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介绍了目前国际上流行的两种决策树算法———CART算法与C4·5算法,并引入了两种机器学习领域里的分类新技术———boosting和bagging技术,为探究这些决策树分类算法与新技术在遥感影像分类方面的潜力,以中国华北地区MODIS250m分辨率影像进行了土地覆盖决策树分类试验与分析。研究结果表明决策树在满足充分训练样本的条件下,相对于传统方法如最大似然法(MLC)能明显提高分类精度,而在样本量不足下决策树分类表现差于MLC;并发现在单一决策树生成中,分类回归树CART算法表现较C4·5算法具有分类精度和树结构优势,分类精度的提高取决于树结构的合理构建与剪枝处理;另外在决策树CART中引入boosting技术,能明显提高那些较难识别类别的分类准确率18·5%到25·6%。 相似文献
为研究中国地震分布的时空特征,采用时空联合的单键群(SLC)方法,计算了1970-1998年3月间该区域发生的4级和4级以上地震的时空SLC构架.对时空SLC构架所做的统计分析表明:①截止键长D在 50-80km范围内时,地震集团的个数 T(n)与集团的大小 n(所含地震个数)之间是自相似分布.在65 km附近,lgT(n)与 lgn之间的线性相关性最好;②构架的累计键长符合Weibull分布;③在删除前震和余震之后,构架的累计键数也服从Weibull分布. 相似文献
地理信息系统支持下的山区遥感影像决策树分类 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
山区遥感影像分类是遥感研究的一大难题。本文利用一种决策树生成算法(C 4.5算法)自动提取知识,基于知识建立决策树用于山区影像分类,并结合研究区土地利用类型与DEM空间统计关系的先验知识,在GIS空间分析的基础上进行影像分类的后处理。与传统的最大似然法分类结果相比,该方法极大地改善了山区地表覆被分类的精度,得到试验区较为可靠的遥感分类图像。 相似文献
去除空间和谱间相关性是多波段遥感图像压缩中的重要环节,为了得到更好的去相关效果,将矢量量化方法引入多波段遥感图像压缩中,以去除对应同一地物的波段矢量间的相关性。再通过分类KL变换去除量化误差图像的谱间相关性,对KL变换后的特征图像采用预测树的方法进一步去除谱间结构相关性和空间相关性。实验结果表明,该方法可以取得很好的压缩效果 相似文献
Machine learning algorithms are an important measure with which to perform landslide susceptibility assessments,but most studies use GIS-based classification methods to conduct susceptibility zonation.This study presents a machine learning approach based on the C5.0 decision tree(DT)model and the K-means cluster algorithm to produce a regional landslide susceptibility map.Yanchang County,a typical landslide-prone area located in northwestern China,was taken as the area of interest to introduce the proposed application procedure.A landslide inventory containing 82 landslides was prepared and subse-quently randomly partitioned into two subsets:training data(70%landslide pixels)and validation data(30%landslide pixels).Fourteen landslide influencing factors were considered in the input dataset and were used to calculate the landslide occurrence probability based on the C5.0 decision tree model.Susceptibility zonation was implemented according to the cut-off values calculated by the K-means clus-ter algorithm.The validation results of the model performance analysis showed that the AUC(area under the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve)of the proposed model was the highest,reaching 0.88,compared with traditional models(support vector machine(SVM)=0.85,Bayesian network(BN)=0.81,frequency ratio(FR)=0.75,weight of evidence(WOE)=0.76).The landslide frequency ratio and fre-quency density of the high susceptibility zones were 6.76/km2 and 0.88/km2,respectively,which were much higher than those of the low susceptibility zones.The top 20%interval of landslide occurrence probability contained 89%of the historical landslides but only accounted for 10.3%of the total area.Our results indicate that the distribution of high susceptibility zones was more focused without contain-ing more\"stable\"pixels.Therefore,the obtained susceptibility map is suitable for application to landslide risk management practices. 相似文献
目的:观察加味桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤治疗心阳不振型室性早搏的临床疗效。方法:将70 例心阳不振型室性早搏患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组各35 例。对照组予以琥珀酸美托洛尔缓释片治疗,治疗组在对照组基础上联合加味桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤治疗。比较2组治疗前后的中医证候积分、24 h室性早搏次数及不良反应发生情况,并评定综合疗效。结果:总有效率治疗组为88.57%(31/35),对照组为62.86%(22/35),2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);2组中医证候积分及24 h室性早搏次数治疗前后组内比较及治疗后组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。2组均出现轻度胃部不适、恶心等不良反应,其中治疗组2 例,对照组1 例。结论:加味桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤能有效改善心阳不振型室性早搏患者的症状,减少室性早搏发生次数,值得临床推广和应用。 相似文献