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综合运用 SEDEX化学法、ASPILA化学法和 XRF仪器分析法 ,对在东海赤潮多发区花鸟山外海域采集的柱状沉积物进行了总磷及其不同形态磷含量的系统分析。研究表明 ,总磷及其不同形态磷在沉积柱垂向上的分布有一定的变化规律。在采样深度范围内 ,总磷 (TP)、有机磷 (OP)和铁结合态磷 (Fe - P)的含量自下而上增高 ,而吸附态磷 (Ad - P)、自生钙结合态磷 (Ca- P)与碎屑态磷 (De- P)的含量向上递减。样品柱具有较均匀的粒度及矿物、化学组成 ,基本可以排除沉积物质来源和沉积环境变化对沉积物中磷含量的影响 ,而且也不能仅仅用早期成岩作用来解释磷的上述行为。不同形态磷在柱状沉积物中的分布规律 ,在一定程度上反映了近年来陆源区环境污染加剧的趋势。  相似文献   
An integrated mass balance and modelling approach for analysis of estuarine nutrient fluxes is demonstrated in the Swan River Estuary, a microtidal system with strong hydrological dependence on seasonal river inflows. Mass balance components included estimation of gauged and ungauged inputs to the estuary and losses to the ocean (outflow and tidal exchange). Modelling components included estimation of atmospheric (N fixation, denitrification) and sediment–water column nutrient exchanges. Gross and net denitrification derived using two independent methods were significantly correlated (r2 = 0.49, p < 0.01) with net rates averaging 40% of gross. Annual nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loads from major tributaries were linearly correlated with annual freshwater discharge and were 3-fold higher in wet years than in dry years. Urban drains and groundwater contributed, on average, 26% of N inputs and 19% of P inputs, with higher relative contributions in years of low river discharge. Overall, ungauged inputs accounted for almost 35% of total nitrogen loads. For N, elevated loading in wet years was accompanied by large increases in outflow (7x) and tidal flushing (2x) losses and resulted in overall lower retention efficiency (31%) relative to dry years (70%). For P, tidal flushing losses were similar in wet and dry years, while outflow losses (4-fold higher) were comparable in magnitude to increases in loading. As a result, P retention within the estuary was not substantially affected by inter-annual variation in water and P loading (ca. 50% in all years). Sediment nutrient stores increased in most years (remineralisation efficiency ca. 50%), but sediment nutrient releases were significant and in some circumstances were a net source of nutrients to the water column.  相似文献   
We estimate the response of chl-a (mg · m–3) to changes in concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) by calculating the slopeS = chl-a/TP in chl-a =f(TP) graphs. Results show that in years where algae are P-limited oligotrophic lakes respond less (median slope 0.21) to changes in nutrient concentrations than eutrophic lakes, (median slope 0.31) and these again less than hypereutrophic lakes, (median slope 1.02). We find no saturation value for the slope within the TP range considered (6–480 mg · m–3). Chl-a in eutrophic lakes responds more frequently to non-nutrient factors than oligotrophic and hypereutrophic lakes. Results obtained by replacing TP with a new nutrient parameter, TP = 0.056 · TP · IN0.226, in which inorganic nitrogen, IN, is factored in, suggest that nitrogen has an influence on chl-a in oligotrophic lakes. Blue-green algae respond less to changes in TP than other algal species, e.g., diatoms.  相似文献   
无机盐改性对沸石覆盖技术控制底泥氮磷释放的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过试验,考察了无机盐改性对沸石覆盖控制底泥氮磷释放效果的影响,并对沸石覆盖技术控制底泥氮磷释放的机理进行初步探讨,结果表明:①NaCl及CaCl2改性对沸石吸附氨氮的性能影响不大;CaCl2改性可以提高沸石Ca2 的交换量而降低Na 的交换量,NaCl改性则可以明显降低Ca2 的交换量和增加Na 的交换量.②NaCl及CaCl2改性对沸石覆盖技术控制底泥氨氮的释放影响不大,而对控制底泥磷的释放则影响较大,沸石覆盖控制底泥磷释放效率从大到小依次为CaCl2改性沸石>天然沸石>NaCl改性沸石.③沸石覆盖技术控制底泥氨氮释放的机理为沸石的物理吸附和阳离子交换作用,控制底泥磷释放的机理包括沸石的机械阻挡作用和沸石与铵所交换出来的Ca2 对磷酸盐的固定作用.  相似文献   
