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长江流域河水和悬浮物的锂同位素地球化学研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
深入理解流域侵蚀过程中的锂同位素分馏对于运用锂同位素来示踪化学循环和气候变化是十分必要的。研究集中在长江干流和主要支流的水体和悬浮物的锂及锂同位素组成。长江流域水体的锂及锂同位素组成(δ7Li)分别为150~4 570 nmol/L和+7.6‰~+28.1‰,两者沿上游至下游的变化趋势相反。悬浮物锂同位素组成(δ7Li)变化比较稳定,分别为41~92 μg/g和-4.7‰~+0.7‰,而且总是低于相应水体的锂同位素组成。悬浮物和流体之间的锂同位素分馏系数在0.977和0.992之间,与悬浮物的量及组成存在明显相关性,反映了粘土矿物的吸附和化学风化的程度。锂含量与锂同位素组成之间良好的负相关性表明流域水体的锂来自2个端元混合:其一可能是蒸发盐岩,并伴有深部热泉水;其二可能是硅酸岩。  相似文献   
白登磷矿是我国重要的浅海相磷块岩矿床,而青龙哨磷矿是我国重要的陆相磷块岩矿床.两地磷矿品位高,储量大,是滇池地区正在开采的2个重要磷矿基地.野外工作研究发现,青龙哨角砾状磷块岩顶板的磷锶铝石矿层和高岭土黏土岩二者呈超覆式不整合接触.深入研究发现其具有陆相磷块岩的许多特征,而没有浅海相磷块岩的原生沉积构造特征.同时,白登磷矿见上下2层工业矿体,而青龙哨磷矿仅见1层工业矿体.对此二矿床特点进行了对比分析.  相似文献   
埃迪卡拉纪(震旦纪)陡山沱期是Rodinia超大陆裂离的重要地质时期,是多细胞生物起源和发展的重要转折时期和磷质聚集时期,也是化学、气候和环境变化的剧烈时期。液化岩脉、液化角砾岩、脉化变形构造、以及阶梯状层内断层等磷质震积岩的发现,表明扬子地区在陡山沱期晚期至少发生过两次以上的地震事件。地震构造运动将地球内部积累能量快速地释放,可能是磷质来源和热水活动一种重要的方式或通道。海水中磷等无机营养盐分的增加,海水温度的升高,有利于多细胞生物的起源和发展,同时多细胞生物的繁盛又有利于磷的聚集。  相似文献   
Lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) transports nutrients from a catchment to a lake, which may fuel eutrophication, one of the major threats to our fresh waters. Unfortunately, LGD has often been disregarded in lake nutrient studies. Most measurement techniques are based on separate determinations of volume and nutrient concentration of LGD: Loads are calculated by multiplying seepage volumes by concentrations of exfiltrating water. Typically low phosphorus (P) concentrations of pristine groundwater often are increased due to anthropogenic sources such as fertilizer, manure or sewage. Mineralization of naturally present organic matter might also increase groundwater P. Reducing redox conditions favour P transport through the aquifer to the reactive aquifer‐lake interface. In some cases, large decreases of P concentrations may occur at the interface, for example, due to increased oxygen availability, while in other cases, there is nearly no decrease in P. The high reactivity of the interface complicates quantification of groundwater‐borne P loads to the lake, making difficult clear differentiation of internal and external P loads to surface water. Anthropogenic sources of nitrogen (N) in groundwater are similar to those of phosphate. However, the environmental fate of N differs fundamentally from P because N occurs in several different redox states, each with different mobility. While nitrate behaves essentially conservatively in most oxic aquifers, ammonium's mobility is similar to that of phosphate. Nitrate may be transformed to gaseous N2 in reducing conditions and permanently removed from the system. Biogeochemical turnover of N is common at the reactive aquifer‐lake interface. Nutrient loads from LGD were compiled from the literature. Groundwater‐borne P loads vary from 0.74 to 2900 mg PO4‐P m?2 year?1; for N, these loads vary from 0.001 to 640 g m?2 year?1. Even small amounts of seepage can carry large nutrient loads due to often high nutrient concentrations in groundwater. Large spatial heterogeneity, uncertain areal extent of the interface and difficult accessibility make every determination of LGD a challenge. However, determinations of LGD are essential to effective lake management. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) is one of the major limiting nutrient in many freshwater ecosystems. During the last decade, attention has been focused on the fluxes of suspended sediment and particulate P through freshwater drainage systems because of severe eutrophication effects in aquatic ecosystems. Hence, the analysis and prediction of phosphorus and sediment dynamics constitute an important element for ecological conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems. In that sense, the development of a suitable prediction model is justified, and the present work is devoted to the validation and application of a predictive soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) uptake and sedimentation models, to a real riparian system of the middle Ebro river floodplain. Both models are coupled to a fully distributed two‐dimensional shallow‐water flow numerical model. The SRP uptake model is validated using data from three field experiments. The model predictions show a good accuracy for SRP concentration, where the linear regressions between measured and calculated values of the three experiments were significant (r2 ≥ 0.62; p ≤ 0.05), and a Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient (E) that ranged from 0.54 to 0.62. The sedimentation model is validated using field data collected during two real flooding events within the same river reach. The comparison between calculated and measured sediment depositions showed a significant linear regression (p ≤ 0.05; r2 = 0.97) and an E that ranged from 0.63 to 0.78. Subsequently, the complete model that includes flow dynamics, solute transport, SRP uptake and sedimentation is used to simulate and analyse floodplain sediment deposition, river nutrient contribution and SRP uptake. According to this analysis, the main SRP uptake process appears to be the sediment sorption. The analysis also reveals the presence of a lateral gradient of hydrological connectivity that decreases with distance from the river and controls the river matter contribution to the floodplain. