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S8滑坡体后壁出露有新鲜滑动面,两侧呈双沟同源,坡体出现大量裂缝,前缘缓慢推移等,充分说明该滑坡体正处于不稳定状态。主要原因是:季节性洪水侵蚀滑坡体,前缘出现了临空面,使前缘支撑作用减弱;滑坡体内裂隙发育,裂隙水动力作用使滑动面抗滑能力降低;邻近采煤区造成的采动裂隙增加了水动力作用。该滑坡体裂隙丰富,保水性差,不利于植物生长;滑坡体边缘不断垮塌造成水土流失,沉积物淤塞下游河谷。防治措施有:在滑坡体后壁修筑排水沟,关闭邻近小煤窑,在前缘冲沟里构筑堡坎以减小水侵蚀作用;在冲沟里构筑拦砂埂,抬高沟底阻止切向侵蚀,以稳定滑坡体前缘。  相似文献   
Brillouin light scattering technique can be successfully used to determine the whole set of elastic and piezoelectric constants of a ZnO single crystal irradiated by different laser energy densities, into a micron range (radiation layer thickness). It is found that the scattering intensity, the linewidth and the Brillouin scattering shift of acoustic phonons are all strongly dependent on laser energy density. Based on the sound propagation equations and these results, the directional dependences of the compressional and shear moduli of the irradiated ZnO sample in the (001) plane are investigated. It is found that under an appropriate laser condition, 248 nm KrF excimer laser irradiation can significantly improve the surface quality and increase the elastic properties of ZnO single crystal. This procedure has potential applications in the fabrication of ZnO-based surface acoustic wave and optic-electronic devices.  相似文献   
IntroductionI.thasbeenpayingattentiontotheanomalousphenomenonbyseismologiststhattheearthquakeactivityoftenstrengthensinacertainspaceandduringacertaintimearoundthesourceareabeforeastrongearthquake.Mogi(1969)pointedoutthataringdistributiveareaofthestrengthenedearthquakeactivityoftenappearsaroundthesourcearea10to20yearsbeforegreatshock,whichcalledaringphenomenon(or"doughnut").Afterthat,otherscholarsreportedinsuccessionthatringdistributionofearthquakeactivityoccurredbeforeastrongertquakeorevenbefo…  相似文献   
Mercury is a pollutant of concern due to its toxic and bioaccumulative properties. Studies on the distribution and hazard of mercury in the environment are mainly focused on its forms, toxicity and the environment standard, and progresses and results have been achieved. But these studies in the past were concentrated on the scales of laboratory or smaller districts merely, such as a small unit of mineral area, vegetable base, paddy field, lake, etc. Multi-target regional geochemical survey carried out by China Geological Survey from the 1990s to now is a fundamental and commonweal geological survey, large-scale and systematical inquisition and research were conducted in 19 provinces (or municipalities directly under the Central Government) in the eastern overlay region of China, and the purpose is to provide the basic geochemical data for national economic construction, adjustment of industrial and agricultural structures and sustainable social development. Geochemical studies aim at investigating soils in these regions and 52 elements have been tested, producing a great amount of data at the same time. Methods: based on the data from 3061 samples of surface soil and 832 samples of deep soil from the project of multi-purpose geochemical survey in the Chengdu Basin, Sichuan, China, this paper describes the correlation relationship between Hg and other 48 elements and their spatial distribution in surface and deep soils of these areas by applying the method of linear regression and factor analysis.  相似文献   
