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为查明厚子河不同区域河水受硫铁矿污染的程度,在厚子河支流4个典型河流断面采集水样,开展水质全分析测试,并采用单因子评价法和综合水质标识指数法进行评价分析。研究结果表明: (1)运用单因子评价法对硫铁矿区厚子河水质评价的结果无差异,均为劣Ⅴ类水; 而运用综合水质标识指数法的评价结果显示,距离硫铁矿开采区由近及远的4个断面HZ001、HZ002、HZ003、HZ004的综合水质标识指数逐渐下降,水质类别分别为劣Ⅴ类且黑臭、劣Ⅴ类但不黑臭、Ⅳ类、Ⅲ类,符合现场调查的实际情况,能够反映距离污染源越远时河水水质趋好的总体态势; (2)综合水质标识指数法不仅可以客观反映同一河流各个断面所处的综合水质类别、同一水质类别中受污染的不同程度以及与水环境功能区类别的比较结果,而且能够实现对劣V类水质污染程度的精细划分,相较于单因子评价法更加客观、科学、全面,适用于矿山开采等重污染区域河流断面水质污染情况的研判。 相似文献
在钻测井约束下,结合梨树断陷有关探井资料和区域性沉积相研究,综合运用调谐频率加强法高分辨率处理技术和基于地震资料的时频分析技术、地震相技术、多属性分析技术及基于层序框架下的地震资料解释技术等,采取拟声波曲线重构地震反演技术和基于调谐频率加强法的高分辨率反演方法等,研究目的层岩性、物性和含油气性。同时,结合基于地震属性分析的人工智能技术的储层物性预测方法,预测砂体的空间分布和几何形态,落实隐蔽圈闭,完成了滚动勘探和开发2个阶段不同井区有利砂体分布规律评价及预测工作。 相似文献
将模式识别理论中的支持向量机、Bayes判别分析以及多元回归分析应用于卡钻类型判别分析,建立了基于模式识别理论的卡钻判别模型。以近几年川东北卡钻数据为例进行了算例分析,结果表明:采用支持向量机、Bayes判别法及多元回归法对卡钻类型判别的结果与实际结果的误判率分别为1.92%,11.52%,61.54%。支持向量机(SVM)判别结果精度最高,但其判别方程式较为复杂,不能直观看出各分量对结果的影响程度;多元回归分析判别方程形式简单,可以直观表达各参量与卡钻之间的密切程度,但其判别精度较低;Bayes判别法计算精度介于二者之间,但其判别精度与判别式的个数密切相关。 相似文献
A precise, accurate and rapid method for the sequential determination of FeO and Fe2O3 in rocks, soils and some non‐refractory minerals by 1,10‐phenanthroline spectrophotometry is described. Fe(II) and Fe(III) were leached from the sample (?200 mesh) using a mixture of NH4HF2 and H2SO4 at 40–80 °C for 10 min on a hot plate. Both Fe(II) and Fe(III) could be conveniently estimated sequentially from the same reaction mixture at the μg g?1 to percentage level. The method is better than the existing wet chemical methods, including the commonly used Pratt's titrimetric redox method, for Fe(II) and Fe(III) determinations in rock and soil samples in terms of precision, accuracy and rapidity. The throughput of the method was very high; at least forty to fifty samples could be estimated easily in a day. The results obtained compare favourably with those obtained by Pratt's method, as well as for certified/recommended values of a set of eleven certified reference materials having FeO and Fe2O3 contents in the range 0.21–14.63% and 0.58–8.48%, respectively. The optimised 1,10 phenanthroline method was found to be accurate to within 0.21% m/m FeO and 0.30% m/m Fe2O3 compared with the literature values of the certified reference materials studied. 相似文献
DING Tiping ZHANG Chengxin WAN Defang LIU Zhijian ZHANG Guilan Institute of Mineral Resources Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Baiwanzhuang Rd. Beijing 《《地质学报》英文版》2003,77(4):519-521
A new experimental calibration was undertaken in this study to get a more reliable sphalerite-galena sulfur isotope geothermometer. The experimental conditions selected in study were very similar to those of natural hydrothermal solution. The high-precision SF6 method was used in sulfur isotope analyses. The obtained calibration curve for sulfur isotope fractionation between sphalerite and galena can be expressed with the equation 10001nαSp-Gn= 0.74×106T-2+0.08. 相似文献
地面物探在岩溶地基工程勘察中的应用——以桂林某花园综合楼为例 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
岩溶地区工程建筑地基的地质情况比较复杂,存在土洞、软土等工程隐患。常规工程勘察手段,由于其自身的局限性,很难一一查清这些隐患的分布特征。地面物探是一种较为省时省力的工程辅助勘探方法。但物探方法有多种,在选用时,必须根据场地条件、探测目标、方法性能及工作成本等来综合考虑,选择适用的方法(或方法组合) ,才有可能取得令人满意的探测效果。桂林某花园综合楼地基主要以红粘土为主,软土、土洞发育,红粘土之下,桂林组灰岩表面起伏强烈,溶洞发育。根据场地地质特征及基坑开挖特点,本勘察采取浅层地震折射、反射波法,并配合高密度电阻率测量,较好地查明了场地软土和土洞的分布位置,为综合楼的地基处理提供了可靠的地质依据。 相似文献