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Across-shelf variations in thickness, grain size, and frequency of sandstone beds in a transgressive outer-shelf succession were investigated from the Middle Pleistocene (ca. 0.7 Ma) Kakinokidai Formation on the Boso Peninsula, Japan. The transgressive deposits are generally muddy and contain slumps and slump scars. The intercalated sandstone beds are interpreted to have been formed from turbidity currents as a response to erosion and resuspension of sandridge-complex deposits in the southwestern upslope area during storm events. Mapping of volcanic ash beds and a transgressive surface in the base of the formation permits detailed bed-by-bed correlation of the outer-shelf sandstone beds. Although, overall, thickness, grain size, and frequency of sandstone beds decrease in the downslope direction, some sandstone beds locally thin out and coarsen in association with slump scars in the surrounding muddy deposits. These sandstone beds subsequently thicken and fine, and finally thin out in the farther downslope area. In addition to the local thinning of sandstone beds, the frequency of sandstone beds first decreases and then increases in the farther offshore direction. From this evidence, we concluded that these non-uniform patterns of across-outer-shelf variations in thickness, grain size, and frequency of sandstone beds were caused by the local increases in flow speeds and subsequent expansion and reduced speeds of turbidity currents, along with a local increase in the seafloor gradient that was induced by the development of slump scars in the transgressive outer-shelf floor. These physiographic features in the outer shelf are interpreted not to have permitted monotonous downslope thinning and fining of sandstone beds, compared with the bed-shape models of depletive turbidity currents and with the proximality trend of shelf sandstones from modern and ancient highstand-stage shelf systems.  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了浊积岩型金矿的概念、特征、成因和2个浊积岩型金矿的矿床实例,并对浊积岩型金矿概念和应用作了讨论。  相似文献   
Co‐genetic debrite–turbidite beds occur in a variety of modern and ancient turbidite systems. Their basic character is distinctive. An ungraded muddy sandstone interval is encased within mud‐poor graded sandstone, siltstone and mudstone. The muddy sandstone interval preserves evidence of en masse deposition and is thus termed a debrite. The mud‐poor sandstone, siltstone and mudstone show features indicating progressive layer‐by‐layer deposition and are thus called a turbidite. Palaeocurrent indicators, ubiquitous stratigraphic association and the position of hemipelagic intervals demonstrate that debrite and enclosing turbidite originate in the same event. Detailed field observations are presented for co‐genetic debrite–turbidite beds in three widespread sequences of variable age: the Miocene Marnoso Arenacea Formation in the Italian Apennines; the Silurian Aberystwyth Grits in Wales; and Quaternary deposits of the Agadir Basin, offshore Morocco. Deposition of these sequences occurred in similar unchannellized basin‐plain settings. Co‐genetic debrite–turbidite beds were deposited from longitudinally segregated flow events, comprising both debris flow and forerunning turbidity current. It is most likely that the debris flow was generated by relatively shallow (few tens of centimetres) erosion of mud‐rich sea‐floor sediment. Changes in the settling behaviour of sand grains from a muddy fluid as flows decelerated may also have contributed to debrite deposition. The association with distal settings results from the ubiquitous presence of muddy deposits in such locations, which may be eroded and disaggregated to form a cohesive debris flow. Debrite intervals may be extensive (> 26 × 10 km in the Marnoso Arenacea Formation) and are not restricted to basin margins. Such long debris flow run‐out on low‐gradient sea floor (< 0·1°) may simply be due to low yield strength (? 50 Pa) of the debris–water mixture. This study emphasizes that multiple flow types, and transformations between flow types, can occur within the distal parts of submarine flow events.  相似文献   
新疆萨勒布尔山上志留统克克雄参数表明其物源为布鲁克碎屑浊积岩。该组的REE,主元素地化学参数表明其物源为布鲁克其组的岛弧型火山主沙尔布尔组的岩浆弧建造,其形成的构造环境为大洋岛弧至活动大陆边缘之间,代表着由大洋向活动大陆转变的趋势。  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(4):241-251
