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对采自湖北神农架大九湖泥炭地泥炭藓(Sphagnum palustre)样品进行了不同预处理,之后提取微生物基因组DNA,构建克隆文库进而对泥炭藓共生菌的群落结构进行分析。菌落培养实验和荧光定量PCR结果显示,双氧水能杀死泥炭藓表面附生的微生物及破坏部分DNA,为研究泥炭藓内共生细菌提供一定的途径。群落组成分析结果表明双氧水处理后,所获得的细菌克隆文库的群落特征发生了改变,主要表现在细菌种类的减少及各菌门所占比率的变化上: NTX-0中酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)和变形杆菌门(Proteaobacteria)百分比含量分别位居第一和第二,而经过双氧水进行表面除菌后NTX-0-degerming中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)占了绝对优势; 而在NTX-2-degerming中,蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)占绝对主导地位,细菌的群落多样性明显降低,细菌种类减少。系统发育分析表明与泥炭藓内共生的细菌一方面能适应大九湖泥炭湿地酸性、贫营养的环境,另一方面能为泥炭藓提供碳源、氮源,从而参与泥炭湿地的元素循环。尤其值得注意的是在内共生菌中发现了Ⅱ型甲烷氧化菌,证实了甲烷氧化菌与泥炭藓的内共生关系,暗示着这类细菌通过自身的代谢进而影响全球碳循环的潜在意义。此外,首次报道了利用细菌的通用引物扩增出了大量泥炭藓叶绿体的序列,这可能为叶绿体内共生学说提供佐证。  相似文献   
Peatlands cover a very small area of the Earth, but store globally significant quantities of carbon and export disproportionate quantities of fluvial organic carbon, especially when the peatlands are degraded or disturbed. Peatland headwater catchments with high concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) provide an opportunity to investigate the possibility of competing effects that could lead to enhanced or diminished turnover of DOC in the presence of POC. Both POC and DOC can be degraded by light and microbes, producing smaller molecules and releasing CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere, and POC can inhibit light penetration, stabilize DOC by providing adsorption sites and providing surfaces for microbes to interact with DOC. However, the majority of peatland fluvial carbon studies are conducted using filtered water samples, and measure only the DOC concentration, so the impact of the particulate organic matter (POM) on in-stream processing of organic carbon is relatively unknown. It is therefore possible that studies have underestimated carbon transformations in rivers as they have not considered the interaction of the particulate material on the dissolved concentrations; there could be higher losses than previously estimated, increasing the contribution of peatland headwaters to GHG emissions. In this study, we assessed if the current approach of DOC degradation studies accurately represent the impact of POM on DOC degradation, by quantifying DOC production from POM, and therefore POC, over time in water with manipulated POM concentrations. Both filtered and unfiltered water lost 60% of the DOC over 70 hours, whereas the treatment with additional POM lost only 35%. The results showed that filtering does not significantly impact the DOC degradation rates; however, when the POC concentration was doubled, there was a significant reduction in DOC degradation, suggesting that filtering would still be necessary to get accurate rates of DOC transformations in waters with high POC concentrations.  相似文献   
Catchments in the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF) of Puerto Rico are warm, wet and tropical with steep elevational relief creating gradients in temperature and rainfall. Long-term objectives of research at the site are to understand how changing climate and disturbance regimes alter hydrological and biogeochemical processes in the montane tropics and to provide information critical for managing and conserving tropical forest ecosystems globally. Measurements of hydrology and meteorology span decades, and currently include temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloud base level, throughfall, groundwater table elevation and stream discharge. The chemistry of rain, throughfall, and streams is measured weekly and lysimeters and wells are sampled monthly to quarterly. Multiple data sets document the effects of major hurricanes including Hugo (1989), Georges (1998) and Maria (2017) on vegetation, biota and catchment biogeochemistry and provide some of the longest available records of biogeochemical fluxes in tropical forests. Here we present an overview of the findings and the data sets that have been generated from the LEF, highlighting their importance for understanding montane tropical watersheds in the context of disturbance and global environmental change.  相似文献   
Data on temporal variability in Mg isotope ratios of atmospheric deposition and runoff are critical for decreasing the uncertainty associated with construction of isotope mass balances in headwater catchments, and statistical evaluation of isotope differences among Mg pools and fluxes. Such evaluations, in turn, are needed to distinguish between biotic and abiotic contributions to Mg2+ in catchment runoff. We report the first annual time-series of δ26Mg values simultaneously determined for rainfall, canopy throughfall, soil water and runoff. The studied 55-ha catchment, situated in western Czech Republic, is underlain by Mg-rich amphibolite and covered by mature spruce stands. Between 1970 and 1996, the site received extremely high amounts of acid deposition and fly ash form nearby coal-burning power plants. The δ26Mg values of open-area precipitation (median of −0.79‰) at our study site were statistically indistinguishable from the δ26Mg values of throughfall (−0.73‰), but significantly different from the δ26Mg values of soil water (−0.55‰) and runoff (−0.55‰). The range of δ26Mg values during the observation period decreased in the order: open-area precipitation (0.57‰) > throughfall (0.27‰) > runoff (0.21‰) > soil water (0.16‰). The decreasing variability in δ26Mg values of Mg2+ from precipitation to soil water and runoff reflected an increasing homogenization of atmospheric Mg in the catchment and its mixing with geogenic Mg. In addition to atmospheric Mg, runoff also contained Mg mobilized from the three major solid Mg pools, bedrock (δ26Mg of −0.32‰), soil (−0.28‰), and vegetation (−0.31‰). The drought of summer 2019 did not affect the nearly constant δ26Mg value of runoff. Collectively, our data show that within-catchment processes buffer the Mg isotope variability of the atmospheric input.  相似文献   
