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重点论述白兴吐铀矿床预测的关键技术;提出了松辽盆地的东泛西超、北沉南隆的沉积构造演化格局的新观点及“辫状河道洼地一反转隆升剥蚀构造天窗一贯通性断裂——基性岩浆活动带”三位一体成矿理论,用多源复成因成矿理论重建了钱家店铀矿的成矿模式,并运用这一新的成矿理论模式,成功地预测了远景靶区,经生产部门深入勘查,落实了白兴吐铀矿床。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION AccommodationZones Currentmineralexplorationconceptshavefailed torecognizetheassociationofmineralizationwith uniqueextensionalstructurescalledaccommodation zones(Fauldsetal.,1987).Inmostcases,these zonesshowlittleobviousdeformation,yetfocusfl…  相似文献   
奥陶系在天津平原区是具有开发前景的基岩热储, 但是在开发过程中发现, 该层岩溶裂隙发育极不均匀, 富水性相差较大, 给施工带来一定的难度, 严重阻碍着地热资源的开发进程.为此, 对全市近百眼揭露奥陶系地热井的资料进行对比分析, 对不同构造单元奥陶系一、二类裂缝发育和原始出水量情况进行统计, 总结其岩溶裂隙发育规律.研究结果表明:岩溶裂隙多分布于灰岩较纯的马家沟组, 泥质灰岩较发育的亮甲山组和冶里组次之;在埋深小于2 300 m的地区, 奥陶系裂隙发育随地层厚度的增大而增大;上覆地层为新近系和中生界的岩溶裂隙发育厚度大于上覆地层为石炭系的;双窑和潘庄凸起岩溶裂隙较发育, 富水性较好;张性断裂附近岩溶裂隙最发育.据此可知, 岩溶裂隙多分布在张性断裂附近、灰岩较纯的马家沟组, 以及埋深较浅、上覆地层为新近系和中生界的凸起区, 这些地区富水性较好, 可为地热开发提供可靠依据.  相似文献   
通过对研究区石炭系-二叠系碎屑岩沉积相纵向演化与平面展布特征、岩石学特征、成岩作用、孔隙类型的研究,认为研究区石炭系-二叠系碎屑岩砂砾岩的发育程度、成分成熟度、结构成熟度等均受阿拉善古陆和马鬃山-拐子湖中间隆起带2个沉积物源的控制.南部以阿拉善古陆为主要沉积物源,砂砾岩发育,成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较高.由南向北阿拉善古陆作为物源的影响逐渐降低,砂砾岩发育程度逐渐变差,成分成熟度和结构成熟度亦逐渐变差.以粘土矿物及其相对含量、自生矿物特征等为主要依据,对成岩作用阶段进行划分,多数剖面以中成岩A期为主,研究区北部、北山地区和受阿尔金走滑断裂影响的雅干一带,受构造动力变质作用或岩浆热接触变质作用的影响进入中成岩B期.碎屑岩储集层孔隙演化受成岩作用的控制,多数以溶蚀孔(缝)为主,少数具有残余粒间孔,总体来看孔隙发育较差.除碎屑岩储集层外,各类碳酸盐岩、火山岩,以及华力西期风化壳的各类岩石均可能成为重要的储集层类型.  相似文献   
After the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, we mapped surface ground fractures in Tangdhar, Uri, Rajouri and Punch sectors and liquefaction features in Jammu area lying close to the eastern side of the Line of Control (LOC) in Kashmir, India. The NW trending ground fractures occurred largely in the hanging wall zone of the southeastern extension of the causative fault in Tangdhar and Uri sectors. The principal compressive stress deduced from the earthquake induced ground fractures is oriented at N10°, whereas the causative Balakot–Bagh fault strikes 330°. The fault-plane solution indicates primarily SW thrusting of the causative fault with a component of strike–slip motion. The ground fractures reflect pronounced strike–slip together with some tensile component. The Tangdhar area showing left-lateral strike–slip motion lies on the hanging wall, and the Uri region showing right-lateral strike–slip movement is located towards the southeastern extension of the causative fault zone. The shear fractures are related to static stress that was responsible for the failure of causative fault. The tensile fractures with offsets are attributed to combination of both static and dynamic stresses, and the fractures and openings without offsets owe their origin due to dynamic stress. In Punch–Rajouri and Jammu area, which lies on the footwall, the fractures and liquefactions were generated by dynamic stress. The occurrence of liquefaction features in the out board part of the Himalayan range front near Jammu is suggestive of stress transfer  230 km southeast of the epicenter. The Balakot–Bagh Fault (BBF), the Muzaffarabad anticline, the rupture zone of causative fault and the zone of aftershocks — all are aligned in a  25 km wide belt along the NW–SE trending regional Himalayan strike of Kashmir region and lying between the MBT and the Riasi Thrust (Murree Thrust), suggesting a seismogenic zone that may propagate towards the southeast to trigger an earthquake in the eastern part of the Kashmir region.  相似文献   
