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Fish, epibenthos and macroinfauna were collected in a Zostera marina bed and nearby unvegetated sediments in the estuary of the Damariscotta River, on the mid-coast of Maine. Samples of epibenthic fauna and fish were collected at low tides both during day and night, and samples of infauna at low tides during the day. The mean density of Zostera shoots in the study area was 335 m−2. Abundance and species number of fish were greater at night than during the day and greater in eelgrass beds (Z. marina) than in unvegetated habitats. Daytime fish collections were dominated by Atlantic silversides (Medinia medinia), while juvenile winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) dominated night collections. Also Zostera-associated epifaunal abundances and number of species were significantly higher at night than during the day. Mysis stenolepis, Idotea balthica and Littorina obtusata were dominant species in the epifauna samples. Of the total of 37 invertebrate species encountered, only five occurred both in the infaunal and epifaunal samples. Nineteen different taxa were collected from the benthic core samples. The most abundant invertebrate infaunal taxa were sipunculids, the polychaete Nereis virens, and oligochaetes. Infaunal invertebrate abundances and species diversity were significantly higher in eelgrass beds than in unvegetated sediments. The abundance and number of species of benthic invertebrates were also positively correlated to seagrass biomass. Community diversity values (H′) were relatively low but fit well in the general pattern of decreasing diversity towards northern latitudes.  相似文献   
通过形态学比较研究和饲养生态学的观察,作者补充了细刺鱼牙齿结构特征和条石鲷的体色、鳍色的形态学特点,探讨了这两种鱼类的生态习性和1998 年在青岛海域出现的原因。进行2~3 个月的饲养实验后,得到细刺鱼月均增长量为10.3% ,条石鲷为14.6% 而明显高于同池饲养六线鱼的结果。鉴于两种鱼类彩色艳丽、游姿优美,具观赏价值,为此建议可将这两种鱼作为海水养殖或观赏鱼类的实验对象  相似文献   
作者对鱼类细菌病原的诊断与控制作了较全面的综述。细菌病原诊断技术包括酶联免疫吸附技术(ELISA)及蛋白印迹法(Westernbloting)。细菌病原控制技术包括化学疗剂的应用,有益微生物的应用,营养添加剂,β-葡萄糖苷增强免疫抗病力,及免疫保护作用等。  相似文献   
鲁西北地区鱼塘水体反射率   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
孙志方 《湖泊科学》1996,8(3):222-228
太阳短波辐射反射率与水体理化特性关系密切,鱼塘水体除具有一般水体反射率特性外,还与鱼塘澡浮游植物一道量存在的良好的负相关。在一定温度条件下,浮游植物的生长速度与光合有效辐射呈正相关,而随着浮游植物的增加,又降低了太阳辐射的反射效应,从而水体对光合有效辐射的吸收,随着浮游植物的增加而增加。  相似文献   
A feasibility study was conducted on the impacts of the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) rules requiring catches in regulated fisheries to be landed and counted against quotas of each Member State - the landing obligation (LO), and that catch of species subject to the LO below a minimum conservation reference size (MCRS) be restricted to purposes other than direct human consumption. The aim was to estimate the level of discarded fish likely to be covered by the new rules, the impact of the rules on EU fisheries and the regulatory challenges and responses to them. Data from EU's Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee on Fisheries (STECF) database were analysed to estimate the volume of unwanted catches produced by EU fisheries. Views were sought from policy officials and fisheries scientists through a questionnaire on the implications of the LO and the control of fisheries across Member States, and the potential adjustments that might be needed. Findings show that 11% (44,000 t) of the total catches of EU countries from which data were available are of fish under MCRS. The species with the highest volume of undersized discards associated with the lowest quota, which would potentially restrict the fishing opportunities for other quota species (i.e. choke species), are plaice and haddock with 18,000 and 14,000 t of undersized fish respectively, followed by whiting and cod with 5000 and 6000 t of undersized fish respectively. Discards data shows that the Netherlands, United Kingdom, France and Belgium will be most affected by landings for non-human markets. Findings also show that existing infrastructure at landing ports in all Member States is limited because there are currently limited facilities in place to handle animal by-products produced by the catching sector. Policy officials maintained that while they could support the fishing industry through funding programmes, it is the responsibility of fishers to ensure they have the right infrastructure to handle unwanted catches. The expectation is that the LO combined with the restriction to non-human consumption purposes will encourage fishers to internalise the costs of catching unwanted fish and motivate them to avoid unwanted catch. This will be realised if sufficient flexibility is given to fishers to find their own solutions to reducing unwanted catches. It is concluded that gear technology measures exist to enable the regulated fisheries to increase gear selectivity.  相似文献   