Though high rates of nitrate (NO3) leaching from forests are undesirable, the factors significantly regulating stream NO3 concentration is not clarified yet. In Japan, not only near metropolitan areas but also the Japan Sea-side area with heavy snowfall is well known for receiving more than 10 kg-N ha−1 year−1 of nitrogen (N) deposition. However, NO3 concentration in stream water is relatively low in the Japan Sea-side area compared with its concentration in other areas. We examined important environmental factors regulating stream NO3 concentrations at baseflow condition in a large region of Japan, the Kinki region (KIN) including a part of Japan Sea-side (JSK) using Random Forest regression. The amounts of N deposition and precipitation were common regulating factors for stream NO3 concentration at baseflow condition. Random forest showed the significant correlation between the factors related to ecosystem N retention and stream NO3 concentration at baseflow condition, and it suggests that large N deposited during the growing season was incorporated into the ecosystem in the entire KIN. Heavy rain and snow flush N and wash out N accumulated in the surface soil, causing small N accumulation in forests. Also, large precipitation dilute NO3 concentration in baseflows. These things lowered stream NO3 concentration at baseflow condition. Especially in JSK, most of N deposed with the heavy snow flushed out during the snowmelt period. We provided the first statistical confirmation using Random Forest regression that N accumulation and cycling in forest ecosystems were related to NO3 leaching from forests into streams.  相似文献   
East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) is a mercury (Hg) contaminated creek in east Tennessee, USA. Stream restoration activities included the initiation of a flow management programme in 1996 in which water from a nearby lake was pumped to the head of the creek. We conducted regular water sampling for 2 years along the length of EFPC during active flow management and for 5 years after flow management stopped. Total Hg and total monomethylmercury (MMHg) concentration and flux decreased in the uppermost reaches of EFPC that were closest to the point of water addition. Most water quality parameters, including DOC concentration, remained unchanged after flow management termination. Nevertheless, SUVA254, a measure of dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition, increased and coincided with increased dissolved Hg (HgD) concentration and flux and decreased Hg solid-water partitioning coefficients throughout EFPC. Higher SUVA254 and HgD concentration have potential implications for bioavailability and MMHg production. Total and dissolved MMHg concentrations increased in lower reaches of EFPC after the end of flow management and these increases were most pronounced during spring and early summer when biota are more susceptible to exposure and uptake. A general warming trend in the creek after active flow management ended likely acted in concert with higher HgD concentration to promote higher MMHg concentration. Total and dissolved MMHg concentrations were positively correlated with water temperature above a threshold value of 10°C. Concentration changes for Hg and MMHg could not be accounted for by changes in creek discharge that accompanied the cessation of flow management. In addition to the changing DOM composition in-stream, other watershed-scale factors likely contributed to the observed patterns, as these changes occurred over months rather than instantaneously after flow management stopped. Nevertheless, similar changes in MMHg have not been observed in a tributary to EFPC.  相似文献   
Long-term ecosystem studies are valuable for understanding integrated ecosystem response to global changes in atmospheric deposition and climate. We examined trends for a 35-year period (1982/83–2017/18) in concentrations of a range of solutes in precipitation and stream water from nine headwater catchments spanning elevation and surficial geology gradients at the Turkey Lakes watershed (TLW) in northeastern Ontario, Canada. Average annual water year (WY, October to September) concentrations in precipitation significantly declined over the period for sulphate (SO42−), nitrate (NO3) and chloride (Cl), while calcium (Ca2+) and potassium (K+) concentrations increased, resulting in a significant pH increase from 4.2 to 5.7. Trends in stream chemistry through time are generally consistent with expectations associated with acidification recovery. Concentration of many stream water solutes (SO42−, Cl, calcium [Ca2+], magnesium [Mg2+] and NH4+ generally decreased, while others (silica [SiO2] and dissolved organic carbon [DOC]) generally increased. Increases were also observed for alkalinity (six of nine catchments), acid neutralizing capacity ([ANC]; six of nine catchments) and pH (eight of nine catchments), while conductivity declined (six of nine catchments). Variability in trends among catchments are associated with differences in surficial geology and wetland cover. While absolute solute concentrations were generally lower at bedrock dominated high-elevation catchments compared to till dominated lower elevation catchments, the rate of change of concentration was often greater for high elevation catchments. This study confirms continued, but non-linear stream chemistry recovery from acidification, particularly at the less buffered high and moderate elevation sites. The heterogeneity of responses among catchments highlights our incomplete understanding of the relative importance of different mechanisms influencing stream chemistry and the consequences for downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   
