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带状图具有折点位置难处理、生成算法复杂等特点,是城市地下管线信息系统建设的难点之一。本文基于ArcEngine组件对象模型,提出了一种通过计算带状图图幅顶点坐标的途径生成带状图的方法,对带状图顶点坐标计算方法及折线端点处理方法进行了重点研究,提出了基于ArcEngine索引图的带状图批量制图输出方法,并且最后通过实验验证了研究方法的可行性。  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionAshiptravelingatseaundergoesundesirablewave inducedmotions ,namely ,surge ,sway ,heav ing ,rolling ,pitchingandyaw .Thesemotionsoftencauseproblemstothecrew ,theonboardequip mentand ,intheworstcase ,thesafetyofthevessel.Tominimizethewave inducedshipmotions ,controlsystemsmaybeapplied .Theaccuratemodelingofshipmotionsisthereforeveryimportantforshipdesignanddesignofmotioncontrolsystems .Manyresearchershavedevelopedshipmotionpredictionmethodsbasedonthepotentialflowtheo ries (Dong ,…  相似文献   
利用泥芯中稀土元素示踪青铜器的产地   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从青铜器上所残留的陶范或泥芯出发,探讨利用泥芯示踪青铜器产地的可行性。采用等离子体发射光谱法测试了湖北、陕西、内蒙古和辽宁等地古代遗址出土陶范、泥芯等冶铸遗物的稀土元素,并分析比较了各自特征。在此基础上,对湖北枣阳九连墩和荆门左冢楚墓群出土青铜器上的泥芯进行稀土元素分析,为这些青铜器的铸造地提供信息。研究结果显示,各地陶范和泥芯的稀土元素特征有一定差异,通过分析青铜器上所残留的泥芯或陶范中稀土元素的地球化学特征,可以示踪古代青铜器的产地,即铸造地。  相似文献   
张年明  郑健志 《台湾海峡》2005,24(4):426-432
中国台湾地区地处欧亚板块与菲律宾海板块之间,地震活动频繁.本文报道了 我国台湾地区及其邻近海域1985~2002年间5.5级以上地震的条带内外频度比分 布,并着重研究了1999—2002年中发生的3次7.5级以上地震前的条带现象.其结 果表明:台湾地区近期发生的3次7.5级以上大地震前,5.5级以上地震呈条带分 布.这些条带符合条带内地震个数Nin≥6的条件,符合条带内、外频度比Nin/(Nin Nout)≥75%的条件,也符合条带长宽比大于5的要求,只是与板内地震条带相比,条 带的长度较短.  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that self‐centering steel plate shear walls (SC‐SPSWs) are capable of achieving enhanced seismic performance at multiple hazard levels, including recentering following design‐level earthquakes. When modeling SC‐SPSWs numerically, these studies considered an idealized tension‐only steel plate shear wall (SPSW) web plate behavior. Research has shown that web plate behavior is more complex than predicted by the idealized model, and web plates can provide more strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation than predicted by the idealized model. The idealized model of web plate behavior is used widely in SPSW numerical models where the moment‐resisting boundary frame provides supplemental hysteretic damping and stiffness; however, in SC‐SPSWs, where the post‐tensioned boundary frame is designed to remain elastic during an earthquake, accounting for the more complex web plate behavior can have a significant impact on seismic performance estimates from numerical simulation. This paper presents different methods for modeling SC‐SPSWs. Responses from these models are compared with experimental results. A simple modification of the tension‐only model, referred to as the tension‐compression strip model, is shown to provide a reasonable approximation of SC‐SPSW behavior. Results from nonlinear response history analyses of SC‐SPSWs with the tension‐only and tension‐compression web plate models are compared to assess how the approximation of web plate behavior affects SC‐SPSW seismic performance. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
纤维增强聚合物(FRP)具有耐腐蚀、耐水、耐高温、高强度、高弹性模量、质量轻等优点,将其用作加筋材料不仅能显著提高加筋地基的加筋效果,还能有效解决传统加筋材料的耐久性问题。分别对纯砂和5种水平加筋方式进行了加筋地基模型试验,测试了各级荷载下的地基沉降、FRP的应变及土压力数值,并初步探讨了FRP加筋的作用机制。试验结果表明,加筋能显著提高地基承载力和减小地基沉降,特别是双层水平加筋方式的加筋效果更加明显,而锚固件的设置对加筋效果的影响并不大,水平FRP筋材主要起到了土压力扩散作用。  相似文献   
利用自组织神经网络,对我国主要露天铁矿进行了禀赋优势等级划分。权利金大小的确定,应以铁矿资源的资产评估为基础,资产评估时合理成本的取值应是评估矿山所在同一等级矿山的平均成本。矿产资源的原有价值是权利金征收的对象。最后以歪头山为实例,计算了铁矿资源的原有价值和权利金。结果表明,目前对歪头山铁矿征收的税费仍然偏高。  相似文献   
大井矿冶遗址冶炼产物的输出方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大井矿冶遗址是我国北方发现最早的一处古铜矿遗址。本文利用ICP方法,测试了该遗址的铜矿、炼渣和辽西地区出土的部分青铜器。结果显示,遗址的冶炼金属产品Ag、As、Sb、Bi、Co、Zn等元素含量偏高,Mo含量偏低。同时发现,这批辽西地区出土的青铜器样品微量元素特征明显不同于铜绿山和皖南的铜锭,而与大井铜矿很相似,其铜料来源很可能来自大井古铜矿或其周边铜矿。这一结论,对探讨大井古铜矿冶炼产品的使用范围和辽西地区的冶金历史有重要意义。  相似文献   
设黑膜大垄(M1)、玉米秸秆带状平覆(M2)、玉米秸秆带状垄沟覆杆(M3)和不覆盖露地平作(CK)4个处理进行田间小区试验,对比研究不同覆盖方式对西北旱地土壤温度及马铃薯产量的影响。结果表明:M1较CK提高全生育期土壤温度0.98℃,主要提高了块茎膨大期5 cm土层(2015年)及淀粉积累期10 cm土层(2016年)的土壤温度;M2、M3较CK降低全生育期土壤温度1.06℃、0.59℃,主要降低了块茎形成期10 cm土层的土壤温度。两年M1、M2、M3分别平均较CK增产11.68%、21.74%、16.88%。产量与淀粉积累期至收获期单株结薯数、单株产量正相关(r=0.064~0.766),覆盖处理显著较CK提高淀粉积累期单株结薯数及单株产量,平水年以M1最好,偏旱年以M2最好。  相似文献   
Standardised sampling protocols for monitoring fish stocks are essential to assess changes in stock status and provide a means to evaluate the effectiveness of fisheries management measures, such as marine protected areas (MPAs). This study aimed to optimise two standard sampling methods, namely underwater visual census (UVC) and controlled angling, for assessing subtidal reef fish communities. In terms of efficiency, variability and bias, UVC transects were found to be superior to point counts. For controlled angling, an effort of two angler-hours per fishing station provided low catch variability, high catch per unit effort and a representative catch. Whereas UVC provided less variable estimates of relative density, controlled angling provided greater sampling efficiency. It is thus recommended that the two methods be used in conjunction. The optimal sampling protocols identified are suitable for rapid assessments or long-term monitoring of subtidal, temperate reef fish communities.  相似文献   
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