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Building damage in Dujiangyan during Wenchuan Earthquake   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A field damage survey of 1,005 buildings damaged by the Wenchuan Earthquake in Dujiangyan City was carried out and the resulting data was analyzed using the statistical method. It is shown that buildings that were seismically designed achieved the desired seismic fortification target; they sustained less damage than the non-seismically designed buildings. Among the seismically designed buildings investigated, RC frame buildings performed the best in terms of seismic resistance. Masonry buildings with a ground story of RC frame structure were the second best, and masonry buildings performed the worst. Considering building height, multistory buildings sustained more severe damage than high-rise buildings and 2- and 3-story buildings. Compared to residential buildings, public buildings, such as schools and hospitals, suffered more severe damage.  相似文献   
An investigation of girder bridges on National Highway 213 and the Doujiangyan-Wenchuan expressway after the Wenchuan earthquake showed that typical types of damage included: span collapses due to unseating at expansion joints; shear key failure; and damage of the expansion joint due to the slide-induced large relative displacement between the bottom of the girder and the top of the laminated-rubber bearing. This slide, however, can actually act as a form of isolation for the substructure, and as a result, the piers and foundation of most of the bridges on state route 213 suffered minor damage. The exception was the Baihua Bridge, which suffered severe damage. Corresponding seismic design recommendations are presented based on this investigation.  相似文献   
上海陆家嘴金融产业集群发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国东部沿海地区产业升级的压力增加,金融产业集群赢得了越来越多的关注.在分析大量资料以及开展问卷、面对面访谈的基础上,利用VCM曲线方法,对上海陆家嘴金融产业集群的内部联系、行业协会作用、人员交流等进行了系统的分析,陆家嘴金融企业空间集聚现象明显,企业之间的垂直联系较强,而水平联系较弱,金融从业人员之间的非正式交流很少,陆家嘴金融产业集群属于比较典型的轮轴式产业集群.为了提升陆家嘴金融产业集群的核心竞争力,需要在进一步壮大金融产业规模的同时,还应该提升外商独资企业、合资企业的地方根植性,重视金融人才的培养和引进,大幅改善金融企业水平合作联系的硬件和软件环境条件.  相似文献   
浅层地震勘探是城市地震小区划中不可缺少的重要勘探手段之一。本文介绍了浅层地震勘探在安阳地震小区划中的应用实例,着重论述不同地震地质条件下采取灵活多变的技术措施,获得明显的地质效果。  相似文献   
基于功能性状的生物多样性分析是当前生态学研究中的常用方法之一.浮游动物作为水生态系统食物网的重要组成成分,其功能多样性受关注的程度远不如其重要性.本文通过对14个水体浮游甲壳动物群落结构的研究,分析了环境因子对其功能多样性指数,包括功能丰富度(FRic)、功能均匀度(FEve)、功能离散度(FDiv)和功能分散度(FD...  相似文献   
We interpreted marine seismic profiles in conjunction with swath bathymetric and magnetic data to investigate rifting to breakup processes at the eastern Korean margin that led to the separation of the southwestern Japan Arc. The eastern Korean margin is rimmed by fundamental elements of rift architecture comprising a seaward succession of a rift basin and an uplifted rift flank passing into the slope, typical of a passive continental margin. In the northern part, rifting occurred in the Korea Plateau that is a continental fragment extended and partially segmented from the Korean Peninsula. Two distinguished rift basins (Onnuri and Bandal Basins) in the Korea Plateau are bounded by major synthetic and smaller antithetic faults, creating wide and considerably symmetric profiles. The large-offset border fault zones of these basins have convex dip slopes and demonstrate a zig-zag arrangement