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目前山区地震测量施工主要的困难体现在山区放样难、内业数据处理复杂、测量成果无法进行异常检查等方面,其严重影响后续资料处理和解释质量。针对以上难点,利用AUTOCAD为平台,开发了一套物探测量数据处理系统。该系统具有展点、点内插、绘制测线剖面图、管理测点信息、打印成果报表等功能,实现了地震勘探测量数据的快速处理及有效检核.提高了野外测量放样的施工效率和数据的准确度。另外其图层管理及系统辅助功能,还可为地震勘探施工设计提供参考。  相似文献   
以国家重大产业技术开发专项“西部煤炭资源高精度三维地震勘探技术”项目的由来、意义和总体研究目标为引,概括的介绍了项目依托工程中各个专项技术研究完成情况,并对非均匀介质成像技术、高精度三维地震静校正技术、高密度采集技术、特观技术、岩性反演技术、属性体解释技术等六项重大关键技术取得的突破性进展进行了重点说明。指出随着我国煤炭生产重点的逐步西移,应加强诸如叠前、叠后深度偏移技术的研究,以解决复杂山区三维地震面元内地震反射波散射问题,提高其三维地震勘探精度,为西部煤炭工业做出新贡献!  相似文献   
依托“西部煤炭资源高精度三维地震勘探技术”工程,对晋城矿区进行了旨在提高小断层,小陷落柱探测能力的高密度三维地震勘探。根据面元选择因素及该区地质任务,采用5m×5m网格进行野外数据采集;考虑炮检距、方位角、覆盖次数、排列片横纵比及煤层埋深(350~500m)等因素,采用中点放炮、60道接收,24次覆盖(横向4次,纵向6次)的8线16炮束状观测系统,基岩中激发。原始资料经同一处理流程后,获得5m×5m×1ms、5m×10m×1ms、10m×10m×1ms及2.5m×2.5m×1ms不同单元的三维数据体多个,通过对比可以发现小断层,小陷落柱在其小面元叠加时间剖面、顺层切片及相干切片都有清晰的反映。实例说明,小面元采集技术可以提高对小构造的纵、横向分辨能力,满足山区对三维地震精确勘探的要求。  相似文献   
屯兰矿南五采区地形复杂,最大高差达271m,地表大面积为第四系黄土覆盖,激发困难。为探索研究小面元三维地震勘探技术的应用效果。在常规三维地震勘区域内划出1km^2,采用5m×5m小面元进行采集。在地震数据采集过程中,采取了加大激发井深、提高覆盖次数、减小CMP面元网格和加大接收排列等技术措施,做到“四小三高、二中一深、两个等高面”。通过插值、抽线及扩大面元处理。获得2.5m×2.5m×1ms、5m×5m×1ms、5m×10m×1ms、10m×10m×1ms以及不同叠加次数的三维数据体。资料解释工作主要是在5m×5m×1ms、2.5m×2.5m×1ms两个数据体上进行,解释落差大于或等于5m的断层6条,落差3~5m的断层8条;查明长轴直径20~30m的陷落柱4个。30~100m的陷落柱1个,大于100m的陷落柱3个。与相邻区常规三维地震比较,小面元三维地震勘探有利于对小陷落柱、小断层的控制和解释。  相似文献   
成矿理论与勘探实践证明,东部一些老矿由于勘探深度、范围的限制以及认识上的局限,在矿区深部、周边仍有一些矿未能发现和查明,其中相当一部分仍具有找矿潜力;而寻找西部新的煤炭资源是国家“稳定东部发展西部”战略需要。针对中国东西部不同的地质条件和勘探目标,其地震勘探野外施工方法及资料处理原则有所差异;而资料解释在东部以查明地层赋存形态、煤层赋存范围、构造发育特征为主,西部则以寻找煤系地层波阻抗差异明显、连续性好的反射波组为解释重点。地震勘探技术在中国东西部的二个典型地震时间剖面佐证了其在深部找矿的应用效果。  相似文献   
在山区或地表复杂地区进行地震勘探,采用基于地表一致性假设的静校正将会严重影响勘探效果,该影响主要源于地表一致性假设存在着不合理因素。如较高的低速带、巨厚的低速带、基岩裸露、地形起伏较大等。为分析一致性假设静校正偏差产生的原因及大小.构建一地形起伏、基岩出露的复杂模型,通过正演其射线路径,对比其时距曲线与理论时距曲线的差异,以及二者静校正量误差大小。模型分析证实该差异与偏移距、地震波穿透深度及基准面高程之间存在直接的联系,据此提出了改进方法,如浮动基准面校正及分块静校正等。理论模型和实际地震资料试算表明,使用改进的方法可有效改善地震时间刮面同相轴聚焦效果及连续性。  相似文献   
Seismic hazard analysis is based on data and models, which both are imprecise and uncertain. Especially the interpretation of historical information into earthquake parameters, e.g. earthquake size and location, yields ambiguous and imprecise data. Models based on probability distributions have been developed in order to quantify and represent these uncertainties. Nevertheless, the majority of the procedures applied in seismic hazard assessment do not take into account these uncertainties, nor do they show the variance of the results. Therefore, a procedure based on Bayesian statistics was developed to estimate return periods for different ground motion intensities (MSK scale).Bayesian techniques provide a mathematical model to estimate the distribution of random variables in presence of uncertainties. The developed method estimates the probability distribution of the number of occurrences in a Poisson process described by the parameter . The input data are the historical occurrences of intensities for a particular site, represented by a discrete probability distribution for each earthquake. The calculation of these historical occurrences requires a careful preparation of all input parameters, i.e. a modelling of their uncertainties. The obtained results show that the variance of the recurrence rate is smaller in regions with higher seismic activity than in less active regions. It can also be demonstrated that long return periods cannot be estimated with confidence, because the time period of observation is too short. This indicates that the long return periods obtained by seismic source methods only reflects the delineated seismic sources and the chosen earthquake size distribution law.  相似文献   