为评估温瑞塘河水环境状况及水华风险,于2015年每月15日7:00-18:00对其下游滞流河段进行高频监测分析,考察了水体叶绿素a浓度、浮游植物群落类型和光合活性等的季节变化及日变化情况,并分析了其与温度、营养盐等环境因子的关系.结果表明:温瑞塘河表层水体中的叶绿素a浓度表现为春季(3-5月)夏季(6-8月)秋季(9-11月)冬季(12-2月),分别为39.98、37.62、21.59和10.74μg/L;4个季节的平均水温则是夏季秋季春季冬季,分别为30.91、25.34、20.72和13.80℃.全年总氮浓度为5.33±0.81~9.40±1.25 mg/L,总磷浓度为0.32±0.18~0.95±0.25mg/L,营养程度属于超富营养.温瑞塘河的浮游植物群落类型为硅藻-绿藻型,全年以绿藻和硅藻种群为主,蓝藻种群只在春末夏初出现,并且所占比例很小.绿藻种群在夏季占绝对优势,而硅藻种群在冬季占优势.绿藻种群的相对丰度与水温呈正相关,而硅藻种群的相对丰度与水温呈负相关.水体的叶绿素a浓度与水温呈正相关,而与总氮、总磷浓度没有相关性.叶绿素a在不同季节呈现出不同的日变化模式,而浮游植物的有效光合量子产率在四季均呈现类似的日变化模式:都是先降后升,与晴天时的日照强度变化趋势相反.绿藻的有效光合量子产率高于硅藻,且除春季外皆存在显著差异.以上结果表明温瑞塘河具备发生各类水华的营养条件,但是由于蓝藻在全年所占的比例都很低,因此发生蓝藻水华的可能性很小;同时由于日照变化会对表层水体中叶绿素a浓度及浮游植物生理活动产生影响,因此在对小型湖泊或者水流滞缓的河道进行浮游植物群落结构调查时还应考虑时间和天气因素.  相似文献   
The persistence effect contribution of legacy nutrients is often cited as a reason for little or no improvement in water quality following extensive implementation of watershed nutrient mitigation actions, yet there is limited knowledge concerning factors influencing this response, often called the “persistence effect.” Here, we adopted detrended fluctuation analysis and Spearman analysis methods to assess the influence of land use on the watershed phosphorus (P) persistence effect, using monthly water quality records during 2010–2016 in 13 catchments within a drinking water reservoir watershed in eastern China. Detrended fluctuation analysis was used to calculate the Hurst exponent α to assess watershed legacy P characteristics (α  ≈ 0.5, α  > 0.5, and α  < 0.5 indicate white noise, persistence, and anti‐persistence, respectively). Results showed weak to strong P persistence (0.60–0.81) in the time series of riverine P in the 13 catchments. The Hurst exponent α had negative relationships with agricultural land (R = ?.47, p = .11) and developed land (R = ?.67, p = .01) and a positive relationship with forest land cover (R = .48, p = .10). The persistence effect of riverine P was mainly determined by retention ability (biogeochemical legacy) and migration efficiency (hydrological legacy). A catchment with strong retention capacity (e.g., biomass uptake/storage and soil PO4 sorption) and low migration efficiency results in a stronger persistence effect for riverine P. In practice, source control is more effective in catchments with weak persistence, whereas sink control (e.g., riparian buffers and wetlands) is preferred in catchments with strong persistence effects.  相似文献   

In the past, population growth in Australia's Northern Territory, as in other peripheral parts of high-income countries, has been driven by internal labour migration and migration from outside of Australia. These have been contributing to the high population turnover experienced in peripheral areas. Since 2010, the Northern Territory has experienced low (and even negative) population growth, and public policy is currently focused on migration as a lever to reverse this trend. However, the extent to which the characteristics of migrants influence the potential for longer-term population growth is poorly understood. This paper uses a new method to analyse the contributions of various types of migrants to both population turnover and retention. Two major sets of findings emerge: First, the significance of separating newer in-migrants from longer-term residents when analysing migration patterns; and secondly, the contribution of age, gender, Indigenous status, international origin, wages and industry of employment to the Northern Territory's population turnover. The research suggests that current forms of migration favour people who are likely to stay for only short periods, and have high wage demands. The main policy inference is that long-term population growth will likely not eventuate unless new forms of migration can be stimulated.  相似文献   
