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李昕  王元  明杰  梅海霞  王文兰  周嘉陵 《气象》2016,42(6):649-663
基于WRF模式及其Hybrid集合-变分同化系统,比较研究了雷达径向速度(V_r)同化和T-TREC(Typhoon-Tracking radar echoes by correlation)反演风同化对台风灿都(2010)分析和预报的影响。为了探索最适合登陆台风预报的雷达资料同化策略,在研究V_r循环同化和T-TREC循环同化的基础上,考虑到两种雷达风场资料各自的优势,提出了合理利用两种雷达风场资料的联合同化策略,即在循环同化的首次分析中同化T-TREC风,而在之后的分析中同化V_r资料。研究三种不同的雷达资料同化策略发现,V_r直接同化虽能改善台风分析和预报,但其依赖于较多的同化次数,这会导致确定性预报的启动时间较晚,不利于台风业务预报。相比之下,由于T-TREC资料观测范围远、风场结构完整,T-TREC循环同化策略只经过较少次数的同化分析即能显著改善台风强度预报;然而受T-TREC资料自身反演误差的影响,增加同化次数反而不利于提高预报效果。当联合利用这两种雷达风场时,联合同化策略在不同同化时间窗下的预报表现均最优。  相似文献   
变分伴随数据同化在海表面温度预报中的应用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
将变分伴随数据同化技术应用于海表面温度(SST)数值预报.采用中国近海海表面温度短期数值预报模式,将船舶测报海表面温度同化到该模型中,对SST初始场进行优化.文中给出了中国近海SST数值预报同化模型5d试报结果与观测值的比较,整个区域的均绝差由同化前的2.71℃降至0.87℃,即变分伴随数据同化对改进SST数值预报的效果是比较明显的,表明它可成为SST数值预报初始化的新方法.  相似文献   
评估两类模式对陆面状态的模拟和估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对夏季土壤变干过程,利用观测系统模拟试验,比较离线的陆面模式(LSM)和耦合大气边界层的陆面模式(SCM)对土壤温度、湿度和地表热通量等陆面状态的模拟,然后借助数据同化方法,评估2类模式对陆面状态的估算能力.结果显示:2类模式除对地表长波辐射和感热通量的模拟差别较大外,对其余量则较小;只同化表层土壤湿度观测时,LSM对土壤湿度和感热通量的估算好于SCM,对土壤温度的估算则相反,而对潜热通量估算的差距很小;同时同化表层土壤温度、湿度观测会使地表热通量的估算差距增大;最后对2类模式不同表现的可能原因进行分析讨论.上述数值模拟和同化结果:当用某一类模式的模拟结果或同化产品为另一类不同模式提供初边界条件时必须注意它们之间的差异,避免出现输入量引起的模式状态量间的动力不协调现象.  相似文献   
Effects of Different Initial Fields on GRAPES Numerical Prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In this paper,a heavy rainfall process occurring in the Huaihe River Basin during 9-10 July 2005 is studied by the new generation numerical weather prediction model system-GRAPES,from the view of different initial field effects on the prediction of the model.Several numerical experiments are conducted with the initial conditions and lateral boundary fields provided by T213 L31 and NCEP final analyses,respectively. The sensitivity of prediction products generated by GRAPES to different initial conditions,including effects of three-dimensional variational assimilation on the results,is discussed.After analyzing the differences between the two initial fields and the four simulated results,the memonic ability of the model to initial fields and their influences on precipitation forecast are investigated.Analyses show the obvious differences of sub-synoptic scale between T213 and NCEP initial fields,which result in the corresponding different simulation results,and the differences do not disappear with the integration running.It also shows that for the same initial field whether it has data assimilation or not,it only obviously influences the GRAPES model results in the initial 24 h.Then the differences reduce.In addition,both the Iocation and intensity of heavy rain forecasted by GRAPES model Further is very close to the fact,but the forecasting area of strong torrential rain has some differences from the fact.For the same initial field when it has assimilation, the 9-12-,12-24-,and 0-24-h precipitation forecasts of the model are better than those without assimilation. All these suggest that the ability of GRAPES numerical prediction depends on the different initial fields and lateral boundary conditions to some extent,and the differences of initial fields will determine the differences of GRAPES simulated results.  相似文献   
环印度洋区域国家地缘经济格局分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环印度洋区域不仅关乎中国贸易与能源安全,同时也涵盖“一带一路”倡议合作的部分区域.为便于中国更好地开展与环印度洋区域国家之间的贸易合作,需要定量考察环印度洋区域的地缘经济格局,掌握域内外大国在该区域的地缘经济竞争情况.首先基于有序聚类方法将1992-2017年环印度洋区域国家的商品贸易数据划分为4个阶段,然后探究环印度...  相似文献   
融合法及其在数据同化中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据预报值具有最小方差这一要求,详细推导了融合法在观测数据为一维、多维和维数不同的情况下的具体同化表达形式,同时还给出了不同情况下与同化表达式相对应的预报误差公式.利用这些公式,可以用融合法处理常见的海洋观测数据的同化问题.在陆架海模式HAMSOM基础上,以4月份的渤海海表温度为例,我们验证了同化公式的正确性,并给出了同化后较好的同化结果。最后将融合法的同化结果与卡尔曼滤波同化结果进行了对比.比较表明,融合法使用起来更简单,且能有效地处理常见的海洋观测数据.  相似文献   