The reproductive ecology of the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris was investigated during the spawning season in the Funing Bay, Fujian, China. The fish burrows were basically Y-shaped and had two openings onto the mudflats. Part of the intersection at the center of the burrow was dilated to form a "spawning chamber". The dissolved oxygen concentrations (0.40~0.65 mg/dm3)of water 15 cm deep inside the burrows were much lower than those (5.96~6.19 mg/dm3) of intertidal pool water. Water temperatures inside the burrows were much lower than those of intertidal pools. Field investigations indicated that eggs were laid on the inner wall and ceiling of the spawning chamber by means of filamentous attachments, and a male stayed inside the burrows to guard it. Field investigations also suggested that fish of both sexes constructed mud burrows by themselves but that the spawning chamber was made only in the male burrow. The male attracted a female to his burrow for mating and spawning. There was no water in the spawning chamber, and thus the eggs were exposed to the air in the chamber. Changes in spawning readiness and gonadosomatic index indicated that synchronization of spawning was related to the semi-lunar periodicity, and this is the first report of this relationship in the mudskippers.  相似文献   
The removal of native forest affects stream characteristics, processes, and organisms at the local scale. We compared the structure of fish assemblages between microbasins impacted by deforestation and those in pristine condition in the Amazonian Machado River basin, Brazil. Fish were collected with seine and dip nets along an 80-m stretch of 28 streams. At each site, we recorded physical, chemical, and land-water ecotone variables. We collected 6,586 specimens of 109 species, being 39 and 18 of them exclusively of forested and deforested streams, respectively. Non-significant differences were found for abundance and species richness between forested and deforested streams. A total of four main trophic groups were identified. Carnivores were more abundant in forested streams, whereas herbivores, omnivores and detritivores species were the most abundant in deforested streams. The deforested streams showed higher abundance and richness of algae and periphyton consumers, while forested streams presented higher abundance and richness of invertebrate consumers. Forested streams presented longer foodchains, higher occurrence and abundance of species that have more specialized habits and are intolerant to degraded environments, whereas generalist and tolerant species predominated in deforested streams. We conclude that species composition in Amazonian streams predictably responds to the degree of forest cover.  相似文献   
梯级小水电的开发一定程度上破坏了河流连通性并阻碍了鱼类洄游通道。黑水河流域松新坝址为了满足鱼类上行产卵修建了松新鱼道,然而作为洄游物种生命周期中的关键行为,鱼类下行洄游的需求也同等重要。为了寻求一种可行、高效、低损伤的下行过鱼方式,了解河流中不同环境因素对鱼类下行效率的影响,本研究在金沙江下游支流黑水河松新水电站补水通道开展鱼类下行过坝效果评估研究。针对两种鲤科鱼类(棒花鱼Abbottina rivularis和短须裂腹鱼Schizothorax wangchiachii)幼鱼和两种鳅科鱼类(短体副鳅Paracobitis potanini和红尾副鳅Paracobitis variegatus)幼鱼各放鱼90尾,定量分析鱼种、水体透明度、放鱼位置、流量、水温、水位等因素对鱼类下行效率的影响。结果表明:棒花鱼、短须裂腹鱼、短体副鳅、红尾副鳅的下行率依次为22.22%(20尾)、28.89%(26尾)、8.89%(8尾)、15.56%(14尾);幼鱼下行成功率与上游河道水温呈正相关趋势,且放鱼位置、鱼种、上游河道水温和流量均对鱼类下行成功率有显著影响。通过构建二元Logistic回归模型识...  相似文献   
车昊函  邢磊  蔺玉曌 《海洋科学》2023,47(11):121-131
目前常规海洋测绘手段主要包括电子海图、单波束、多波束、侧扫声呐等,这些方法的单独使用会存在诸如数据样本稀疏、施工成本昂贵、难以获取确切深度等局限之处。基于超声波回声原理的科研鱼探仪广泛用于渔业资源调查与评估中,是渔业领域的主要统计手段,具有数据体量大、来源丰富、采集成本低的特点。超声回波数据在刻画鱼群数量、方位的同时,携带有海底地形与海水温盐结构信息,可以作为常规海洋测绘方法的补充。特别是数据解编后得到的高精度水体数据,可以用于海洋地球物理等研究,故针对科研鱼探仪数据的解编工作亟待进行。本文针对科研鱼探仪(SIMRAD EK80)的采集数据进行解编处理,并基于对道头信息的分析,实现对数据文件的重新分类,提取与海洋地球物理领域相关的位置、样点能量值等数据信息进行分析研究,旨在丰富海洋地球物理研究数据来源,为常规海洋探测工作提供借鉴,提升数据利用效能。  相似文献   
全球性的气候变化严重地威胁着自然生态环境间的平衡。在影响生态系统功能的诸多因素中,太阳紫外辐射的增强逐渐成为最受关注的全球性环境问题之一。太阳紫外辐射对地球生物的生命过程有着举足轻重的影响。生物体一旦吸收了高能量的紫外辐射,则可对其各种生理过程产生影响,打破内稳态,尤其是紫外辐射对DNA的损伤作用,是诱导一系列生物效应的主要原因。本文综述了近年来与鱼类及水生无脊椎动物有关的紫外辐射研究。从紫外辐射对生物不同发育时期的影响、生物对紫外线响应方式、紫外辐射与其他因素复合影响三个层面进行总结。通过总结紫外辐射对鱼类及水生无脊椎动物的影响,可为预测紫外辐射在水生生态系统中的作用提供助力,为海洋生物对环境变化的生理响应研究提供参考。  相似文献   
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