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This paper is the first in a two-part series that discusses the principal axes of M-DOF structures subjected to static and dynamic loads. The primary purpose of this series is to understand the magnitude of the dynamic response of structures to enable better design of structures and control modification devices/systems. Under idealized design conditions, the structural responses are obtained by using single direction input ground motions in the direction of the intended control devices/systems,and by assuming that the responses of the structure is decoupleable in three mutually perpendicular directions. This standard practice has been applied to both new and retrofitted structures using various seismic protective systems. Very limited information is available on the effects of neglecting the impact of directional couplings (cross effects - of which torsion is a component) of the dynamic response of structures. In order to quantify such effects, it is necessary to examine the principal axes of structures under both static and dynamic loading.This first paper deals with quantitative definitions of principal axes and "cross effects" of three-dimensional structures under static load by using linear algebra. It shows theoretically that, for three-dimensional structures, such principal axes rarely exist. Under static loading conditions, the cross effect is typically small and negligible from the viewpoint of engineering applications. However, it provides the theoretical base for subsequent quantification of the response couplings under dynamic loads, which is reported in part Ⅱ of this series.  相似文献   
Time‐delay is an important issue in structural control. Applications of unsynchronized control forces due to time‐delay may result in a degradation of the control performance and it may even render the controlled structures to be unstable. In this paper, a state‐of‐the‐art review for available methods of time‐delay compensation is presented. Then, five methods for the compensation of fixed time‐delay are presented and investigated for active control of civil engineering structures. These include the recursive response method, state‐augmented compensation method, controllability based stabilization method, the Smith predictor method and the Pade approximation method, all are applicable to any control algorithm to be used for controlled design. Numerical simulations have been conducted for MDOF building models equipped with an active control system to demonstrate the stability and control performance of these time‐delay compensation methods. Finally, the stability and performance of the phase shift method, that is well‐known in civil engineering applications, have also been critically evaluated through numerical simulations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this paper the efficiency of various dissipative mechanisms to protect structures from pulse‐type and near‐source ground motions is examined. Physically realizable cycloidal pulses are introduced, and their resemblance to recorded near‐source ground motions is illustrated. The study uncovers the coherent component of some near‐source acceleration records, and the shaking potential of these records is examined. It is found that the response of structures with relatively low isolation periods is substantially affected by the high‐frequency fluctuations that override the long duration pulse. Therefore, the concept of seismic isolation is beneficial even for motions that contain a long duration pulse which generates most of the unusually large recorded displacements and velocities. Dissipation forces of the plastic (friction) type are very efficient in reducing displacement demands although occasionally they are responsible for substantial permanent displacements. It is found that the benefits by hysteretic dissipation are nearly indifferent to the level of the yield displacement of the hysteretic mechanism and that they depend primarily on the level of the plastic (friction) force. The study concludes that a combination of relatively low friction and viscous forces is attractive since base displacements are substantially reduced without appreciably increasing base shears and superstructure accelerations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
天山中段的深浅构造特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
天山起源于古生代的陆-陆碰撞作用,又经历了中新生代的典型陆内造山过程,其深浅构造结构和活动性一直是众多学者关注的热点。文中通过多种地球物理探测和综合地质构造分析, 以地学断面形式对其深浅构造进行填图,揭示了天山中段复杂的深浅构造特色。结果表明:沿古生代的陆-陆碰撞缝合带两侧分别呈现出主要构造地质单元由老到新的对称性,并伴有相应深部结构的复杂性,反映了碰撞过程及后期的构造演化特点;天山中部的上地幔顶部存在厚近 10km、宽近 200km、几乎涵盖整个天山的低速高导层,可能是中新生代以来天山的陆内再造山作用引起的壳幔拆沉作用形成的残留下地壳  相似文献   