Assimilation of the Advanced Geostationary Radiance Imager(AGRI) clear-sky radiance in a regional model is performed. The forecasting effectiveness of the assimilation of two water vapor(WV) channels with conventional observations for the “21·7” Henan extremely heavy rainfall is analyzed and compared with a baseline test that assimilates only conventional observations in this study. The results show that the 24-h cumulative precipitation forecast by the assimilation experiment with the addition ...  相似文献   
利用非常规观测资料对上海特大暴雨过程的模拟研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
2001年8月5~6日,上海市区出现了建国以来破记录的一次特大暴雨.天气形势分析表明,停滞在上海的热带低压和主体位于海上的西太平洋副热带高压为此次特大暴雨的发生提供了有利的环流背景,而低压内部特有的动力、热力结构及在其内发生发展的一系列中尺度对流云团与此次暴雨的发生有直接的关系.作者利用非静力中尺度数值模式MM5V3对此次暴雨过程进行了数值模拟研究,结果表明:在非静力中尺度模式全物理过程的模拟中,采用牛顿张弛逼近法的四维资料同化方案来同化分析场和云顶亮温及上海地面气象自动站等非常规观测资料,模拟结果不仅基本上再现出大尺度及天气尺度系统的发展演变过程,而且还较好地模拟出了此次城市强暴雨过程的雨量空间分布及时序变化.因此,将较高时空密度的非常规观测资料用于高分辨率MM5中尺度数值模式,对于有效地预报城市灾害性暴雨是必要和有意义的.研究还揭示:与热带低压相伴随的偏南暖湿气流不仅是此次暴雨过程的强水汽及热量输送带,而且也是热带低压和其内中尺度对流系统维持发展的必要条件;造成暴雨的中尺度对流系统垂直向上是一具有相对暖心、高湿且低空湿对流不稳定结构的气旋性涡旋,其内强上升运动与涡柱内低空辐合、高空强辐散密切联系.  相似文献   
气候模式和再分析数据中北冰洋中层水再现能力的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The simulations of the Arctic Intermediate Water in four datasets of climate models and reanalyses, CCSM3, CCSM4, SODA and GLORYS, are analyzed and evaluated. The climatological core temperatures and depths in both CCSM models exhibit deviations over 0.5°C and 200 m from the PHC. SODA reanalysis reproduces relatively reasonable spatial patterns of core temperature and depth, while GLORYS, another reanalysis, shows a remarkable cooling and deepening drift compared with the result at the beginning of the dataset especially in the Eurasian Basin(about 2°C). The heat contents at the depth of intermediate water in the CCSM models are overestimated with large positive errors nearly twice of that in the PHC. To the contrary, the GLORYS in 2009 show a negative error with a similar magnitude, which means the characteristic of the water mass is totally lost. The circulations in the two reanalyses at the depth of intermediate water are more energetic and realistic than those in the CCSMs, which is attributed to the horizontal eddy-permitting resolution. The velocity fields and the transports in the Fram Strait are also investigated. The necessity of finer horizontal resolution is concluded again. The northward volume transports are much larger in the two reanalyses, although they are still weak comparing with mooring observations. Finally, an investigation of the impact of assimilation is done with an evidence of the heat input from assimilation. It is thought to be a reason for the good performance in the SODA, while the GLORYS drifts dramatically without assimilation data in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   
Modelling the global ocean tides: modern insights from FES2004   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
During the 1990s, a large number of new tidal atlases were developed, primarily to provide accurate tidal corrections for satellite altimetry applications. During this decade, the French tidal group (FTG), led by C. Le Provost, produced a series of finite element solutions (FES) tidal atlases, among which FES2004 is the latest release, computed from the tidal hydrodynamic equations and data assimilation. The aim of this paper is to review the state of the art of tidal modelling and the progress achieved during this past decade. The first sections summarise the general FTG approach to modelling the global tides. In the following sections, we introduce the FES2004 tidal atlas and validate the model against in situ and satellite data. We demonstrate the higher accuracy of the FES2004 release compared to earlier FES tidal atlases, and we recommend its use in tidal applications. The final section focuses on the new dissipation term added to the equations, which aims to account for the conversion of barotropic energy into internal tidal energy. There is a huge improvement in the hydrodynamic tidal solution and energy budget obtained when this term is taken into account.  相似文献   
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