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Two unusual diamonds were studied from kimberlites from China, which contain both ultramafic and eclogitic mineral inclusions in the same diamond hosts. Diamond L32 contains seven Fe-rich garnets, four omphacites and one olivine inclusion. Four olivine, one sanidine and one coesite were recovered from diamond S32. Both garnet and omphacite inclusions have similar compositions as those from other localities of the world, and show basaltic bulk composition. All the garnet and omphacite inclusions in diamond L32 have positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*1.64 1.79). These observations support the proposal that mantle eclogite is the metamorphic product of subducted ancient oceanic crust. The Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio of the olivine inclusions from the two diamonds (91-92) are evidently lower than the normal olivine inclusions in diamonds from the same kimberlite pipe (92-95). The following model is proposed for the formation of diamonds with “mixed” mineral inclusions. Ascending diamond-bearing eclogite (recycled oceanic crust) entrained in mantle plumes may experience extensive partial melting, whereas the ambient peridotite matrix remains subsolidus in the diamond stable field. This provides a mechanism for the transport of diamond from its original eclogitic host to an ultramafic one. Subsequent re-growth of diamond in the new environment makes it possible to capture mineral inclusions of different lithological suites. Partial melts of basaltic sources may interact with the surrounding peridotite, resulting in the relatively lower Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the coexisting olivine inclusions from the studied diamonds. Diamonds with “mixed” mineral inclusions demonstrate that plume activity also occurred in the Archean cratons.  相似文献   
The properties of carbonate rocks are often the result of multiple, diagenetic events that involve phases of cementation (porosity occlusion) and dissolution (porosity enhancement). This study tests the hypothesis that the order of these events is a major control on final porosity and permeability. A three-dimensional synthetic model of grainstone is used to quantify trends that show the effect of early cementation, non-fabric selective dissolution, and then a second-generation of (post-dissolution) cement. Models are 3 mm3 with a resolution of 10 μm. Six simple paragenetic sequences are modelled from an identical starting sediment (without accounting for compaction) where the same diagenetic events are placed in different sequences, allowing for quantification of relative changes in the resultant porosity and permeability for each diagenetic event, the trajectory through time, as well as for each final rock. All modelled paragenetic sequences result in reductions in porosity and permeability, but the order of diagenetic events controls the trajectory and final rock properties. Differences in the order of early cement precipitation alone produce variable final values, but all follow the porosity–permeability relationship as expressed by the Kozeny-Carman equation. However, final values for the sequences which include a phase of dissolution fall on a new curve, which departs from that predicted by the Kozeny-Carman relationship. This allows an alternative form of porosity–permeability relationship to be proposed: κ = 2280ϕ–30,400, where ϕ is porosity (%) and κ is permeability (mD). Hence while the Kozeny-Carman relationship predicts porosity–permeability changes that occur with cementation, it is unable to capture accurately changes within the pore network as a result of dissolution. Although the results may be dependent on the properties of the initial carbonate sediment and simplified diagenetic scenarios, it is suggested that this new porosity–permeability relationship may capture some generalized behaviour, which can be tested by modelling further sediment types and diagenetic scenarios.  相似文献   
