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为研究海水养殖对海湾沉积物的累积影响, 对大亚湾的大鹏澳养殖区沉积物柱状样中总氮、总磷和有机碳的含量及剖面分布特征进行了研究, 并探讨了海水养殖区沉积物中氮、磷的污染状况。结果表明, 网箱养殖区、贝类养殖区和对照区等3个区域柱状样中总氮的含量范围分别为638.2—3803.9mg.kg-1、740.9—2152.1mg.kg-1和343.2—471.9mg.kg-1, 总磷的含量范围分别为344.7—3233.9mg.kg-1、297.9—497.5mg.kg-1和650.2—1327.2 mg.kg-1, 有机碳的含量范围分别为0.96%—2.22%、0.87%—1.13%和0.69%—0.95%。该三个因子的含量均从底层至表层呈增加趋势, 但网箱养殖区上层增加幅度最为剧烈, 贝类区次之, 对照区变化幅度最小。所有柱状样中, 总氮含量均超标, 但网箱养殖区总氮污染最为严重, 贝类养殖区次之, 对照区最轻; 网箱养殖区的总磷在上层的不同深度超标, 而贝类养殖区及对照区柱状样的总磷含量均未超标。  相似文献   
滆湖沉积物理化特征及磷释放腄   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对滆湖表层底泥、柱状层祥和间隙水进行理化分析,模拟不同条件下的沉积物磷释放。结果表明,0~20cm深度范围内,各项理化指标变化较大;大于2cm后差异较小。当提高沉积物-水体系温度、降低氧含量(或Eh),提高pH及施以水动力作用时,可促进沉积物磷释放进程。无菌条件对磷释放有抑制作用。采用实验室模拟和间隙水浓度扩散模型计算得到的磷总释放量分别为10.65t/a和9.40t/a,其中湖面网围区释放量占全湖总量的28.2~35.4%。建议适度控制网围养殖规模,以减少内源磷污染。  相似文献   
长江口跨越锋面颗粒磷季节分布变化特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2006年夏、冬季以及2007年春、秋季“海监49号”科学考察船的调查数据,分析了长江口跨越锋面区域(31.00°~31.78°N、121.04°~123.99°E)颗粒总磷(PP),颗粒无机磷(PIP),颗粒有机磷(POP)的季节变化和空间分布特征.结果表明,PIP是水体颗粒磷的主要存在形式;受长江径流输沙量的影...  相似文献   
We investigated the ecological significance of alkaline phsophatase (APase) and alkaline phosphatase-hydrolyzable phosphorus (APHP) in the northern part of Gamak Bay, Korea. APase activity was detectable throughout the year, and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentration and APase activity are highly correlated and can be regarded as an indicator of DIP-limiting conditions. Also, a strong linear positive correlation between APase activity and Chl a concentration indicated that the major part of APase activity may have been induced by phytoplanktons. The APHP proportion in dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) was above ca. 30% from winter to spring and below ca. 15% from summer to autumn due to freshwater discharge and uptake by phytoplankton. APHP may play an important role in species competition in coastal area such as northern part of Gamak Bay where DIP is limiting. Thus, APase induction by phytoplanktons may be ecologically significant, allowing dominance by these organisms under DIP-limiting conditions.  相似文献   
舒杼  周俊  王焰新  卢学实 《地球科学》2009,34(6):1019-1024
为实现炼磷排放的高温液态磷渣的热能、物质的同步回收利用, 并消除其环境污染问题, 通过现场试验, 以高温液态磷渣为主要原料, 直接与16.5%的石英粉和8.5%的高岭土热配合, 再经1450℃熔炼、浇铸成型和850℃乳化热处理, 制得了乳浊玻璃板材.磷渣乳浊玻璃的抗折强度为43.68MPa, 耐酸性为0.51%, 耐碱性为0.04%, 能满足建筑装饰材料的质量要求.ESEM、XRD和EDS分析结果共同表明, 母玻璃的乳浊机理在于主体玻璃中析出了富Ca元素的粒径为0.1~0.4μm的非晶质球形颗粒.由于高温液态磷渣掺量高达75%, 改性剂掺量低且成本低廉, 生产线易于配置, 本研究具有较高的工业化生产可行性、较佳的经济效益和应用前景.   相似文献   
室外采用玻璃缸装置研究了抚仙湖常见的9种沉水植物氧化塘对澄江县污水厂尾水营养盐的去除效果及机制.结果表明:氧化塘中沉水植物的光合作用导致水体较高的DO和pH值,从而提高氧化塘总氮和总磷的去除率,但沉水植物叶片的腐烂分解则提高了水体氮磷的含量.沉水植物氧化塘对总氮和总磷的去除率分别介于19.44%-64.71%和28.13%-98.33%.沉水植物的直接吸收对总氮和总磷量去除的贡献比较低,占氧化塘总氮和总磷量的0.26%-1.54%和0.47%-1.77%.沉水植物氧化塘内DO、pH变化,促进了氮的降解及氧化还原分解,使其对氮的去除占氧化塘总氮量的30.71%-65.25%,而磷的去除则主要通过化学沉淀及基质吸附,占氧化塘总磷量的73.37%-93.34%.最终,选出蓖齿眼子菜、苦草、黑藻、金鱼藻和光叶眼子菜对氧化塘中氮磷具有较高的去除率.  相似文献   
Based on a new idea for research on cycling of marine biogenic elements, this study showed that only the leachable form phosphorus in natural grain sizes manne sediments constitutes the transferable phosphorous in the sediments. The transferable phosphorus content in the natural grain sizes surface sediments in the Huanghe River estuary adjacent waters ranges from 58.5-69.8 μg/g, accounting for only 9.1%-11.0% of the total phosphorus content, whereas the leachable form (“transferable” )phosphorus content in the sediment after it was totally ground into powder was found to be 454.8-529.2μg/g, accounting for 73.4%-89.1% of the total phosphorus. Analysis of the correlation between thebill,ass of benthos and the leachable form (“transferable” ) phosphorus showed that most of the leachableform (“transferable”) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment did not participate in the marine biogeo chemical cycling. Furthermore, a synchronous survey on benthos showed that the biornass of meio-and maero-benthos exhibited good positive correlation with the leachable form of phosphorus in the naturalgrain sizes sediment, but peorer correlation with the leachable form (“transferable”) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment, indicating that transferable phosphorus in marine sediment is the leachable form of phosphorus in the natural grain sizes sediments, and is not the previously known leachable form(“transferable”) phosphorus obtained from the totally ground sediment.  相似文献   
