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基于资源三号卫星影像的城市绿地信息提取方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王野 《测绘工程》2014,(7):65-67
我国高分遥感卫星的发展为城市绿地的规划、建设和改造提供有力的技术支持。研究利用资源三号卫星全色和多光谱影像,以国内某城市为例,采用基于规则的面向对象分类技术获取城市绿地。研究提出的技术方案,简单易行,具有较好的应用性。对于推动资源三号卫星在国土资源和城市规划方面的应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
直接利用光学遥感卫星的严格成像模型对地面点进行定位,定位误差与卫星姿态测量误差有关,其中包括地球自转引起的偏流角误差和姿态角常差。偏流角误差可以根据星历数据予以有效消除,而姿态角常差一般要利用少量控制点进行消除。基于此,在消除偏流角的影响下,这里采用了一种改进的四元数算法——P-H算法用于快速计算姿态角常差,并对系统误差进行补偿。该技术较常用的欧拉角解算,具有原理简单,计算速度快和结果稳定的特点。通过实践九号卫星影像的实验表明,运用该技术能快速和大幅度提高卫星在稀少控制点情况下的定位精度。  相似文献   
官莉  韩静  薛秋蒙 《气象科学》2023,43(4):561-568
针对2020年第9号台风\"美莎克\"期间FY-4A 高光谱红外干涉式大气垂直探测仪GIIRS每15 min一次的目标区跟踪加密观测资料,用三维卷积神经网络算法反演的全天空大气温度、湿度廓线分析了台风处于生命史不同阶段时暖心结构和湿度场结构的演变特征。结果表明:卷积神经网络的深度机器学习算法可以用来反演全天空的三维大气温度和湿度垂直廓线,不光适用范围广(晴空和有云视场)、反演精度高,而且反演速度快。利用静止卫星平台高时间分辨率的特性,反演得到的温度、湿度廓线可以细致追踪台风处于发展、成熟和登陆等阶段时暖心结构和湿度场的时空演变特征。台风从发展阶段(热带风暴和强热带风暴)到成熟阶段至登陆消亡时,暖心首先出现在对流层中高层较薄的区域,随着台风强度的加强,深厚的暖心结构明显、强度增加,水平面积增大且垂直往下延伸。由于对流云中强上升气流的输送水汽正距平区逐渐上传至300 hPa,台风最强时密闭云区与四周下沉气流区比湿差高到8 K·kg-1。暖心结构和高湿度中心随着台风登陆而逐渐消失。  相似文献   

2023年4月16日09时36分(北京时)中国首颗降水测量卫星—风云三号G星(FY-3G)成功发射,本文在介绍风云三号降水星技术特征的基础上,着重分析FY-3G降水探测能力及在暴雨监测中的应用前景。结果表明:卫星轨道高度407 km、倾角50°,装载了Ka/Ku双频降水测量雷达、微波和光学成像仪的FY-3G卫星,可对影响中国大部分地区的台风、暴雨、强对流等灾害性天气系统三维结构进行探测。FY-3G在设计层面上,降水探测能力与目前美国第二代全球降水测量计划(GPM)核心星(GPMCO)相当,在载荷类型、数量、通道设置等方面优于GPMCO卫星。FY-3G业务运行后将与风云三号上午、下午和黎明星等其他极轨气象卫星以及风云高轨静止卫星组成风云降水探测星座体系,提升风云卫星星座的降水总体探测能力,为气象防灾减灾提供更强的基础支撑。

中国气象局卫星广播系统(CMACast)是全球对地观测广播系统(GEONETCast)框架下三大对地广播系统之一,在世界气象组织信息系统(WIS)和综合卫星数据分发服务系统(IGDDS)框架下,承担亚太地区气象数据广播分发的职责。随着气象业务的发展,广播系统数据量由180 GB/天增长至460 GB/天,在广播带宽资源有限而广播数据种类和大小各异的情况下,系统管理员越来越难以通过经验对广播通道参数调整以保持广播系统播发效率,造成部分通道数据播发时效下降严重,不能满足业务时效要求。通过对不同气象数据传输特性的定量分析,获得各类数据的精细化数据传输样本,在此基础上对各类数据广播通道参数进行科学、定量的计算和优化,使数据播发时效明显提升,应用到实际广播业务中效果明显。  相似文献   
In this paper, we utilized the deep convolutional neural network D-LinkNet, a model for semantic segmentation, to analyze the Himawari-8 satellite data captured from 16 channels at a spatial resolution of 0.5 km, with a focus on the area over the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea (32°–42°N, 117°–127°E). The objective was to develop an algorithm for fusing and segmenting multi-channel images from geostationary meteorological satellites, specifically for monitoring sea fog in this region. Firstly, the extreme gradient boosting algorithm was adopted to evaluate the data from the 16 channels of the Himawari-8 satellite for sea fog detection, and we found that the top three channels in order of importance were channels 3, 4, and 14, which were fused into false color daytime images, while channels 7, 13, and 15 were fused into false color nighttime images. Secondly, the simple linear iterative super-pixel clustering algorithm was used for the pixel-level segmentation of false color images, and based on super-pixel blocks, manual sea-fog annotation was performed to obtain fine-grained annotation labels. The deep convolutional neural network D-LinkNet was built on the ResNet backbone and the dilated convolutional layers with direct connections were added in the central part to form a string-and-combine structure with five branches having different depths and receptive fields. Results show that the accuracy rate of fog area (proportion of detected real fog to detected fog) was 66.5%, the recognition rate of fog zone (proportion of detected real fog to real fog or cloud cover) was 51.9%, and the detection accuracy rate (proportion of samples detected correctly to total samples) was 93.2%.  相似文献   
