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三峡水库周期性蓄水显著改变了消落区植物群落组成及多样性,植物群落的演变过程能反映和影响整个消落区生态系统的变化,但目前还缺乏长期连续的观测数据记录,因而本研究基于2009—2021年6月的固定样方长时间序列监测数据和优势植物叶片功能性状数据,分析了消落区3个高程(145~155、155~165和165~175m)区域植物群落多样性和优势植物重要值的变化趋势,通过冗余分析和蒙特卡罗检验揭示了水库运行特征参数和气象因子对消落区植物特征的影响。研究发现:1)消落区3个高程区域,优势植物差异明显,145~155和155~165 m区域以狗牙根、香附子和苍耳等为主,165~175 m区域以狗牙根、野胡萝卜和鬼针草等为主。145~155 m区域植物群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(1.47±0.47)和Pielou均匀度指数(0.67±0.07)显著低于165~175 m区域。2)2009—2021年期间,高程145~155和155~165 m区域Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数呈波动下降趋势,优势植物狗牙根和香附子的重要值呈增加趋势。3) RDA分析表明,...  相似文献   
The storage capacity of a temperate mixed oak–beech stand was investigated as a function of stand density and species composition. Measurements were performed in selected zones delimited by three neighbouring trees. Three independent approaches were compared: (i) a spraying laboratory experiment to estimate the water storage on foliage before and after dripping; (ii) a mechanistic model describing rainfall partitioning within the forest canopy and providing estimates of foliage storage capacities; and (iii) linear regression analyses to evaluate the canopy (foliage + branches) storage capacity using the relationship between throughfall and rainfall. Good agreement was generally observed between the laboratory experiment and the mechanistic model estimates, while estimations from the regression method tended to exceed those from the other approaches. Storage capacity estimates ranged from 0·22 mm to 0·80 mm for pure oak zones, from 0·24 mm to 1·12 mm for mixed zones and from 0·53 mm to 1·17 mm for pure beech zones. The increase of storage capacity with increasing proportion of beech in the canopy resulted from higher beech LAI compared with oak. Similarly, for mixed and pure beech canopies, storage capacity was higher for high density zones than for low density zones as a result of the increase in LAI with increasing local basal area; in contrast, for pure oak, the storage capacity was not related to basal area because of the lower shade‐tolerance of this species compared with beech. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A micropaleontologic assemblage zone is defined by occurrence of some characteristic species among many coeval species. When number of assemblage-defining species and total number of species observed are designated as Aand N,respectively, the ratio, A/N,is strongly dependent on duration of the assemblage. Theoretical consideration on the basis of a micropaleontologic cohort model shows that, when origination rate and extinction rate of species are obtained, the most reasonable ratio (A/N) and duration of the assemblage can be determined. The probabilistic model described in this paper provides a theoretical relation between the ratio and the duration. Inaccuracy in correlating micropaleontologic data to certain assemblage zones established can not be avoided because of many natural sorting and artificial biases. Ambiguity arising when data with a small number of characteristic species are correlated with a certain assemblage is numerically estimated.  相似文献   