along strike. In contrast, the southern margin is engraved along its length with a single narrow rift basin (Hupo Basin) that is an elongated asymmetric half-graben. Analysis of rift fault patterns suggests that rifting at the Korean margin was primarily controlled by normal faulting resulting from extension rather than strike-slip deformation. Two extension directions for rifting are recognized: the Onnuri and Hupo Basins were rifted in the east-west direction; the Bandal Basin in the east–west and northwest–southeast directions, suggesting two rift stages. We interpret that the east–west direction represents initial rifting at the inner margin; while the Japan Basin widened, rifting propagated southeastward repeatedly from the Japan Basin toward the Korean margin but could not penetrate the strong continental lithosphere of the Korean Shield and changed the direction to the south, resulting in east–west extension to create the rift basins at the Korean margin. The northwest–southeast direction probably represents the direction of rifting orthogonal to the inferred line of breakup along the base of the slope of the Korea Plateau; after breakup the southwestern Japan Arc separated in the southeast direction, indicating a response to tensional tectonics associated with the subduction of the Pacific Plate in the northwest direction. No significant volcanism was involved in initial rifting. In contrast, the inception of sea floor spreading documents a pronounced volcanic phase which appears to reflect asthenospheric upwelling as well as rift-induced convection particularly in the narrow southern margin. We suggest that structural and igneous evolution of the Korean margin, although it is in a back-arc setting, can be explained by the processes occurring at the passive continental margin with magmatism influenced by asthenospheric upwelling.  相似文献   
地震相和测井相联合预测火山岩相分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以火山岩的基本地质特征、测井特征与测井相及其地震相特征与地震相分类为基础,依据测井相所建立的火山岩相模式,时地震相进行标定,形成由火山岩相、测井相和地震相组成的"三相"技术.该技术建立起"三相"之间的对应关系,以揭示火山岩相空间展布规律及变化特征.将"三相"技术应用于某盆地北部地区的营城组火山岩相研究.把营城组一段的地震相转换成火山岩相,得到火山岩相的平面分布,有效地预测出某盆地北部地区营城组一段火山岩的空间展布规律和火山岩储层有利相带.钻井证实:火山岩相之通道相岩石的物性最好,侵出相和爆发相次之,火山沉积相最差;火山岩相以火山颈岩物性最好,溢流相顶部次之.  相似文献   
为研究冲击钻机、打桩机、打夯机以及筑路机等设备工作时产生的震源,对开展工程地震勘探时的利用价值,在东庞矿2093工作面治水钻孔冲击钻进过程中进行了该项实验工作。试验采用WF-1006遥测数字地震仪及CGS-40型加速度检波器,接收排列之间方位角间隔20。,接收道数24道,道距5m,采样率1ms,记录长度2s。最近检波器距钻孔7m。利用SCHRAMM钻机产生的强大振动为被动震源,进行了250m、257m、183m、263m等不同钻井深度,以及与此相对应不同方位角(250°、250°、230°275°)的地震波接收试验。通过分析其地震记录,判定引发东庞矿矿井突水的陷落柱中心位于治水钻孔西南方向。该结论与三维地震勘探确定的陷落柱位置一致,可见通过选择合理的接收方式及参数,被动震源也能够用于地震勘探。  相似文献   
中朝板块元古宙板内地震带与盆地格局   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34  
乔秀夫 《地学前缘》2002,9(3):141-149
地史中发生的强地震事件在地层中留下固定的记录 (图 1~ 3) ,这些记录在区域上呈带状分布 ,代表地史中的地震带。中朝板块元古宙目前可识别出两个板内地震带 (图 5 )。中元古代板内地震带 (170 0~ 12 0 0Ma)西起太行山北段 ,经燕山山脉、辽宁西部、穿越辽河平原至辽宁北部的泛河流域分布 ,即燕山—泛河地震带 ,现今呈NEE向延伸。新元古代震旦纪地震带沿吉林南部、辽东半岛、山东中部及苏皖北部现今呈NNE走向分布 ,即古郯庐地震带 (6 5 0~ 6 0 0Ma)。上述两个板内地震带是元古宙不同时期超大陆裂解的响应。中元古代与新元古代两个不同方向的地震断裂带分别控制着两个时期的盆地边界。燕山泛河地震断裂带构成中元古代海盆南界 (指现在的位置 ) ,形成向北开放的海域。古郯庐地震断裂带将中朝板块裂解为华北块体与胶辽朝块体。古郯庐地震断裂带构成震旦纪海域的边界 ,震旦纪海盆通过朝鲜半岛与当时的外海相连接 ,华北块体则为陆源剥蚀区。文内四幅古地理图 (图 6~ 9)是以地震灾变思想为指导 ,以新的地层研究、对比为基础编制的 ,侧重反映了盆地的格局及其变化。根据地震、同沉积断裂新的思路 ,可提供地质学家重新认识与解释某些沉积矿床的成因 ,它们的成矿元素均来自地球深部而非地表风化作用。文中编制  相似文献   
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