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显微探测手段在乌鲁木齐市活动断层探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前中国正在广泛开展城市活动断层的探测。但是,这些断层常发育在松散沉积物中,没有明显的宏观形迹。因此,即便开挖了探槽,也往往难以解决这些隐性断层(即宏观形迹不明断层)的延伸情况、是否穿过上覆地层,以及断层的活动性质和方式等关键问题。通过观测乌鲁木齐市的西山和王家沟断裂的13个探槽和天然露头剖面,系统采集样品53件。在室内进行了显微构造、碎屑颗粒棱角度和粒度观测、以及粒度分布分析等。通过显微构造观测所揭示的断层微观表现形式、震击物的微观构造标志以及样品中碎屑颗粒棱角度、粒度大小和分形特征的变化等,解决了宏观探测无法查明的是否存在隐性断层以及有关断层活动方式、断层是否穿过上覆地层等疑难问题。结果表明,微观观测是松散沉积物中宏观形迹不明的活动断层探测的有效手段,它在城市活断层探测工程中具有广阔的应用前景  相似文献   
Soft-sediment structures are key to defining seismites. Two soft-sediment deformation horizons, bounded by undeformed carbonate strata, have been found in the Wumishan Formation in the Jumahe region, 175 km southwest of Beijing. One is in the lowest part of Wumishan Formation; and the other is in the uppermost part of Litho-member I. The soft-sediment structures in these two horizons fall into three categories: mould-and-sag structures, hydraulic shatterings and liquefaction dikes. The mould-and-sag structures are divided into two types: one developed in tidal-flat sediments, accompa-nied by many liquefaction-related structures and characterized by autochthonous post-earthquake sediments in sags, and the other type developed in deep-water environments, is not associated with liquefaction structures, and is overlain immediately by seismogenic tsunamites. The hydraulic shat-terings are composed of pockets of fluidization conglomerate, sand intrusions, and syndepositional faults. The liquefaction dikes fall into two categories: hydraulic-fracturing dikes and lateral-spreading dikes. The former are steep, planar, and pinch out upwards. The latter are snake-like and characterized by no diapir-related drag structures in surrounding rocks. Examination of the attitudes and strati-graphic positions of these structures suggests that these soft-sediment structures are seismogenic, and consequently, are seismites. Most seismites in the Wumishan Formation are developed near the former western, margin fault of Yanliao rift. This occurrence suggests that they could be related to movements on this fault. Other geological implications are discussed.  相似文献   
济阳坳陷古近纪软沉积变形层中的环状层理及成因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
袁静  陈鑫  田洪水 《沉积学报》2006,24(5):666-671
主要通过钻井岩心观察和岩石薄片鉴定等手段对渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷古近纪环状层理进行研究。研究结果表明,济阳坳陷古近纪软沉积物变形层中的环状层理类型多样,形态复杂,计有光滑圆环状及蝌蚪状带“小尾巴”的环状层理、马尾丝或串珠状不规则环圈的环状层理、与阶梯状微断裂伴生的环状层理、链条状环状层理群、纺锤型环状层理群和中心为“飞石”环圈较光滑的环状层理等6种。综合分析认为震动塌落、震动拉伸变形、地震断裂面的摩擦作用、氧化还原反应和扩散作用是环状层理的主要成因,前三种成因的环状层理往往与其他震成构造伴生,可作为震积岩的良好标志。环状层理的其他成因还包括:地震波传播方式的影响、地球自转产生的涡旋的影响、“滚雪球”效应、间歇胶结作用以及生物成因等。研究环状层理必须综合考虑构造位置、应力条件、沉积环境,沉积特征、围岩条件等因素的影响和控制作用。   相似文献   
中国地震事件沉积研究的若干问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
杜远生 《古地理学报》2011,13(6):581-590
地震事件沉积已经成为当今沉积地质学的一个热点领域.文中通过回顾国内震积岩的研究历史,总结了中国震积岩研究的成果及其存在的问题,重点讨论了地震引起的软沉积物变形、地震事件沉积的时序、地震事件沉积的空间分布和地震事件沉积序列等.按照地震对沉积物改造的时间,将软沉积物变形划分为同生、准同生、后生变形3类,并对地震同生断裂、准...  相似文献   
软沉积变形构造的分类和形成机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李勇  钟建华  邵珠福  毛毳 《地质论评》2012,58(5):829-838
软沉积变形构造是指沉积物沉积之后、固结之前在处于软沉积物阶段时由于物理作用发生变形所形成的一系列构造.作为一种广泛发育的沉积构造,对其分类和成因机制的研究一直是国内外研究的热点.目前主流的分类方案是依据其成因机制为主再考虑其他因素将软沉积变形构造分为负载构造、包卷层理、变形交错层、滑塌构造、泄水和沉积物挤入构造、塌陷构造以及由生物和化学作用所形成的变形构造.而作为一种重要的软沉积变形构造,震积构造可以依据地震对沉积物改造的时间划分为同生、准同生和后生变形三种基本类型,而每一种基本类型可以分别受到伸展、挤压、剪切、液化以及震动而形成不同的软沉积变形构造.软沉积变形构造的触发因素多样,但主要是地震引起沉积物的液化产生的变形,因此可以按照沉积相分析、触发因素评估和标准评估三个步骤对软沉积变形构造的成因进行识别.作为一种广泛分布的沉积构造,软沉积变形构造成因机制的识别和判断仍然将是其研究的一个重要方向;其次软沉积变形在地质工程方面的应用也是一个研究方向;最后,随着油气勘探走向深水,发现软沉积变形构造有关的油气藏也将是另外一个研究的方向.  相似文献   
Earthquake and its resultant tsunami, as a kind of disaster events in geological history, may be recorded as event deposits of seismite and tsunamite. Typical characteristics of seismite and tsunamite, including seismo-fracture bed, synsedimentary microfracture, micro-corrugated lamination, molar tooth structure, hummocky bedding, occurs in Mesoproterozoic Dalongkou Formation of Kunyang Group in central Yunnan Province. Three types of sedimentary units have been recognized: seismite (unit-A, including limestone with molar tooth structure, seismic shattering rock, seismic corrugated rock, autoclastic breccia and intraclastic parabreccia), tsunamite (unit-B, intraclastic limestone with hummocky or parallel beddings) and background deposits (unit-C). Various stackings of these units construct three distinct sedimentary sequences: A-B-C, A-C and B-C. A-B-C represents an event sedimentary sequence of earthquake-tsunami-background deposits, A-C represents the sequence of earthquake and background deposits (no tsunami occurring), and B-C represents the sequence of tsunami and background deposits (far from the center of earthquake). As the central Yunnan Province was located in a tectonic setting of rift basin in Mesoproterozoic Era, the earthquake event deposits of the Dalongkou Formation are sedimentary response to tectonic activity of the rift basin.  相似文献   
辽东湾古近系地层中发育大量与古地震有关的震积岩,通过岩芯观察识别出包括:微褶皱、阶梯状断层、震塌岩、内碎屑副角砾、液化卷曲构造、串珠状构造、震积砂球-枕状构造、火焰构造、砂泥岩脉、震裂缝、自碎屑角砾共11种震积标志,主要分布于三角洲前缘斜坡和与前三角洲相邻的坡脚。依据塑性与脆性变形建立了震积序列,将其分为I,II,III单元,其所示古地震强度为I< II< III。通过地质统计学的方法,对辽东湾震积岩时空分布规律及其所反映的古地震强度研究认为:古近纪时期郯庐断裂在辽东湾呈NNE向展布,其构造活动分为三个阶段:第一阶段为E2s3,第二阶段为E3s2~E3s1,第三阶段为E3d,其中第一、三阶段为强构造活动时期。E2s3构造活动主要分布于辽西凸起北端,E3s2与E3s1主要分布于辽中凹陷A油田附近,E3d则主要分布于辽中凹陷南端、北端和A油田,辽西凸起中部靠近A油田附近区域。结果表明:通过震积岩时空分布规律反演构造活动是可行的,该方法为今后进行盆地分析提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
Devonian in the North Qilian orogenic belt and Hexi Corridor developed terrestrial molasse of later stage of foreland basin caused by collision between the North China plate and Qaidam microplate. The foreland basin triggered a intense earthquake, and formed seismites and earthquake-related soft-sediment deformation. The soft-sediment deformation structures of Devonian in the eastern North Qilian Mts. consist of seismo-cracks, sandstone dykes, syn-depositional faults, microfolds (micro-corrugated lamination), fluidized veins, load casts, flame structures, pillow structures and brecciation. The seismo-cracks, syn-depositional faults and microfolds are cracks, faults and folds formed directly by oscillation of earthquake. The seismic dykes formed by sediment instilling into seismic cracks. Fluidized veins were made by instilling into the seismo-fissures of the fluidized sands. The load casts, flame structures and pillow structures were formed by sinking and instilling caused from oscillation of earthquake along the face between sandy and muddy beds. The brecciation resulted from the oscillation of earthquake and cracking of sedimentary layers. The seismites and soft-sediment deformations in Devonian triggered the earthquake related to tectonic activities during the orogeny and uplift of North Qilian Mts.  相似文献   
Soft-sediment deformation structures are abundant in the Cambrian Zhushadong and Mantou formations of the Dengfeng area, Henan Province, China. Soft-sediment deformation structures of the Zhushadong Formation consist of fluidized deformation, synsedimentary faults, seismo-folds and plastic deformation; the Mantou Formation is dominated by small-scale horst faults, intruded dikes, fluidized veins, and seismo-cracks. These structures are demonstrated to be earthquake-related by analysis of trigger mechanisms, and may indicate the activity of the Qinling tectonic belt during the early Cambrian. Furthermore, the assemblages of soft-sediment deformation structures altered with time: large-scale, intense deformation in the Zhushadong Formation alters to small-scale, weak deformation in the Mantou Formation. This striking feature may have been caused by changes in hypocentral depth from deep-focus to shallow-focus earthquakes, indicating that the Qinling tectonic belt developed from the subduction of the Shangdan Ocean to the extension of the Erlangping back-arc basin. This study suggests that soft-sediment deformation structures can be used to reveal the activity of a tectonic belt, and, more importantly, changes in deformation assemblages can track the evolution of a tectonic belt.  相似文献   
岷江上游堰塞湖沉积中软沉积物变形构造成因讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对在岷江上游及其支流河谷中的晚第四纪古堰塞湖地层中发现的大量软沉积物变形构造的类型、特征和成因进行了分析,发现这些软沉积物变形构造分为两类:一类是小型的层内变形构造,如液化卷曲变形、泄水构造、负荷构造、阶梯状微断裂等,其形成与软沉积物的塑性变形、液化和流动作用相关;另一类是崩(滑)塌体对软沉积物的扰动形成的大型褶曲构造.通过与其它成因的软沉积物变形构造的对比以及对区域构造环境的分析,得出地震、崩塌和滑坡等灾害性地质事件是造成河谷区古堰塞湖地层中软沉积物变形构造发育的最可能的驱动机制.  相似文献   
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