DET (diffusive equilibrium in thin films) gel probes were used for sampling river-bed sediment porewaters, to characterise in situ soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration profiles and fluxes. DET probes were deployed in three contrasting rural streams: (1) a headwater ‘pristine’ stream, with minimal P inputs from low intensity grassland and no point sources, (2) an intensively cultivated arable catchment, and (3) a stream subject to high P loadings from sewage effluent and intensive arable farming. The DET results showed highly enriched porewater SRP concentrations of between ca. 400 and 5000 μg-P l−1 in the sewage-impacted stream. In contrast, the arable and pristine streams had porewater SRP concentrations <70 μg-P l−1 and <20 μg-P l−1, respectively. Porewater SRP concentration profiles in both the sewage-impacted and arable-impacted streams showed well-defined vertical structure, indicating internal sources and sinks of SRP within the sediment. However, there was little variability in porewater SRP concentrations in the pristine stream. The DET porewater profiles indicated net diffusion of SRP (a) from the overlying river water into the surface sediment and (b) from subsurface sediment upwards towards the sediment–water interface. A mass balance for the sewage-impacted site showed that the influx of SRP into the surface sediments from the overlying river water was small (ca. 1% of the daily river SRP load). The DET results indicated that, in the arable and sewage-impacted streams, the surface ‘cap’ of fine sediment may play an important role in inhibiting upward movement of SRP from subsurface porewaters into the overlying river water, under steady-state, low-flow conditions.  相似文献   
Geochemical characteristics of phosphorus near the Huanghe River estuary   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
INTRODUCTIONPhosphorus (P)isanimportantlimitingelementinglobaloceanicproductivity (Holland ,1 978) ,soknowledgeofPisakeytobetterunderstandingofthecyclingofcarbon ,nitrogen,sulfur,andothernu trientelements.Inasimplemassbalancemodel,thelevelofdissolvedPintheoceanisafunctionoftherateofinputviarivers,andtherateofoutputviadepositioninsediments.Inthepresentstudy,thefocusisontheriverinePinputbytheHuangheRiver (YellowRiver)totheBohaiSea,andespeciallyontheamountofPsolubilizedfromsolidphasesupo…  相似文献   
For some hundred surface sediment samples from five cores taken in two cruises near the Huanghe River Estuary, total phosphorus (TP (.inorganic phosphorus (IP (and organic phosphorus (OP)were determined.On the average, 527×10-6, 455×10~6 and 72×10-6 were found for TP,IP and OP for the surface sediments taken in the two cruises. The distribution of OP and IP was controlled by the sample particle size: OP content increased with the decreasing of the sample particle size, while the maximal value of IP was found in the silt fraction due to the existence of apatite in our samples. Vertical distributions reflected well the channel change of the Huanghe River. Results from the multiple regressions between the three forms of phosphorus and the percentages of different particle size agreed well with the analytical data.  相似文献   
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