Physical and biological processes controlling spatial and temporal variations in material concentration and exchange between the Southern Everglades wetlands and Florida Bay were studied for 2.5 years in three of the five major creek systems draining the watershed. Daily total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) fluxes were measured for 2 years in Taylor River, and ten 10-day intensive studies were conducted in this creek to estimate the seasonal flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), total organic carbon (TOC), and suspended matter. Four 10-day studies were conducted simultaneously in Taylor, McCormick, and Trout Creeks to study the spatial variation in concentration and flux. The annual fluxes of TOC, TN, and TP from the Southern Everglades were estimated from regression equations. The Southern Everglades watershed, a 460-km2 area that includes Taylor Slough and the area south of the C-111 canal, exported 7.1 g C m−2, 0.46 g N m−2, and 0.007 g P m−2, annually. Everglades P flux is three to four orders of magnitude lower than published flux estimates from wetlands influenced by terrigenous sedimentary inputs. These low P flux values reflect both the inherently low P content of Everglades surface water and the efficiency of Everglades carbonate sediments and biota in conserving and recycling this limiting nutrient. The seasonal variation of freshwater input to the watershed was responsible for major temporal variations in N, P, and C export to Florida Bay; approximately 99% of the export occurred during the rainy season. Wind-driven forcing was most important during the later stages of the dry season when low freshwater head coincided with southerly winds, resulting in a net import of water and materials into the wetlands. We also observed an east to west decrease in TN:TP ratio from 212:1 to 127:1. Major spatial gradients in N:P ratios and nutrient concentration and flux among the creek were consistent with the westward decrease in surface water runoff from the P-limited Everglades and increased advection of relatively P-rich Gulf of Mexico (GOM) waters into Florida Bay. Comparison of measured nutrient flux from Everglades surface water inputs from this study with published estimates of other sources of nutrients to Florida Bay (i.e. atmospheric deposition, anthropogenic inputs from the Florida Keys, advection from the GOM) show that Everglades runoff represents only 2% of N inputs and 0.5% of P input to Florida Bay.  相似文献   
三峡库区消落区表层沉积物磷吸附特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以三峡库区消落区表层沉积物为研究对象,通过对干湿交替沉积物中磷的赋存形式、吸附等温曲线的分析,揭示了干湿交替过程中沉积物磷的分布规律、吸附特征以及磷的源汇变化。结果表明:上覆水总磷变化呈现11月总磷<5月总磷<8月总磷。消落区覆水到出露沉积物最大磷吸附量、土壤最大缓冲能力在增加,磷零吸持平衡浓度、易解吸磷在降低,表明沉积物在夏季出露落干的过程中,固磷能力增强,释磷能力减弱;消落区土壤首次覆水过程中土壤磷呈现出由源到汇的转变。成库初期,覆水时沉积物主要表现为磷的积累,次年水库开闸放水排沙时,消落区表层富磷沉积物被冲刷排出。  相似文献   
The Zhelin Bay is one of the most important bays for large-scale mariculture in Guangdong Province, China. Owing to the increasing human population and the expanding mariculture in the last two decades, the ecological environment has greatly changed with frequent harmful algal blooms. A monthly survey of water content, organic matter (TOM), and various forms of nitrogen and phosphorous in sediment from July 2002 to July 2003 in the bay was conducted. The results showed that the water content was correlated significantly with TOM and various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus and can be used as proxy for quick and rough estimate of these factors in the future surveys. TOM was also correlated significantly with various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus, indicating that it was one of the key factors affecting the concentrations and distributions of nitrogen and phosphorus in the investigated waters. Average total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TkN) content was( 1 113.1 ± 382.5)μg/g and average total phosphorus (TP) content was(567.2± 223.3)μg/g, and both were much higher than those of similar estuaries in China and elsewhere. Average nitrogen and phosphorus tended to be higher inside than outside the bay, higher at aquaculture than non-aquaculture areas, and higher at fish-cage culture than oyster culture areas, suggesting that large-scale mariculture inside the bay played an important role in the eutrophication of the Zhelin Bay. Various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were higher during the warm season (July--September), which was due to the increased decomposition and concentration of organic matter resulted from the fast growth and high mortality of the cultured species. Compared with July 2002, TkN and TP contents were much higher in July 2003, in consonance with the eutrophication of the Zhelin Bay. Because exchangeable phosphorus (Ex-P), iron-bounded phos- phorus (Fe-P) and organic phosphorus (OP) combined accounted for 34.3% of the TP and authigenic phosphorus (Au-P  相似文献   
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