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山东半岛南部一次沿海强降雨成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用常规气象观测资料、区域自动站观测资料、NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料和雷达探测等资料,对2012年9月21日山东半岛南部沿海强降雨过程的成因进行了天气学诊断分析,结果表明:1强降雨是在500hPa第1个西风槽过后第2个西风槽逼近的过程中产生的,850hPa以下为偏南的向岸风,且风速随时间增大,形成偏南的超低空急流,持续地向沿海输送水汽和能量,造成水汽辐合、湿度增大、对流有效位能升高。产生强降雨的水汽和不稳定能量条件远小于内陆地区。2在向岸的超低空急流的左侧产生中小尺度的涡旋和辐合上升,海岸地形抬升作用使得上升运动加强,触发对流不稳定能量释放,造成强降水。3在雷达回波中,小尺度的对流单体沿海岸线向西南方向发展,后期在日照附近的沿海形成弓状回波,向东南海区移动。  相似文献   
To improve the accuracy of short-term(0–12 h) forecasts of severe weather in southern China, a real-time storm-scale forecasting system, the Hourly Assimilation and Prediction System(HAPS), has been implemented in Shenzhen, China. The forecasting system is characterized by combining the Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF-ARW)model and the Advanced Regional Prediction System(ARPS) three-dimensional variational data assimilation(3DVAR) package. It is capable of assimilating radar reflectivity and radial velocity data from multiple Doppler radars as well as surface automatic weather station(AWS) data. Experiments are designed to evaluate the impacts of data assimilation on quantitative precipitation forecasting(QPF) by studying a heavy rainfall event in southern China. The forecasts from these experiments are verified against radar, surface, and precipitation observations. Comparison of echo structure and accumulated precipitation suggests that radar data assimilation is useful in improving the short-term forecast by capturing the location and orientation of the band of accumulated rainfall. The assimilation of radar data improves the short-term precipitation forecast skill by up to9 hours by producing more convection. The slight but generally positive impact that surface AWS data has on the forecast of near-surface variables can last up to 6–9 hours. The assimilation of AWS observations alone has some benefit for improving the Fractions Skill Score(FSS) and bias scores; when radar data are assimilated, the additional AWS data may increase the degree of rainfall overprediction.  相似文献   
2013年7月1日午后至夜间,华北出现一次区域性暴雨和局地大暴雨过程。局地极端降水出现在河北省邢台市宁晋县四芝兰镇,过程雨量409 mm,其中当日17—19时连续2 h雨量超过100 mm。利用常规高空和地面观测资料、NCEP再分析资料和石家庄新一代天气雷达资料,探讨了宁晋极端短时强降水的形成原因。主要结论是:(1)低槽、冷锋、副热带高压及其外围低涡切变线为其主要影响系统,海南附近台风远距离影响加强了水汽自南向北的输送,半定常的地面辐合切变线对新生对流的触发和已有对流的维持及加强起到重要作用;(2)宁晋最强降水期间,其上空具有较强的垂直风切变,有利于高度组织化的对流系统发展;(3)对流系统的后向传播使回波主体移动缓慢、持续时间长,而回波强度大和雨强很强,则导致四芝兰镇极端强降水,此外,具有弱中气旋的超级单体相对较长时间的影响使其对四芝兰镇强降水具有重要贡献;(4)产生极端降水的对流系统属于高质心发展强烈的大陆强对流型,而非更易导致强降水的低质心系统。同时,针对众多学者研究北京"7.21"特大暴雨得到的一些结论进行了进一步探讨和验证。  相似文献   
利用2007—2013年福建省区域自动站和基本气象站小时降水观测资料,确定精细时空尺度上热带气旋暴雨突然增幅的阈值标准,分析暴雨突然增幅的时空分布特征及其与同期热带气旋之间的关系。结果表明:满足1 h、3 h和6 h暴雨突然增幅的热带气旋个例数随时间分辨率的降低而明显减少;3 h突增个例数主要出现在6—10月,且个例数和突增次数年分布总体呈上升趋势,突增次数日变化呈现"三峰型",高值区位于17—20时;暴雨突然增幅的热带气旋大多数在福建中南部沿海登陆,且不同的热带气旋中,强度较弱时发生突增次数较多,极值最大;暴雨突然增幅大多数发生在热带气旋登陆后24 h、距中心400 km内、西南方向,与登陆路径有关。对比分析了热带气旋登陆福建前后暴雨突然增幅的特征,发现登陆中部的热带气旋个数最多、暴雨突增次数也最多;热带气旋登陆后暴雨突增次数明显比登陆前多。  相似文献   
The diurnal variation of tropical rainfall is examined through the analysis of an equilibrium cloud-resolving model experiment. Model domain mean rain rate is defined as a product of rain intensity and fractional rainfall coverage. The diurnal variation of the mean rain rate is associated with that of fractional rainfall coverage because the diurnal variation of rain intensity is significantly weakened through the decrease in rainfall in early morning hours. The decrease in rainfall corresponds to the reduction in secondary circulations through the barotropic conversion from the perturbation kinetic energy to the mean kinetic energy under the imposed negative vertical gradient of westerly winds. The fractional rainfall coverage shows the diurnal signal with the maximum in the early morning hours primarily due to nocturnal infrared radiative cooling.  相似文献   