元素共生分异现象在矿床中是普遍存在的。认识和查明元素的共生分异特征和形成机制 ,对丰富成矿理论和指导找矿勘探均具有重要意义。以黔西南微细浸染型金矿区为例 ,对元素共生分异机制的研究现状和存在问题进行了评述。在此基础上 ,肯定了成矿流体地球化学在元素共生分异机制研究中的地位和作用。从成矿流体地球化学研究入手 ,在查明成矿流体来源及时空演化规律的基础上 ,结合矿床地球化学、成矿实验及成矿过程的计算机模拟研究 ,深入研究成矿流体中成矿元素的来源、活化迁移条件及沉淀富集过程的共性及差异 ,是揭示元素共生分异机制的关键所在  相似文献   
本文首次报导钨锰矿和铀矿物在空间上叠生的现象。这种叠生现象出现在一种很特别类型的矿床中,与传统的铀钨伴生理论有悖,这种铀、钨叠生矿化不仅具有重要的经济价值,而且也会拓展铀、乌伴生理论的研究。  相似文献   
老林沟石榴石矿产于黄陵背斜北部类孔兹岩系中一套富铝铁质正常沉积的泥质粉砂岩、泥质岩中,在区域热动力变质作用下,铁铝榴石与夕线石共生,属于巴罗变质系列中夕线石带产物,根据矿物共生组合、指相特征矿物得出形成该矿产的区域变质的温压条件为:t为7 00℃,P为7 30MPa,变质相属低角闪岩相至高角闪岩相。  相似文献   
This paper presents new major and trace element data from 150 garnet xenocrysts from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe located in the central part of the Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province (ADP). Based on the concentrations of Cr2O3, CaO, TiO2 and rare earth elements (REE) the garnets were divided into seven groups: (1) lherzolitic “depleted” garnets (“Lz 1”), (2) lherzolitic garnets with normal REE patterns (“Lz 2”), (3) lherzolitic garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 3”), (4) lherzolitic garnets with strongly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 4”), (5) harzburgitic garnets with sinusoidal REE patterns (“Hz”), (6) wehrlitic garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“W”), (7) garnets of megacryst paragenesis with normal REE patterns (“Meg”). Detailed mineralogical and geochemical garnet studies and modeling results suggest several stages of mantle metasomatism influenced by carbonatite and silicate melts. Carbonatitic metasomatism at the first stage resulted in refertilization of the lithospheric mantle, which is evidenced by a nearly vertical CaO-Cr2O3 trend from harzburgitic (“Hz”) to lherzolitic (“Lz 4”) garnet composition. Harzburgitic garnets (“Hz”) have probably been formed by interactions between carbonatite melts and exsolved garnets in high-degree melt extraction residues. At the second stage of metasomatism, garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 3”, “W”) were affected by a silicate melt possessing a REE composition similar to that of ADP alkaline mica-poor picrites. At the last stage, the garnets interacted with basaltic melts, which resulted in the decrease CaO-Cr2O3 trend of “Lz 2” garnet composition. Cr-poor garnets of megacryst paragenesis (“Meg”) could crystallize directly from the silicate melt which has a REE composition close to that of ADP alkaline mica-poor picrites. P-T estimates of the garnet xenocrysts indicate that the interval of ~60–110 km of the lithospheric mantle beneath the V. Grib pipe was predominantly affected by the silicate melts, whereas the lithospheric mantle deeper than 150 km was influenced by the carbonatite melts.  相似文献   
The Neoproterozoic Sete Lagoas Formation (ca 610 Ma) of the São Francisco Basin, Brazil, is a succession of siltstone, limestone and phosphorite. Phosphorite forms part of a previously unrecognized 150 to 200 m thick, unconformity bounded depositional sequence. Lithofacies stacking patterns indicate that deposition was punctuated by higher order fluctuations in base level that produced aggradational parasequences. These shallowing‐upward cycles record the progradation of phosphate‐rich intertidal flats over shallow subtidal deposits as accommodation filled. The presence of mudcracks, authigenic chert nodules, lack of coarse terrigenous clastics and the abundance of silt with fine, abraded quartz grains suggests accumulation along an arid coastline with significant aeolian input. Delivery of phosphorus adsorbed on aeolian Fe‐(oxyhydr)oxide and clay is interpreted as having stimulated phosphogenesis in peritidal environments. Lithofacies associations indicate that windblown phosphorus promoted the establishment of cyanobacterial communities along the coast, which produced photosynthetic oxygen and the suboxic conditions necessary for the precipitation of authigenic carbonate fluorapatite. As in other Precambrian phosphatic systems, nearshore oxygen oases were a prerequisite for phosphorite accumulation because redox sensitive phosphogenic processes were pushed into the sediment to concentrate phosphorus. In more distal, anoxic environments phosphorite could not form because these