以岩心描述为基础,结合声发射实验和碳氧同位素、包裹体成因类型及均一温度分析成果,对那坤地区那读组淡水灰岩储层裂缝特征和裂缝成因进行了深入研究。研究结果表明:那坤地区那读组淡水灰岩储层主要发育有垂直裂缝、高角度裂缝和斜交裂缝;裂缝主要有构造裂缝与非构造裂缝两类,构造裂缝有追踪叠加成岩压裂斜缝发育形成复合裂缝;裂缝部分被方解石完全充填或半充填,部分未被充填而呈开启状;裂缝发育受到3次不同构造应力场作用的影响;构造裂缝对改造和改善储层孔渗性具有重要的贡献。  相似文献   
高福红  刘立  邹海锋 《世界地质》2001,20(3):257-261
碳酸盐岩是一种硬度低,抗剪切能力差,易溶解的岩石,内部易存在大量的各种类型的裂隙。利用岩石学和地球化学手段,对大港-探区的寒武-奥陶纪碳酸盐岩中的裂隙进行了研究:碳酸盐岩中存在三种类型的脉体,脉体的充填方式和脉体的地球化学特征,充填时间都有明显的差异,脉体的形成一方面受大地构造活动的影响,同时也受大气水及火山热液的控制,并与地球动力学演化有密切的关系。Ⅰ型脉体形成与裂谷作用之前,与海水有关;Ⅱ型脉体也形成与裂谷作用之前,但与淡水作用有关;Ⅲ型脉体形成于同裂谷或裂谷作用后,与火山热液作用有关。  相似文献   
根据新集试验区地质、储层条件,提出了适合该地区煤层气井水力压裂选井选层方法。通过对3口试验井8个目标层段进行水力压裂增产改造,认为活性水压裂液、兰州砂支撑剂应作为该地区的首选压裂液和支撑剂。利用先进的压裂软件进行压裂设计、实时分析以及压后评价,通过严密组织、合理施工获得了单井最大日产气量3 278m3/d,为该地区今后进行煤层气勘探开发提供了技术基础。  相似文献   
A combined study of radar profiles and thin section analysis supported by modelling of synthetic radar traces reveals that ground-penetrating radar (GPR) reflections generated in diagenetically altered sandstones cannot always be interpreted unequivocally. This is illustrated in the Luxembourg Sandstone Formation, which has been altered diagenetically by selective carbonate cementation and fracturing. Cemented lenses and concretions developed along the bedding planes, especially at places with high primary carbonate content. Cementation resulted in the alternation of cemented carbonate-rich sandy layers (thickness 30–50 cm and variable length) and uncemented carbonate-poor sandstone layers. The ability of GPR to detect the geometry of these lenses and vertical fractures with centimetre apertures has been tested at several antenna frequencies (100, 200, 250 and 500 MHz). Relative dielectric permittivity calculations were carried out to assess variations of this electric property within the cemented and uncemented layers as a function of porosity, calcite and water content in the pores. Two-dimensional full waveform modelling was also carried out to study the effect of conductivity in the sandstones and the effect of interlayer clay seams. At the penetration depth of the radar (7 m with 250 MHz), cemented lenses and concretions could only be detected with GPR when the porosity contrast was sufficiently high, which is not always the case. This conclusion is supported by the modelling. The data also proved the ability of radar to detect large open vertical fractures along which sandstones are weathered. The study has implications for investigations which will use GPR to detect three-dimensional distribution of diagenetic pore filling precipitates as well as secondary porosity development along fractures.  相似文献   
岩体随机结构面三维网络数值模型有效性检验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
岩体随机不连续面三维网络模拟技术成熟与否的一个重要标志就是最终的网络模型是否能够较真实地再现岩体的实际情况 ,为了使三维网络模型的结果能够真正地应用于实际工程 ,就必须对模拟的结果进行必要的检验 ,检验的办法就是将模拟出的模型剖面图形与原型测量窗口的图形进行图形对比 ,或者将原型的观测数据与模型的测试数据进行数据对比 ,当这种检验达到精度时 ,模拟出的模型为有效模型 ,可以投入工程实际应用  相似文献   
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