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西湖凹陷西次凹古近系花港组和平湖组深层油气资源丰富,是东海陆架盆地勘探开发新领域,受储层差异致密化影响,油气成藏机理复杂。为了厘清西次凹深层油气成藏过程,本文通过流体包裹体岩相学特征、显微测温、激光拉曼光谱、包裹体所含油气地球化学等实验分析,结合构造演化、地层埋藏史、热史等,开展了系统的储层特征、油气成藏期次、成藏过程研究。结果表明,花港组深层(>4000 m)和平湖组储层均已致密化,溶蚀孔隙是主要的储集孔隙类型;花港组和平湖组均发育两期油气包裹体,早期含油包裹体较多,晚期以天然气包裹体为主,成藏时间分别为龙井运动期和冲绳运动期,以晚期天然气成藏最为关键。包裹体中油气地球化学特征类似,反映生烃母质以高等植物生源为主,低等生物为辅,与平湖组煤系烃源岩特征一致。冲绳运动叠加平湖组生气增压是晚期天然气成藏的主要动力,此时H10段及以上储层未致密化。根据储层致密化与成藏时序匹配关系可将西次凹M构造深层油气藏类型划分为常规型、先成藏后致密型、先致密后成藏型和边成藏边致密型4种。本文成果可为研究区下一步致密砂岩气的勘探开发部署提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
为了加快松辽盆地南部(简称松南)深层致密砂岩气勘探开发进程,开展致密砂岩储层形成机制及成藏主控因素研究。通过对松南深层致密砂岩的分析,根据致密砂岩岩性组合特征将已发现的深层致密气类型划分为稳定厚层砂型、砂泥互层型、泥包砂型3种类型,储层物性普遍差,孔隙度多小于6%,渗透率主体<0.10×10-3μm2,属于特低孔、特低渗储层。通过对松南典型致密储层矿物成分与微观特征的分析发现,致密砂岩有效储层形成主要受3个方面因素控制:一是早成岩期发育绿泥石包壳,有效抑制成岩中后期粒间钙质胶结、硅质胶结的发生,保护原生残余粒间孔隙;二是富火山岩岩屑溶蚀形成次生孔隙;三是生烃增压产生大量微裂缝,改善储层渗流特征。在此基础上总结出松南致密砂岩气成藏控制因素,即充足气源提供物质基础、斜坡古沟谷与断裂控砂、次生溶蚀与微裂缝控储、断裂活动与稳定盖层控富。  相似文献   
袁璞  马芹永 《岩土力学》2013,34(9):2557-2562
由于降雨、季节引起地下水位升降等原因,地壳中岩体常处于干湿循环状态。为研究干湿循环对岩石动态力学性能的影响,以安徽恒源煤矿北风井-259 m处砂岩为研究对象,采用?50 mm变截面分离式霍普金森压杆试验装置,对长径比为0.5的煤矿砂岩试件经干湿循环作用后实施单轴冲击压缩试验,获得了砂岩动态单轴压缩应力-应变曲线。研究发现,由于自由水的Stefan效应,干湿循环1次对砂岩具有增强作用,单轴动态抗压强度最高;其后,随着干湿循环次数的增加,砂岩受水侵蚀物理弱化作用,砂岩动态单轴抗压强度呈乘幂关系降低,砂岩试件的冲击破碎块度逐渐变小。试验结果表明,干湿循环12次时砂岩动态抗压强度比干湿循环1次降低约24%,表现出较强的劣化效应。  相似文献   
任大忠  孙卫  卢涛  李跃刚  张茜  周楷 《现代地质》2015,29(6):1409-1417
以苏里格气田东部盒8段典型的致密砂岩气藏为例,运用核磁共振、恒速压汞、铸体薄片、物性、X-衍射等实验资料,探讨了影响可动流体赋存差异的微观地质 因素。结果表明,盒8段储层可动流体饱和度低,T2谱分布均为左高峰右低峰的双峰态;黏土矿物的充填与孔隙类型是孔隙结构复杂的重要因素,孔隙结构是影响可动流体赋存特征的关键;面孔率、喉道 半径、孔喉半径比是影响可动流体饱和度的主要因素,有效孔隙体积、分选系数对可动流体饱和度影响明显,储层物性、黏土矿物、有效喉道体积、孔隙半径对可动流体饱和度影响较弱。  相似文献   
简要回顾了铀矿地震技术发展情况,基于近十几年来核地矿系统积累的砂岩型铀矿地震勘探工作成果,从采集、处理、解释方面介绍了我国砂岩型铀矿地震勘探技术的应用现状.通过与国内外同类技术发展水平的对比分析,找出了我们存在的诸多差距和不足,例如针对砂岩型铀矿成藏特点的地震采集方法研究不足,浅层地震数据处理成像精度不高,解释反演精度不高,砂岩型铀矿砂体的地震属性分析、叠前反演技术研究、目标砂体建模与正演等工作滞后.针对这些问题以及铀矿成矿特点,提出了优化采集面元、详细论证和试验覆盖次数、开发超浅层(小于100 m)砂岩型铀矿地震处理技术和层间砂体弱信息提取技术、研究浅层去噪及高精度成像技术、开展含铀和非含铀砂体岩石物理建模研究以及目标砂体地震属性特征分析研究等对策和建议,以加快我国砂岩型铀矿地震勘探技术的发展.  相似文献   
松辽盆地大庆长垣隆起区砂岩型铀矿资源丰富,但成矿条件复杂。以大庆长垣南端四方台组砂岩型铀矿为研究对象,基于三维地震精细解译成果,对长垣隆起区铀矿的分布特征、富集主控因素及成矿模式开展研究。结果表明:①三维地震资料是刻画断层与砂体分布的有效手段;②砂岩型铀矿主要富集在四方台组一段的河道砂体中,与沟通深部油气储层的输导断层邻近;③河道砂体、油气输导断层及油气圈闭是控制砂岩型铀矿富集的3个主要因素;④长垣隆起区的砂岩型铀矿是含铀地下水与油气运聚协调配合局部富集的结果,建立了输导断层与油气圈闭联合控矿模式。研究成果为含油气盆地砂岩型铀矿勘探提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
波速测试技术作为一种简便、快捷的测试技术被广泛应用于各种工程实践中, 第三系砂岩是非常具有代表性的软岩, 对第三系砂岩波速测试的研究具有重要意义。本文以吉阳核电厂址的第三系砂岩为研究对象, 通过整理单孔波速、跨孔波速方法获得的参数, 分析半成岩岩体波速的空间分布规律及特性, 寻找波速与埋深深度、标贯动探参数之间的关系。结果表明单孔、跨孔波速测试波速值随深度增加而增加, 埋深5m以上增加幅度明显, 埋深5m以下增加趋势减缓, 平面上不同位置各孔的波速值基本一致, 说明第三系半成砂岩岩体分布较均匀。剪切波速与埋置深度线性回归拟合效果较好, 对数拟合优度在0.95以上, 精度最高, 相对可靠, 剪切波速与标贯击数之间相关性不明显, 与动探击数之间基本不相关。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地延长组石油资源丰富,储层致密,为了查明湖盆致密砂岩储层发育机理,综合利用岩心观察、铸体薄片鉴定、X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜观察、高压压汞测试等方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地陕北地区长7段致密油储层特征及其发育主控因素进行了分析。研究结果显示,研究区长7段长石含量高,主要发育长石砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩。致密砂岩储层孔隙类型以长石粒内溶蚀孔隙和粒间溶蚀孔隙为主,同时晶间微孔和微裂缝较为发育。研究区长7段时期主要为三角洲前缘与滨浅湖沉积环境,水动力较弱,发育砂岩中泥质含量较高。中等强度压实作用及早期的方解石胶结作用使原生孔隙消失殆尽,胶结作用进一步使孔隙减小。由于长石及黏土含量较高,其受溶蚀作用形成溶蚀孔隙,改善储层质量,同时也是研究区长7段致密砂岩储层发育的主要控制因素。  相似文献   
