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Motivated by the development of performance‐based design guidelines with emphasis on both structural and non‐structural systems, this paper focuses on seismic vulnerability assessment of block‐type unrestrained non‐structural components under sliding response on the basis of seismic inputs specified by current seismic codes. Two sliding‐related failure modes are considered: excessive relative displacement and excessive absolute acceleration. It is shown that an upper bound for the absolute acceleration response can be assessed deterministically, for which a simple yet completely general equation is proposed. In contrast, fragility curves are proposed as an appropriate tool to evaluate the excessive relative displacement failure mode. Sample fragility curves developed through Monte‐Carlo simulations show that fragility estimates obtained without taking into account vertical base accelerations can be significantly unconservative, especially for relatively large values of the coefficient of friction. It is also found that reasonable estimates of relative displacement response at stories other than the ground in multistorey buildings cannot in general be obtained by simply scaling the ground acceleration to the peak acceleration at the corresponding storey. Failure modes considered in this study are found to be essentially independent of each other, a property that greatly simplifies assessment of conditional limit states. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
论述了适用于遥测地震台网大震速报的一套计算机处理系统,系统设计以《全国遥测台网观测技术规范》和《近震分析》理论为依据,实现了数据输入,震相选择,数据处理,地震定位,震级计算,结果输出及贮存等多项功能,达到了快速确定地震三要素,提高速报速度和精度之目的,是一个较完善的,实用的速报系统。  相似文献   
基于预应力混凝土渡槽的低周反复荷载试验,对其受力过程、破坏形态、滞回曲线、刚度退化、耗能能力等抗震性能进行了研究与分析。试验结果表明:预应力混凝土渡槽的破坏形态为弯剪破坏,滞回曲线在加载的初期阶段表现出一定的捏拢效应,滞回曲线总体呈明显的梭形,且较为丰满,耗能能力强,抗震性能优良;配筋合适的预应力混凝土渡槽在加载初期对裂缝控制具有良好的表现,渡槽整体具有良好的延性;在整个加载过程中,渡槽试件的刚度退化明显,刚度退化主要集中在开裂后至屈服这一阶段。  相似文献   
云南省区域数字地震遥测台网自1999年建成以来,记录了大量地震波形资料,从2000年1月至2006年2月,云南省及邻区共发生ML≥4.0地震168次,对这些地震的震级重新进行了测定,结果表明,对于云南省的区域地震,近震的体波震级ML和面波震级MS之间不满足昆明地震台网多年使用的MS=1.13ML-1.08这一换算公式,且发现ML也不一定大于MS。  相似文献   
Running across the urban areas of Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou, the NW-trending Su-Xi-Chang Fault is an important buried fault in Yangtze River Delta. In the respect of structural geomorphology, hilly landform is developed along the southwest side of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault, and a series of lakes and relatively low-lying depressions are developed on its northeast side, which is an important landform and neotectonic boundary line. The fault controlled the Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphic sedimentary and Cenozoic volcanic activities, and also has obvious control effects on the modern geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphic distribution. Su-Xi-Chang Fault is one of the target faults of the project "Urban active fault exploration and seismic risk assessment in Changzhou City" and "Urban active fault exploration and seismic risk assessment in Suzhou City". Hidden in the ground with thick cover layer, few researches have been done on this fault in the past. The study on the activity characteristics and the latest activity era of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault is of great significance for the prevention and reduction of earthquake disaster losses caused by the destructive earthquakes to the cities of Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou. Based on shallow seismic exploration and drilling joint profiling method, Quaternary activities and distribution characteristics of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault are analyzed systematically. Shallow seismic exploration results show that the south branch of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault in Suzhou area is dominated by normal faulting, dipping to the north-east, with a dip angle of about 60° and a displacement of 3~5m on the bedrock surface. The north branch of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault in Changzhou area is dominated by normal faulting, dipping to the south, with a dip angle of about 55°~70° and a displacement of 4~12m on the bedrock surface. All breakpoints of Su-Xi-Chang Fault on the seismic exploration profiles show that only the bedrock surface was dislocated, not the interior strata of the Quaternary. On the drilling joint profile in the Dongqiao site of Suzhou, the latest activity of the south branch of Su-Xi-Chang Fault is manifested as reverse faulting, with maximum displacement of 2.9m in the upper part of Lower Pleistocene, and the Middle Pleistocene has not been dislocated by the fault. The fault acts as normal fault in the Pre-Quaternary strata, with a displacement of 3.7m in the Neogene stratum. On the drilling joint profile in the Chaoyang Road site of Changzhou, the latest activity of the north branch of Su-Xi-Chang Fault is manifested as reverse faulting too, with maximum displacement of 2.8m in the bottom layer of the Middle Pleistocene. The fault acts as normal fault in the Pre-Quaternary strata, with a displacement of 10.2m in the bedrock surface. Combining the above results, we conclude that the latest activity era of Su-Xi-Chang Fault is early Middle Pleistocene. The Su-Xi-Chang Fault was dominated by the sinistral normal faulting in the pre-Quaternary period, and turned into sinistral reverse faulting after the early Pleistocene, with displacement of about 3m in the Quaternary strata. The maximum magnitude of potential earthquake on the Su-Xi-Chang Fault is estimated to be 6.0.  相似文献   
地震雷达   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用绿色、环保的人工震源,主动向地下发射地震波,构建地震雷达,实现大范围的地下探测,是地球科学的一个前沿课题.最早,探测地球内部利用的是天然地震产生的地震波,这是因为天然地震释放的能量大,一次天然地震释放的能量相当于万吨级炸药.几千公里远处仍可以接收到信噪比大于1的地震波信号,但天然地震发生频度低和震源位置定位精度低限制了利用天然地震进行地下探测的精度;后来,利用人工源的地震勘探得到迅速的发展,探测精度明显提高,但受到人工源能量的限制,探测的空间尺度有限;今天,以小当量激发实现大尺度探测是发展地震雷达的一个关键问题,是将地震波理论和现代信息科学相结合的一个新的领域.发展人工震源的编码和接收信号的解码等理论和技术,可以从电磁波雷达在过去半个世纪所经过的道路得到许多借鉴和启发.可以预期,地震雷达的发展将会对观测地震学带来全面的影响.  相似文献   
