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我国低序次扭动构造体系控油模式研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以地质力学理论为指导,通过开展塔里木、准噶尔-吐哈、走廊、鄂尔多斯、四川、松辽、渤海湾等8个(地区)构造体系控油作用研究,深刻认识到油气田分布主要受各类低序次扭动构造体系的控制,在此基础上,发展和建立了五类低序次扭动构造体系控油模式,包括帚状构造体系、旋扭构造体系、雁列构造体系、入字型构造体系和反"S"型构造体系。文章分别以具体典型实例系统概述了其各类低序次构造体系的形成特征、油气成藏条件及分布规律,认为构造体系的形成受不同构造环境和应力场控制;不同低序次扭动构造控制油气田分布规律各异。这些控油模式的建立对当前和今后油气勘探和油气田发现有重要指导意义。   相似文献   
针对DPC桩-土结构层开展大型直剪试验,基于试验分析,在考虑DPC桩-土结构层注浆影响上引入临界应力比,构建了可描述应变软化的修正剑桥模型应力应变方程。直剪试验表明DPC桩-土结构层剪切特性表现为剪切软化,具有明显的峰值强度和残余强度,呈现出明显的结构性,其特征与超固结的黏土的剪切应力应变曲线特性类似。推导出的修正剑桥模型能较好的解释实验结果,所得出的结论对DPC桩的设计有一定的指导意义。   相似文献   
纳米科学已涉及从信息学到地学的各个领域,成为这个时代一个标志性的关键词。近十多年来,国内外的纳米地学 研究,在实践、理论和实验等诸方面都取得了迅速的进展。该文运用4F (Fact, Formation, Function and Formulation,即事实观 察、形成机理、功效作用和计算模拟)研究方法,利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM) 和透射电子显微镜(TEM) 对断裂剪切带中 的纳米结构与成矿作用进行了样品观察和综合分析。首先,作者表述了岩石剪切面上广泛分布的剪切薄壳(膜) 的形成、 发育和组成,一般脆性剪切的薄壳厚度(h,毫米-厘米级) 要比韧性的剪切薄膜(忽米-毫米级) 厚,前者是由动态摩擦 粘滑滑移引起的,而后者则是由静态蠕滑滑移造成的,且两者均是由纳米矿物和纳米结构组成的。随之,作者集中探讨了 作为研究主体的剪切薄壳(膜) 中纳米结构的应变变形和生成演化,它们既具有弹性又有粘性的变形特征而不是单一的力 学属性。纳米结构的生成-发育-演化,可依剪切变形过程划分为强化(硬化)-弱化(软化) -脆化(退化)三个变形应变阶 段,和相应的纳米涂层-纳米弱化-纳米层裂三种类型纳米作用:(1) 纳米涂层是一种最基本的纳米作用,在成熟的断裂 剪切(带)中,只要有滑移摩擦存在,就会有纳米结构。这种作用能引起有序的纳米结构和定向结构,包括单体纳米颗粒 (通常直径d= 40~80 nm) -复体纳米颗粒-多重复体纳米颗粒;纳米粒-纳米线-纳米层;纳米颗粒粒化-异化-再生 等。(2) 纳米弱化作用是由颗粒粒度减小,瞬时温热,叶理发育和弱势矿物等所致,并可细分为滑动纳米弱化、流变纳米 弱化和动力纳米弱化三种类别。(3) 纳米层裂作用是一种由动力热作用到静力冷作用诱发的剥离作用,通常沿着纳米结构 的劈理面、解理和滑移面开裂。进而,以江西省的金山金矿和广丰滑石矿为例讨论了纳米结构与成矿关系:(1) 含金糜棱 岩发育过程中的纳米涂层作用成岩,纳米弱化作用成矿和纳米层裂作用形成面理的三个阶段。其重要的是纳米弱化作用期 间超糜棱岩的温度能够达到纳米金物质的熔点327 ℃,并在流变滑移过程中产生集中颗粒型(d=15~35 nm) 和分散颗粒型 (d=4~8 nm) 的金颗粒;(2) 滑石矿中高应变反映的纳米结构和纳米作用尤为强烈,具有局部熔融流变,纳米弱化作用阶段 的纳米次分层作用非常发育,沿(001) 面滑移的叶理厚度仅10~15 nm,且纳米层裂作用更是造成开放性的剥离、裂理作 用。上述的研讨,揭示了实质上至少一维的“纳米小疙瘩(nano-orange) 在地球物质中无处不在”。这场地学变革-- “纳 米科学与技术是地球科学的下一次革命(Hochell, 2000)”--大幕才刚刚开启,就促使科研工作者对一些地质现象重新认 识,也激发大家去开发“纳米小疙瘩”在地球物质中的“新奇”功效。  相似文献   
连云港地区软土为碱性环境下沉积的非均质海积软土,软土抗剪强度具有固有各向异性。采用三轴不固结不排水剪切(UU)试验、无侧限抗压强度(UTC)试验、快剪试验和原位十字板剪切(FVT)试验4种方法,对连云港地区软土的不固结不排水抗剪强度特征进行了研究。结果表明:土体水平剪切面强度最低,竖直面抗剪强度最高;土体制样采用垂直方向的切取试样方式时,土体强度最高。根据三轴UU试验得出的黏聚强度和内摩擦角基于土体单元极限平衡理论恢复了土体剪切破坏时的应力状态,计算出土体实际抗剪强度。三轴UU试验得出的抗剪强度平均值约为13.13 kPa,试样破裂面与水平面的夹角在45.1°~45.7°区间最为集中。UTC试验测得的土体平均抗剪强度近似等于三轴UU试验测得的平均抗剪强度。FVT试验测得软土抗剪强度平均值为19.72 kPa,与三轴UU试验和UTC试验得出的抗剪强度平均值相比高了约6.60 kPa,这种现象与室内试验试样的机械扰动、土体应力状态改变和剪切面特征有关。  相似文献   
伶仃洋河口泥沙絮凝特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
田枫  欧素英  杨昊  刘锋 《海洋学报》2017,39(3):55-67
泥沙絮凝对河口细颗粒泥沙运动过程起着极其重要的作用。本文通过LISST-100激光粒度仪等仪器实测伶仃洋河口2013年洪季悬浮泥沙絮凝体现场粒径及水动力、泥沙条件,结合实验室悬沙粒径分析,研究大小潮期间伶仃洋河口泥沙絮凝特征,探讨紊动剪切强度、含沙量、盐度分层及波浪等因素对伶仃洋河口泥沙絮凝的影响。结果表明:伶仃洋河口水体中现场粒径平均值为148.53 μm,大于实验室悬沙分散粒径36.74 μm,河口絮凝现象明显;沉速与有效密度、粒径呈正相关,絮团平均有效密度为153.49 kg/m3,平均沉速达1.13 mm/s;小潮时絮团平均粒径大于大潮,垂向上表底层絮团粒径小、中层大,中底层絮团沉速大于表层。伶仃洋河口水动力、泥沙条件是影响其泥沙絮凝的重要因素,低剪切强度(小于5 s-1)、低含沙量(小于50 mg/L)及高体积浓度有利于细颗粒泥沙之间的相互碰撞,促进絮凝作用;当剪切强度与颗粒间碰撞强度高于絮团所能承受的强度时,絮团易破碎分解成小絮团或更细的泥沙颗粒;伶仃洋河口盐度层化引起的泥沙捕获现象增大中层泥沙体积浓度,有利于中层絮凝体的发育;观测期相对较大的波浪增强水体紊动,增大了水体细颗粒泥沙的碰撞几率,表层絮团粒径随波高峰值的出现而增大。  相似文献   
