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本文提出了一种基于GIS的补给潜力分析方法.在实例研究中,通过对地形、地表物质组成、包气带岩性、植被覆盖等因子建立的专题图层的叠加分析,确定了地下水的补给潜力分区,结合研究区含水层分布特征,综合确定了水源地的靶区和开采潜力区.研究表明,利用GIS确定研究区降雨入渗补给量是一种高效、直观、可行的方法.  相似文献   
东坡矿田内与千里山岩体有关的铅锌矿产资源已近枯竭,必须对这些矿区的深部进行成矿预测,寻找可接替矿产资源.根据近年来该区深部找矿的新进展,在分析矿田成矿地质背景、矿床分布规律、航磁及化探异常的基础上,运用成矿指数对比法进行成矿预测.研究结果表明,在柴山、东坡山和天鹅塘-南风坳3个铅锌矿区的深部具有较大的锡资源找矿潜力.  相似文献   
非均匀饱和广义湿位涡在暴雨分析与预测中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
考虑实际大气非均匀饱和特性, 通过引入广义位温及广义湿位涡方程, 对华北暴雨和江淮梅雨锋暴雨的发生及落区进行了广义湿位涡异常的诊断分析, 表明暴雨形成时大气低层有广义湿位涡的异常出现。对广义湿位涡倾向的计算表明:它对暴雨的发生有一定指示作用, 因而可利用广义湿位涡的异常来识别暴雨的出现。  相似文献   
松花湖富营养化现状及其影响因素分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过2002年和2003年对东北地区松花湖水体富营养化状况进行调查和采样分析,对大量数据的多元相关分析和多元逐步回归分析、AGP试验和利用综合营养状态指数法进行评价。结果表明:松花湖处在中营养和轻度富营养状态;总磷是限制水体富营养化的主要因子之一。水体中变温层的形成,限制了上、下层湖水的混合,对下层水体中的溶解氧、无机氮和可溶性磷酸盐产生影响,随着变温层的消失,下层内的营养物质转移到湖上层,为藻类的繁殖提供条件。  相似文献   
杨振山  蔡建明 《地理研究》2007,26(2):363-372
都市农业是城市化进程中崭新的农业形态,但缺乏对其组织形式和生产方式的实证研究。本文基于对互润(国际)食品集团的调查实例,详细分析了都市农业加工型企业的成长机理,指出制度平台、政府行为和社区沟通是企业发展的外层机理,是企业平稳运行的基础;生产经营活动及其不断的扩张构成了企业发展的内层机理;创新和企业管理及市场的内、外部控制所形成的内核机理是企业发展的核心动力。据此,文章总结了都市农业加工型企业的发展模式,并就都市农业加工型企业如何发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
近20 a中亚净初级生产力与实际蒸散发特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中亚碳、水循环在气候变异和人为活动的影响下呈现新的时空特征。但由于观测数据稀缺,生态过程特殊,植被、土壤空间异质性强,中亚植被净初级生产力(NPP)、实际蒸散发(AET)的时空特征相关信息相对不足,且时效性不高。利用全球尺度的NPP、AET、土地覆被数据,气象站点与区域气候数据分析近20 a中亚地区NPP和AET的时空特征。结果表明:与1990年相比,2000年中亚地区农田NPP增幅小于自然植被,植被总固碳量增加了254.65 Tg C;近20 a中亚地区实际总蒸散量先增后降,农田对中亚水资源散失的贡献减小,自然植被的贡献增大,自然植被与农田面积变化决定中亚总蒸散量动态;北部农田区、东部山区及山前绿洲为NPP和AET的高值区,中西部荒漠为低值区。  相似文献   
1∶20万区域化探工作在黑大山地区发现了规模较大的Sb、As为主的化探异常,经过异常查证工作,找到了2个锑矿化带。本区处于北山地区的锑矿成矿远景区,成矿地质条件十分有利,具有较大的找矿潜力。  相似文献   
Short-time site fidelity and movements of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) in a coastal lagoon were determined using passive acoustic telemetry. Nine fish, ranging from 20.1 to 32.5 cm total length, were surgically implanted with acoustic transmitters and monitored for up to 179 days. Minimum convex polygon areas ranged from 18,698.6 m2 to 352,711.9 m2. Home range sizes were small, with individuals using core areas on a daily basis. However, these core areas shifted within the study site over time towards the opening to the sea. Two different diel behaviors were recorded, with some individuals more active at night and others during day time. Some individuals also demonstrated homing abilities, returning to the capture site after being released more than 4 km away.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionBacteriaandtheiractivitiesplayanimportantroleintheelementalbiogeochemicalcyclesandenergytransformingintheocean (Zhenetal.1 997) .DortchandPackard(1 989) proposedthatfoodwebsintheeutrophicwatersaredominatedbythebiomassofprimaryproducerswhilefoodwebsintheoligotrophicwatersaredominatedbythebiomassofmicrobes.Heterotrophicbacteriahadbeenshowntoplayanimportantroleinthedecompositionoflarge ,rapidlysinkingorganicparticleswithinandbelowtheeuphot iczone ,andfurthertoaffecttheelementaldyn…  相似文献   
Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are used for groundwater remediation at contaminated sites worldwide. This technology has been efficient at appropriate sites for treating organic and inorganic contaminants using zero-valent iron (ZVI) as a reductant and as a reactive material. Continued development of the technology over the years suggests that a robust understanding of PRB performance and the mechanisms involved is still lacking. Conflicting information in the scientific literature downplays the critical role of ZVI corrosion in the remediation of various organic and inorganic pollutants. Additionally, there is a lack of information on how different mechanisms act in tandem to affect ZVI-groundwater systems through time. In this review paper, we describe the underlying mechanisms of PRB performance and remove isolated misconceptions. We discuss the primary mechanisms of ZVI transformation and aging in PRBs and the role of iron corrosion products. We review numerous sites to reinforce our understanding of the interactions between groundwater contaminants and ZVI and the authigenic minerals that form within PRBs. Our findings show that ZVI corrosion products and mineral precipitates play critical roles in the long-term performance of PRBs by influencing the reactivity of ZVI. Pore occlusion by mineral precipitates occurs at the influent side of PRBs and is enhanced by dissolved oxygen and groundwater rich in dissolved solids and high alkalinity, which negatively impacts hydraulic conductivity, allowing contaminants to potentially bypass the treatment zone. Further development of site characterization tools and models is needed to support effective PRB designs for groundwater remediation.  相似文献   
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