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Accurate information on the conditions of road asphalt is necessary for economic development and transportation management. In this study, object-based image analysis (OBIA) rule-sets are proposed based on feature selection technique to extract road asphalt conditions (good and poor) using WorldView-2 (WV-2) satellite data. Different feature selection techniques, including support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF) and chi-square (CHI) are evaluated to indicate the most effective algorithm to identify the best set of OBIA attributes (spatial, spectral, textural and colour). The chi-square algorithm outperformed SVM and RF techniques. The classification result based on CHI algorithm achieved an overall accuracy of 83.19% for the training image (first site). Furthermore, the proposed model was used to examine its performance in different areas; and it achieved accuracy levels of 83.44, 87.80 and 80.26% for the different selected areas. Therefore, the selected method can be potentially useful for detecting road conditions based on WV-2 images.  相似文献   
伴随着中国公民出境旅游的持续增长,出境旅游风险频度也不断升级,危害程度不断加剧。依据旅游风险感知维度相关研究成果与实地抽样调查数据统计分析,以上海市为例,选划城市居民出境旅游风险感知维度,并结合政府部门出境提示预警、游客对出境旅游的有效投诉、企业出境旅游产品风险等级测评等相关数据,分别从出境旅游服务需求方和提供方视角对出境旅游风险感知维度进行甄别及差异校验,旨在为城市居民出境旅游风险管控与可持续发展决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
采用GIS空间分析方法,按照裴李岗、仰韶、龙山、夏商4个时期对环嵩山地区史前时期聚落选址与水系关系进行分析。结果表明:聚落选址与水系存在密切的关系:(1)聚落选址偏好最强的地区位于距河流水平距离为200~300 m的地区,聚落分布数量随着距离水系水平距离的增大而减少,而且聚落选址距离水系的水平距离基本不超过3 km。(2)距离水系垂直距离为20 m的范围内是聚落选址偏好程度最强的地区,聚落分布数量随着距离河流垂直距离的增加而减少,距离水系垂直距离太大,不利于古人取水,垂直距离超过40 m无聚落分布,说明聚落选址对距离水系垂直距离的偏好度在40 m以内。(3)聚落选址偏好随着水系级别的增大而降低,裴李岗时期、龙山时期、夏商时期3级水系附近聚落密度最大,而仰韶时期1级水系附近聚落密度最大。有可能因为在仰韶时期,气候属于暖湿期,相对于其他3个时期来说,降水较多,3级水系水流量可能较大,没有1级水系附近的居住环境稳定。  相似文献   
标志点等距映射(L-ISOMAP)作为一种降维方法,在高光谱图像可视化中极具潜力.针对L-ISOMAP算法标志点代表性不足以及计算代价较高的问题,提出了基于K-medoids聚类算法的改进型L-ISOMAP算法(KL-ISOMAP),进而形成可视化方法.该可视化方法由以下几部分组成:1)通过改进型K-medoids算法选择标志点;2)根据相似度剔除相似像元;3)实现剩余像元的非线性降维;4)完成降维结果的可视化.实验结果表明,KL-ISOMAP算法一方面有效地提高了标志点的内在结构代表性,进而取得了更好的可视化效果;另一方面可通过对相似阈值的设置,加快算法的运算速度.由此形成的可视化方法有着较好的视觉效果、距离保持特性以及像元可分性.  相似文献   
毛乌素沙地固沙造林针叶树种选择的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择樟子松、油松等五种针叶树种在毛乌素沙地进行栽植试验,通过对成活率与保存率、生长量、蓄积量、抗逆性等14年的观测,从单项及多指标综合选优及排序,确立樟子松为毛乌素沙地针叶树造林的优选树种。  相似文献   
近海多功能混凝土平台选型与优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
衣伟  宋玉普  张燕坤 《海洋学报》1999,21(3):126-133
提出了一种适合近海边际油田开发的多功能混凝土平台型式,并对其进行了优化设计.分析了各约束对平台造价的影响,确定了平台的应用范围.优化分析中采用了约束单调性分析、初始点自动给定等方法,加快了优化的迭代收敛速度,并对初稳性高度GM值采用了模糊优化方法,考虑了影响GM值的主观因素.  相似文献   
Hydrologists use the generalized Pareto (GP) distribution in peaks-over-threshold (POT) modelling of extremes. A model with similar uses is the two-parameter kappa (KAP) distribution. KAP has had fewer hydrological applications than GP, but some studies have shown it to merit wider use. The problem of choosing between GP and KAP arises quite often in frequency analyses. This study, by comparing some discrimination methods between these two models, aims to show which method(s) is (are) recommended. Three specific methods are considered: one uses the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit (GoF) statistic, another uses the ratio of maximized likelihood (closely related to the Akaike information criterion and the Bayesian information criterion), and the third employs a normality transformation followed by application of the Shapiro-Wilk statistic. We show this last method to be the most recommendable, due to its advantages with sizes typically encountered in hydrology. We apply the simulation results to some flood POT datasets.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR E. Volpi  相似文献   
This paper presents a procedure to generate multidirectional conditional spectra (MDCS) that allow for the characterisation of seismic demands at different angles of incidence. Being conditional on a particular period and its direction of maximum response, it is considered to be a natural evolution of the conditional spectrum to account for the effects of directionality, that is, the variation of seismic demands as a function of the angle of incidence of ground motions, which can have a significant effect on the performance of different kinds of structures. The three main components needed for the generation of MDCS are explained in detail. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted using different sampling methods to assess the effects of incorporating the correlation between demands at different orientations for the same oscillator period, and a novel correlation model is proposed for this purpose. The statistical characteristics of MDCS, their relation with the conditional spectrum, the advantages of the MDCS over previous definitions of orientation‐specific spectra, and prospective future developments are discussed.  相似文献   
近年来以美国为代表的西方军事强国在军事地质学领域已取得了很大进展,尤其在应对未来战争方面作了许多准备。通过系统搜集国际军事地球科学会议(ICMG)和美国地质学会(GSA)有关军事地质学的最新专题研讨会论文与其他公开出版资料,梳理了当前国外军事地质学研究的热点问题并阐述了其新进展,其中作战领域包括地形情报研究、军事基地选址、潜在特殊战场环境调查、地下重要设施评价、非常规作战环境调查;非作战领域则包括抢险救灾、生态环境保护和环境安全评价等。最后分析了当前军事地质学研究存在的问题,并指出了其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   
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