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本文针对分布式传感器网络系统的Fornasini-Marchesini (FM)状态空间模型,对系统的预测控制器设计问题进行研究.特别是针对所考虑的二维FM传感器网络系统,提出了一种新的网络预测控制方案来补偿通信时滞.首先,根据李雅普诺夫稳定性理论,给出了二维系统保持稳定的充分条件;然后利用稳定性条件,提出了一种新的预测控制器设计策略并保证系统的控制性能;最后,通过一个数值实例验证了所设计控制器的有效性.  相似文献   
通过建立区域连续运行卫星基准站网络系统,建立一种新型定位测量与服务模式,取代现有传统标志式控制点位保存、管理与应用模式,实现虚拟化的、现代网络定位服务,并介绍了不同的测绘精度需求的作业与应用模式。  相似文献   
CGCS2000精化及其全球拓展需要采用最新的模型,处理长期积累的大型GNSS观测网数据,大型GNSS网联合、快速和协同解算是空间基准精化、维持与服务的重要技术方向.在大数据技术背景下,以并行计算、云计算为代表的高性能计算技术逐渐成为大规模数据处理的首选方法.针对海量、多源、异构GNSS数据在解算处理与平差分析等方面面...  相似文献   
Direct earthquake-to-station Rayleigh and Love wave data observed on high gain broadband records are analyzed in order to improve the lateral resolution of the uppermost mantle in the southwest Pacific region. We used data of nine permanent Geoscope and Iris stations located in the southern hemisphere and nine other stations as part of two temporary networks, the first one installed in New Caledonia and Vanuatu (hereafter named Cavascope network) by ORSTOM and the EOST from Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg (France) and the second one installed in the Fiji, Tonga and Niue islands (hereafter named Spase network) by Washington University in St. Louis (USA). In order to collect more significant details on the surficial structures, we included the analysis of short period waves down to 8 s. A multiple frequency filtering technique has been used to recover phase velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves for selected earthquakes with magnitude greater than 5.5 and with known centroid moment tensor (CMT). About 1100 well-distributed seismograms have been processed in the period range 8–100 s and corrections for topography and water depth have been applied to the observed phase velocities. The geographical distribution of phase velocity anomalies have then been computed using the tomographic method developed by Montagner [Montagner, J.P., 1986a. Regional three-dimensional structures using long-period surface waves. Ann. Geophys. 4 (B3), 283–294]. Due to a poor knowledge of dense, well-distributed, crustal thickness values and corresponding velocity models, we did not perform or speculate on the construction of an S-wave 3D velocity model; therefore, we limited this study to the interpretation of the phase velocity distribution. The location of phase velocity anomalies are well determined and the deviations are discussed within the framework of the geological context and compared with other tomographic models. At long periods, from 40 s to 100 s, our results agree well with most of previous studies: the tomographic imaging shows a large contrast between low and high phase velocities along the Solomon, New Hebrides and Fiji–Tonga trenches. The lowest phase velocity anomalies are distributed beneath northern and southern Fiji basins and the Lau basin (corresponding to the volume situated just above the dipping slabs), whereas the highest values are displayed beneath the Pacific plate and the eastern part of Indian plate downgoing under the North Fiji basin. At shorter periods, our results show that the phase velocity distributions are well correlated with the large structural crustal domains. The use of local temporary broadband stations in the central part of the studied area gives us the opportunity to observe surface waves showing well-dispersed trains, allowing extended velocity measurements down to 8 s although aliasing due to multipaths become important. The continental regions (Eastern Australia, New Guinea, Fiji islands and New Zealand) show low velocities which are likely due to thick continental crust, whereas the Tasmanian, D'Entrecasteaux, and the Northern and Southern Fiji basins are characterized by higher velocities suggesting thinner oceanic crust. Additional analysis including the anisotropic case and S-wave velocity inversion with depth is in progress.  相似文献   
中国最早发现和开发利用南海及其诸岛,南海之名始见于周朝,距今3 000多年,至秦汉时,已开发南海至印度洋的航运和商贸事业。南海诸岛和南海部分海域属于中国领土和海疆,标示在中国出版的地图中为断续国界线。南海周边国家关系历来大多处于和谐状态,其中秦汉南海海上丝绸之路和明朝郑和船队下西洋为其中显著发展的和谐时段。而自中世纪以来,域外强国侵入南海,使南海区域在相当长时间内处于严重不和谐状态。其中,15―19世纪,欧美殖民主义者侵占南海周边各国。20世纪上半叶,日本殖民主义者开始侵占中国南海诸岛,并在第二次世界大战中吞占了整个南海区域;20世纪下半叶,法国和美国相继挑起印度支那战争和越南战争。南海周边部分国家霸占中国南海诸岛许多岛礁,并在其上建筑和扩建机场及港口,扩军备,分割其海疆并掠夺其海洋石油天然气资源。中国必须开展积极的外交和军事活动,尤其是加强国防建设,在南海诸岛建设海空军基地,才能保护中国南海油气和渔业资源的开发和运输畅通,并尽早收回全部岛礁主权,使南海周边国家愿意“共同开发”,创造和谐的南海。  相似文献   
高密度电法勘探技术及其应用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
赵光辉 《矿产与地质》2006,20(2):166-168
简述了高密度电法勘探技术的基本原理。从电极排列、数据预处理及反演处理方法等方面介绍了该技术在应用中应注意的关键技术问题及其处理方法,并通过在长-邵高速公路勘察的应用实例,来说明高密度电法勘探技术在岩溶洞穴、地质灾害等探测领域具有较好的探测效果。  相似文献   
结合一工程实例,通过浸水CBR试验,分析高塑性土在毛细饱水情况下的强度特征,揭示高塑性土的路用特性,并将室内研究成果结合现场工艺试验,研究在不添加外掺剂的前提下,直接利用高塑性土填筑路基的途径和方法。  相似文献   
胡天硕  毛政元 《测绘科学》2011,36(2):132-135
地图数据合并是地理空间数据集成的基本途径,同名实体匹配是其中的重点与难点。本文根据线实体的形状将其分为简单线实体与复杂线实体,提出针对前者以线实体端点与中点为发生元生成的Voronoi图所得到的邻近对应关系为依据、针对后者以基于线实体缓冲区重叠度构造的相似性测度指标为依据优化候选匹配集的思路,并设计与实现了相关算法。实证研究表明,该算法能够适应不同比例尺与不同时相的城市道路网地图数据同名实体匹配。  相似文献   
IntroductionIf let roadway entities be denoted by arcs and in-tersections be denoted by nodes, then a road net-work can be represented with node-arc model. Be-cause the designation of nodes can be determinedby arcs according to the definition of node-arc mod-el, howto designate arcs becomes the key of repre-senting a road network. As described in the firstpaper of the series, all four kinds of roadway enti-ties (i.e., streets, road segments, carriageways,and lanes) can be represented by arcs. …  相似文献   
针对利用多目标地球化学数据研究第四纪沉积物类型问题,提出了基于概率神经网络的分类识别模型,并给出地球化学特征指标选取、指标归一化、神经网络设置和训练的具体方法、步骤。在吉林省中西部松嫩平原应用表明,该方法识别出8类不同成因的第四纪沉积物,较好地解决了该区第四纪沉积物成因归属问题。概率神经网络模型对第四纪沉积物类型的识别能力远高于常规多元统计方法,且结构简单、训练快捷。  相似文献   
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