biotic and abiotic processes were suspended in the water column, which cycled phosphorus in sea water rather than at the sediment–water interface. Such shallow‐water phosphorite is unlike larger, younger Neoproterozoic–Phanerozoic phosphatic deposits inferred to have formed in deeper‐upwelling related environments. The increasing size of phosphatic deposits through the latest Precambrian is interpreted as reflecting the progressive ventilation of the oceans during the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event, and resultant expansion of phosphogenic environments into distal settings. The widespread cycling of bioavailable phosphorus at the sea floor not only produced the first true phosphorite giants, but may have also been an important precondition for the evolution of multicellular animals.  相似文献   
Felsic volcanic units of the Early Devonian Bindook Volcanic Complex host the Yerranderie epithermal silver–gold–lead district 94 km west–southwest of Sydney. Mineralization in the district forms part of a fault‐controlled, intermediate sulfidation, epithermal silver–gold–base metal vein system that has significant mineral and alteration zonation. Stage 1 of the mineral paragenesis in the veins developed quartz and carbonate with early pyrite, whereas stage 2 is a crustiform banded quartz–pyrite–arsenopyrite assemblage. Stage 3, the main stage of sulfide deposition, comprises early sphalerite, followed by a tetrahedrite–tennantite–gold assemblage, then a galena–chalcopyrite–native silver–pyrite assemblage, and finally a pyrargyrite–polybasite–pearceite assemblage. Stage 4 involves the deposition of quartz veins with minor (late) pyrite and stage 5 is characterized by siderite that infilled remaining voids. Mineral zonation occurs along the Yerranderie Fault, with bornite being restricted to the Colon Peaks–Silver Peak mine area, whereas arsenopyrite, which is present in both the Colon Peaks–Silver Peak and Wollondilly mine areas, is absent in other lodes along the Yerranderie Fault. The Yerranderie Fault, which hosts the major lodes, is surrounded by a zoned alteration system. With increasing proximity to the fault the intensity of alteration increases and the alteration assemblage changes from an outer quartz–muscovite–illite–(ankerite) assemblage to a quartz–illite–(pyrite–carbonate) assemblage within meters of the fault. 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovite from the alteration zone gave a 372.1 ± 1.9 Ma (Late Devonian) age, which is interpreted to be the timing of the quartz–sulfide vein formation. Sulfur isotope values for sulfides range from 0.1 to 6.2‰ with one outlier of ?5.6 δ34S‰. The results indicate that the initial ore‐forming fluids were reduced, and that sulfur was probably sourced from a magmatic reservoir, either as a direct magmatic contribution or indirectly through dissolution and recycling of sulfur from the host volcanic sequence. The sulfur isotope data suggest the system is isotopically zoned.  相似文献   
The San José silver–tin deposit, Oruro, is located in the Cordillera Oriental, which contains most of the metalliferous mineralizations of Bolivia and is related to a quartz-latite dome of Miocene age. The mineral paragenesis encountered in this study is composed of cassiterite, stannite, miargyrite, pyrargyrite, andorite and Bi-rich andorite, jamesonite, pavonite/benjaminite, boulangerite, owyheeite, ramdohrite and Bi-rich ramdohrite, bismuthinite, besides pyrite, chalcopyrite, Ag-rich tetrahedrite, galena and sphalerite, all of which are analyzed by electron microprobe analysis. With semi-quantitative SEM/EDS and XRD analyses, rhodostannite and kësterite/ferrokësterite were found in association with andorite, and chalcostibite was determined by XRD, in association with zinkenite, tetrahedrite and pyrite.  相似文献   
长坑矿床矿化过程中元素的质量迁移及金银关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
在长坑矿床的金矿化和银矿化过程中,质量迁移计算显示SiO2,Al2O3,FeO,Ni,Zn,As,Ba均为带入组分,而CaO,MgO,Na2O,Sc,V,Co,Bi,Sr,REE则为带出物质:Fe2O3,MnO,Cu,Pb的得失性质因矿化类型而异,轻,重稀土在金矿化中发生分离,但在银矿石形成过程中却表现出比较一致的行为。  相似文献   
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