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基于BP人工神经网络的水体遥感测深方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王艳姣  张鹰 《海洋工程》2005,23(4):33-38
利用Landsat7ETM+遥感图像反射率和实测水深值之间的相关性,建立了动量BP人工神经网络水深反演模型,并对长江口南港河段水深进行了反演.结果表明:具有较强非线性映射能力的动量BP神经网络模型能较好地反演出长江口南港河段的水深分布情况;由于受长江口水体高含沙量的影响,模型对小于5 m的水深值反演精度较高,而对大于10 m的水深值反演精度较低.  相似文献   
遥感水深反演海图修测应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
卫星遥感技术可以应用于浅海水下目标探测,是特殊区域碍航物探测的有效手段。结合海岛礁的特殊地理环境和测绘需求,采用高分辨率卫星影像进行浅水深反演试验,提出的高分辨率预处理方法实用、有效;并与海图数据结合,进行水深标定和海图修测应用分析。研究结果表明,针对南海岛礁,应用高分辨率卫星影像可以获取岛礁分布和轮廓、概略等深线信息、潜在航道以及水下障碍物信息等,能达到修测海图的目的。  相似文献   
综合分析黑潮、南海暖流、黄海冷水团、对马暖流、闽浙沿岸流、粤东沿岸流、季风和径流对中国近海影响的季节性差异,从而导致中国近海浮游介形类的群落生境地理位置随之进行季节性的变迁。本文选择差异甚大的夏、冬两季进行分析。  相似文献   
多时相遥感影像辐射归一化方法综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多时相遥感影像的辐射归一化是进行变化检测或拼接不可缺少的步骤.本文从绝对辐射归一化和相对辐射归一化两个方面对现有的多时相遥感影像辐射归一化方法进行了总结.对各种辐射归一化方法进行了剖析,并指出了这些方法的优缺点和适应性.最后对多时相遥感影像辐射归一化方法未来的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   
Contrary to assertions of widespread irreversible desertification in the African Sahel, a recent increase in seasonal greenness over large areas of the Sahel has been observed, which has been interpreted as a recovery from the great Sahelian droughts. This research investigates temporal and spatial patterns of vegetation greenness and rainfall variability in the African Sahel and their interrelationships based on analyses of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series for the period 1982–2003 and gridded satellite rainfall estimates. While rainfall emerges as the dominant causative factor for the increase in vegetation greenness, there is evidence of another causative factor, hypothetically a human-induced change superimposed on the climate trend.  相似文献   
Detecting temporal changes in fault zone properties at seismogenic depth have been a long-sought goal in the seismological community for many decades.Recent studies based on waveform analysis of repeating earthquakes have found clear temporal changes in the shallow crust and around active fault zones associated with the occurrences of large nearby and teleseismic earthquakes.However,repeating earthquakes only occur in certain locations and their occurrence times cannot be controlled,which may result in inadequate sampling of the interested regions or time periods.Recent developments in passive imaging via auto-and cross-correlation of ambient seismic wavefields (e.g.,seismic noise,earthquake coda waves) provide an ideal source for continuous monitoring of temporal changes around active fault zones.Here we conduct a systematic search of temporal changes along the Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault by cross-correlating relatively high-frequency (0.4-1.3 Hz) ambient noise signals recorded by 10 borehole stations in the High Resolution Seismic Network.After using stretch/compressed method to measure the delay time and the decorrelation-index between the daily noise cross-correlation functions (NCCFs),we find clear temporal changes in the median seismic velocity and decorrelation-index associated with the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield earthquake.We also apply the same procedure to the seismic data around five regional/teleseismic events that have triggered non-volcanic tremor in the same region,but failed to find any clear temporal changes in the daily NCCFs.The fact that our current technique can detect temporal changes from the nearby but not regional and teleseismic events,suggests that temporal changes associated with distance sources are very subtle or localized so that they could not be detected within the resolution of the current technique (~0.2%).  相似文献   
基于分布式光纤传感技术的渗流监测理论研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
肖衡林  鲍华  王翠英  蔡德所 《岩土力学》2008,29(10):2794-2798
从阐述多孔介质传热过程出发,逐一分析了在非渗流及渗流情况下,光纤与多孔介质之间的传热过程,详细分析了光纤与水流对流的传热过程,推导了多孔介质中渗流水和光纤之间的换热系数计算公式。在一定假设条件下,推导了导热系数(渗流流速)、加热功率和温升的非渗流情况与渗流情况监测理论方程,为分布式光纤传感技术监测渗流的应用提供了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   
The influences of mesoscale eddies on variations of the Kuroshio path south of Japan have been investigated using time series of the Kuroshio axis location and altimeter-derived sea surface height maps for a period of seven years from 1993 to 1999, when the Kuroshio followed its non-large meander path. It was found that both the cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies may interact with the Kuroshio and trigger short-term meanders of the Kuroshio path, although not all eddies that approached or collided with the Kuroshio formed meanders. An anticyclonic eddy that revolves clockwise in a region south of Shikoku and Cape Shionomisaki with a period of about 5–6 months was found to propagate westward along about 30°N and collide with the Kuroshio in the east of Kyushu or south of Shikoku. This collision sometimes triggers meanders which propagate over the whole region south of Japan. The eddy was advected downstream, generating a meander on the downstream side to the east of Cape Shionomisaki. After the eddy passed Cape Shionomisaki, it detached from the Kuroshio and started to move westward again. Sometimes the eddy merges with other anticyclonic eddies traveling from the east. Coalescence of cyclonic eddies, which are also generated in the Kuroshio Extension region and propagate westward in the Kuroshio recirculation region south of Japan, into the Kuroshio in the east of Kyushu, also triggers meanders which mainly propagate only in a region west of Cape Shionomisaki. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
基于多源遥感数据提取投入产出数据,采用考虑非期望产出的超效率EBM模型对2000—2015年山东省县域生态效率进行测度,在此基础上采用核密度估计、空间自相关等方法对山东省县域生态效率的时空特征进行分析。研究表明:①山东省县域生态效率呈现波动式发展趋势;高值区与低值区存在显著空间分化,胶东半岛与济南都市圈构成高值集聚区,鲁西北、鲁西南、鲁南地区形成低值连绵带;②山东省县域生态效率无明显的两极分化现象,处于高值区、低值区的县域生态效率值变化较大,生态效率空间非均衡性逐渐扩大;③山东省县域生态效率存在显著空间正相关,且空间集聚性呈现增强态势;县域生态效率存在空间俱乐部趋同特征。  相似文献   
基于GIS的时空复合体-土地利用变化图谱模型研究方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以地学信息图谱理论、地球空间信息认知理论、地球系统科学与地理综合体理论、地理信息系统中的时空复合体模型为依据 ,提出了研究土地利用 /土地覆被变化的基本单元 ,即“图谱单元”,它是记录时空复合信息的基本单元 ,由“相对均质”的地理单元和“相对均质”的时序单元复合而成 ,并提出了研究土地利用 /土地覆被变化图谱的概念模型。  相似文献   
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