The precipitation during landfall of typhoon Haitang (2005) showed asymmetric structures (left side/right side of the track). Analysis of Weather Research and Forecasting model simulation data showed that rainfall on the right side was more than 15 times stronger than on the left side. The causes were analyzed by focusing on comparing the water vapor flux, stability and upward motion between the two sides. The major results were as follows: (2) Relative humidity on both sides was over 80%, whereas the convergence of water vapor flux in the lower troposphere was about 10 times larger on the right side than on the left side. (5) Both sides featured conditional symmetric instability [MPV (moist potential vorticity) <0], but the right side was more unstable than the left side. (6) Strong (weak) upward motion occurred throughout the troposphere on the right (left) side. The Q vector diagnosis suggested that large-scale and mesoscale forcing accounted for the difference in vertical velocity. Orographic lift and surface friction forced the development of the asymmetric precipitation pattern. On the right side, strong upward motion from the forcing of different scale weather systems and topography caused a substantial release of unstable energy and the transportation of water vapor from the lower to the upper troposphere, which produced torrential rainfall. However, the above conditions on the left side were all much weaker, which led to weaker rainfall. This may have been the cause of the asymmetric distribution of rainfall during the landfall of typhoon Haitang.  相似文献   
一次西南低涡东移引发长江中下游暴雨的诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晓波  储海 《气象》2015,41(7):825-832
利用常规观测资料和NECP再分析资料,对2013年6月6—7日西南低涡东移加强发展造成长江中下游大暴雨过程进行了诊断分析,重点探讨了西南低涡东移和发展维持的物理机制以及最强降水的变化特征。结果表明,沿着700 hPa高空切变线东移的西南低涡是造成此次长江中下游地区暴雨的直接影响系统,西南低涡沿着700 hPa切变线东移发展,深厚阶段正涡度柱伸展到400 hPa高度,自下而上呈近垂直结构。西南低涡附近低层辐合与高层辐散的大尺度环境条件、西南低涡与西南低空急流耦合发展动力结构、低空暖平流和高空槽前正涡度平流输送等条件是导致西南低涡东移到长江中下游后加强发展的主要因子。与西南低涡相伴随的强降雨区主要位于低涡南部3个纬距以内,该处的西南季风和副高西南侧东南气流两支水汽输送的汇合为暴雨发生提供了充沛的水汽和对流不稳定能量,而对流层中低层携带的冷空气侵入低层低涡的后部,不仅加强了低涡的斜压性,也促进了上冷下暖不稳定层结的产生和发展,为强降水的发生提供了不稳定对流触发条件。  相似文献   
海温异常对东亚夏季风强度先兆信号的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用ERA-Interim再分析资料、NOAA海温资料、CMAP格点降水资料和中国气象站降水资料,通过合成、相关和回归分析等方法研究了1979—2012年东亚夏季风强度与其先兆信号的关系,并分析了热带海温异常的可能影响。研究表明:东亚夏季风先兆指数反映了2月200 hPa纬向风距平的主要模态特征 (EOF1),前冬热带中东太平洋海温偏低 (高),2月亚洲地区西风急流位置偏北 (偏南),东亚夏季风先兆指数偏强 (弱)。前期热带海温异常对东亚夏季风强度有明显影响,前冬热带中东太平洋海温偏低 (高) 有利于东亚夏季风偏强 (弱)。2月亚洲中纬度地区纬向风异常特征在春季不能持续,先兆信号与东亚夏季风强度的联系主要源自热带海洋。  相似文献   
甘肃武威市一次局地大到暴雨天气成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规天气图、FY-2D卫星云图、单站地面资料、NCEP再分析物理量场资料,对2013年8月6日发生在甘肃武威市对流性强降雨天气成因进行了诊断分析。结果表明:强降雨是在一定的大尺度环流背景下高低层天气系统共同作用下发生的,地面气象要素的剧烈变化是强对流天气能量的释放过程;湿度条件和水汽在本地辐合为大到暴雨提供了充沛的水汽;高层辐散、低层辐合以及强烈的上升气流是大到暴雨发生的动力条件;强烈的不稳定能量和不稳定层结是对流增强、雨强较大的必要条件;对流云团的发展和加强是降雨强度较大的直接原因。  相似文献   
根据已构建的溶藻弧菌(Vibro alginolyticus)诱导的马氏珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)血淋巴cDNA差减文库得到的ESTs序列, 应用cDNA末端快速扩增(RACE)技术成功克隆了其组织蛋白酶L基因(PFCatL), 并对其进行了生物信息学分析; 应用实时荧光定量PCR (Real-time PCR)技术, 研究了PFCatL基因在溶藻弧菌刺激前后马氏珠母贝足、外套膜、鳃、闭壳肌等8个组织中的表达变化。结果表明, PFCatL基因cDNA全长2004bp, 其中5′非编码区(5′-UTR)50bp, 3′非编码区(3′-UTR)865bp, 开放阅读框(ORF)1089bp, 编码362个氨基酸, 其分子量计算值(MW)为40.52kDa, 理论等电点(IP)为5.20; 生物信息学分析表明, PFCatL含有16个氨基酸残基组成的信号肽序列以及组织蛋白酶前体抑制功能域I29; Clustalw2多重比对发现PFCatL氨基酸序列在催化三联体Cys-His-Asn、底物结合位点以及二硫键形成相关的半胱氨酸残基位点高度保守; Real-time PCR研究发现, PFCatL在马氏珠母贝各组织中均有表达, 但各组织间的表达量存在差异, 其中以肾和闭壳肌中的表达量最高; 溶藻弧菌感染4h后, 外套膜、鳃以及血淋巴中PFCatL基因的表达较感染前显著上调。  相似文献   
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