As climate change continues to pose a major threat to the well-being of both people and the environment, adaptation to its negative effects has moved to the forefront among occupations that rely on natural resources for their livelihood. As one of the main occupational groups who are dependent on nature, fishermen are expected to experience many new challenges from the changing climate. Though an adequate amount of scientific research on climate change has been carried out, few studies have explored the social circumstances of the issue, particularly in the context of small scale fishermen. This paper aims to address this gap. Aspects such as risks reduction, social relationships, climate change knowledge, alternative skills, involvement in adaptation planning and access to credit are recommended to be considered as these are found to provide synergy for social adaptation, and it is hoped that such recommendation strategies will assist stakeholders in generating and engendering effective adaptation strategies for small-scale fishermen.  相似文献   
Carrying capacity is an important index used to evaluate the status of regional resources, ecological environment, and regional economic development. Marine industrial parks have gained substantial attention from domestic and foreign investors and governments at all levels; in particular, these parks are an essential part of the national blue economy development plan of the Chinese government. The carrying capacity of a marine industrial park is important to all related stakeholders. In this study, an evaluation system was established based on the literature review and expert interviews by using 32 indices under three dimensions (pressure, bearing, and transformation) to determine the carrying capacity of a marine industrial park. The carrying capacity of marine industrial parks in Shandong Province was evaluated using this system across diverse dimensions by incorporating state space and analytic hierarchy processes. Results indicated that carrying capacity significantly differed among regions, parks, and specific dimensions. Comparison among different types of marine industrial parks indicated that the modern marine service industry and fishery industrial parks showed improved and efficient development with relatively high bearing rates. By contrast, the modern marine manufacturing industry and strategic emerging industrial parks were significantly underdeveloped. This study proposes academic approaches and practical implications for the involved governments and managing committees. Furthermore, suggestions on park planning, policy support, industrial cluster, and industry–university–research institute alliances are provided to the government and enterprise perspectives to increase the carrying capacity of marine characteristic industrial parks.  相似文献   
目前J-lay铺管法作为深水和超深水铺管的最适用方法广泛应用于深海油气开发。考虑J-lay铺管时管道几何非线性特征以及触地区边界效应,将J-lay铺管模型划分三构件进行力学分析:悬浮段、边界层段以及触地段。建立Orca Flex模型和引入Wang改进二构件模型,通过对比上述三种方法计算J-lay相应构型、轴力、弯矩和剪力分布,验证该三构件模型的可行性和考虑边界效应的必要性。基于Lamé公式计算管道横截面处轴向、径向以及环向应力,对比分析J-lay铺设管道应力分布特征。结果表明:该改进三构件模型能真实有效地模拟J-lay铺管过程中管道受力情况,特别是触地点附近弯矩和剪力变化情况,能为管道疲劳损伤分析提供理论基础。  相似文献   