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Multi-isotope (H, O, S, Sr, Pb) systems coupled with conventional (major and trace element) hydrogeochemical analysis were applied to determine the origin of water, to model water-rock-tailings interactions and for source apportionment of sulfur and associated toxic metals in the mining region of Taxco, Guerrero in southern Mexico. Oxygen and H isotopes indicate that meteoric water in the zone is rainwater undergoing varying degrees of isotopic fractionation by atmospheric evaporation whereas Sr isotopes trace the interaction of pristine water from volcanics of the regional recharge zone and subsequently flowing through sandstone and shale to spring points. Leachates form from two distinctive sources (spring water and surface water) having differential interactions with bedrocks prior to entering the tailings. Compared to pristine water, leachates are enriched in sulfate, metals (e.g. Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) and metalloids (e.g. As). The sulfur isotopic composition of ore-sulfides, leachates, secondary precipitates, regional surface water and hypogenic sulfates is described in terms of a two-component mixing model with shale of Mexcala and limestone of Morelos formations representing the light and heavy end-members, respectively, whereas Sr isotopic composition is bracketed combining three lithogenic (Mexcala/Morelos, Tilzapotla and Taxco Schist) sources. Finally, leachates have a mixture of lead from ore-sulfides and Taxco Schist Formation (Family I) or from ore-sulfides alone (Family II). The application of multiple environmental isotopic techniques is an outstanding tool for elucidating complex interactions of water with bedrocks and tailings and for determining the source of sulfur and toxic metal from mining and other metal polluted environments.  相似文献   
磷矿石中磷、钙、镁、锶、氟测定方法评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙琳 《贵州地质》2007,24(4):322-324
本文系统分析了磷矿石高含量磷、钙、镁、锶、氟诸元素存在时对其测定的相互影响及其测定中存在的问题,比较全面地总结了国内分析工作者针对该问题,对诸难测元素在常规分析方法方面的工作进展。  相似文献   
Surface water was collected from the Jiulong Estuary for determination of activity concentrations of uranium isotopes in different size fractions, namely, greater than 53, 10 -53, 2 - 10, 0.4 -2 μm, 10 000 u -0.4 μm and less than 10 000 u fractions by microfihration and cross-flow uhrafiltration technologies. Results indicated that most of the dissolved uranium ( 〈 0.4 μm) exis- ted in the low molecular mass fraction ( 〈 10 000 u), and the colloidal uranium-238 (10 000 u -0.4 μm) only contributed less than 1% of the dissolved uranium-238. The fractions of colloidal uranium in the dissolved phases decreased with the increasing sa- linity. A positive linear relationship between uranium-238 activities and salinities was observed for the dissolved, colloidal and low molecular mass fractions, indicating a conservative behavior of uranium in the Jiulong Estuary. In the particulate phases ( 〉 0.4 μm), the partitioning of uranium isotopes among different size fractions was controlled by the partitioning of particle concentrations. In the regions with salinities below 20, the partitioning of uranium-238 among different size fractions was as follows: 10 - 53 μm 〉 2 - 10 μm 〉 0.4 - 2 μm greater than above 53 μm. However, the order at the offshore station with salinities above 30 changed as follows : 0.4 - 2 μm 〉 10 - 53 μm 〉 2 - 10 μm greater than above 53 μm. The fraction of the 0.4 - 2 μm particles increased at the offshore station, suggesting the increased contribution of the authigenic uranium. The activity ratio of uranium-234 to uranium-238 in the dissolved phases, including the low molecular mass fraction and the colloidal fraction, was larger than unity, showing the occurrence of excess uranium-234. In contrast, the activity ratio of uranium-234 to uranium-238 in all size fractions of the particulate phase was close to the equilibrium value (1.0). The observed different values of the activity ratio of uranium-234 to uranium-238 in the dissolved phase and the partic  相似文献   
假设吸附过程始终处于平衡态、气泡大小均一以及每一个气泡均为正十二面体,构建了泡沫分离过程的数学模型.模拟了液池中蛋白质在气液界面上的吸附过程和泡沫层中气泡的失水过程,得出了富集比的表达式,可用于分离效果的预测.经验证,模型与实验条件下的泡沫分离过程基本符合.  相似文献   
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