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通过1990年,1991年连续两年的分期播种试验,分析了旱直播水稻的光温特性及其与空秕率的关系,并根据当地气候特点,提出旱直播水稻的最佳及安全播种期和抽穗期。  相似文献   
采用4×4不完全双列杂交设计,在NaCl胁迫下对杂交水稻主要农艺性状进行了配合力和遗传力分析.结果表明,在调查的10个性状中有4个性状受NaCl胁迫影响差异较大,母本的千粒重及父本的粒厚一般配力差异显著,杂交组合的株高、粒厚、结实率及千粒重特殊配合力差异极显著,其中杂交组合N28S×中花14具有较高的配合力,受NaCl胁迫影响较低。株高及千粒重的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均较高,可作为杂交水稻耐盐性的选育依据。  相似文献   
主要作物产量分离方法比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对作物产量进行分离是分析气象因子对产量影响的重要步骤之一。以1985—2018年江苏省24个县(市)水稻统计产量为基础,分别采用3年滑动平均法、5年滑动平均法、五点二次平滑法、二次指数平滑法、HP滤波法和年际增量法对作物产量进行分离。从趋势产量与气象产量两方面比较6种方法的一致性与差异性,将分离出的气象产量与典型年增减产记录对比,选出更能准确捕获气象因子导致产量变异的方法,利用气象因子与产量关系的合理性对选定的方法进行检验。结果表明:就趋势产量拟合而言,前5种方法(年际增量法不能模拟趋势产量)均能较好地拟合趋势产量,与研究区域的趋势产量的一致性相关系数绝大多数为较好和极好等级范围;就气象产量而言,HP滤波法和年际增量法分离气象产量的合理性较差,标准差明显大于其他方法。综合看,3年滑动平均法与五点二次平滑法更具有普适性,可以捕获整个地区绝大多数典型年份气象因子带来的产量变化。  相似文献   
主要介绍了近 2 0年来稻田甲烷排放的模式研究和排放量的估算以及减少稻田甲烷排放的措施。数值模式是估算稻田甲烷排放量的一条有效途径 ,模式的研究现在正处于发展阶段。介绍了几个主要的模型 ,既有物理过程模型也有经验模型。年排放量的估算范围为 6 79~ 4 1 4Tg ,随着技术的发展和大量实验的进行估算值的精度正得到不断的提高。减排措施是减少稻田甲烷排放的必要手段 ,但是目前的减排技术均处于研究阶段 ,应用还不成熟  相似文献   
县域农业循环经济发展对策研究--以荥阳市为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
实现循环经济是农业发展的根本,也是实现农业可持续发展的必然选择。文章在深入分析循环经济与农业发展相关关系的基础上,针对荥阳市农业发展的现状特征和在实现循环农业方面的不足之处,依据循环经济理论,针对性地提出了实现荥阳市农业循环发展的主要对策和措施。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. For centuries, a network of market gardens throughout Istanbul provisioned the city with fresh vegetables. These bostans and their gardeners held a respected place in Istanbul life, contributing to the city's food and employment needs. Today, only fragments remain. Massive urban development, intense competition for metropolitan space, modernization, changing institutions and laws, and the global industrialization of food have threatened this tradition with extinction. But in spite of the overwhelming forces behind their demise, some of Istanbul's bostans persist. Efforts to support and promote the gardens, and to draw from the expertise and experience of their gardeners, are emerging. From a historical perspective, this article examines Istanbul's bostans to understand their meaning and contribution to the city's people and landscape.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to present an automatic approach for olive tree dendrometric parameter estimation from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. The proposed method is based on a unique combination of the alpha-shape algorithm applied to normalized point cloud and principal component analysis. A key issue of the alpha-shape algorithm is to define the α parameter, as it directly affects the crown delineation results. We propose to adjust this parameter based on a group of representative trees in an orchard for which the classical field measurements were performed. The best value of the α parameter is one whose correlation coefficient of dendrometric parameters between field measurements and estimated values is the highest. We determined crown diameters as principal components of ALS points representing a delineated crown. The method was applied to a test area of an olive orchard in Spain. The tree dendrometric parameters estimated from ALS data were compared with field measurements to assess the quality of the developed approach. We found the method to be equally good or even superior to previously investigated semi-automatic methods. The average error is 19% for tree height, 53% for crown base height, and 13% and 9% for the length of the longer diameter and perpendicular diameter, respectively.  相似文献   
水稻灌区节水灌溉的尺度效应   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
探讨了节水灌溉尺度问题,指出产生节水灌溉尺度现象的原因是由于灌溉过程中回归水的重复利用.结合漳河灌区的实际,讨论了水稻种植区在不同尺度下的水平衡要素及其在节水尺度效应中的作用;说明随尺度的增大,水平衡过程变得复杂化,节水尺度效应现象也更突出.利用漳河灌区田间试验数据和灌区长系列的历史资料,分别从田间、中等、灌溉干渠和灌区共四个尺度,定量地分析了水稻节水灌溉对水分生产率以及水分利用率的影响.结果表明,节水灌溉技术的采用不仅可以提高田间尺度的灌溉水分生产率,也促进了漳河灌区灌溉水分生产率的整体上升.  相似文献   
This paper assesses the vulnerability of grape growers and winery operators in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia to climate variability and change, in the context of other sources of risk. Through interviews and focus groups, producers identified the climatic and non-climatic risks relevant to them and the strategies employed to manage these risks. The results show that the presence of multiple exposures affects the way in which producers are vulnerable to climate change. Producers are vulnerable to conditions that not only affect crop yield, but also affect their ability to compete in or sell to the market. Their sensitivity to these conditions is influenced in part by institutional factors such as trade liberalization and a “markup-free delivery” policy. Producers’ ability to adapt or cope with these risks varies depending on such factors as the availability of resources and technology, and access to government programmes. Producers will likely face challenges associated with the supply of water for irrigation due to a combination of climatic changes and changing demographics in the Okanagan Valley, which in turn affect their ability to adapt to climatic conditions. Finally, adaptations made by producers can change the nature of the operation and its vulnerability, demonstrating the dynamic nature of vulnerability.  相似文献   
甘肃酒泉市观光农业发展研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
在对甘肃河西走廊酒泉市旅游业发展制定规划的过程中,认识观光农业对于形成普遍的旅游意识和开发旅游资源、完善旅游业结构具有特殊意义。干旱地区观光农业发展有利于农业向可持续方向转变和保持传统文化的延续。酒泉市观光农业发展有赖于地区旅游业的整体发展,在现阶段依附于木地城镇,重点旅游景点和旅游线路。根据这种依附性可以对观光农业资源进行空问分类,将其划分为城郊型、景点依附型、线路依附型和独立型.并据此对现有观光农业加以评价和考虑布局问题。由于绿洲地区城市空间结构的特点.城郊型观光农业具有很大的发展潜力,布局重点也比较明确。景点依附型观光农业可以集中于几个著名的、比较成熟的景点周边。独立型观光农业的发展主要以现有的生态农业开发区为基础,但是依赖于密集的资金投入。在长期内,在广大范围内丰富的绿洲农业资源的基础上发展观光农业,有赖于未来私人汽车旅游的普及和带薪假期制度的实行.以及旅游业充分发展后线路旅游的成熟。特定商业模式和文化资源的加入以及形成新的旅游观念对于其发展极为重要。  相似文献   
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