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岩溶区水工建筑渗漏问题,与岩溶发育特征及其规律有密切关系,文拟从岩溶水动力循环条件,岩溶的立体空间配置,岩溶陷落等几个方面,对岩溶区的水库渗漏问题加以阐述。 相似文献
渤海BZ28-2S油田具有油藏厚度大、平均渗透率高、非均质性严重、溶剂水矿化度较高和原油黏度较低等特点,注水开发过程中水窜现象比较严重,进而影响水驱开发效果,亟待采取调剖技术措施来改善水驱开发效果.针对BZ28-2S油藏储层特征、流体性质和及其井网特点,以黏度、阻力系数、残余阻力系数和采收率为评价指标,开展了Cr^3+聚合物凝胶配方优选和调驱注入参数优化实验研究.结果表明,在目标油藏储层和流体条件下,交联剂Cr^3+与聚合物分子链间可以发生交联反应,形成具有“分子内”交联结构特征、独特渗流特性和与储层适应性良好的Cr^3+聚合物凝胶体系.与聚合物溶液相比较,在段塞相同条件下,Cr^3+聚合物凝胶调驱效果较好.从技术经济效果考虑,推荐Cr^3+聚合物凝胶体系组成:Cp=1 200 ~1 600 mg/L,m(Pol)∶m(Cr^3+)=180∶1~ 270∶1,段塞尺寸为0.075 ~ 0.125 PV,预计采收率增幅1.6% ~ 2.5%.在室内研究基础上,2012年12月开始在渤海BZ28-2S油田进行了矿场试验.目前矿场调驱施工正在进行之中,截止到2013年5月,由于调驱时间较短,部分油井已经见效. 相似文献
To predict the macroscopic properties (e.g., transport, electromagnetic, and mechanical properties) of porous media, it is necessary to have a three‐dimensional (3D) representation of porous media. We reconstruct the geologically realistic 3D structure of Fontainebleau sandstone based on the two‐dimensional (2D) thin sections by using the multiple‐point statistics method. For this method, the size of template is an important parameter that reflects the perceived scale of spatial structure of porous media. In this paper, we take advantage of entropy method to obtain the appropriate size of the template, which is proven to be correct and feasible. The reconstruction method proposed by us combines successive 2D MPS simulations as well as 3D MPS simulation, which takes account into the pore structure information (e.g., heterogeneity and connectivity) both intralayer and interlayer. This reconstruction method is tested on Fontainebleau sandstone for which 3D images from micro‐CT scanning are available. Applying local percolation theory analysis, this new approach can depict the expected patterns of geological heterogeneities. In addition, it also can well reproduce a high degree of connectivity of the pore space better than other reconstruction methods based on lower‐order statistics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In low permeability porous media which permeability anisotropy is ubiquitous,the percolation of fluid no longer follows linear Darcy’s Law.Oil-water two phase flow equation of low permeability reservoir with permeability anisotropy is established based on generalized Darcy’s law and starting pressure gradient,corresponding finite element program is developed and simulated based on the Finite Element Program Generator system (FEPG).The results show that energy-gathering exists in the flow event of flowing area front in low permeability reservoir.In the process of energy-gathering,the flow velocity changed little but increased rapidly as soon as the pressure gradient exceeded the starting pressure gradient of the reservoir,then gradually stabilized.The greater the starting pressure gradient is,the greater the near wellbore pressure drop is,the smaller the area influenced by the reservoir pressure changes caused by water injection and oil recovery.The greater the starting pressure gradient is,the lower the water saturation in same point of the reservoir is,the smaller the water flood swept area is.There will be more difficulties in water injection to the same extent. 相似文献
遥感油气勘探对伊犁盆地的评价 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
遥感油气勘探技术是通过遥感影像的构造解译及烃类微渗漏信息的提取并结合其他地质资料,对目标区进行油气有利聚集区的预测及评价。利用这一勘探技术着重对伊犁盆地的构造特性、承压盆地、构造阶地、烃类微渗漏信息等进行了解译和提取,总结出伊犁盆地油气藏预测的九大要素,确定了3条油气聚集带和14个油气远景区。 相似文献
选取鄂尔多斯盆地盒8段16块致密砂岩样品进行恒速压汞测试,结合同位样品核磁共振实验,分析了致密气储层孔喉分布特征;在此基础上,运用分形几何原理和方法,开展了致密气储层孔喉分形研究,并表征了分形与储层渗流特征和孔隙结构参数的关系。结果表明:致密气储层有效孔隙被亚微米-微米级孔喉所控制,其中孔隙主要为大孔和中孔,喉道由微喉道、微细喉道和细喉道所组成;致密气储层孔隙分布不具分形特征,而孔喉整体和喉道则符合分形结构,且分别对应分形维数D1和D2;基于储层孔喉分形结构与其渗流特征,将盒8段致密气储层孔喉分形结构划分为2种类型:Ⅰ型表现为阶段式分形特征,以进汞压力1 MPa为界,大于1 MPa孔喉具有分形特征,且储层阶段进汞饱和度主要由喉道贡献,反之,孔喉不符合分形特征,其进汞饱和度增量由孔隙贡献;Ⅱ型为整体式分形,进汞饱和度几乎全由喉道贡献。储层孔喉分形维数与渗透率、平均喉道半径和主流喉道半径存在较好的负相关性,与微观非均质系数呈现较明显的正相关性,而与孔隙度、平均孔隙半径和平均孔喉半径比之间没有明显的相关性。 相似文献