Automatic onset phase picking for portable seismic array observation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Automatic phase picking is a critical procedure for seismic data processing, especially for a huge amount of seismic data recorded by a large-scale portable seismic array. In this study is presented a new method used for automatic accurate onset phase picking based on the proporty of dense seismic array observations. In our method, the Akaike's information criterion (AIC) for the single channel observation and the least-squares cross-correlation for the multi-channel observation are combined together. The tests by the seismic array observation data after triggering with the short-term average/long-term average (STA/LTA) technique show that the phase picking error is less than 0.3 s for local events by using the single channel AIC algorithm. In terms of multi-channel least-squares cross-correlation technique, the clear teleseismic P onset can be detected reliably. Even for the teleseismic records with high noise level, our algorithm is also able to effectually avoid manual misdetections.  相似文献   
大同地震序列的震源机制解   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
使用CDSN长周期地震波形记录,利用Helmberger(1968)的广义地震射线理论得到的线性反演地震矩张量的方法,对1989年10月18日-1991年3月25日发生在大同的4个Ms>5.0的地震进行了反演,计算了这些地震矩张量和断层面解。  相似文献   
Tianshan is one of the longest and most active intracontinental orogenic belts in the world. Due to the collision between Indian and Eurasian plates since Cenozoic, the Tianshan has been suffering from intense compression, shortening and uplifting. With the continuous extension of deformation to the foreland direction, a series of active reverse fault fold belts have been formed. The Xihu anticline is the fourth row of active fold reverse fault zone on the leading edge of the north Tianshan foreland basin. For the north Tianshan Mountains, predecessors have carried out a lot of research on the activity of the second and third rows of the active fold-reverse faults, and achieved fruitful results. But there is no systematic study on the Quaternary activities of the Xihu anticline zone. How is the structural belt distributed in space?What are the geometric and kinematic characteristics?What are the fold types and growth mechanism?How does the deformation amount and characteristics of anticline change?In view of these problems, we chose Xihu anticline as the research object. Through the analysis of surface geology, topography and geomorphology and the interpretation of seismic reflection profile across the anticline, we studied the geometry, kinematic characteristics, fold type and growth mechanism of the structural belt, and calculated the shortening, uplift and interlayer strain of the anticline by area depth strain analysis.
In this paper, by interpreting the five seismic reflection profiles across the anticline belt, and combining the characteristics of surface geology and geomorphology, we studied the types, growth mechanism, geometry and kinematics characteristics, and deformation amount of the fold. The deformation length of Xihu anticline is more than 47km from west to east, in which the hidden length is more than 14km. The maximum deformation width of the exposed area is 8.5km. The Xihu anticline is characterized by small surface deformation, simple structural style and symmetrical occurrence. The interpretation of seismic reflection profile shows that the deep structural style of the anticline is relatively complex. In addition to the continuous development of a series of secondary faults in the interior of Xihu anticline, an anticline with small deformation amplitude(Xihubei anticline)is continuously developed in the north of Xihu anticline. The terrain high point of Xihu anticline is located about 12km west of Kuitun River. The deformation amplitude decreases rapidly to the east and decreases slowly to the west, which is consistent with the interpretation results of seismic reflection profile and the calculation results of shortening. The Xihu anticline is a detachment fold with the growth type of limb rotation. The deformation of Xihu anticline is calculated by area depth strain analysis method. The shortening of five seismic reflection sections A, B, C, D and E is(650±70) m, (1 070±70) m, (780±50) m, (200±40) m and(130±30) m, respectively. The shortening amount is the largest near the seismic reflection profile B of the anticline, and decreases gradually along the strike to the east and west ends of the anticline, with a more rapidly decrease to the east, which indicates that the topographic high point is also a structural high point. The excess area caused by the inflow of external material or outflow of internal matter is between -0.34km2 to 0.56km2. The average shortening of the Xihubei anticline is between(60±10) m and(130±40) m, and the excess area caused by the inflow of external material is between 0.50km2 and 0.74km2. The initial locations of the growth strata at the east part is about 1.9~2.0km underground, and the initial location of the growth strata at the west part is about 3.7km underground. We can see the strata overlying the Xihu anticline at 3.3km under ground, the strata above are basically not deformed, indicating that this section of the anticline is no longer active.  相似文献   
各向异性介质中的弹性阻抗及其反演   总被引:4,自引:12,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
地震反演已成为油藏描述中的重要组成部分.绝大多数的常规地震反演是叠后地震数据体上进行,很少考虑各向异性存在的情况.随着勘探开发的发展,地震各向异性和叠前地震波阻抗反演引起了人们极大关注.本文在各向同性介质中弹性阻抗研究基础上,推导出了各向异性介质中的弹性阻抗方程,提出了地震各向异性介质中用弹性阻抗进行储层参数描述的技术路线和框架,并对反演过程中存在的问题进行了有益探讨.  相似文献   
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