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A 10-year(2003–2012) hindcast was conducted to study the wave field in the Zhe-Min coastal area(Key Area OE-W2) located off Zhejiang and Fujian provinces of China. Forced by the wind field from a weather research and forecasting model(WRF), high-resolution wave modelling using the SWAN was carried out in the study area. The simulated wave fields show a good agreement with observations. Using the simulation results, we conducted statistical analysis of wave power density in terms of spatial distr...  相似文献   
张怡辉  胡维平  彭兆亮 《湖泊科学》2020,32(4):1177-1188
基于实测数据,利用验证良好的SWAN风浪模型开展了2018年巢湖风浪变化及分布特征研究.巢湖2018年平均有效波高和波周期分别为0.16 m和1.22 s,整体春季风浪大,秋季风浪小.月均最大值出现在4月,分别为0.22 m和1.36 s,月均最小值出现在11月,分别为0.11 m和1.06 s,变化幅度分别为最大值的52%和22%.月均值整体中巢湖最大,东巢湖次之,西巢湖最小.巢湖月最大有效波高和波周期主要出现在东巢湖或中巢湖,各值月间差异显著,最大变化幅度分别为最大值的61%和27%.不同湖区计算的月均有效波高和波周期较大值分布范围所占湖区的比例不同,中巢湖与东巢湖较大,西巢湖最小.不同月份及湖区较大有效波高出现的时间占比是不一致的,9-11月份时间占比较小,将有利于蓝藻水华的出现.  相似文献   
张怡辉  胡维平 《湖泊科学》2020,32(1):236-245
基于实测和数值模拟方法分析了台风\"摩羯\"和\"温比亚\"过境巢湖流域时的影响.台风\"摩羯\"和\"温比亚\"过境时,在巢湖产生较大的风速和风浪过程,其中对东巢湖的影响最大,中巢湖次之,西巢湖最小.东巢湖、中巢湖、西巢湖在台风\"摩羯\"过境时出现了0.68、0.67和0.48 m的最大有效波高和2.25、2.33和1.95 s的最大...  相似文献   
本文基于三维波流耦合FVCOM-SWAVE数值模式,采用Jelesnianski参数化风场与再分析数据集ECMWF风场数据叠加而成的合成风场作为外力驱动力,模拟了1818号\"温比亚\"台风引起北黄海及渤海海域风暴潮增减水及波浪的生长与消减过程,进而分析该海域在\"温比亚\"台风作用下波浪对流速垂向分布的影响。研究结果表明:合成风场得到的风速最大值及出现时刻与实测数据符合较好,合成风场较为合理,能够为模拟波流耦合机制下海域水动力变化提供准确的风场条件;几个测站的风暴潮增水模拟结果与实测数据较为吻合,FVCOM-SWAVE耦合系统合理地再现了\"温比亚\"台风在黄渤海引发的风暴潮增水以及台风浪过程。此外,计算结果显示\"温比亚\"期间黄渤海海域最大有效波高分布于台风中心外围,且位于台风前进方向上,波浪最大有效波高值与台风强度有关;在台风过境期间,波流相互作用对近岸海域流速的垂向分布具有一定影响,考虑波流相互作用可有效提高台风风暴潮数值模拟精度。研究结果对台风灾害预报、防灾减灾及港口建筑选址具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
随着技术的进步和数据处理方法的完善,经过修正的卫星高度计数据已获得普遍认可.但在南大洋缺少波浪现场数据,卫星高度计在极端恶劣气候条件下获得数据的准确度仍受到一定程度的质疑.中国于2020年第36次南极考察中,在南大洋布放了一套感应耦合漂流浮标,可提供可靠的南大洋现场波浪数据.本文利用该漂流浮标2020年1月27日至9月...  相似文献   
2016年6月23日江苏阜宁EF4级龙卷天气分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张小玲  杨波  朱文剑  方翀  刘鑫华  周康辉  蓝渝  田付友 《气象》2016,42(11):1304-1314
2016年6月23日,江苏省盐城市阜宁县发生了历史罕见的EF4级龙卷,导致99人死亡,846人受伤,并有大量建筑物被损毁。文章利用观测资料对产生强龙卷的天气背景和中尺度特征进行了分析,发现:阜宁龙卷发生在我国东部龙卷最高发的地区和季节,产生龙卷的天气尺度背景为典型的梅雨期暴雨环流,产生龙卷的中尺度对流系统发生在地面暖锋南侧,这里也是高低空急流耦合的区域,与高空急流相伴的动力强迫特征明显,大气热力不稳定条件为中等偏强;产生阜宁龙卷的中尺度对流系统与美国大部分强龙卷相似,为块状的离散单体对流模态,且具有经典超级单体的钩状回波和强中气旋特征,并伴有龙卷涡旋特征(tornado vortex signature,TVS);龙卷位于钩状回波顶端,主要发生在中气旋底高高度低于1 km期间。  相似文献   
塔克拉玛干沙漠近几年来沙尘暴发生频率增加,强度增大,为了研究不同尺度沙尘暴的规律,利用2005-2014年塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中及周边14个气象台站沙尘暴资料,给出塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中区域性与局地性沙尘暴天气过程的定义,从区域性与局地性沙尘暴持续时间,能见度,类型,时间变化等特征进行分析。研究结果表明:(1)10塔中发生沙尘暴170d比沙漠南缘和北缘高,比肖塘少,其中区域性沙尘暴80d,局地性沙尘暴90d,天气过程区域性64次,局地性80次;(2)塔中区域性沙尘暴不论是持续时间还是能见度总体上比局地性沙尘暴持续时间长,能见度低;(3)区域与局地沙尘暴可以按主导风向分为5类,但各类沙尘暴在区域性与局地性沙尘暴中表现出季节分布;(4)区域性与局地性沙尘暴10a波动增长,区域性沙尘暴多发生在春季,局地性沙尘暴多发生在夏季,区域性沙尘暴年际和年内变差系数都小于局地沙尘暴,一日中区域性与沙尘暴白天多于夜晚。  相似文献   
利用1994~2013年5~9月喀什市气象站逐小时降水资料,分析喀什近20a降水日变化特征。研究表明,20时至翌日06时为降水量的高值阶段,最大值出现在01时,07时至19时为降水量的低值时段,最小值出现在16时。降水频次的高值区为00时至07时,降水最不易产生的时间为17时。降水强度最高值在20时,次高值为01时,也是累积降水量较大时刻,降水强度最低值出现在15时也是累积降水量的低值区。喀什的降水主要以短时性降水(1~3h)为主,多发生在傍晚至夜间,1h降水频次最多的是量级≤1mm的降水,但1.1mm≤R1≤3.0mm量级的降水贡献率最高。小雨、中雨及大雨降水过程最易发生时段均为前半夜,下午为各量级降水过程发生最少的时段。  相似文献   