Co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds are most commonly found in distal basin-plain settings and basin margins. This study documents the geometry, architectural association and paleogeographic occurrence of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds in the Carboniferous Ross Sandstone with the goal of reducing uncertainty in the interpretation of subsurface data in similarly shaped basins where oil and gas is produced.The Ross Sandstone of western Ireland was deposited in a structurally confined submarine basin. Two outcrops contain co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds: Ballybunnion and Inishcorker. Both of the exposures contain strata deposited on the margin of the basin. An integrated dataset was used to characterize the stratigraphy of the Ballybunnion exposure. The exposure is divided into lower, middle, and upper units. The lower unit contains laminated shale with phosphate nodules, structureless siltstone, convolute bedding/slumps, locally contorted shale, and siltstone turbidites. The middle unit contains co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds, siltstone turbidites, and structureless siltstone. Each co-genetic debrite–turbidite bed contains evidence that fluid turbulence and matrix strength operated alternately and possibly simultaneously during deposition by a single sediment-gravity-flow event. The upper unit contains thin-bedded sandy turbidites, amalgamated sandy turbidites, siltstone turbidites, structureless siltstone, and laminated shale. A similar vertical facies pattern is found at Inishcorker.Co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds are only found at the basin-margin. We interpret these distinct beds to have originated as sand-rich, fully turbulent flows that eroded muddy strata on the slope as well as interbedded sandstone and mudstone in axial positions of the basin floor forming channels and associated megaflute erosional surfaces. This erosion caused the axially dispersing flows to laterally evolve to silt- and clay-rich flows suspended by both fluid turbulence and matrix strength due to a relative increase in clay proportions and associated turbulence suppression. The flows were efficient enough to bypass the basin center/floor, physically disconnecting their deposits from coeval lobes, resulting in deposition of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds on the basin margin. The record of these bypassing flows in axial positions of the basin is erosional surfaces draped by thin siltstone beds with organic debris.A detailed cross-section through the Ross Sandstone reveals a wedge of low net-to-gross, poor reservoir-quality strata that physically separates sandy, basin-floor strata from the basin margin. The wedge of strata is referred to as the transition zone. The transition zone is composed of co-genetic debrite–turbidite beds, structureless siltstone, slumps, locally contorted shale, and laminated shale. Using data from the Ross Sandstone, two equations are defined that predict the