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Tianshan is one of the longest and most active intracontinental orogenic belts in the world. Due to the collision between Indian and Eurasian plates since Cenozoic, the Tianshan has been suffering from intense compression, shortening and uplifting. With the continuous extension of deformation to the foreland direction, a series of active reverse fault fold belts have been formed. The Xihu anticline is the fourth row of active fold reverse fault zone on the leading edge of the north Tianshan foreland basin. For the north Tianshan Mountains, predecessors have carried out a lot of research on the activity of the second and third rows of the active fold-reverse faults, and achieved fruitful results. But there is no systematic study on the Quaternary activities of the Xihu anticline zone. How is the structural belt distributed in space?What are the geometric and kinematic characteristics?What are the fold types and growth mechanism?How does the deformation amount and characteristics of anticline change?In view of these problems, we chose Xihu anticline as the research object. Through the analysis of surface geology, topography and geomorphology and the interpretation of seismic reflection profile across the anticline, we studied the geometry, kinematic characteristics, fold type and growth mechanism of the structural belt, and calculated the shortening, uplift and interlayer strain of the anticline by area depth strain analysis.
In this paper, by interpreting the five seismic reflection profiles across the anticline belt, and combining the characteristics of surface geology and geomorphology, we studied the types, growth mechanism, geometry and kinematics characteristics, and deformation amount of the fold. The deformation length of Xihu anticline is more than 47km from west to east, in which the hidden length is more than 14km. The maximum deformation width of the exposed area is 8.5km. The Xihu anticline is characterized by small surface deformation, simple structural style and symmetrical occurrence. The interpretation of seismic reflection profile shows that the deep structural style of the anticline is relatively complex. In addition to the continuous development of a series of secondary faults in the interior of Xihu anticline, an anticline with small deformation amplitude(Xihubei anticline)is continuously developed in the north of Xihu anticline. The terrain high point of Xihu anticline is located about 12km west of Kuitun River. The deformation amplitude decreases rapidly to the east and decreases slowly to the west, which is consistent with the interpretation results of seismic reflection profile and the calculation results of shortening. The Xihu anticline is a detachment fold with the growth type of limb rotation. The deformation of Xihu anticline is calculated by area depth strain analysis method. The shortening of five seismic reflection sections A, B, C, D and E is(650±70) m, (1 070±70) m, (780±50) m, (200±40) m and(130±30) m, respectively. The shortening amount is the largest near the seismic reflection profile B of the anticline, and decreases gradually along the strike to the east and west ends of the anticline, with a more rapidly decrease to the east, which indicates that the topographic high point is also a structural high point. The excess area caused by the inflow of external material or outflow of internal matter is between -0.34km2 to 0.56km2. The average shortening of the Xihubei anticline is between(60±10) m and(130±40) m, and the excess area caused by the inflow of external material is between 0.50km2 and 0.74km2. The initial locations of the growth strata at the east part is about 1.9~2.0km underground, and the initial location of the growth strata at the west part is about 3.7km underground. We can see the strata overlying the Xihu anticline at 3.3km under ground, the strata above are basically not deformed, indicating that this section of the anticline is no longer active.  相似文献   