聚类分析的很多算法中都采用连接两点直线的欧氏距离来判断空间亲疏性,然而当有障碍物层存在时,连接两点的直线已不能完全表达它们之间的关系,特别是当有指定的交通路线时,两点之间的连通路径和距离必须遵从特定的路径.文中讨论在了障碍物或指定的交通路线存在的情况下点集的聚类分析,给出了解决有障碍物或指定交通路线时进行聚类分析的算法PathClust.  相似文献   
基桩缺陷逐步能量恢复递推定量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过大量正演计算,对不同桩周土条件下缺陷程度与时域速度响应波形中入射波波幅与反射波波幅的比值进行了相关性分析,拟合出桩侧土为粘土、砂土、粉土条件下桩径变化程度与波幅比之间的关系式。通过理论分析,在基桩存在多缺陷时,导出了缩颈与扩颈对下一个缺陷引起的反射波幅值的影响系数,进而,提出了逐步能量恢复递推缺陷程度的理论与方法,在时间域中,实现了基桩存在多缺陷时的低应变动测缺陷量化分析。模型桩试验分析结果表明,缺陷量化分析方法可取得显著效果。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on examining the effects of frequency content of the ground motion on the inelastic demands imposed on both single degree of freedom (SDF) and multi degree of freedom (MDF) steel‐framed systems. A detailed literature review is conducted to identify the indicator that best represents the frequency content of ground motion. The mean period (Tm) of ground motion is selected owing to its ability to distinguish between various spectral shapes of ground motion, and its relationship with magnitude, distance and site characteristics. Inelastic displacement demands on SDF systems for target ductility levels are first studied in the light of Tm, using a suite of 128 ground motion records. The study is then extended to MDF systems with the help of incremental dynamic analysis by employing the same ground motion ensemble to assess the influence of Tm on various engineering demand parameters. The results obtained indicate that, for SDF systems, the amplification of displacements occurs when the period ratio between elastic period (Te) and Tm is lower than unity. For MDF systems, the results demonstrate that the influence of higher modes on the base shear and maximum storey drift profile becomes more pronounced, as Tm approaches the higher mode periods of the structure. These observations, for both SDF and MDF systems, tend to be more evident for higher levels of inelasticity. The significance of the results, with particular reference to European seismic design procedures, is highlighted. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
软土地下工程抗震数值模拟的若干关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国地下工程建设项目抗震安全性能设计和评估的需求,并基于目前缺少完善的地下结构抗震分析方法和专门的地下结构抗震设计规范的现状,重点阐述了采用有限元方法进行地下工程数值模拟和分析时需要特别关注的三方面问题:计算范围、土一结构动力相互作用和边界条件。着重分析了有限元网格的划分、土一结非线性接触问题和不同边界条件的适用性,以及这些建模条件对计算结果可靠性的影响。对基于数值手段开展地下工程抗震安全性能的计算、分析和评价,制定地下结构抗震设计规范或规程,可提供有益参考。  相似文献   
采用化学组分分析、物相分析、粒度筛析、X射线面扫描分析、矿物分离分析并结合数理统计分析等综合分析技术对微细粒浸染型金矿进行工艺矿物学研究,较为快速、准确地查明该金精矿金的赋存状态.几种分析方法互为补充,结果吻合.  相似文献   
瞬变电磁法的探测深度问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
用解析分析、时域有限差分、时-频分析的方法,以地面中心回线装置和阶跃脉冲激励源为例,分析讨论了瞬变电磁测深法的勘探深度问题,以便为野外勘探工作设计提供依据,达到预期的探测目的.解析计算证实了瞬变场在地下以有限速度传播,数值模拟表示出了准静态条件下瞬变场的反射.研究结果表明,由于时间域电磁场遵循因果律,瞬变电磁法的探测深度主要由观测时间决定. 瞬变电磁场的初始传播速度与大地电阻率无关,继后在大地色散作用下,阶跃脉冲前沿逐渐变得平缓,各频率分量的传播速度与电阻率有关,在低阻地层中探测同样的深度需要较长的观测时间. 最大探测深度是在给定时间内电磁波往返地下某一深度的单程距离,最小探测深度受仪器性能的限制,但是埋藏较浅的异常体也有可能在晚时段被观测到.从时-频密度谱中可得到瞬变电磁场信号时间与频率的关系.  相似文献   
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