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复杂卫星图像中的小目标船舶识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
姚红革  王诚  喻钧  白小军  李蔚 《遥感学报》2020,24(2):116-125
船舶作为海上的重要目标,实现对船舶自动识别有重要的意义。针对卫星图像中云雾、海岸背景等复杂海情对船舶识别带来的干扰,以及小目标船舶高漏检率问题,本文提出一种多尺度深度学习模型训练策略,在此基础上构建了一种船舶识别的深度学习网络,该网络可分为多尺度训练、特征提取、生成目标建议区域、船舶分类这4个部分。首先,采用多尺度的训练策略,将多尺度的船舶样本送入网络中进行训练,这样在训练样本中加入了大量小目标船舶的样本,使网络充分提取到小目标船舶的特征;其次,通过卷积神经网络对目标船舶进行特征自适应提取;然后,目标区域建议网络可依据卷积神经网络提取到的特征,在图像中找到感兴趣目标区域,即框定船舶的位置;最后,通过多个全连接层的组合,将高维特征映射到一个4元组中,再运用分类函数输出每一类船舶的概率值,概率值最大的则为该船舶的类别。同时为解决云雾遮挡和海岸背景的干扰,采用了一种负样本增强学习的方法,在样本数据集中加入了大量只含有云雾和海岸背景的图片,进行负样本扩充,增强网络模型对云雾及海岸背景的特征学习能力,以此解决复杂海情的影响。实验结果表明,所提方法有效解决了复杂海情条件下的船舶识别难,以及小目标船舶识别难的问题,实现了复杂海情条件下的船舶识别。同时,与现有成熟的深度学习目标识别算法相比,本文算法的精确度和召回率分别提升了6.98%和18.17%,所训练的模型具有良好的泛化能力和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
“甘肃省人工增雨防雹作业决策指挥系统”实现了作业装备的网络化管理,它以先进的监测系统为基础,依靠现代化的通信网络,应用3S集成技术,开发以甘肃省详细地理信息为背景,集成应用多种信息资料的人工影响天气地理分析平台,通过手机短信实现作业条件的自动报警和发布作业指令。  相似文献   
齐忠华  邱剑南  张力仁  吴长俊 《测绘通报》2019,(11):149-152,162
开展地理国情监测工作的目的是为了获取自然与人类社会经济活动引起的地表变化信息,具体包括地表自然要素、人文地理要素和社会经济信息的空间分布特征及其相互关系,是基本国情的重要组成部分,为政府管理决策、企业生产运营、人民群众生活提供数据基础和决策依据。本文基于地理国情监测数据,结合多种测绘地理信息数据和技术手段,探讨如何利用地理国情监测成果促进农业与旅游业的发展,以期深入挖掘和提升监测成果价值,全面拓展监测成果应用服务的新思路、新方向。  相似文献   
在吐哈盆地中东部地区已投入部分铀矿找矿工作,但是没有取得较好的成果,本文拟对吐哈盆地中东部长流水地区铀成矿条件进行前景分析,对找矿提供一定的理论依据。研究区位于骆驼圈子浅凹陷中,南部蚀源区总体铀含量较高,目的层也具有较高的铀背景值,满足地下水的"补—径—排"条件,层间氧化带发育,通过钻探工作发现部分的铀异常以及铀矿化现象,具有较好的成矿条件。  相似文献   
钱进 《地理空间信息》2019,17(7):39-44,I0001
基于国产高分辨率卫星影像和基础性地理国情监测数据,利用GIS技术分析了2013~2017年大渡口滨江老工业区搬迁改造实施的效果。结果表明,绿地面积呈增加趋势,增加量为1.28km^2,主要为天然草地;城市建设用地不断增加,用地性质日趋合理,其中工业用地、物流仓储用地和公共服务设施用地不断减少。空气质量总体较好,呈明显的季节性变化趋势。2017年空气质量优良天数为283d,说明搬迁改造工作成效显著。  相似文献   
李锟 《化工矿产地质》2007,29(2):112-114
试样经碱熔,盐酸提取的钛,在以盐酸、硫酸、磷酸组成的强酸性溶液体系中,利用铝片的强还原性,还原四价钛为三价钛。再用三价铁氧化三价钛为四价钛,过量的三价铁离子与硫氢酸根离子生成血红色络合物,根据此原理测定高含量钛。实验证明,溶液在此强酸性体系中,隔绝空气和控制时间的条件下,其含量范围在0.13%~100%内,测定结果准确度高。  相似文献   
中国北方磷矿成矿预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在中朝准地台、塔里木准地台边缘深断裂附近和台中隆起带以及天山-兴安、祁连-秦岭、额尔古纳几个地槽褶皱区的中间地带,不同程度地具备中国北方三种主要类型磷矿的成矿条件。研究分析认为中国北方的内生磷矿具有良好的找矿前景,绿岩带型磷矿和古元古代沉积变质磷矿显示一定的找矿潜力,沉积型磷矿一般品位低、规模小。通过归纳,在中国北方划分出磷矿的二级城矿区4个、三级成矿带15个、四级成矿亚带19个。圈定成矿预测区A级2个,B级C级各23个。确定了21处可开展进一步工作的地区。  相似文献   
海洋生物发光研究对渔业、环境监测等有着举足轻重的意义。根据从湛江东海岛海域沉积物样品中分离出的一株海洋发光弧菌(Vibrio sp.,编号为D2),对这株菌的生长和发光条件进行了初步研究。实验结果表明,海洋发光弧菌D2在pH7.0、温度35℃、NaCl浓度为2.0%时,生长状态最好;在pH5~6、温度20℃、NaCl浓度为3.0%、细菌密度OD600达0.08时,发光强度最高。  相似文献   
The South American cordgrass, Spartina densiflora, has invaded a range of different habitats that can support different native species assemblages on salt marshes in the Gulf of Cadiz, Spain. Little is known about the mechanisms of invasion. We examined the potential for seed germination and recruitment in a field transplant experiment, representing a wide range of environments, on elevational gradients across marshes with muddy and sandy sediments. The biotic resistance of native, perennial vegetation (where present) to recruitment of the alien was also investigated. Spartina densiflora seeds were able to germinate over a greater than 2-m range of elevation in the tidal frame. Germination success on