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虾池浮游微藻的种类组成、数量和多样性变动   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
报道了在集约化养虾中应用有益微生物制剂对虾池浮游微藻的影响,分析了整个养虾周期浮游微藻的种类组成、生物量、优势种及多样性指数的周期变化情况。结果表明,早期虾池浮游微藻细胞数量维持在1×103~3×103mL-1的水平,养殖中期开始呈指数增长状态,后期达到顶峰,并维持在70×103~160×103mL-1的水平,生物量比自然海区高。优势种类明显,前期为中肋骨条藻和伏氏海毛藻等硅藻类,后期则为绿球藻和栅列藻等绿藻类,水色及藻相呈良好状态,而不施加芽孢杆菌制剂的对照池则在后期出现较大比例的有害的蓝藻。虾池藻类多样性指数、均匀度指数和种类丰度均呈现前期高后期低的趋势,而优势度指数则相反,呈现前期低后期高的趋势。浮游植物的多样性指数为0.60~3.80,平均为1.88,均匀度指数为0.14~0.83,平均为0.45;种类丰度为0.80~2.46,平均为1.38;优势度指数在0.17~0.85,平均为0.41。多样性指数和均匀度均比粤东海域低,但优势度则甚高。  相似文献   
罗源湾口柱状沉积物中的甲藻孢囊   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过时福建罗源湾口海域KMZK5柱状沉积物中甲藻孢囊的分析,共鉴定出15属30种甲藻孢囊,对比发现这30种甲藻孢囊是该湾以前未被记录的种类.其中12种是附近海域也未曾发现的种类,6种为有毒种类:缘亚历山大藻、小型亚历山大藻、塔玛亚历山大藻、具剌膝沟藻、链状裸甲藻、锥状斯氏藻,同时对甲藻孢囊的主要属种和有毒种类的丰度、分布在垂直方向上的变化特征进行了初步研究。  相似文献   
Populations of two ornamental exotic species, Kalanchoe daigremontiana and Stapelia gigantea, have been recently detected inside a protected area containing arid ecosystems in Venezuela. We indirectly tested their invasive potential by characterizing their reproductive biology and recruitment patterns and comparing our estimates against Baker's Law and reproductive profiles reported for invasive plants. K. daigremontiana is autogamous, produces >16,000 seeds per plant and also reproduces clonally. Despite low seed viability (17.9%) and germination rates (11.9%), seeds were present in the seed bank. Plantlets of asexual origin showed high survival (75–100%) compared to seedlings of sexual origin (10%). S. gigantea is self-incompatible, xenogamous and produces close to 1500 seeds per m2 of plant tissue. Seed viability (77%) and germination rates (62%) were high, but this species is not represented in the seed bank. It has a vegetative growth. A combination of reproductive and recruitment attributes, which match those considered in Baker's Law and others reported for invasive plants, confer K. daigremontiana and S. gigantea the potential to invade Neotropical arid zones; the former mainly through selfing and production of numerous asexual plantlets, and the latter through an association with a locally abundant pollinator and production of wind dispersed seeds.  相似文献   
在系统梳理2018年度全球发现并经国际矿物学协会(IMA)新矿物与矿物分类命名专业委员会(CNMNC)批准的128个新矿物种资料的基础上,从矿物名称、晶体化学式、晶系和空间群、晶胞参数、主要粉晶数据、物理性质、光学性质、产地与产状、与其他矿物种的关系、矿物名称来源、化学反应和光谱学特征等方面归纳总结了这些新矿物的重要矿物学特征。并按照中国新矿物及矿物命名专业委员会颁布的《矿物种汉名审订条例》,对128个新矿物种的中文名称进行了审订。通过适时公布国际新矿物工作的新进展和新成果,并逐步完善和规范矿物种中文译名体系,为我国新矿物的发现和研究提供有科学价值的参考和借鉴,并不断推动矿物种中文译名规范化与标准化的进程。  相似文献   
如何对濒危物种进行评估与拯救?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢平 《湖泊科学》2020,32(2):281-293
物种的灭绝本是一个自然过程,但人类的繁荣使数以百万计的生物物种的栖息地被蚕食,很多物种以惊人的速度灭绝了(如长江中的白鱀豚和白鲟)或正在绝灭之中(中华鲟),但却未伴随新物种的自然产生世界自然保护联盟虽然确定了物种濒危的等级标准,但定量划分标准的象征意义大于实际意义,因为不可能所有生物物种都能通过同一种种群动态模式去预测它们未来的命运关于物种的濒危机制,人们提出了许多基于种群数量变动的理论概念(如最小生存种群、有效种群大小、种群瓶颈、奠基者效应、"阿利"效应、灭绝漩涡等),但可操作性不强,对保护生物学的实际指导意义不大本文提出了物种生存状态转化的概念模型,物种生存状态主要取决于物种对外在环境的综合生存适合度f(s)和灭绝风险R,受到①物种生存空间的完整性、②生态过程的适宜性、③食物的可得性、④对人为致死或自然灾害的抵抗力等的影响f(s)由物种对若干决定性生存因子s1、s2、s3…的适合度之乘积所决定:f(s)=f(s1)f(s2)f(s3)……,f(s)取值0~1,1表示最大的适合度(理想生存状态),0表示彻底丧失了适合度,因此,任何一个决定性生存因子的趋零,都会导致该物种的灭绝(木桶效应)物种的生存状态指数H(f,R)由f(s)和R联合决定可用f(s)来评估与预测物种的灭绝风险(譬如,可区分为3~4个风险等级),突变临界点之前的动态过程可作为物种濒危的早期预警信号,物种拯救临界点可作为保护性干预的最低目标当然,这里只是提出了一个概念模型,各个决定性生存因子的适合度函数f(s)有待确定,并需要以真实的物种为对象进行验证.  相似文献   
首次报道了闽东海域分布的3种石珊瑚,分别为造礁石珊瑚陀螺珊瑚(Turbinaria sp.)、非造礁石珊瑚猩红筒星珊瑚(Tubastrea coccinea Lesson)和1个珊瑚待定种,其中陀螺珊瑚和1个珊瑚待定种为中国新记录.珊瑚分布面积约3.24km2,主要呈零星斑块状分布在岛礁周围水深2—25m近岸岩礁区.2012年5~8月对闽东台山列岛和星仔列岛4km2范围内的55个岛礁近岸海域进行4个航次的调查表明,珊瑚的分布总体上南部的台山列岛海域分布数量多于北部的星仔列岛,海岛东部海域略多于西部.研究认为,闽东海域发现陀螺珊瑚说明其分布主要受台湾暖流的影响,揭示我国大陆沿岸造礁石珊瑚分布北缘可能扩展到台山列岛和星仔列岛.  相似文献   
