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方立  冯缠利  郑宝旺  沈国庭 《地下水》2020,(1):152-154,266
2018年伏秋汛期黄河流域上游持续来水,为保证2108-2019年度黄河流域凌汛期安全,黄河流域重点水库进行了大流量持续下泄。以2018年9月的实际数据为基准,通过对重点水库实际日均出入库调度情况,内蒙古河段的重点水文站实际日均流量过程和三个年份汛期大断面套绘成果对比分析研究,可以得出水库大流量持续下泄对内蒙古河段河道塑形能力起到了关键性作用,有效的提高了主槽过流能力,河段最小平滩流量得到一定的恢复,对下一步研究黄河流域河道过流能力提供了有利的数据支撑和参考价值。  相似文献   
The anomaly response characteristics of the vertical line‐source 3D borehole‐to‐surface model are simulated by an adaptive finite element method. The calculation shows that the anomaly in the radial direction is pressed and the closer to the source, the more pronounced, the anomaly is stretched in the direction perpendicular to the radius. Adding a B pole in the Y direction can offset the effect of stretching to some extent. The anomaly that is closer to the source of the profile is clearer than the anomaly that is far from the source. The research results are of great significance for guiding the practical application of the borehole‐to‐surface electrical method.  相似文献   
甘肃陇南市武都区小水沟泥石流治理防治工程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年"5.12"汶川特大地震对甘肃省陇南市造成了严重危害。震后次生地质灾害对陇南市城镇村庄、交通和人民群众生命财产安全造成严重威胁。武都区蒲池乡小水沟震后产生了大量的崩塌、滑塌堆积体,一旦遭遇暴雨,极易发生泥石流灾害,直接危及小水沟沟口左岸九年制义务学校一座及沟口两岸居民,因此治理该泥石流沟是十分必要的。通过对当地暴雨特征、地层岩性、地质构造、泥石流固体物质源及形成的踏勘,针对该泥石流具有危险度高,流量大的特点,执行全面规划、重点治理的设计思路,采取了防护、生物工程相结合的综合防治措施。拦挡工程为有效发挥工程泻洪、拦渣、调节、固床、稳坡和控制固体物质补给量,预防沟道下切及沟壑发展,减少泥石流对下游村庄危害,起到了积极作用;生物工程的主要作用是稳固堤前砂土、减缓水石流流速、减小水石流对护堤的直接冲蚀和破坏、保障堤内居民生命财产安全和耕地的正常使用、增大植被覆盖率,绿化环境等。  相似文献   
根据高浓度黏性泥石流的观测资料,应用不同类型黏性泥石流的流变特性和流体结构的分类指标-流核比,对高浓度黏性泥石流堆积中的混杂层、筛积层和粗化层理结构进行了成因差异分析。侧重分析了砾石质点在高浓度黏性泥石流蠕动流场中作向上垂直运动的魏森伯效应,并在表面富集形成了筛积层的成因,及其它与粗化层结构的区别。  相似文献   
2014年4月大气环流和天气分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
樊利强  张涛  孙瑾 《气象》2014,40(7):898-904
2014年4月大气环流特征为,北半球极涡呈单极型分布,中心位于喀拉海北端附近;亚洲大陆东部高压脊强度偏强,导致4月我国气温较常年同期(11.0℃)偏高1.1℃,为1961年同期以来第五高值。东亚大槽强度和位置、南支系统和西北太平洋副热带高压接近常年平均状况。4月全国平均降水量为43.7 mm,比常年同期略偏少。月内,江南南部和华南等地出现短时强降水、雷雨大风等强对流天气;北方地区出现多次沙尘天气过程;此外,部分站次出现极端高温、极端降温事件。  相似文献   
The Tongyu copper deposit, located in the western part of the North Qinling Orogen, China, is one of several volcanic-hosted massive sulphide(VHMS) deposits with industrial value and is also a typical example of mineralization related to the subduction and metallogenesis during the Caledonian orogeny. We conducted systematic lead-sulphur isotope geochemical analyses of the Tongyu deposit to understand the possible ore-forming material sources and tectonic settings. Twenty-six sulphide samples yielded clustered δ~(34)S_(CDT) values of 1.13‰-3.36‰, average 2.22‰, and show a tower-type distribution,implying that the sulphur of the Tongyu copper deposit mainly originated from a mantle source. The Pb isotope compositions of sulphides(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 17.59225-18.56354, average 18.32020; ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb =15.51770-15.69381, average 15.66217; ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb= 37.99969-39.06953, average 38.52722) are close to the values of the volcanic host rocks(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb= 18.10678-18.26293, average 18.21158; ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb =15.63196-15.68188, average 15.65345; ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb= 38.43676-38.56360, average 38.49171), thus consistent with the Pb in ores and volcanic host rocks having been derived from a common source that was island-arc Pb related to oceanic crust subduction. The northward subduction of the Palaeo-Qinling oceanic crust triggered dehydration of the slab, which generated a large amount of high-oxygen-fugacity aqueous hydrothermal fluid. The fluid rose into the mantle wedge, activated and extracted metallogenic material and promoted partial melting of the mantle wedge. The magma and ore-forming fluid welled up and precipitated, finally forming the Tongyu VHMS copper deposit.  相似文献   
火山岩坡残积土地区暴雨滑坡泥石流的形成机理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
暴雨条件诱发的浅层坡残积土质斜坡破坏的机理受控于土体在低有效围压条件下的应力应变特性。1993年11月4~5日,香港大屿山地区特大局部性暴雨导致在120km2范围内产生自然滑坡泥石流800余处,且绝大多数发生于火山岩风化坡残积土地区。本文对火山岩风化坡残积土开展了室内偏压固结不排水剪和偏压固结常剪应力排水剪试验,揭示了该类土的应力应变特性;在此基础上,分析了暴雨滑坡泥石流的形成机理和过程。  相似文献   
Banded iron formation (BIF) comprising high grade iron ore are exposed in Gorumahisani‐Sulaipat‐Badampahar belt in the east of North Orissa Craton, India. The ores are multiply deformed and metamorphosed to amphibolite facies. The mineral assemblage in the BIF comprises grunerite, magnetite/martite/goethite and quartz. Relict carbonate phases are sometimes noticed within thick iron mesobands. Grunerite crystals exhibit needles to fibrous lamellae and platy form or often sheaf‐like aggregates in linear and radial arrangement. Accicular grunerite also occur within intergranular space of magnetite/martite. Grunerite needles/accicules show higher reflectivity in chert mesoband and matching reflectance with that of adjacent magnetite/martite in iron mesoband. Some grunerite lamellae sinter into micron size magnetite platelets. This grunerite has high ferrous oxide and cobalt oxide content but is low in Mg‐ and Mn‐oxide compared to the ones, reported from BIFs, of Western Australia, Nigeria, France, USA and Quebec. The protolith of this BIF is considered to be carbonate containing sediments, with high concentrations of Fe and Si but lower contents of cobalt and chromium ± Mg, Mn and Ni. During submarine weathering quartz, sheet silicate (greenalite) and Fe‐Co‐Cr (Mg‐Mn‐Ni)‐carbonate solid solution were formed. At the outset of the regional metamorphic episode grunerite, euhedral magnetite and recrystalized quartz were developed. Magnetite was grown at the expense of carbonate and later martitized under post‐metamorphic conditions. With the increasing grade of metamorphism greenalite transformed to grunerite.  相似文献   
刘伟 《地学前缘》2002,9(4):423-428
耦合的质量传输和动力学限制的同位素交换模型综合考虑了平流、扩散、热液弥散 ,以及岩石与水之间的不平衡同位素交换等项因素。把耦合模型应用于 2个构造环境下的古热液系统 ,进而解释稳定同位素数据。对于造成环绕浅成侵入岩体分布的18O亏损环带的流体的流动几何学 ,以及浅部正断层流体流动的几何学 ,耦合模型提供了不同于单一同位素交换模型的解释。耦合模型也提供了关于同位素相对交换速率和同位素交换机制的信息。结果表明 ,断层带的动态重结晶促进了表面反应 ,进而便利了同位素交换 ;在化学不反应性和未变形的矿物中 ,同位素交换可能受制于固态条件下的扩散。  相似文献   
绵阳地区白垩系岩石风化过程的生态效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了四川绵阳地区白垩系七曲寺组砂岩、泥岩风化过程的信息动态及其对森林植被的生态效应,为长江上游水土保持防护林提供开发信息。  相似文献   
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