near the foot of the inverted arch for the three kinds of lining. Thus, the test data basically coincide with the observed in situ data.  相似文献   
三峡水库引水工程秦巴段工程地质条件研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在系统调查研究三峡引水工程秦—巴段区域地壳稳定性、活动断裂、工程地质条件和重大工程地质问题的基础上,根据三峡引水工程秦巴地区的工程地质条件及其差异性,初步将其分为六个工程地质区段,即:Ⅰ—四川盆地沉积岩区、Ⅱ—大巴山南麓弧形断褶区、Ⅲ—大巴山断裂较密集的岩溶发育区、Ⅳ—南秦岭断裂较少发育的中轻变质岩区、Ⅴ—秦岭造山带断裂密集发育的高变质岩区、Ⅵ—渭河盆地第四系堆积区。总体评价:Ⅰ和Ⅵ段工程地质条件较好,Ⅲ和Ⅴ段条件较差,重大工程地质问题较多。其中,主要的工程地质问题是岩爆、大变形和突水,特别是秦岭主峰附近可能发生强岩爆、大巴山区可能引发大规模岩溶突水值得高度重视。从区域地质环境、地壳稳定性、线路工程地质条件和主要工程地质问题等因素综合分析3条比选线路的差异,初步认为秦巴段三条输水线路以中线相对较好。  相似文献   
大跨扁平连拱隧道由于其开挖跨度大和断面扁平等特点,施工过程中围岩与结构的受力、变形同四车道连拱隧道或分离式隧道存在较大的差异,相应地影响到二次衬砌的最佳支护时机。以某六车道连拱隧道为依托工程,探讨了以隧道位移释放比为基本指标的支护时机确定方法,并通过对围岩位移与不同支护时机条件下二次衬砌内力的现场测试与综合分析,依据“支护抗力最小”的原则,提出了大跨扁平连拱隧道二次衬砌最佳施作时机。  相似文献   
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