Some comparisons between mining-induced and laboratory earthquakes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although laboratory stick-slip friction experiments have long been regarded as analogs to natural crustal earthquakes, the potential use of laboratory results for understanding the earthquake source mechanism has not been fully exploited because of essential difficulties in relating seismographic data to measurements made in the controlled laboratory environment. Mining-induced earthquakes, however, provide a means of calibrating the seismic data in terms of laboratory results because, in contrast to natural earthquakes, the causative forces as well as the hypocentral conditions are known. A comparison of stick-slip friction events in a large granite sample with mining-induced earthquakes in South Africa and Canada indicates both similarities and differences between the two phenomena. The physics of unstable fault slip appears to be largely the same for both types of events. For example, both laboratory and mining-induced earthquakes have very low seismic efficiencies where a is the apparent stress and is the average stress acting on the fault plane to cause slip; nearly all of the energy released by faulting is consumed in overcoming friction. In more detail, the mining-induced earthquakes differ from the laboratory events in the behavior of as a function of seismic momentM 0. Whereas for the laboratory events 0.06 independent ofM 0, depends quite strongly onM 0 for each set of induced earthquakes, with 0.06 serving, apparently, as an upper bound. It seems most likely that this observed scaling difference is due to variations in slip distribution over the fault plane. In the laboratory, a stick-slip event entails homogeneous slip over a fault of fixed area. For each set of induced earthquakes, the fault area appears to be approximately fixed but the slip is inhomogeneous due presumably to barriers (zones of no slip) distributed over the fault plane; at constant , larger events correspond to larger a as a consequence of fewer barriers to slip. If the inequality a / 0.06 has general validity, then measurements of a E a /M 0, where is the modulus of rigidity andE a is the seismically-radiated energy, can be used to infer the absolute level of deviatoric stress at the hypocenter.  相似文献   
在系统地分析了目前各种测震学地震预报方法科学思路的基础上,认为测震学地震预报方法基本上可以分为两大类。一类是以已经发生的一些地震作为未来可能发生的地震的“因”,即由于已经发生的地震对区域应力场的影响,导致未来发生较强地震。这一类包括的预报方法较多,如空区、条带、b值、地震迁移、相关地震等等及其由此衍生出来的各种方法。另一类是把已经发生的一些地震作为区域应力场增强的“果”,即已经发生的地震是区域应力场增强过程中的一种反映,而未来地震不一定是已经发生的地震所导致的结果。这一类包括“地震窗口”、小震群活动等方法。针对第一类方法,各种预报方法都是力图从地震三要素中提取未来地震的信息,而具体作法又都是利用地震三要素这个多维空间的某个剖面。为了从地震活动诸要素的多维空间提取综合信息,我们对每个地震加入了破裂面方位,构成了地震第四要素,并依据地震4要素建立了地震综合效应场函数。地震综合效应场函数概括了多种测震学地震预报方法的科学思路和预报经验,从而可以形成测震学的综合预报方法。  相似文献   
CONICA is an acronym for COudé Near Infrared Camera. It is one of the four currently planned Infrared instruments for ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. This multimode instrument is to be installed at the Coudé-focus (of Unit Telescope no. 1), where adaptive optics and speckle interferometry will also be available. High angular resolution imaging (to the diffraction limit) will be possible in the 1–5 m range, as well as spectroscopy with low- and medium resolution and polarimetry by means of Wollaston prism and wiregrid analysers. Various softwares are developed for this instrument. One of them: the Simulation Software has a threefold aim: 1. provide the user with feedback information on his/her choices of observational parameters. This is be achieved by displaying the calculated performance and throughput of the combined Source-Atmosphere-Telescope-Camera-Detector system in various formats, such as images, tables, isophotical images ... for point as well as for extended sources (also annular, double, etc.); 2. verify if his expectations are realistic, before actually using CONICA itself. 3. give feedback on the design to the developers of the instrument.On leave from his original institute, now at ESTEC in the ISO-project  相似文献   
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