An investigation was conducted to obtain analytical solutions for the pullout behavior of a suction caisson undergoing inclined loads in sand. The inclined load is transformed into an equivalent load system in which the vertical, horizontal, and moment loads are applied on the center of the lid of the suction caisson. The vertical and lateral stiffness coefficients along the skirt of the suction caisson in sands are presented using the new three-dimensional elastic solutions taking into account the nonhomogeneous and nonlinear properties of the sand. The vertical, lateral, and rocking stiffness coefficients on the base of the suction caisson are presented considering the solutions of a hollow rigid cylindrical punch acting on the surface of a soil. The yield, pullout, and failure for sands with the nonhomogeneous and nonlinear characteristics are taken into consideration. The effects of the load inclination, the loading depth, and the aspect ratio on the pullout load capacity of the suction caisson are presented. Behaviour of the suction caisson in sand prior to failure is clarified from the relationship between tensile load, displacement, and rotation and that between depth, vertical pressure, and lateral pressure.  相似文献   
A series of model tests were performed on steel- and Perspex-made suction caissons in saturated dense marine sand to explore installation and extraction behaviors. The extractions of the caisson were conducted by applying monotonic loading or by pumping water into the caisson. Responses of suction caissons to pullout rates, aspect ratios, and extraction manners were examined. Test results show that a cone-shaped subsidence region occurs around the suction caisson during the suction-assisted installation. The pullout bearing capacity of the suction caisson in sand is dominated by the loading rate and the loading manner. For the suction caisson subjected to monotonic loading, the maximum bearing capacity is reached at the pullout rate of about 20.0?mm/s. The mobilized vertical displacement corresponding to the pullout capacity increases with increasing the pullout rate. The passive suction beneath the suction caisson lid reaches the maximum value when the pullout bearing capacity is mobilized. In addition, during the suction caisson extracted by pumping water into the caisson, the maximum pore water pressure in the caisson is obtained under the displacement of approximately 0.04 times the caisson diameter. The absolute values of the maximum pore water pressures for the suction caissons approximately equal those of the maximum vertical resistances at the monotonic pullout rate of 5 mm/s. When the vertical displacements of the suction caissons with the aspect ratio of 1.0 and 2.0 reach 0.92 and 1.77 times the caisson diameter, respectively, the seepage failure occurs around the caissons. Using a scaling method, the test results can be used to predict the time length required for the prototype suction caisson to be extracted from the seabed.  相似文献   
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