size and shape of the transition zone. The equations use three variables (thickness of basin-margin strata, thickness of coeval strata on the basin floor, and angle of the basin margin) to solve for width (w) and trajectory of the basinward side of the low net-to-gross wedge (β). Beta is not a time line, but a facies boundary that separates sandy basin floor strata from silty basin-margin strata. The transition zone is interpreted to exist on lateral and distal margins of the structurally confined basin.Seismic examples from Gulf of Mexico minibasins reveal a wedge of low continuity, low amplitude seismic facies adjacent to the basin margin. Strata in this wedge are interpreted as transition-zone sediments, similar to those in the Ross Sandstone. Besides defining the size and shape of the transition zone, the variables “w” and “β” define two important drilling parameters. The variable “w” corresponds to the minimum distance a well bore should be positioned from the lateral basin margin to intersect sandy strata, and “β” corresponds to the deviation (from horizontal) of the well bore to follow the interface between sandy and low net-to-gross strata. Calculations reveal that “w” and “β” are related to the relative amount of draping, condensed strata on the margin and the angle of the basin margin. Basins with shallowly dipping margins and relatively high proportions of draping, clay-rich strata have wider transition zones compared to basins with steeply dipping margins with little draping strata. These concepts can reduce uncertainty when interpreting subsurface data in other structurally confined basins including those in Gulf of Mexico, offshore West Africa, and Brunei.  相似文献   
The provenance of the Maastrichtian deep-water reservoir sandstones from the Jubarte oil field (Campos Basin, eastern Brazil), was studied using an integrated approach that included quantitative petrography, conventional heavy mineral analysis, garnet mineral chemistry and zircon geochronology. The reservoirs are predominantly coarse, poorly-sorted sandstones with feldspathic composition derived from uplifted basement terrains. The fourth- and fifth-order depositional sequences analyzed show no major variations in composition or in provenance through time. However, variations in apatite:tourmaline presents potential to be used as a parameter for sandstone correlation within the field. The composition of heavy minerals indicates derivation from high temperature and low-to-medium pressure aluminous metapelitic rocks, from granites and subordinate mafic rocks, derived from the Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain and the Oriental terrain of Ribeira orogen, characterizing a supply route from SW to NE. The low ZTR index, as well as the absence of low-grade stable heavy minerals and of metasedimentary rock fragments, suggest that by the end of Cretaceous all supracrustal, low-grade terrains had already been totally eroded, and that plutonic, infracrustal rocks were exposed, similarly to the present situation.  相似文献   
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