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分析印度板块与欧亚板块俯冲带、尼泊尔Ms8.1地震震中区地震构造及地震发震构造,讨论主震对余震触发及余震的时空强特征和地震对周边地区地震活动趋势的影响。初步分析认为,主边界断裂为本次地震的发震构造,属于低角度逆冲断层地震;余震分布范围与震源破裂面积和方式基本一致,具有向东迁移的时空特征;西藏定日Ms5.9、聂拉木Ms5.3地震不属于尼泊尔地震余震,是应力扰动的结果;沿俯冲带向东至喜马拉雅东构造结是大震发生的危险地段。  相似文献   
Stress concentrations produced by rock deformation due to extraction in underground mines induce seismicity that can take the shape of violent and quite dangerous rockbursts.The hazard evaluation presented in this paper is based on a Bayesian probabilistic synthesis of information determined from mining situations during excavation, with previous and present data from microseismicity and seismoacustics.The method proposed in this study is an example of time-dependent on-line seismic hazard evaluation. All results presented were obtained retrospectiely for different underground coal mines in Poland and Czechoslovakia.On leave from Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences 01-452 Warszawa, ul. Ksiecia Janusza 64, Poland.  相似文献   
Flexure of the Indian plate and intraplate earthquakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The flexural bulge in central India resulting from India's collision with Tibet has a wavelength of approximately 670 km. It is manifest topographically and in the free-air gravity anomaly and the geoid. Calculations of the stress distribution within a flexed Indian plate reveal spatial variations throughout the depth of the plate and also a function of distance from the Himalaya. The wavelength (and therefore local gradient) of stress variation is a function of the effective elastic thickness of the plate, estimates of which have been proposed to lie in the range 40–120 km. The imposition of this stress field on the northward moving Indian plate appears fundamental to explaining the current distribution of intraplate earthquakes and their mechanisms. The current study highlights an outer trough south of the flexural bulge in central India where surface stresses are double the contiguous compressional stresses to the north and south. The Bhuj, Latur and Koyna earthquakes and numerous other recent reverse faulting events occurred in this compressional setting. The N/S spatial gradient of stress exceeds 2 bars/km near the flexural bulge. The overall flexural stress distribution provides a physical basis for earthquake hazard mapping and suggests that areas of central India where no historic earthquakes are recorded may yet be the locus of future damaging events.  相似文献   
构造机理与地震大形势分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对全球大震时空特征的分析表明,北南半球大震分布与陆地面积成比例,全球强震活动具有35年的地极移周期,并对一些具有全球活动特征的构造事件进行了机理探讨,最后对大陆西部强震的活动规律.尤其是主体活动区的特点进点了仔细的研究。给出了未来一段时间内的预测结果。  相似文献   
应用神经网络建立加速度峰值衰减规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔建文  温瑞智 《地震研究》1997,20(3):278-285
在假定了加速度峰值衰减规律的形式后,本采用人工神经网络拟合实际加速度峰值观测资料来求取方程中的待定系数。为加速神经网络的训练,本设计了基于BP学习算法的目标分段网络训练法。  相似文献   
Introduction The MS=8.1 earthquake occurred in west of the Kunlun Pass on November 14, 2001. It is the greatest earthquake occurred in China since the last half of the century and is an important event in recent seismic history of China. Some specialists consider that the earthquake occurred in the area where the earthquake monitoring capability is lowest in Chinese mainland; no striking precursory seismicity was found. The study on the precursory seismicity before the earthquake has not b…  相似文献   
福建及沿海地区地震活动力源探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
史粦华  周峥嵘  鲍挺  倪晓寅 《地震》2006,26(2):104-112
综合地震震源机制解和地壳形变观测资料的研究, 求得福建及其沿海地区现代震源应力场, 认为这与台湾地区、 台湾海峡应力场相互衔接, 主压应力轴优势方位为NW-SE向, 力轴仰角较小, 应力场近于水平挤压, 形变场反映近期福建沿海亦受北西方向, 接近与海岸垂直的挤压力。 进一步分析该区域内的断裂构造特征和地震活动强度由东至西逐渐减弱的规律, 认为菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块的相互作用力不仅是台湾强震力源所在, 而且其影响向西扩展, 福建及其沿海地区地震活动主要力源仍然是来自这两大板块的相互作用力。  相似文献   
用应变积累释放模型研究中国大陆地块分区地震活动   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
马宏生  刘杰  张国民  李丽 《地震学报》2002,24(6):569-578
依据活动地块假说及活动边界的划分,对中国大陆地震活动进行分区.在此基础上,应用应变积累释放模型,通过地震应变积累释放的计算,研究了中国大陆各活动地块分区的地震活动性,初步探讨了各地块的地震活动阶段划分.此外,还对应变积累释放模型的应用前提条件进行了必要的讨论,并对模型结果中可能出现的问题给予一定分析.  相似文献   
TherelationshipbetwentheearthquakesofNingboareaandtheNeotectonicmovementJIAGENGCHEN1)(陈家庚)CUNGUOCHEN2)(陈存国)LIWANG2)(王里)BO...  相似文献   
The October 21, 1766 earthquake is the most widely felt event in the seismic history of Trinidad and Venezuela. Previous works diverged on the interpretation of the historical data available for this event. They associated the earthquake either with the Lesser Antilles subduction zone, with strike-slip motion along El Pilar fault, or with intraplate deformation at the edge of Guyana shield. Isoseismal areas are proposed after a new search and analysis of primary and secondary sources of historical information. Two of the largest earthquakes of the twentieth century which occurred in the region, the 1968 (M S 6.4, h = 103 km), and the 1997 (M W 6.9, h = 25 km) events, for which both intensity data and instrumentally determined source parameters are available, are used to calibrate the isoseismal areas and to interpret them in terms of source depth and magnitude. It is concluded that the large extent of intensity values higher than V is diagnostic of the depth (85 ± 20 km) of the 1766 source, and of local amplifications of ground motion due to soft soil conditions and to strong contrasts of impedance at the edge of Guyana shield. It is proposed that the event occurred either in slab, or close to the bottom lithospheric interface between the Caribbean and South American plates (∼11°N; ∼62.5°W). The value of the magnitude is estimated at 6.5 < M S < 7.5 depending on the source depth and on the decay of ground motion as a function of distance. Deep and intermediate depth earthquakes can induce important casualties in Trinidad, Venezuela, and Guyana, possibly more damaging than those induced by shallower earthquakes along the strike of El Pilar Fault.  相似文献   
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