Ecosystem water-use efficiency (WUE), a ratio between gross ecosystem production (GEP) and water loss through evapotranspiration (ET) can be helpful for the assessment of coupled peatland carbon and water cycles under anthropogenic changes in the Athabasca oil sands region (AOSR) where extensive oil sands development has been occurring since the 1960's. As such, this study assessed multiyear peak growing season variability of WUE at four fens (poor treed, poor open, treed moderate-rich, open saline) near Fort McMurray using the eddy covariance technique combined with a set of environmental variables. Freshwater fens were characterized by WUE values within the range reported from other boreal wetlands while a saline fen had significantly lower values of WUE. Negative correlation (Rs < −0.55, p < 0.05) between WUE and net radiation was observed. Moisture conditions were responsible for interannual differences in WUE, whereby increasing WUE under wetter conditions was observed. However, such a pattern was offset by decreased air temperature (Tair) resulting in moisture oversupply. This study also revealed a negative effect of wildfire on WUE due to a prominent decline in GEP and a moderate decrease in ET. WUE can be useful for monitoring the functioning of natural and constructed fens, but a better understanding of WUE variability under a wide range of climatic conditions with respect to differences in vegetation is required.  相似文献   
We present a new data set from the Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF) that compiles water isotope measurements from multiple research catchments, some of which have been studied since the 1960s. The MEF is located in northern Minnesota, USA, and is home to heavily studied and monitored forests, streams, bogs, and fens. Peat-forming systems (bogs and fens) are an important component of the MEF landscape and have a profound impact on the water cycle in these catchments. Within the last decade, analysis of stable isotopes of water (expressed as δD and δ18O) has been implemented to characterize the different components of the water budget, and to allow researchers to look at catchment and peatland-specific hydrologic effects in the watershed. This δD and δ18O data set of natural waters from MEF catchments is primarily composed of measurements from three peatlands (S1, S2, S6) during an 11-year period. More recently collection and analysis were expanded to also include samples from the Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments (SPRUCE) project in the S1 bog, peatlands S3, S4, S5, as well as nearby lakes. We establish a local meteoric water line by analyzing the isotopic composition of precipitation, which fills a void in regional meteoric water lines for Minnesota. Furthermore, we establish baseline isotopic composition for bog outlet streams, bog porewater, aquifer groundwater, overland flow, subsurface stormflow, and snowpack, as well as runoff from the SPRUCE experimental chambers. These data are publicly available and will be expanded upon in the future.  相似文献   
Predicting inter-catchment groundwater flow (IGF) is essential because IGF greatly affects stream water discharge and water chemistry. However, methods for estimating sub-annual IGF and clarifying its mechanisms using minimal data are limited. Thus, we quantified the sub-annual IGF and elucidated its driving factors using the short-term water balance method (STWB) for three forest headwater catchments in Japan (named here catchment A, B and As). Our previous study using the chloride mass balance indicated that annual IGF of catchment A (49.0 ha) can be negligible. Therefore, we calculated the daily evapotranspiration (ET) rate using the Priestley–Taylor expression and the 5-year water balance in catchment A (2010–2014). The sub-annual IGF of the three catchments was then calculated by subtracting the ET rate from the difference between rainfall and stream discharge during the sub-annual water balance periods selected using the STWB. The IGF rates of catchment B (7.0 ha), which is adjacent to catchment A, were positive in most cases, indicating that more groundwater flowed out of the catchment than into it, and exhibited positive linear relationships with rainfall and stream discharge. This suggested that as the catchments became wetter, more groundwater flowed out of catchment B. Conversely, the IGF rates of catchment As (5.3 ha), included in catchment A, were negative in most cases, indicating that more groundwater flowed into the catchment than out from it, and exhibited negative linear relationships with rainfall and stream discharge. Given the topography of the catchments studied, infiltration into the bedrock was the probable reason for the IGF outflow from catchment B. We hypothesized that in catchment As, the discrepancy between the actual hydrological boundary and the surface topographic boundary could have caused an IGF inflow. This study provides a useful tool for determining an IGF model structure to be incorporated into rainfall-runoff models.  相似文献   
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