unvegetated muddy sediments was related to sediment redox potential, with poor germination at strongly negative redox potentials on the lower sites. On sandy, well-drained sediments, germination was apparently constrained by water availability at the highest elevations. Comparison of vegetated and cleared plots on the upper marsh showed that there was a negative relationship between the presence of Atriplex portulacoides and germination on the muddy sediments. Recruitment (survival of seedlings for 12 weeks) was seen only on unvegetated muddy sediments at the highest elevation. Hence the invasive success and wide elevational tolerance of S. densiflora on the marshes of the Gulf of Cadiz are not reflected in its short-term ability to become established from its prolific seed production. Colonization of sub-optimal habitats may be largely by vegetative propagules and clonal growth.  相似文献   
The Juan de Fuca Eddy is a seasonal, counter-clockwise gyre off the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca between Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada that may provide favorable feeding habitat for juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during their early marine existence. In late September 2002, physical and biological sampling was conducted along two transects of the eddy region. Surface rope trawling was conducted to capture juvenile salmon and other nekton, along with bongo and neuston net tows to examine potential mesozooplanktonic salmon prey. Presence of the Juan de Fuca Eddy was confirmed with vertical water profiles. In addition, nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations collected from 3-m depth were within the range observed in previous studies within the eddy region. In the mesozooplankton community, euphausiids, chaetognaths, and decapod megalopae were common. In the diet of juvenile coho salmon, euphausiids and decapod megalopae were dominant by percent number, and larval and juvenile fish were dominant by percent weight. Feeding intensity (percent body weight) based on stomach contents was variable, but not significantly different among stations. To compare the Juan de Fuca Eddy region with an upwelling area, we sampled along a transect off La Push (LP), Washington, USA which is south of the eddy. The eddy region was found to be less productive than the LP transect. Nutrients were lower, chlorophyll a concentrations were higher, and zooplankton abundance was generally higher along the LP transect than in the eddy region. In addition, more juvenile coho salmon were captured from the LP transect than the eddy region. Prey items in stomachs of salmon from the LP transect were heterogeneous compared to those from the eddy region. Feeding intensity along the LP transect was slightly lower and more variable than in the eddy region, and differences in feeding intensity among LP stations were significant. In addition, feeding intensities among stations nested within regions were significantly different.  相似文献   
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