本文通过对长春净月地震台TJ-ⅡC型体应变仪观测资料(从安装初期到正常工作及记录到大量应变地震波)的分析,针对台站观测工作中遇到的实际问题(漂移、突跳、阶跃、地震异常及干扰),对各种现象作了较为系统的归纳。如何正确理解这些丰富的信息,是准确识别震前异常的前提和基础。如何将干扰因素与地震前兆异常进行区分,将其从观测资料中剔除,将成为今后很长一段时间内台站工作的重中之重。  相似文献   
南京地区地球物理场与地震构造稳定性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
岩石圈的不均衡状态是地球物理场存在差异的原因,对区域地球物理场进行分析,可以了解岩石圈的不均衡及其构造活动的背景.本文在对南京地区地震地质环境分析的基础上,通过重力异常、地热场、深部速度结构、天然地震层析成像等地球物理资料进行系统分析,研究它们与本区地震构造稳定性的关系;分析研究地震活动,从现今地壳运动速度场与地壳形变...  相似文献   
各向异性介质中的弹性阻抗及其反演   总被引:4,自引:12,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
地震反演已成为油藏描述中的重要组成部分.绝大多数的常规地震反演是叠后地震数据体上进行,很少考虑各向异性存在的情况.随着勘探开发的发展,地震各向异性和叠前地震波阻抗反演引起了人们极大关注.本文在各向同性介质中弹性阻抗研究基础上,推导出了各向异性介质中的弹性阻抗方程,提出了地震各向异性介质中用弹性阻抗进行储层参数描述的技术路线和框架,并对反演过程中存在的问题进行了有益探讨.  相似文献   
在多分量地震勘探资料中,水平和垂直分量都记录有P波和SV波。本文研究了P波和SV波波场分解的方法。当上行P波和S波分别入射时,通过研究它们引起的水平和垂直位移,把地震记录的水平和垂直分量进行分解,得到纵波和转换波;在已知海底介质中纵横波速度和介质密度的情况下,可以在τ-P域内实现波场分解,然后变换到时间域,得到时间域内的纵波和转换波剖面。把本文研究的波场分解方法应用于合成资料,能够有效地分解得到纵波波场和转换波波场。最后,海上多分量实际资料的实例应用表明,本文研究的波场分解方法是可行有效的。本方法也适用于自由表面的资料。  相似文献   
在混凝土中加入高阻尼掺料,从而有效地提高钢筋混凝土结构自身的阻尼比,这是从材料角度出发的一种新的结构振动控制方法。本文利用聚合物的高阻尼特性和材料的表面改性技术,在普通钢筋混凝土柱中掺加一定数量的苯丙乳液和改性的硅粉,制作了3组单层两榀混凝土框架;然后对其进行了试验研究,测定了框架结构的阻尼比和频率等动力特性;并且研究和比较了不同地震动下高阻尼混凝土框架的相对位移和绝对加速度反应。试验结果表明:改性硅粉和苯丙乳液的加入均可以提高混凝土框架结构破坏前后的阻尼比,分别提高52.4%、82.3%和27.5%、42.5%;改性硅粉可以有效地提高混凝土框架结构破坏前后的刚度,分别提高5%和15%~50%;虽然苯丙乳液的加入降低了混凝土框架结构的初始刚度,大约降低17%,但却提高了混凝土框架结构破坏后的残余刚度,提高大约10%~20%。改性硅粉和苯丙乳液的加入对于混凝土框架结构地震反应的减振控制起到了很好的作用。  相似文献   
本文应用归一化变化速率(NVRM)方法,研究了2017年九寨沟M_S7.0地震周边800km范围内25个地电阻率台站2012—2018年的连续观测数据,分析了震中区周围的地电阻率时、空演化过程.结果显示:(1)25个台站中共有14个台站在震前出现了地电阻率变化,结合本次地震震源机制等分析其时空变化,认为邻近地震破裂带的临夏、通渭、武都和宝鸡台地电阻率在震前出现了下降—折返回升型的变化,符合前人已总结的强地震前地电阻率的变化过程.(2)地震发生前震中区周围大区域内出现了地电阻率负异常变化,且以震中区为中心呈条带分布,异常区的长轴方向与地震断裂带走向或地震烈度分布的长轴方向几乎垂直,与地震主压应力轴方向吻合.本文认为九寨沟M_S7.0强震发生之前,震中区周围出现的区域性地电阻率异常空间丛集现象是很好的中期和短临前兆;地电阻率震前异常动态演化、各向异性等特征对认识本次强震发震断层活动以及震源区应力场分布有启示意义.  相似文献   

In the coastal area, nearshore and offshore structures have been or will be built in marine soft clay deposits that have experienced long-term cyclic loads. Therefore, the mechanical behavior of marine clay after long-term cyclic loading needs to be investigated. In this research, a series of monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests were carried out to investigate the postcyclic mechanical behavior of the marine soft clay. The postcyclic water pore pressure, shear strength and secant stiffness are discussed by comparing the results with the standard monotonic test (without cyclic loading). It is very interesting that the postcyclic behavior of marine soft clay specimen is similar to the behavior of overconsolidated specimen, that is, the specimen shows apparent overconsolidation behavior after long-term cyclic loading. Then relationship between the overconsolidation ratio and the apparent overconsolidation ratio is established on the basis of the theory of equivalent overconsolidation. Finally, a validation formula is proposed which can predict the postcyclic undrained shear strength of marine soft clay.  相似文献   
中国是世界上地震滑坡灾害最为严重的国家之一.考虑地质构造、地形地貌、地层岩性、河流、地震动参数等6类影响因素,针对50年超越概率10%的抗震设防水准,分别开展了基于信息量模型和Newmark模型的地震滑坡危险性评估.基于最不利原则对两项结果进行地震滑坡危险性综合分区,揭示了中国地震滑坡高危险区集中在南北构造带、青藏高原...  相似文献   
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