The bottom and edges of the Congo submarine canyon are made of deposits which show morphologies of superposed terraces associated with lense side slope. Using 3D seismic, 3.5 kHz acoustic profiles and core datas, these geometries are interpreted as being mainly the result of the polyphase processes due to the activity of turbidity currents. All the turbidite deposits located below the canyon floor and the actual Congo fan belong to a unique depositional sequence which begun at the early Pliocene. Probably, this sequence has been initiated by an important uplift of the West Africa margin.  相似文献   
Abstract Although shelf‐edge deltas are well‐imaged seismic features of Holocene and Pleistocene shelf margins, documented outcrop analogues of these important sand‐prone reservoirs are rare. The facies and stratigraphic architecture of an outcropping shelf‐edge delta system in the Eocene Battfjellet Formation, Spitsbergen, is presented here, as well as the implications of this delta system for the generation of sand‐prone, shelf‐margin clinoforms. The shelf‐edge deltas of the Battfjellet Formation on Litledalsfjellet and Høgsnyta produced a 3–5 × 15 km, shelf edge‐attached, slope apron (70 m of sandstones proximally, tapering to zero on the lower slope). The slope apron consists of distributary channel and mouth‐bar deposits in its shelf‐edge reaches, passing downslope to slope channels/chutes that fed turbiditic lobes and spillover sheets. In the transgressive phase of the slope apron, estuaries developed at the shelf edge, and these also produced minor lobes on the slope. The short‐headed mountainous rivers that drained the adjacent orogenic belt and fed the narrow shelf, and the shelf‐edge position of the discharging deltas, made an appropriate setting for the generation of hyperpycnal turbidity currents on the slope of the shelf margin. The abundance of organic matter and of coal fragments in the slope turbidites is consistent with this notion. Evidence that many of the slope turbidites were generated by sustained turbidity currents that waxed then waned includes the presence of scour surfaces and thick intervals of plane‐parallel laminae within turbidite beds in the slope channels, and thick spillover lobes with repetitive alternations of massive and flat‐laminated intervals. The examined shelf‐edge to slope system, now preserved mainly below the shelf break and dominated by sediment gravity‐flow deposits, has a threefold stratigraphic architecture: a lower, progradational part, in which the clinoforms have a slight downward‐directed trajectory; a thin aggradational zone; and an upper part in which clinoforms backstep up onto the shelf edge. A greatly increased density of erosional channels and chutes marks the regressive‐to‐transgressive turnaround within the slope apron, and this zone becomes an angular unconformity up near the shelf edge. This unconformity, with both subaerial and subaqueous components, is interpreted as a sequence boundary and developed by vigorous sand delivery and bypass across the shelf edge during the time interval of falling relative sea level. The studied shelf‐margin clinoforms accreted mostly during falling stage (sea level below the shelf edge), but the outer shelf later became estuarine as sea level became re‐established above the shelf edge.  相似文献   
沙三中亚期东营三角洲前缘滑塌浊积岩定量预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
东营凹陷沙三中亚段广泛发育三角洲-浊积体系沉积。根据砂层组沉积的垂向变化特征,将沙三中亚段沉积时期东营三角洲自上而下划分为1~9期次,自东向西向湖盆中心进积。与三角洲有关的前缘浊积体包括滑动浊积岩、滑塌浊积岩及远源浊积岩3种类型,其中滑塌浊积岩发育的规模、数目最为稳定,是前缘浊积体定量研究的重要类型。笔者采用控制变量的方法对单因素关系进行探讨,进而分析多因素综合关系,对沙三段中亚段沉积时期东营三角洲前缘浊积体进行定量研究,从而探讨三角洲沉积结构与前缘滑塌浊积体发育的定量关系。研究发现,三角洲沉积结构特征(三角洲前缘地层厚度H、砂岩百分含量x等)、浊积岩滑移距离s以及三角洲前缘斜坡坡角的大小α,可以定量地确定,并且三角洲前缘滑塌浊积体发育的厚度h与前缘厚度H、前缘砂岩百分含量x成正相关,与浊积体滑移距离s呈负相关,并且得到预测三角洲前缘浊积体厚度h的数学模型。  相似文献   
根据区域地震资料研究塔里木盆地塔东凸起西部中上奥陶统层序地层格架及沉积演化, 在中上奥陶统识别出了2个地震层序, 发现了叠置的丘状前积反射地震单元, 综合岩心观察、岩屑录井和薄片资料, 确认为海底扇沉积体.海底扇沉积主要由块状砂、砾岩, 递变层理砂岩, 平行层理砂岩, 砂纹层理粉砂岩, 变形或包卷层理粉砂岩, 水平层理泥质粉砂岩或粉砂质泥岩, 块状或递变的粉砂质泥岩和泥岩等岩相组成, 形成于中扇和外扇环境, 物源来自研究区南部的岛弧带.海底扇的发现对于塔东凸起乃至整个塔里木盆地中上奥陶统油气勘探具有重要意义.   相似文献   
东营凹陷永55区块沙四上亚段深水浊积扇沉积与油气   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
深水浊积扇是东营凹陷北部陡坡带永55区块沙四上亚段最发育的沉积相,也是最有利的砂砾岩储层。在岩心观察基础上,通过薄片鉴定、粒度分析等测试手段,综合地质、物探和测井资料,对永55区块砂砾岩体储层的沉积特征进行了研究。结果表明,本区深水浊积扇沉积具有如下特征:(1)岩石成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低;(2)碎屑物质以递变悬浮搬运为主;(3)沉积构造具有典型的重力流成因特征;(4)岩心中见典型鲍马沉积序列。建立了深水浊积扇退积型沉积模式,并进一步细分为内扇、中扇和外扇3个亚相及4个微相。位于中扇的辫状沟道砂体物性好,可以构成优质储层,较深湖暗色泥岩为主要的烃源岩和盖层,本区生、储、盖发育齐全,有着良好的勘探开发前景。  相似文献   
根据典型剖面研究,该套浊积岩系由一套轻微区域变质的中细砂岩、粉砂岩、粉砂质泥岩组成,局部夹碳酸盐岩。剖面结构多种粒度不同的碎屑岩在宏观上有规律地交替出现形成韵律层系,单个韵律层系厚度一般20~60cm。此浊积岩具明显的粒序性、发育较清楚的平行纹层及扰动层理,具较典型的浊积岩特点,鲍玛层序发育。  相似文献   
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