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森林经营措施对土壤的扰动和压实影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
根据森林经营措施对林地土壤的扰动和压实及其对树木生长和森林生产力的影响 ,指出森林经营措施对土壤造成的干扰是长期存在的 ,干扰强度越大 ,对林地生产力的影响越严重。从伐区作业、林地清理、整地、幼林抚育等方面提出减少土壤受扰动和压实的具体措施 ,为减少经营措施对林地生态系统的影响 ,从而改进传统的森林经营措施 ,实现森林可持续经营提供借鉴。  相似文献   
滇中地区常绿阔叶林树种多样性比较研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
何永涛  曹敏  唐勇  杨国平 《山地学报》2000,18(4):322-328
分别测定了滇中地区两类代表性群落即高原水平带上的半湿润常绿阔叶林和山地垂直带上的中山湿性常绿阔叶林的树种多样性 (Shannon -Wiener指数H ,Simpson指数D和α指数 ) ,并进行了比较研究。结果表明 ,中山湿性常绿阔叶林的树种多样性 (H =2 .53± 0 .1 4 ;D =1 1 .76± 2 .85;α =8.1 2± 1 .72 )远高于半湿润常绿阔叶林 (H =1 .52± 0 .35;D =3.88± 1 .90 ;α=3.4 4± 1 .31 )  相似文献   
利用C4.5决策树分类算法和GIS组件Super Map Objects,开发实现了基于连续文化序列的空间数据挖掘系统,运用此系统对郑州-洛阳地区史前四个连续文化时期的聚落进行了数据挖掘,提取了聚落遗址面积的分类规则,并根据这些分类规则和聚落的空间分布情况对四个文化时期的I级聚落进行对比分析,得出了I级聚落的空间分布特点,即I级聚落中的一些特大面积的聚落朝着中心聚落的方向发展。  相似文献   
SPOT卫星影像居民地信息自动提取的决策树方法研究   总被引:50,自引:3,他引:50       下载免费PDF全文
赵萍  冯学智  林广发 《遥感学报》2003,7(4):309-315
以南京市江宁县为研究区域,首先分析了该区域居民地的影像特征,然后研究了居民地及其背景地物在SPOT—4(Ⅺ)卫星影像4个波段上的光谱特征,并由此探讨了它们在光谱特征上的可分性。研究发现,除道路在光谱特征上与居民地差异不大而难以完全分开外,其它背影地物均可以依据各波段亮度值的大小关系或适当的阈值与居民地分开。但道路和居民地在形状上存在明显差异,因此可以利用形状指数的差异加以去除。最后分析建立了基于光谱特征和形状特征的简单决策树模型,对研究区域居民地信息进行了提取并对结果进行了精度评价。结果表明,该方法的总体提取效果较好,特别是对于面积大于10000m^2的城镇和集村。其提取精度与通常的监督分类方法相比有了很大的提高,只是在水际交界处和道路两侧有误判现象。因此,利用该模型可以将背景地物类型复杂的江南地区的城镇和集村居民地自动提取出来,并且模型受时相影响较小,只是在域值大小上会存在一些差异。  相似文献   
公众气象服务支付意愿影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于中国气象局2008年调查数据,运用二分Logistic回归、最优尺度回归和判定树CRT模型分析了公众气象服务支付意愿的影响因素。结果表明:个体因素中年龄与文化程度对公众气象服务支付意愿(包括是否支付与支付多少)有显著影响,而性别因素只对支付多少有显著影响,对是否支付没有显著影响;收入因素对公众气象服务支付意愿有显著影响;关注程度、天气预报准确性、天气预报及时性、气象服务总体满意度对公众气象服务支付数额多少有显著影响,但影响程度很小;个体因素与收入因素对公众气象服务支付意愿影响程度较高,而心理因素影响程度很小。  相似文献   
张猛  曾永年  朱永森 《遥感学报》2017,21(3):479-492
以洞庭湖流域为研究区,对大范围湿地信息遥感提取方法进行了研究。先基于时间序列MODIS EVI及物候特征参数,通过J-M(Jeffries-Matusita distance)距离分析,构建了MODIS(250 m)最佳时序组合分类数据;其次,通过Johnson指数确定了最佳分割尺度,采用面向对象的遥感分类方法(Random tree分类器)提取了洞庭湖流域的湿地信息,并验证该方法的适用性。研究结果表明,基于时序数据与面向对象的Random tree分类的总体精度和Kappa系数分别为78.84%和0.71,较之基于像元的相同算法的总体分类精度和Kappa系数分别提高了5.79%和0.04。同时,基于面向对象方法的湿地整体的用户精度与生产者精度较基于像元方法分别提高了4.56%和6.21%,可有效提高大区域湿地信息提取的精度。  相似文献   
为了适应实时GIS的变比例尺显示与网络GIS的快速矢量数据传输,提出了数字地图的在线综合概念,讨论了对线目标的在线简化算法。提出的两个在线简化算法都是对DP简化算法进行改造,使算法对时间的复杂度从θ(n)~θ(n2)的乘法运算改进为θ(1)~θ(n)的赋值运算,并讨论了减少算法所涉及的空间复杂度的可能性。  相似文献   
From April 1997 to June 1998 Nemurella pictetii populations were regularly sampled in two springstreams at 220 and 850 m a.s.l., respectively, in Hesse (Germany), at approximately 51°N. Random samples of larvae were taken at three week intervals during the vegetation period, and once a month during winter. Sex, instar, body length, head capsule width and wing pad length of all larvae were recorded. Temperatures were recorded every hour, temporal patterns of temperature agreed closely between sites. Mean winter lows were 3.9 °C at both sites, the mean summer high was 11.9 °C at the lower site, as opposed to 9.6 °C at the mountain site.At both sites, adult emergence started in May. At the mountain site, recruitment started in late July and continued into autumn. There was cohort splitting in the young generation. Some individuals grew rapidly until October–November, but last instar larvae first appeared in March the next year. 1600 degree-days above 0 °C were accumulated during complete development. At the lower site, recruitment began in early July, and cohort splitting also occurred. Fast growing summer recruits emerged as adults in late August, having accumulated only 700 degree-days (above 0 °C). Their offspring hatched in November-December and emerged the next spring, having accumulated also only 700 degree-days. However, only part of the population was bivoltine. Many of the summer recruits grew more slowly and accumulated close to 1900 degree days until they emerged the next spring, together with the offspring of their own fast-growing siblings. Dependence of growth rate on temperature could not be estimated and appears to vary with daylength. For example, 3–6 °C support growth and development provided daylength exceeds 10 hrs of light, or is rising.At both sites and in all cohorts individuals emerging earliest were larger than later emerging ones. The size decline is significantly correlated with number of days after the winter solstice. For the first time it is shown that the decline does not occur shortly before adult emergence but actually takes place several instars before the last. Size differences are then carried on, and amplified, during subsequent molts, until adulthood. The literature presently relates seasonal size declines of insects to high or rising temperatures experienced by larvae approaching adulthood. Our data show that, at least in Nemurella, this explanation fails. On average, females were distinctly larger than males. Differences in mean last instar size were noticed also between sites and years. They remain presently unexplained. The mean sex ratio in both populations was close to 1:1.  相似文献   
The authors outline how a tourist destination can morph into a tourism-based transnational community. A three-phase model is designed to explore the touristification process of a transnational community. The phases are the adoption of a tourist destination, the transformation of the destination into a tourism-based transnational community, and decline under real estate and ageing population pressures.  相似文献   
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