The calculated nonlinear structural responses of a building can vary greatly, even if recorded ground motions are scaled to the same spectral acceleration at a building's fundamental period. To reduce the variation in structural response at a particular ground‐motion intensity, this paper proposes an intensity measure (IMcomb) that accounts for the combined effects of spectral acceleration, ground‐motion duration, and response spectrum shape. The intensity measure includes a new measure of spectral shape that integrates the spectrum over a period range that depends on the structure's ductility. The new IM is efficient, sufficient, scalable, transparent, and versatile. These features make it suitable for evaluating the intensities of measured and simulated ground motions. The efficiency and sufficiency of the new IM is demonstrated for the following: (i) elastic‐perfectly plastic single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) oscillators with a variety of ductility demands and periods; (ii) ductile and brittle deteriorating SDOF systems with a variety of periods; and (iii) collapse analysis for 30 previously designed frames. The efficiency is attributable to the inclusion of duration and to the ductility dependence of the spectral shape measure. For each of these systems, the transparency of the intensity measure made it possible to identify the sensitivity of structural response to the various characteristics of the ground motion. Spectral shape affected all structures, but in particular, ductile structures. Duration only affected structures with cyclic deterioration. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the effect of considering ground motion duration when selecting hazard‐consistent ground motions for structural collapse risk assessment. A procedure to compute source‐specific probability distributions of the durations of ground motions anticipated at a site, based on the generalized conditional intensity measure framework, is developed. Targets are computed for three sites in Western USA, located in distinct tectonic settings: Seattle, Eugene, and San Francisco. The effect of considering duration when estimating the collapse risk of a ductile reinforced concrete moment frame building, designed for a site in Seattle, is quantified by conducting multiple stripe analyses using groups of ground motions selected using different procedures. The mean annual frequency of collapse (λcollapse) in Seattle is found to be underestimated by 29% when using typical‐duration ground motions from the PEER NGA‐West2 database. The effect of duration is even more important in sites like Eugene (λcollapse underestimated by 59%), where the seismic hazard is dominated by large magnitude interface earthquakes, and less important in sites like San Francisco (λcollapse underestimated by 7%), where the seismic hazard is dominated by crustal earthquakes. Ground motion selection procedures that employ causal parameters like magnitude, distance, and Vs30 as surrogates for ground motion duration are also evaluated. These procedures are found to produce poor fits to the duration and response spectrum targets because of the limited number of records that satisfy typical constraints imposed on the ranges of the causal parameters. As a consequence, ground motions selected based on causal parameters are found to overestimate λcollapse by 53%. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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