This study compared seasonal growth, development and reproduction of the invasive brown macroalga Sargassum muticum in habitats with different wave exposure on the Irish west coast. Three field sites with different degrees of wave exposure were chosen for monthly observations to reflect different habitats that were characteristic of the Irish west coast. Growth and receptacle development differed considerably between sites. Growth and receptacle development was lower at the most sheltered site. Here, S. muticum showed signs of early fragmentation in April/May during the two years of investigation (2007 and 2008), whilst the population at an exposed site developed normally and plants grew to a maximum average length of 163 cm by July, with the onset of fragmentation in August. Sargassum muticum in a tide pool exhibited a similar seasonal growth cycle as plants at the exposed open shore site. Overall growth however was stunted, with plants reaching a maximum length of only 30–40 cm in July. Receptacle development was also inhibited at the sheltered site, with a maximum of only 10% of plants found to be fertile during spring and summer 2008, while plants at the exposed site and the tide pool exhibited 100% plant fertility by August. An extensive occurrence of the native epiphyte Pylaiella littoralis on S. muticum was noticed during field sampling at the sheltered study site which may have contributed to inhibited development of S. muticum observed in this area.  相似文献   
海草床是滨海三大典型生态系统之一,具有极其重要的环境改善、资源养护和减灾防灾等生态功能,亦是全球重要的碳库。2016年8月,通过对荣成马山里海域的现场调查,发现了面积为58.26 hm2的海草床,其海草的种类为红纤维虾形草(Phyllospadix iwatensis)和丛生鳗草(Zostera caespitosa)。红纤维虾形草分布面积为54.50 hm2,占该海域海草床总面积的93.5%,分为北部和南部2个带状区域,平均茎枝密度为(368.0±18.2)shoots/m2,平均生物量(干重,下同)为(297.0±41.5)g/m2。丛生鳗草分布面积为3.76 hm2,占海草床总面积的6.5%,呈现斑块状分布,与红纤维虾形草交错而生,平均茎枝密度为(691.2±17.1)shoots/m2,平均生物量为(534.0±70.7)g/m2。马山里海域海草床主要分布在平均水深为(2.8±0.3) m的以岩礁为主的底质上。海草的生长状况存在显著的空间差异,与水温呈现显著的正相关,与水深和陆源污染物存在显著的负相关。结合历史资料,发现该海域海草床退化现象较严重,其主要威胁因素是人为干扰,主要包括渔业生产、养殖活动和陆源污染输入。建议合理规划周边海域的养殖规模和密度、加强陆源污染物管控和开展海草床生态修复工程,以期为温带海草床的有效保护和科学管理提供参考。  相似文献   
Suspended particles (SP) are increasing dramatically in Bohai Bay, China and may affect the growth and composition of phytoplankton assembly. To determine the effects of SP on the growth of two dominant phytoplankton species, Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin and Gymnodinium sp., we cultured and tested their growth characteristics under SP concentrations ranging from 0 g L−1 to 0.8 g L−1. Our results show that the increase in the SP concentrations results in significant decrease in the maximum cell densities and the maximum specific growth rates of these two species. The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of SP to P. tricornutum and Gymnodinium sp. were 1.07 g L−1 and 0.68 g L−1 respectively, indicating the inhibitory effect of SP on Gymnodinium sp. was greater than on P. tricornutum. These results suggest that SP inhibits the growth of the two algal species and P. tricornutum is more tolerant to SP than Gymnodinium sp.  相似文献   
根据1987年1月17日~2月2日我国第三次南极考察期间,在南设得兰群岛邻近海域所获28个测站的甲藻样品,分析研究了微小型浮游甲藻的种类组成、数量分布和群落结构特征。经鉴定共有11属47种甲藻,其中以圆甲藻属(Gyrodinium spp.)、裸甲藻属Gymnodinium spp.)和原多甲藻属(Protoperidinium spp.)为主。网样甲藻平均丰度为(6.47×10~3个/m~3;水样甲藻平均丰度达2511.43×10~3个/m~3。微小型浮游甲藻的组成具有鲜明的南极海区的地方特点,大部分种是南极地区特有种,适宜在南极高寒海域大量繁殖;部分种为南极沿岸种或南极—亚南极冷水种;还有一部分为南极寒海域冷水种或分布较广的寒温带种;仅个别为广温广布种;南极海域出现的甲藻类分别代表着南极海域生物地理学和海洋生态学的特点。  相似文献   
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