塔里木河下游物种多样性与地下水位灰色关联分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据植被样地资料和地下水埋深观测资料, 运用灰色关联法对物种多样性与地下水埋深的关系进行了分析. 结果表明: 在塔里木河下游, 物种多样性与地下水埋深变化关系密切, Shannon-Weiner指数、 Simpson指数、 Margalef指数、 Menhinick指数、 JSW指数和JSI指数与地下水埋深之间的灰色综合关联度都在0.70以上, 其中物种多样性指数Simpson指数与地下水埋深变化的灰色综合关联度最高, 为0.866, 其关联度数值体现了地下水埋深对物种多样性变化的主导性.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to reconstruct light extinction coefficients (b ext ) according to chemical composition components of particulate matter up to 2.5 μm in size (PM 2.5 ). PM 2.5 samples were collected at the monitoring station of the South China of Institute of Environmental Science (SCIES, Guangzhou, China) during January 2010, and the online absorbing and scattering coefficients were obtained using an aethalometer and a nephelometer. The measured values of light absorption coefficient by particle (b ap ) and light scattering coefficient by particle (b sp ) significantly correlated (R 2 > 0.95) with values of b ap and b sp that were reconstructed using the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) formula when RH was <70%. The measured b ext had a good correlation (R 2 > 0.83) with the calculated b ext under ambient RH conditions. The result of source apportionment of b ext showed that ammonium sulfate [(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ] was the largest contributor (35.0%) to b ext , followed by ammonium nitrate (NH 4 NO 3 , 22.9%), organic matter (16.1%), elemental carbon (11.8%), sea salt (4.7%), and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 , 9.6%). To improve visibility in Guangzhou, the effective control of secondary particles like sulfates, nitrates, and ammonia should be given more attention in urban environmental management.  相似文献   
Zosterophyllum(工蕨属)是早期陆生植物的代表性类群之一,全球广泛分布。Z.australianum(澳大利亚工蕨)产自华南和澳大利亚,是东北冈瓦纳古植物地理区系的典型分子。文中描述了产自贵州都匀包阳剖面蟒山群中的Z.australianum新材料。该标本的孢子囊具短柄,呈椭圆形或扇形,宽2.6~4.1 mm,高可达3.9 mm,加厚带宽约0.6 mm,紧密螺旋排列形成孢子囊穗,与云南文山早泥盆世坡松冲植物群中的Z. australiaunum极为相似。依据目前对Z. australianum时代延限的认识,并结合蟒山群其他植物属种的发现(如Adoketophyton subverticillatum),推断该群下段的时代为早泥盆世布拉格期。Z. australianum在蟒山群中的发现,扩展了该植物的地理分布范围,反映出蟒山群中的植物组合与坡松冲植物群存在一定联系。  相似文献   
2016年11月至2020年7月在南海海域采集管眼鱼6尾,经形态特征鉴定为月鱼目、鞭尾鱼科、鞭尾鱼属(Stylephorus)、鞭尾鱼(Stylephorus chordates)。鞭尾鱼主要鉴别特征为:体长,侧扁。眼大,呈望远镜状,朝前或朝上。吻小,管状,口有特别大的伸缩能力。背鳍从颈背部延伸至尾鳍基部。尾鳍分明显的上叶和下叶,下叶2鳍条极度延长。鞭尾鱼在南海海域的发现是该科、该属、该种鱼类在中国海域的首次纪录。  相似文献   
The ichthyofauna of the intermittently open Shellharbour Lagoon in southeastern Australia was sampled over 14 months to investigate factors influencing species composition. Zostera capricorni and bare sand habitats were sampled every two months with a fine-mesh seine. Of the 10 277 fish caught representing 19 families and 27 species, the most numerically dominant species were Pseudogobius olorum and Pseudomugil signifer. The most abundant economically important species were Acanthopagrus australis, Mugil cephalus and Myxus elongatus. Mean number of fish and species was significantly higher over Zostera than bare sand during months immediately after the estuary opened when juvenile marine fishes recruited, demonstrating the estuary's nursery function. In contrast to other intermittently open estuaries in Australia and South Africa, Shellharbour Lagoon's fish assemblage appears resilient to perturbation and does not undergo distinct seasonal variations. This may be a result of the estuary's short open phases providing less opportunity for marine fishes to enter. Perhaps more importantly, the less dramatic fluctuations in salinity between open and closed phases maintains salinity at a level intermediate of the tolerances of both marine and estuarine fishes.  相似文献   
依据树种的最大直径、干形、枝下高、生长快慢、木材价值、保护等级等6个重要特征指标,参照各指标的标准,筛选出福建中亚热带天然阔叶用材林目标树种,共计26科62属79种,其中针叶树种15种、阔叶树种64种,优质目标树种39种、良好目标树种29种、特殊目标树种11种。  相似文献   
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