中国大陆克拉通地体地壳密度结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据重力场小波变换的尺度—源深度转换律,进行地面重力异常场多尺度分解,取得了反映中国地壳不同埋藏深度的小波细节,揭示了克拉通地体地壳的密度结构。中国大陆克拉通地体地壳密度结构的总体特点是:地壳密度总体偏高,尤其是在经历了岩浆底垫作用后,下地壳形成了粗大的和高密度的壳根,而造山带的下地壳通常有低密度的山根。现今的克拉通地体有几个演化的阶段,由陆地核演化为一定规模的克拉通地体可能经历漫长的时间。不同演化的阶段地体的物理性质有明显的变化,要赋予大地构造单元以演化阶段的内涵,才能准确理解它们的行为和属性。同时,根据地壳密度结构成像的结果,可以了解克拉通地体的成熟度。中国大陆克拉通地体或者内部地块的地壳密度结构大致可以分为三类。上中下地壳密度都偏高的属于第一类,称为典型的克拉通,塔里木、阿拉善、华北东部、上中扬子等属于第一类。第二类克拉通地体上地壳密度偏低,而下地壳密度偏高,称为弱结晶基底的克拉通,鄂尔多斯和佳木斯属于第二类。第三类上中地壳密度偏高,而下地壳密度偏低,称为无壳根的克拉通残片,柴达木和准噶尔盆地属于此类,它们可能是古克拉通地体的残片。  相似文献   
The Chos Malal fold and thrust belt (FTB) is a thick-skinned mountain belt formed by Mesozoic deposits of the Neuquén Basin during the Andean orogeny. Four structural cross-sections in the entire deformed area, supported by field and subsurface data, suggest a strong link between thick and thin-skinned structures. Major Andean thrusts branching from a detachment placed 12 km into the crust created large basement wedges, which were inserted in the cover producing minor order structures. The westernmost of these wedges is exposed forming the Cordillera del Viento, while others basement slices at depth were interpreted from seismic lines. These thick-skinned structures transferred deformation to the cover along the Auquilco Formation and contributed to create all thin-skinned structures surveyed in the Chos Malal FTB. We recognized half-graben geometries in the seismic lines, preserving their extensional configuration, which suggests that the main normal faults were not inverted. Shortenings calculated from the restoration of the four cross-sections are 16.9 km (29.7%), 16.9 km (29.7%), 14.7 km (26.9%) and 14.15 km (26.3%), which evidence a slight diminution of the contraction toward the south probably associated with the plunge of the Cordillera del Viento structure in this segment of the Chos Malal FTB.  相似文献   
城市的发展对交通提出了更高的要求, 这就引发了地铁的快速发展, 而地铁车站的存在, 会对原本稳定的地下水流场产生阻挡效应, 因此, 很有必要研究地下结构物对地下水流场造成的影响。本文采用数值方法研究地下结构物对地下水流场的影响, 基于单元中心有限差分法软件Visual, MODFLOW。为了明确地下结构物影响地下水流场的因素, 对计算模型进行了简化, 模型计算针对的是单层土层中地下结构物对地下水流场的影响。研究表明:地下结构物不仅能够影响地下水流场的稳定时间, 而且使得迎水面水位上升, 背水面水位下降, 其中, 对背水面的影响程度大于迎水面。地下结构物左右侧上下游之间的水位差, 也是其中的影响因素之一。  相似文献   
某隔震结构动力特性的理论分析与脉动测试   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文针对国内最大单体隔震建筑建立了SAP2000三维分析模型,并进行了动力特性的理论分析;现场对实际建筑进行了平移振动、扭转振动、垂直振动和平面内弯曲4个方面的脉动测试。利用工程振动反演理论分析了该结构的固有频率、振型、阻尼等动力特性,将实测结构动力特性与理论分析结果进行比较,详细分析实测结果与理论结果差别的原因,并据此对理论模型进行修正,为今后类似结构的设计积累了资料。  相似文献   
北安地区位于松辽盆地内的东北部,共有姚家组顶界、泉头组顶界、营城组顶界、基岩顶界四个主要地震反射层位,缺失登娄库组反射层.北安断陷期地层反射能量均较弱,且基本为中低频反射.北安断陷是北安地区最重要的一个断陷,北安断陷西侧发育有北安西断裂,走向北北东,在平面展布上近"S"型,主要发育于侏罗系地层;北安断陷东侧发育有北安东断裂,走向北北东,其特点是上逆下正,从姚家组断至侏罗系地层.北安地区发育有较大的正向反转构造.北安地区反转构造对油气成藏的影响较大,主要表现在:(1)反转构造为油气聚集提供了圈闭;(2)反转构造作用促进了油气再次运移;(3)反转构造作用使地层拱张,产生了许多断裂,改善了储集性能.  相似文献   
The flux contribution of coherent structures to the total exchange of energy and matter is investigated in a spruce canopy of moderate density in heterogeneous, complex terrain. The study deploys two methods of analysis to estimate the coherent exchange: conditional averages in combination with wavelet analysis, and quadrant analysis. The data were obtained by high-frequency single-point measurements using sonic anemometers and gas analysers at five observation heights above and within the canopy and subcanopy, and represent a period of up to 2.5 months. The study mainly addresses the momentum transfer and exchange of sensible heat throughout the roughness sublayer, while results are provided for the exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapour above the canopy. The magnitude of the flux contribution of coherent structures largely depends on the method of analysis, and it is demonstrated that these differences are attributed to differences in the sampling strategy between the two methods. Despite the differences, relational properties such as sweep and ejection ratios and the variation of the flux contribution with height were in agreement for both methods. The sweep phase of coherent structures is the dominant process close to and within the canopy, whereas the ejections gain importance with increasing distance to the canopy. The efficiency of the coherent exchange in transporting scalars exceeds that for momentum by a factor of two. The occurrence of coherent structures results in a flux error less than 4% for the eddy-covariance method. Based on the physical processes identified from the analysis of the ejection and sweep phases along the vertical profile in the roughness sublayer, a classification scheme for the identification of exchange regimes is developed. This scheme allows one to estimate the region of the canopy participating in the exchange of energy and matter with the above-canopy air under varying environmental conditions.  相似文献   
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