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David Amitrano 《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2004,336(6):505-512
We propose a mechanical model for the behaviour of rocks based on progressive damage at the elementary scale and elastic interaction. It allows us to simulate several experimental observations: mechanical behaviour ranging from brittle to ductile, fractal structure of the damage, power-law distribution of the damage avalanches. These macroscopic properties are not incorporated at the elementary scale, but are the results of the interaction between elements. This emerging complexity permits us to consider the strain rock process as a complex system characterized by non-linear dynamics. To cite this article: D. Amitrano, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004). 相似文献
基于时间可达性与伽萨法则的大卖场区位探讨——以上海市中心城区为例 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
目前多数基于GIS的商业区位模型与技术研究,未全面考虑交通网络、道路等级、网点吸引力与竞争因素。针对此局限,借助GIS软件,依托可达性方法与伽萨法则,尝试综合考虑上述因素探讨大卖场可达性与商圈特征。以上海中心城区大卖场为例,采用同心圆法、扇形法与最近邻域法探讨卖场空间特征;利用行进成本分析法计算卖场可达性,并根据伽萨法则叠加了卖场引力因素,得到伽萨法则商圈。结果表明:大卖场集中分布于距市中心4.5~10km范围,各方向扩张不均衡。城区整体可达性较好,浦西优于浦东。外环附近商圈面积大,外环附近与市中心区商圈市场规模大,内环附近商圈面积与市场规模小。伽萨法则商圈市场规模两极分化既表明卖场市场竞争激烈地区与网点短缺区并存,也说明网点市场规模与职能存在等级差异。 相似文献
Reservoir models have large uncertainty because of spatial variability and limited sample data. The ultimate aim is to use simultaneously all available data sources to reduce uncertainty and provide reliable reservoir models for resource assessment and flow simulation. Seismic impedance or some other attribute provides a key source of data for reservoir modeling. These seismic data are at a coarser scale than the hard well data and it not an exact measurement of facies proportions or porosity. A requirement for data integration is the cross-covariance between the well and seismic data.The size-scaling behavior of the cross correlation for different measurement scales was nvestigated. The size-scaling relationship is derived theoretically and validated by numerical studies (including an example with real data). The limit properties of the cross-correlation coefficient when the averaging volume becomes large is shown. After some averaging volume, the volume-dependent cross-correlation coefficient reaches a limit value. This plateau value is controlled mainly by the large-scale behavior of the cross and direct variograms.The cross correlation can increase or decrease with volume support depending on the relative importance of long- and short-scale covariance structures. If the direct and cross variograms are proportional, there is no change in the cross correlation as the averaging volume changes. Our study shows that the volume-dependent cross-correlation coefficient is sensitive to the shape of the cross variogram and differences between the direct variograms of the well data and seismic data. 相似文献
西北地区45a来降水异常的时空变化及其标度特征 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用西北地区(73°~113°E,30°~50°N)157个气象站的1960—2004年日降水观测资料,通过非参数趋势检测和旋转主成分分析方法对年降水异常的时空特征进行研究.根据降水特征的差异,西北地区可以划分为西北东北部、东南部、西北部、西南部、中北部及中南部等6大区域.结果表明:西北地区降水自东南向西北逐步递减,降水变化趋势则是东南为负、西北为正,变化幅度东南大于西北.根据每个分区的降水序列标度特征,采用消除波动趋势分析方法,对6个分区45 a来降水时间序列所纪录的大气动力过程影响的时空差异进行分析,定量区分区域气候系统和局地要素对不同区域降水贡献的差异及其年代际变化. 相似文献
安徽沿江坳陷是长江中下游铁铜成矿带的重要组成部分,近10年来安徽新发现的具有较高经济价值的金属矿床几乎全都在该区。侵入岩体周边不同性质的围岩往往对矿床的类型具有控制作用;区域性深大断裂控制了成矿母岩的形成和分布,而具体的矿床构造(褶皱、断裂、接触带)控制着成矿有利空间(低压带)的分布;燕山中晚期中性-中酸性混熔型钙碱性岩浆岩不仅控制金属矿床的产出部位,还提供了成矿物质、热能,并产生成矿热液;矿床均围绕岩体分布,具有矿种和矿物组合等方面的水平-垂向分带;成矿时代为130~155 Ma,金属矿床分为玢岩型铁矿、夕卡岩型铁矿、斑岩型铜矿、夕卡岩型铜矿、层控型铁铜矿等5种矿床类型,各类型之间存在过渡、共生、叠加关系,构成中性-中酸性岩浆成矿系列。建议在今后的找矿工作中,要选好靶区、就矿找矿,加强中性-中酸性岩浆岩和控矿构造的研究,并注意技术方法的有效性与多解性。 相似文献
Employing long‐range correlation, complexity features and clustering, this study investigated the influence of dam and lake‐river systems on the Yangtze River flow. The impact of the Gezhouba Dam and the lake systems on streamflow was evaluated by analysing daily streamflow records at the Cuntan, the Yichang and the Datong station. Results indicated no evident influence of the Gezhouba Dam on streamflow changes. Distinct differences in scaling behaviour, long‐range correlation and clustering of streamflow at the Datong station when compared with those at the Cuntan and Yichang stations undoubtedly showed the influence of water storage and the buffering effect of the lake systems between the Datong station and other two hydrological stations on streamflow in the lower Yangtze River basin. Decreased regularity, enhanced long‐range correlation and increased clustering of streamflow in the lower Yangtze River basin due to the effect of water storage of the lake systems were corroborated. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
把地震作为一个复杂系统,研究了地震活动的随机性质.当不考虑震级范围时,全球地震活动、人震的余震和区域震群均有以幂次律为特征的长尾现象.地震的强度由震级确定,具有一特定震级的地震可形成一个地震活动系列,很多这样的地震活动系列就形成具有各种震级的地震的集合.不同地震系列间的统计特征由随机标度来表征,随机标度表明了由地震震级分类的不同地震系列间统计时刻的标度关系.为了统一地方、区域和全球地震活动性的统计特性,引入了非线性标度率. 相似文献
Moment tensors of eleven major earthquakes in the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding region from 1966 to 1980 are estimated by generalized inverse technique. The seismic source time function and focal depth are immediately determined in the inversion. The results show that moment tensors of some events differ significantly from double couple, the deviation increases with decreasing plunge angle of null axis. All these events occurred in the upper crust, much shallower than those reported so far, for example, in NEIS Bulletin. Focal mechanism solution obtained from the moment tensors are consistent with the idea that the Indian plate collides northwards with the Eurasian plate and that an eastward spreading exists in the crust of the Tibetan Plateau. The stress drops for earthquakes of intraplate are systematically higher than those of earthquakes in suture zone. The source process duration becomes longer with seismic moment, but for the same seismic moment, the process duration for earthquakes in suture zone is about 1.4 times of those for intraplate event, these results suggest that the earthquakes near suture zone may be of a special characteristics in source process differently from those in intraplate. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 423 – 434, 1992. 相似文献