通过观察对比等距映射流形坐标和光谱特征的变化趋势来解释每一维流形坐标的光谱含义,目的在于从具有光谱解释的流形图中提取低维流形特征。通过设计两个实例来验证本文提出的低维流形特征提取方法。结果显示,Isomap低维流形图可用于提取目标地物的低维流形特征,同时也证明了等距映射流形坐标光谱解释的可行性。这对Isomap降维在高光谱影像中的应用具有很大的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
With polar orbiting meteorological satellites FY-1 and NOAA,flooding was monitored in the areas of the HuaiheRiver basin and the Taihu Lake region during June and July 1991.All satellite images from FY-1 and NOAA for concerned areas before and during flooding were examined.Thoseof cloud-free,with small amount of cumulus or thin cirrus were selected to exam the situation.Navigation and projec-tion were carefully performed,to ensure the projected images at different time overlap accurately with each other in 1—2pixels.Channel 1 (CH1) and Channel 2 (CH2) data of FY-1 and NOAA satellites with wavelength of 0.58—0.68μm and0.725—1.1μm were used to monitor the flooding.Albedo of Channel 2 and normalized vegetation index (NDVI) wereadopted as indicators to identify water body from land.With histogram and man-machine interactive methods,analysiswas done.In cloud-free condition,the two indicators identified the same area and scope of the water body.Totally cloud-free image in a large area is quite rare.To understand flood process,it is necessary to use more fre-quent images.It was investigated to distinguish water from land in partly cloudy condition.The result showed that whenthere is small amount of cumulus or thin cirrus,satellite images are still valuable in monitoring water body.In case ofmonitoring area covered with cirrus,vegetation index is useful,and while there is small amount of cumulus on land,albedo of Channel 2 can be used.Ten images from May 16 to August 18 of 1991 were examined.The results show that in the Lixiahe area,JiangsuProvince,the area submerged in total was the largest;along main stream of the Huaihe River,the Chuhe River,andaround the Chaohu Lake,a large percentage of area submerged;while in the Taihu Lake area,less field submerged.Flood monitoring was performed for 87 counties in the region concerned.These counties were put in order accord-ing to the percentage of submerged area in total.This order showed the extent of disaster at one view point.  相似文献   
简要介绍了GPS在现代板块构造运动中的应用及其进展:GPS对于地球参考框架的建立和维持发挥着重要的作用;大量地壳运动监测网的建立使得GPS成为监测地壳运动强有力的工具;全球性、全天候的GPS卫星测高将在现代板块构造运动的监测中发挥重要作用;高精度的IGS产品为国际动力学服务提供坚实的数据基础。  相似文献   
随着CBERS-02B星(以下简称02B星)多光谱CCD数据与全色HR数据在各个领域的广泛应用,两者相差较大的空间分辨率给图像融合带来难题。在对改进型的IHS变换、主成分变换、Brovey变换、GS变换等融合算法分析的基础上,利用02B星数据进行融合试验,并对试验结果进行定性与定量评价,结果表明:①Brovey变换融合效果较差;②在影像的阴影区域,改进型的IHS变换融合结果存在光谱失真;③PCA变换光谱保真较好;④GS变换无论是统计结果还是图像的色彩和清晰度都明显优于上述三种方法。  相似文献   
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